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[FE8] Orderly Randomizer Draft


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My picks are Neimi, Colm, Innes, Tana, Joshua, Marisa, L'Arachel, Dozla and Rennac.

The randomiser is giving me a bit of trouble though. I could use the old one I have, but it doesn't give changelogs; is that a big deal?

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chapter 6 (4/46)

danced tana and rushed the boss

boss actually took 2 turns to kill since he ended up being a super bulky cav with 41 hp and 15 def

knoll ran into a corner and hid like a baby

Knoll/erika replacement: bonewalker Lv.3.01 20HP/8Str/7Skl/3Spd/7Lck/3Def/1Res 7 mov

Kyle: falcoknight lvl 4.06 30hp/12str/12skl/11spd/6lck/21def/6res 7 mov

Tana: pirate lvl 15.32 30hp/18str/9skl/18spd/8lck/14def/14res 8 mov

Franz: Dancer 1.3 17hp/2str/7skl/9spd/8lck/0def/5res 4mov

Chapter 7 (3/49)

gave tana the secret book

tana is better then unrandomized seth...

tana being a pirate and having 8 mov ran across the river no problem and just masaccred everyone with a handaxe

kyle picked up knoll and went for throne

Knoll/erika replacement: bonewalker Lv.3.01 20HP/8Str/7Skl/3Spd/7Lck/3Def/1Res 7 mov

Kyle: falcoknight lvl 4.08 30hp/12str/12skl/11spd/6lck/21def/6res 7 mov

Tana: pirate lvl 17.8 32hp/20str/9skl/19spd/9lck/16def/14res 8 mov

Franz: Dancer 1.3 17hp/2str/7skl/9spd/8lck/0def/5res 4mov

chapter 8 (12/61)

things get a little messy

tana and kyle had to rush to the bottom left to save archer!ephraim (since the game ends if hes dies...)

had to rig ephraim to dodge a couple of 73% hit thunders to keep kyle and forde relacements out of combat

after saving ephraim tana had to run back up but that only took 1 turn because 8 move and was met halfway by dancer!franz

knoll opened the door and tana killed all the knights and then the two of them went for throne while kyle stayed bottom left to block the cav reinforcements

had to miss the angelic robe because had nothing to open it :/

Knoll/erika replacement: bonewalker Lv.3.88 20HP/8Str/7Skl/3Spd/7Lck/3Def/1Res 7 mov

Kyle: falcoknight lvl 5.23 31hp/12str/12skl/11spd/9lck/22def/6res 7 mov

Tana: pirate lvl 20 34hp/20str/11skl/20spd/12lck/18def/16res 8 mov http://puu.sh/kWmil/0056e644be.jpgdamn gurl

Franz: Dancer 1.92 17hp/2str/7skl/9spd/8lck/0def/5res 4mov
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My picks are Neimi, Colm, Innes, Tana, Joshua, Marisa, L'Arachel, Dozla and Rennac.

The randomiser is giving me a bit of trouble though. I could use the old one I have, but it doesn't give changelogs; is that a big deal?

yeah i wasnt able to make a change log too

the randomizer kept unresponding and crashing when i had change log selected so i experiemented with various things and got it to work by turning off changelog

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chapter 9 (15/76)

tana went south and killed the pirate with the oceans seal and promoted the next turn... and solod the map

kyle rescued knoll and flew over the river killed the mymidon with the killing edge and killed the pirates/reinforcements with the killing edge while holding knoll

tana went back up north to kill that sniper and then got ferried a bit to kill the rest of the map

knoll recruited saleh (amelia) and was able to save the draco shield village

got erika since she replaced tana http://puu.sh/kWreR/b8df9670d3.jpg

too bad she isnt usable at all. i also didnt realize ephraim would replace himself so it looks like hes gone too


looks like tana will have to solo the rest of the game

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Chapter 3 (5/16):

On the map Innes bought a hand axe and steel axe.

Turn 1, Ephraim chips the wall with the longbow and Saleh full moves and rescues him. MautheDoog!L'Arachel trades for Saleh's hellfang and breaks the wall then Innes kills the bandit.

