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Your biggest Fire Emblem fail?


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I was on a defeat all enemies chapter in FE7 and there was only one guy left to kill, so in order for me to kill him this turn, I had to put Lucius into melee range and attack. When I looked at the screen I saw that my attack would do 28 damage and his health was 28 so i thought (I can one-shot him), but I clicked "a" and realized i was looking at the numbers backwards and that he did 28 damage to me and i had 28 health, so my attack doesnt kill him and he one-shots me

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I'm playing RD, it's a Dawn Brigade chapter. Half of the Brigade is terrible and I'd rather just get through with minimal effort on my part so I slap a Killing Edge on Zihark and go on with my life. The chapter goes smoothly, I won with the least amount of grief I can go with when I have to play with the Brigade, yadda yadda.

Then the game immediately switches to a chapter where you play as the Mercs vs the Dawn Brigade. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing I can actually get through a chapter without having to sweat too much.

The Black Knight appears. That's "Oh crap" number 1.

As I work on the chapter I fail to pay attention to Zihark's movement, and he attacks Soren. That's "Oh crap" number 2, but I figure that Soren can tough it out with his stats vs Zihark's. Then Zihark gets a crit and steamrolls Soren's face in.

With the same Killing Edge I gave him just one chapter prior.


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Using Sheema and Wendy in my first playthroughs of FE3 and FE6 respectively

I can recall several times in my first run of FE5 trying to give Brighton some ez horse guy kills in Ch 6 only for Galzus to just sprint over with move again and luna astra his ass

Edited by Batter the Beast
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Forgetting that Sue was not carrying Perceval, but a level 9 Roy, then proceeding to drop him straight into a group of Snipers. Needless to say it didn't go well.

Edited by Lord Gaius
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This isn't so much a fail for me as for the AI, but I guess it's relevant anyway.

So I was playing FE8, and it was my first playthrough of a Fire Emblem game ever so I was terrible and had no idea how anything worked.

I was playing Eirika's route, and I got to chapter 9. Amelia appeared, and I thought "ooh, she must be recruitable!" But I was so bad that I actually couldn't get to her in time before she left. So I thought "oh well, I have enough units anyway" and carried on without her.

Then in chapter 13, she reappeared, but I didn't notice her at all. So, halfway through the chapter, I position Seth to tank a choke point. Enemy phase, Amelia comes and initiates battle with Seth. I think "hey, what? Why the hell is Amelia here?" Amelia hits Seth, does no damage, Seth counterattacks and oneshots her. And then her death quote...

“I… I did well, didn’t I?”

I freaking lost it at that. Nope! Nope, you didn't do well at all!

I didn't restart for her anyway. Well, I had Seth and it was my first playthrough, so what do you expect.

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I was just playing FE8 and I was at the final chapter. I weaken Lyon to 47 HP, and Ephraim does 23 with Siegmund and doubles him. Apparently my logic states that kills, so I do it, it leaves Lyon at 1 HP, Lyon almost kills him, I pray he misses on enemy phase, but no such luck and he kills Ephraim. I don't even suck at math, my brain just completely fucked up for a second.

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My entire first playthrough of fe7 was a massive fail.

But to be more specific I did have two massive fail moments in Path of Radiance.

I once did't realise the Black knight would move in his first chapter so I ended up with a dead Mordecai in that game.

The other was in the chapter where you have to save Geofrey. Reyson got hit by a balista, but narrowly survived. I healed him up, but did't move him since he survived anyway. I did't realise Reyson only got his flying weakness when transformed so the next turn he was immediately one shotted by the Balista. I don't think I restarted after that.

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When I really sucked at Fire Emblem, I was at Cog of Destiny and Eliwood was Level 7 Lord, and Hector was Level 5 Lord.

It was similar for me on my first playthrough(s)...

Eliwood autopromoting at level 6...

Now, I'm not sure if it actually happened, or if I'm imagining but....

16x, EHM. Using Arena Abuse to have a bunch of OP units... and using them to defeat Fargus.

Also, not much of a fail, but in FE4, having to restart Chapter 4 because that Stupid Sylvia decided to get into Levin's pants...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Airhead moments :

-Forget to Heal or rescue

-Forget to unequip a unit(High Def/Str whom I send recruiting an enemy unit (Low Def)

-Forget an unit left behind who did not move. Forget a Unit that went too far.

-Forget to recruit.

-(Fe13)Forgetting Enemy have skills. Usually go against counter. And even when I noticed, I die because of my own Astra/Crit Sometimes or Lower HP

-Not looking at enemy equipment (Hammer/Armourslayer/Reaver Weapon)

This basically.

+ overestimating a unit

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