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Help me assemble my 8 generals team


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I'm trying to assemble an "8 generals" team where every character who isn't a lord or bard/dancer has an S rank in one of the 8 weapon types (including staves mostly out of the impracticality of getting an S rank in anything else for a dedicated staff user and having a dedicated staff user being important), and has an A support with one of the other members.

Now I'm trying to consider both their combat usefulness and if it's at all feasible to get them S supports with others.

Guaranteed members:

Canas: Because nobody else can use dark magic aside from Athos who doesn't really count for this team.

Nino: Because Canas has really bad support options and as long as I'm stingy with Ninis's Grace beforehand it shouldn't be too tough to train her up.

Lucius: Because Serra's not going to get an S rank in light magic.

So all that's left is to pick between Serra and Priscilla, and then get myself a lance, axe, bow and sword general, and make sure that they can support each other and are suited to be close to each other on the battlefield.

I'm thinking Dart and Rebecca would be good choices because of how well their support bonuses help both of them.

I'm having the biggest problem working out who to pair Lucius with and who to make my lance and sword generals. I was tempted to use Guy or Raven, but none of them have support options that really mesh with my existing plans.

Can anybody think of selections for the remaining units, or a better setup in general, for this team idea?

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I'm having the biggest problem working out who to pair Lucius with and who to make my lance and sword generals. I was tempted to use Guy or Raven, but none of them have support options that really mesh with my existing plans.

Hum... Why not pair Lucius and Raven together then? (Is their support bonuses bad?)

After that, you would only need a lance user to pair up with Serra or Pricilla.

Oswin and Sain can support Serra I believe, but I don't remember one for Priscilla.

So, in the end you could have :

Canas - Nino

Dart - Rebecca

Lucius - Raven

Sain - Serra


Moreover, you have several secondary support like Rebecca - Sain and Serra - Lucius

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Raven's got an easy support with Lucius. Oswin and Sain are the only lance users that support with Priscilla, but Serra supports both them and Florina. Oswin/Serra and Sain/Priscilla are probably your best bets there.

Ah, I figured supporting magic with physical would be dangerous since the enemies would always gang up on the one with the inferior defensive stat.

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Alright, so it looks like I'm doing:

Canas - Nino,

Rebecca - Dart,

Lucius - Raven,

Priscilla - Sain.

That works, and I like how everyone's matched in movement range, though having Priscilla ride alongside a frontliner unit will be problematic initially I imagine.

Edit: Oh crap, change of plans, I didn't realize that Athos counts as one of the 12 units you can take into the final battle, I thought he joined at the beginning of it. That means that I've gotta revise my plans in some way, possibly cut the staff general or something (still using them to heal until I get Canas or Lucius promoted), because I want all of this group to take part in the final battle.

This means I'll need to re-arrange it into five pairs, the seven generals and the three lords among them, with Nils and Athos being the unpaired ones.

I'm still gonna do Canas-Nino, Rebecca-Dart and probably Lucius-Raven, but now I need to work out what to do about the remaining two pairs. My lance general has to be pairable with one of the three lords. One thing I was thinking was Eliwood-Lyn and Hector-Owsin, but I could also do Florina-Lyn and Hector-Eliwood...

Edited by Alastor15243
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