Turn 2, Innes chips the wall with the hand axe and everyone moves closer. The hand axe bandit dies to Innes on EP.

Turn 3, L'Arachel breaks the wall and Innes full moves and kills the archer with his hand axe while Saleh moves closer. On EP3, Innes kills one bandit and fails to kill the second hand axe bandit. Bonewalker!Eirika raids the iron lance chest on OP.

On Turn 4, Saleh gives Ephraim to Innes and then Innes with the hand axe equipped moves one space away from Bazba and drops Ephraim beside him. On EP4, Innes has to land a hit on Bazba with a 34 hit so he can kill him on PP5 with an iron axe with 49 hit.

Turn 5, Innes proceeds to kill Bazba and then Ephraim seizes. L' Arachel got a kill on the bandit that attacked Eirika.

Chapter 4 (4/20):

Ephraim and newly recuited Archer!Tethys moved close enough so they can retaliate the 8-move eyeballs. Innes handled the right side with mainly a hand axe. Saleh moved towards the bottom village slowly while L'Arachel handled the top-left reinforcements. Saleh needed a Str level up to break the snag on turn 2 since L"Arachel has the hellfang and I rigged a level up for Innes so he gets some speed. Innes had to kill all the zombies across the bridge and hit the PoisonSword!WyvernLord with a hit in the 40s. All the eyeballs wanted to attack Ephraim so he gained a level. Ephraim got the boss kill and Tethys crit-killed one of the bonewalker reinforcements. All enemies were killed except the bonewalker and the zombie near Lute's (Moulder's) village which Saleh cannot reach until Turn 4 due to a forest tile and his 4 move.

Chapter 5 (3/23):

Turn 1: Innes full moved towards Joshua (Myrmidon!Garcia) who luckily only has 4 move. Saleh started in the front in order to full move and rescue Natasha (Journeyman!Ross with 5 move) who also full moved. Tethys followed along. Ephraim heads toward Dragonshield village and L'Arachel heads to the secret book village.

Turn 2: Innes full moves again equipped with a hand axe and heals with an elixer. Saleh drops Ross into the forest near Garcia's spot. Tethys kills the nearby soldier. Ephraim and L'Arachel continue to move towards their village but L'Arachel heals first. On EP, Innes has to survive KillingEdge!Garcia and the rest of the northern enemies.

Turn 3: Ross recruits his dad. Ephraim and L'Arachel reach their respective villages. I rigged ShortBow!Tethys a crit-kill on the archer that could kill L'Arachel. Innes attacks Gargoyle!Saar (equipped with a javelin) with a hand axe and proceeds to kill him on EP. Torch village and armorslayer village were skipped.

Team as of Chapter 5:

post-10490-0-48290700-1445733699_thumb.png post-10490-0-61664900-1445733720_thumb.png post-10490-0-23743200-1445733754_thumb.png post-10490-0-02282900-1445733769_thumb.png post-10490-0-74256700-1445733783_thumb.png

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After countlless games made trying to get Seth as one of my characters and using up all three of my allowed restarts before Chapter 2, this is what I'm going with:


Innes is basically a better Eirika (for now) and Hayden is Douglas with hopefully actual growth rate.

My other two choices were myrmidon Dozla and Mage Knight Cormag who were very similar stat wise to my last game, or a crappy Duessel Fighter who only had a Devil Axe for the first three Chapters and Gerik Assassin with 18 health.

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chapter 10 (11/77)

Finnaly got another usable unit http://puu.sh/kWtgY/4a9011f31d.jpg

altho very akward map since i had to have either tana or erika (knoll)go south to recruit colm(innes)

if tana went south then i wouldnt be able to kill the boss who was a druid sitting at like 16 speed

but if erika went south then i have to wait for erika to come back up to seize

in the end i decided to have erika go south with kyle and then colm ended ferrying erika back up

tanas nonexistent skl growth also cost me 2-3 turns since she kept getting blocked due to missing on the mercs

tethys replacement (dozla) and gerik replacement (seth) both ended up dying as npcs


all aboard the tana train

Edited by fireemblemcai
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chapter 11 (13/90)

ugh this was absolutely painful

my dozla replacement was syrene, and she actually had some stats!

too bad my larachel replacement was dancer!nemi

the bonewalkers also have some crazy 7 move and 3 of them would gang up on nemi turn 1

lets just say it took quite a few restarts to have nemie survive and then to be able to recruit syrene...

took me so many turns because i rushed everyone to save neimi and syrene and had to neglect the

revs that spawn in the top left corner which i had to go back for

current team:

Knoll/erika replacement: bonewalker Lv.3.01 20HP/8Str/9Skl/3Spd/7Lck/3Def/1Res 7 mov

Kyle: falcoknight lvl 7.61 31hp/14str/12skl/11spd/12lck/23def/6res 7 mov

Tana: beserker lvl 20/7.13 42hp/25str/14skl/25spd/15lck/23def/21res 6 mov

Neimi: dancer lvl 3.1 16hp/5str/7skl/10spd/3lck/1def/4res 4 mov
Colm: General lvl 4.41 25hp/18str/18skl/12spd/11lck/20def/10res 7mov
Syrene: Maelduin lvl 1.95 30hp/9str/ 12skl/13spd/9luck/17 def/15res 6move
Erika : lets not even bother with her..
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chapter 12 (13/103)

ughhhhh the gargoyles are so annoying

they got randomized to 5 move so it took the reinforcemeents 2 turns to get to a point where i could kill them

i also didnt realize that the entombed to the right platform of the boss doesnt move and i wasted another turn there

tana and colm went up the map

syerene and kyle w/ a shadowkiller stayed back to kill the reinforcements and the spiders in the mountains

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chapter 14 (11/117)

everyone went up the right side

neimi (la arachel) recruited forde (rennac)

tana lead the charge (as usual) and kyle carried knoll

boss took a few turns since it was a ridic sword master with 28 speed on a throne

tana w/ sword reaver missed the first 2 times at 45% hit but crit him on the 3rd fight

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I've procced a very good Eirika replacement, almost worth not having the Seth replacement, but it's one of my drafted units. If I decided to use it, would I just have one less unit, or what?


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I've procced a very good Eirika replacement, almost worth not having the Seth replacement, but it's one of my drafted units. If I decided to use it, would I just have one less unit, or what?


If your Eirika/Ephraim equivelant is one of your drafted units, then I'm afraid that doesn't give you an extra unit. The reason I allowed nine units is because I think that's more than enough to get through this game, unless you get really unlucky.

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Prolouge: 1/1
Innes got a crit on the zombie boss, which was able to reach him with is amazing 8 move.

Chapter 1: 3/4
Innes was able to tank all the enemies and kill the boss on turn 2.

Chapter 2: 7/11
Ross was a zombie with a good weapon, so I had to manipulate two annoying dodges so he'd survive. Thr turncount is due to him being hard to reach from running away.

Chapter 3: 5/16
Eirika ran to the throne unopposed, even killed him with just a slim sword. My efforts to collect a good monster weapon last chapter were a waste, I got a better one from Neimi this chapter.

Don't feel like continuing tonight, so here's pics from where I left off on Chapter 4:



I can already tell that Innes is going to be my MVP this game, has actual stat gains in everything except HP & res. Geril is lame, he only got a +2 to res his only level. Tana is shaping up to be amazing, she got two +5 levels already.

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Tana, Cormag, Gerik, Marisa, Forde, Vanessa, Saleh, Natasha, Joshua

Welp, that took a bit.

Attempt 1: Got Tana as Seth. . .she was pretty good, but Eir's replacement was a Shaman, who'd be out of weapons for a VERY long time.

Attempt 2: Well. . .see for yourself!



Prologue - 2/2

Thunder crits are a thing, as is an eight-move lord.

Chapter 1 - 4/6

Did I mention how wonderful it is to hit RES, too? Tana walked up to the boss and managed to kill him despite his Killer Axe. The two new recruits were Ephraim and Artur, all of whom bore Iron Lances.

Chapter 2 - 5/11

Natasha showed up. . .as a seven-move Mercenary. KEEPING THIS RUN!

Her Highness sat on a fort and blasted stuff with Thunder. Tana smacked things here and there, and Natasha walled the reinforcements. Eir (Ross) died, so I didn't recruit Kyle (Garcia). A bit of irony, given how my LP went. . . :P:

Name        Class      Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
L'Arachel   Mage        4.91  22   2   13    8    6    7   11
Tana        Wight       1.76  43  14    6    7    6    8   15
Natasha     Mercenary   3.77  21   6   11    9    1    9   10

I opened Pandora's Box. I got lucky.

Chapter 3 - 5/16

The trade chains begin~!

Tana blasts Wall 1 with a Silver Lance, which allows Natasha to worm in and kill the axe guy over this PP and the next PP. She also grabbed Tana's Steel Sword. Meanwhile, everyone except for Seth (Neimi's replacement) runs south. On the next turn, a Thunder and a Natasha-powered Steel Sword are enough for me to bust open the next wall, and Syrene trades everything stealable for the Steel Sword, which she uses to ORKO a pesky enemy. On the turn after that, Tana tosses the Steel Sword back to Natasha, then ORKO's the Archer. Natasha runs all the way forward, and L'Arachel shelves everything that could be stolen, while hanging back a space. Meanwhile, Seth and Colm's replacement (one of Fado/Hayden, I'm too lazy to look) run south. On the next turn, Tana runs forward and chucks a Javelin at the sword dude, while Natasha runs forward and challenges Bazba (who is super-weighed down by his Steel Axe). Over PP and EP, Natasha whittles down Bazba. On the final turn, Natasha finished Bazba, and L'Arachel seizes.

tl;dr - Steel Sword FTW.

Name        Class      Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
L'Arachel   Mage        4.91  22   2   13    8    6    7   11
Tana        Wight       2.18  43  15    7    7    6    8   15
Natasha     Mercenary   5.41  21   7   12    9    3   11   12
Chapter 4 - 4/20

Marisa replaces Artur, which is why I could do this crazy strategy!

The hard part of this was triggering the northeastern reinforcements on turn 2. I baited everything with Natasha on Shadowkiller, then had Tana break through the eastern bridge on turn 2 so that Natasha could run forward and spawn those zombies. Marisa and L'Arachel took down an eyeball, then Marisa booked it backwards so that she could take on the new enemies. The boss was a four-move Paladin, which went down to Tana's Javelin. Didn't bother recruiting the unit in the village, because he'd join up anyway. . .

. . .he being Cormag.

Name        Class      Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
L'Arachel   Mage        5.98  22   3   13    9    6    8   12
Tana        Wight       3.44  44  16    7    8    7    8   15
Natasha     Mercenary   7.48  21   7   13    9    4   11   13
Marisa      Knight      4.66  25   7    8    2    0   13    7
Cormag      Lord (Eph)  1.00  18   6    9    7    6    6    4
Chapter 5 - 5/25

Got Natasha's replacement. . .Gerik. A four-move Cavalier. Yeah.

Straight up the middle with everyone. Parked Cormag in a forest so he could attempt to fight without dying too quickly. Marisa headed for the southern village, while everyone else did their best to stay alive. I made it a point to recruit Joshua's replacement (Rennac), because he came with a Horseslayer, and Chapter 6 can die in a fire. Once Tana could reach the boss, it was a simple 2RKO to beat him. Managed to grab all of the villages, too! I'll hang on to that ring until Chapter 16.

Chapter 5x - 10+4/39

"clipsey WTF?"

This was Orson:


He had problems 2RKOing things with a Wind Sword.

This is Tethys:


When I did a pure solo run of Moulder/Orson, I reached the throne room on turn 14. With Tethys in the mix, I could finish it faster. Yes, it's screwed up. Welcome to a randomized run. The final unit was a godly Garcia. . .so yeah.

Here's everyone's stats after Chapter 5x.

Name        Class      Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
L'Arachel   Mage        7.37  23   3   14   11    7    9   13
Tana        Wight       4.33  44  17    8    8    8    8   15
Natasha     Mercenary   8.52  21   7   14    9    5   11   13
Marisa      Knight      4.66  25   7    8    2    0   13    7
Cormag      Lord (Eph)  2.54  18   6   10    8    6    6    4
Gerik       Cavalier    1.40  18   7    5    8    3   14    1

Moulder     Archer      5.68  23   4    8    7    2    6    3
Orson       Assassin    3.87  25   8    7   20   11    2    2
Edited by eclipse
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Chapter 5x (7/30):

PegasusKnight!Colm replaces Ephraim and Journeyman!Tana replaces Kyle so Colm ferries her to take on most of the enemies on the other side of the water. Entombed!Orson with a lethal talon protects Knight!Hayden but the enemies preferred to attack Orson anyway since he is extremely slow. The first turn trading was optimal in allowing Orson to have the elixer since Tana is super tanky and Orson is not, Hayden to trade his slim lance and javelin for one of Colm's steel lances (he started with 2), and Colm to rescue Tana and have enough move to avoid the archers on the water.

Turn 2: Orson hangs on the northern pillar in which the fighter can attack him. Colm drops Tana one space north of the leftmost stair tile across the water and cantos to his original spot. On EP, Tana kills all melee units but two fighter with a fiendcleaver.

Turn 3: Orson kills the fighter that attacked him in a spot in the range of the mercenary. Colm kills a weakened fighter with a slim lance while Tana kills the archer. On EP, Colm must dodge a 65 hit from the shaman to survive since he has to take a hit from the other fighter. The mage also attacks Colm for 1 damage.

Turn 4: Tana kills the shaman. Colm heals and moves in a spot that allows one soldier from the throne room to attack him on EP. Orson heals in front of the knight. On EP, Colm must get hit by the soldier so the mage attacks him from his left side allowing the mage to stay out of the way. Orson kills the mercenary and is attacked by the archer.

Turn 5, Colm attacks the mage with a javelin. Tana kills the soldier while moving toward the throne with her 4 move. Orson kills the knight. On EP, the mage targets a low hp Colm and soldiers die to Tana.

Turn 6: Colm kills the monk that attacked Tana while she moves closer to the throne. Orson opens the door. On EP, Orson must avoid either one of the fighter's two attacks, the archer's attack, or one of the mage's two attacks. He avoided the fighter's second attack at around 77 hit.

Turn 7, Orson kills the fighter in the chest room to get a chest key that will be important on Chapter 8. Knight!Hayden gets all of Orson's stuff. Tana kills the gargoyle boss easily with the fiendcleaver. Colm siezes.

Chapter 6 (4/34):

Bought steel bows for Ephraim and Tethys. Innes got both the secret book and dragonshield.

Innes pretty much rushed to the boss but hung back at the beginning to not aggro the halberd fighter. Tethys did the same and served as Innes's eyes so he can kill that fighter with a hand axe on turn 2. Ephraim gets some experience from the soldiers that attacked Tethys and Saleh followed along. L'Arachel got experience from whatever attacked her at the bottom. By turn 3, Tethys reveals the boss after healing but Innes with a hand axe fails to kill the knight boss by 2 hp. This allowed everyone to get some extra experience. Innes gets the boss kill. Got all the loot and barely saved the villagers for the orion's bolt. Spiders have 8 move and would have killed the villagers if the boss did not move first.

Chapter 7 (6/40):

Have to take the long way around with the lack of river walkers or drafted flyers. Innes charged ahead as always and Tethys backed him up. Saleh does what he does best and rescues Ephraim to be given to Innes soon after. He then hangs back to get the pure water. L'Arachel follows behind getting the leftover enemies that are abandoned.

Innes one-shots everything with a hand axe even when carrying Ephraim. Tethys served as a distraction so enemies don't get in Innes's way and healed when necessary. Innes drops Ephraim on turn 4 in a spot that is exactly the amount for him to seize by turn 6. Innes proceeds to kill one archer and the journeyman boss with the dragon axe while Tethys kills the other archer. Ephraim seizes.

Chapter 8 (8/48):

Could have been a 5 turn with an Innes boss kill but I need the Elysian Whip as I need the desert chapter master seal for my second archer. Also Pirate!Ismaire (Cormag replacement) cannot be recruited by any means on both routes. I settled for an 8 turn which allowed me to get the Elysian Whip and get Ephraim the boss kill and some extra experience.

Everyone but L'Arachel charged north. Saleh did his rescuing Ephraim and giving him to Innes thing he does for all seize chapters and was relegated to chest duty. Tethys opened the door as Innes kept moving towards the throne with Ephraim in tow. L"Arachel carried a hand axe to be used by Tana and took on the enemies at the bottom.

Colm, Tana, and Hayden show up with Tana taking the front to kill the soldiers. They moved upwards to help with chest duty. Hayden got the hand axe from L'Arachel and passed it to Tana later on.

Innes eventually reaches the throne room and drops Ephraim near Entombed!Tirado. Tethys backs them up while Saleh gets the Angelic Robe. Innes heads towards the chest room with a hand axe equipped. Ephraim proceeds to kill the thief with Tethys's help and Tirado on his own. Tana and Colm reach the chest area quickly allowing Colm to trade the chest key to Innes (who parked himself one space below the door) and to open the door. Innes gets the Elysian Whip by turn 8 and Ephraim seizes.

Team (as of Chapter 8):

post-10490-0-28013600-1445763840_thumb.png post-10490-0-10944700-1445763847_thumb.png post-10490-0-87938000-1445763867_thumb.png post-10490-0-93066400-1445763882_thumb.png post-10490-0-63855700-1445763896_thumb.png post-10490-0-11328300-1445763916_thumb.png post-10490-0-70639200-1445763940_thumb.png

Here's Orson from Chapter 5x:


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Chapter 6 - 4/43

Everyone walked towards Novala, who had the misfortune of being a pirate. Tana was able to off him in two solid sword smacks.

Thanks to the sheer number of enemies, Gerik got a piece of the action! Kinda mad that one of my failed runs had L'Arachel gain magic. There's a minor error in Tana's earlier stats which I am too lazy to fix. . .so it's been changed accordingly here.

Name        Class      Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
L'Arachel   Mage        8.93  23   3   15   11    8   10   14
Tana        Wight       5.30  46  17    8    9    8    9   15
Natasha     Mercenary   8.93  21   7   14    9    5   11   13
Marisa      Knight      5.55  26   7    8    3    0   14    8
Cormag      Lord (Eph)  4.65  20   6   10    8    7    7    4
Gerik       Cavalier    1.64  18   7    5    8    3   14    1

Moulder     Archer      5.68  23   4    8    7    2    6    3
Orson       Assassin    3.87  25   8    7   20   11    2    2
Chapter 7 - 6/49

Apparently, L'Arachel can walk on rivers or something. Ferried her over because Cormag definitely can. Murray was a little girl with 19 HP, so it didn't take long before he went down. Had I done something really dumb like rigged an Iron Lance crit on the boss, I would've done this a turn faster.

Stats later.

Edited by eclipse
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This was the best chapter 2 team I had in three attempts where Seth was a drafted unit.

Meet Seth's replacement:


Enjoy seeing her at critical health, this is the last time it's going to happen.

And Eirika's replacement:


...Goddammit, Eirika

Prologue 2/2

Tana has two Dragon Axes. She can OHKO every enemy, including the squishy mage boss.

Chapter 1 3/5


Thief Franz and Recruit Amelia watched on.


This is a worrying sign, though.

Chapter 2 4/9

In addition to Rozzla who you've seen, I also got this as Moulder's replacement:


...My team is actually really crazy. Especially in NM

Would you believe the bandit near Rozzla missed a 76 on the first runthrough, with no RN manipulation?

Would you believe it took less than ten attempts?

Tana took the boss, L'Arachel took the west, Eirika ran around the mountain to back up Baelden.



Even my levelups are excellent

Chapter 3 4/13

Tana can't smash mindlessly anymore, she gotta be smart.

Tana and L'Arachel broke down the first wall, Eirika killed a bandit and Dozla damaged the second wall with a Javelin. Next turn, L'Arachel broke down the wall and Eirika and Dozla took out a bandit and an archer. From there, Tana/Dozla ran up and double-teamed Bazba and Eirika seized. I needed L'Arachel to kill an enemy in the way so I couldn't get any of the chests.

Jr5AlWc.png Speed!

MQpSEO8.png Luck!

qEORq2P.png HP!

YAG8xLR.png Res!

Chapter 4 4/17

This chapter is fun when you have broken units with 1-2 range.

Dozla went south and east, Tana went east and south, L'Arachel took out the reinforcements to the north and Eirika picked off any spare enemies.

nUTJL8i.png I'm sensing a pattern here

xWp02q8.png Wyverns fear magic, do they?

sRvOAHV.png Doooooo they now?

9zajdGi.png Thiefy level

a1OsJAR.png Holy shit

BLmw0cH.png Not so thiefy

After the chapter, this joined:


Chapter 5 4/21

A 3-turn was possible, but would have required crazy rigging to pull off. Especially because of this guy:


Instead, Colm went to the Dragonshield village, Tana ran up to kill the fighter boss, L'Arachel went to get the Secret Book, Eirika and Dozla lured Neimi in for Ispidaire could recruit her. Eirika got the Armorslayer and Dozla got the Torch.

tAo8i6Q.png It seems I'm going to have a lot of glass swordsmen.

NIVM632.png And a wyvern that's good at everything.

e4MJqLu.png And a wrecking ball that's really good at everything

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Chapter 8 - 7/56

Tana and her 6-move walk to the throne. She could take a couple of Fiendcleaver hits, but not a crit (and Tirado was a 'zerker). Everyone else managed some self-improvement, even Gerik. Speaking of, Gerik got my Robe (had some extra chest keys thanks to Rennac and Colm's replacement).

Since Cavaliers have an amazing four movement, the reinforcements that normally scare the shit out of people were hilariously slow for me.

There's some weird +100% stuff going on in my stats. . .even with those randomizer options. WTF.

Name        Class      Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
L'Arachel   Mage       11.79  23   5   17   14   10   11   17
Tana        Wight       7.07  47  17    9   10    9   10   15
Natasha     Mercenary  11.38  21   9   15    9    7   13   15
Marisa      Knight      7.69  28   7    8    4    0   16    9
Cormag      Lord (Eph)  9.25  24   7   13   10   10   12    4
Gerik       Cavalier    4.93  19  12    6    9    3   14    3

Moulder     Archer      5.68  23   4    8    7    2    6    3
Orson       Assassin    3.87  25   8    7   20   11    2    2
Chapter 9 - 9/65

L'Arachel can double, but not kill. Everyone else can hit hard, but not double. I brought a Garcia with a full inventory along, so he could warp a Thunder tome to L'Arachel, which helped her offense. Slowly marched everyone south, and had Natasha with the Light Brand chip at Binks (who was a giant eyeball), then move in with an Iron Sword for the kill. Due to the way enemies spawn, Gerik got a good amount of action in. Recruited Neimi (who's an eight-move Wyvern Rider, THANKS OBAMA), because I could really use those Speedwings.

Name        Class      Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
L'Arachel   Mage       14.04  23   5   18   16   12   11   18
Tana        Wight       7.37  47  17    9   10    9   10   15
Natasha     Mercenary  14.25  21  11   15    9   10   15   16
Marisa      Knight      8.86  29   7    8    4    0   17    9
Cormag      Lord (Eph) 11.13  26   8   14   12   12   12    4
Gerik       Cavalier    7.80  21  17    7   11    6   15    3

Moulder     Archer      5.68  23   4    8    7    2    6    3
Orson       Assassin    3.87  25   8    7   20   11    2    2
Chapter 10 - 6/71

Pablo being promoted - fine. Pablo being a Gwyygli (or whatever that thing is) with 19 SPD, 12 DEF, and 11 RES - awful. Even with a Shadowkiller, it was a 3RKO for Tana (he 3RKO'd her back, so bleh).

Then, throw in the fact that Vanessa, Joshua, and Saleh were in that little fort, and it was a pain in the ass. Luckily, I didn't need to recruit Duessel (Marisa's replacement). Wound up doing quite a bit of RNG manipulation, either to make Tana hit, or to ensure that Joshua didn't die because brigands have eight move and double his paper-thin hide. Sent Cormag down there to help keep him alive. Cormag eventually tired of that, and picked up Joshua, to ensure that he wouldn't die.

On the final turn, Marisa managed to survive a single round in the arena. I could use the cash~!

Name        Class      Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
L'Arachel   Mage       15.07  24   5   18   17   13   12   19
Tana        Wight       8.43  47  17   10   11   10   10   15
Natasha     Mercenary  14.45  21  11   15    9   10   15   16
Marisa      Knight      9.79  30   7    8    5    0   17    9
Cormag      Lord (Eph) 12.19  26   9   14   13   13   13    4
Gerik       Cavalier   11.23  23  20    8   11    8   15    5
Vanessa     Sniper      1.00  29   8   14   13    9   10    5
Joshua      Soldier    10.00  25  14    7    5    3    5   11
Saleh       Cavalier    1.00  22   6    8    4   17   10    9

Moulder     Archer      5.68  23   4    8    7    2    6    3
Orson       Assassin    3.87  25   8    7   20   11    2    2
Chapter 11 - 7/78

Imagine a Pupil with 16 DEF. That was the boss. ;/

L'Arachel and Joshua head south, while everyone else goes up the stairs. Vanessa sniped the flying things, which saved a few turns. Spammed Torches like no one's business, and had to reset a few times when Ross (L'Arachel's replacement) died. Why? Because my final unit was Dozla's replacement!

Name        Class      Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
L'Arachel   Mage       17.09  24   5   20   19   14   14   19
Tana        Wight       8.60  47  17   10   11   10   10   15
Natasha     Mercenary  15.64  21  12   16    9   11   16   17
Marisa      Knight     10.42  30   8    8    6    0   18   10
Cormag      Lord (Eph) 14.49  26  10   14   15   15   13    4
Gerik       Cavalier   11.23  23  20    8   11    8   15    5
Vanessa     Sniper      1.24  29   8   14   13    9   10    5
Joshua      Soldier    13.74  25  15   10    6    4    6   12
Forde       Sage        1.00  26   5   12    7   13    4   17

Saleh       Cavalier    1.00  22   6    8    4   17   10    9
Moulder     Archer      5.68  23   4    8    7    2    6    3
Orson       Assassin    3.87  25   8    7   20   11    2    2
Chapter 12 - 10/88

I hate this chapter.

The question is. . .what do I do with that Crimson Eye that the boss dropped?

Name        Class      Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
L'Arachel   Mage       17.46  24   5   20   19   14   14   19
Tana        Wight       8.77  47  17   10   11   10   10   15
Natasha     Mercenary  17.72  21  13   18    9   12   18   18
Marisa      Knight     10.89  30   8    8    6    0   18   10
Cormag      Lord (Eph) 15.97  26  11   14   16   16   13    4
Gerik       Cavalier   13.59  25  20    9   11    8   15    5
Vanessa     Sniper      1.45  29   8   14   13    9   10    5
Joshua      Soldier    15.40  25  17   12    7    5    7   12
Forde       Sage        1.21  26   5   12    7   13    4   17

Saleh       Cavalier    1.00  22   6    8    4   17   10    9
Moulder     Archer      5.68  23   4    8    7    2    6    3
Orson       Assassin    3.87  25   8    7   20   11    2    2
Edited by eclipse
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