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Optimize Party for Lunatic+ and Apotheosis


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Male Avatar/Thajra:

Noire/Morgan: -Armsthrift, Vantage, Wrath, Galeforce/Vengeance, Tomefaire/Limit Breaker


Lucina: Galeforce, Rightful King, Luna, Limit Breaker, Aegis/Vantage/Dual Guard+/Rally Speed

Inigo: Galeforce, Armsthrift, Vantage, Sol/Luna, Limit Breaker


Owain-Luna/Miracle, Galeforce, Vantage, Wrath, Limit Breaker/Aggressor/Dual Guard+/one of the Faires


Cynthia: -Galeforce, Tomefaire, Anathema, Dual Guard+/Dual Support+, Luna/Limit Breaker


Kjelle -Armsthrift, Sol, Galeforce, Aegis, Pavise/Limit Breaker


Gerome: Sol, Dual Support+, Dual Guard+, Deliverer, Limit Breaker (Standard)

-Aegis, Pavise, Renewal, Sol, Limit Breaker (General tank)


Laurent -Vantage, Wrath, Vengeance, Anathema, Tomefaire/Aggressor/Limit Breaker


Brady-Luna, Galeforce, Renewal, Tomefaire, Lifetaker/Dual Guard+


Yarne --Vantage, Armsthrift, Sol, Axefaire, Wrath/Deliverer/Lancebreaker/Limit Breaker


Severa:-Vantage, Armsthrift, Sol, Galeforce, Luna/Swordfaire/Bowfaire/Limit Breaker


Nah-Vantage, Sol, Lifetaker, Galeforce, Deliverer/Limit Breaker

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Looking and the skillset, a lot of the skills are being focused towards enemy phase combat. Keep in mind that while Vantage + Wrath + Vengance can easily work in Lunatic, it simply is not the most reliable tactic in Lunatic+ since you might be killed by enemy counter spam.

In Lunatic+ and Apotheosis, I would optimize towards player phase offense, so for males, I would replace vantage with Aggressor. Also, you should learn to love archer classes since they can't retaliate vs 1-range enemies, and therefore, can't be killed by counter.

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Looking and the skillset, a lot of the skills are being focused towards enemy phase combat. Keep in mind that while Vantage + Wrath + Vengance can easily work in Lunatic, it simply is not the most reliable tactic in Lunatic+ since you might be killed by enemy counter spam.

In Lunatic+ and Apotheosis, I would optimize towards player phase offense, so for males, I would replace vantage with Aggressor. Also, you should learn to love archer classes since they can't retaliate vs 1-range enemies, and therefore, can't be killed by counter.

Can you list down the skills you are gonna use, using my roster in lunatic+. I want to get s general idea. And what do you think about my roster good or bad?

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The only realistic answer would be FeMU x Chrom (although L+ and Apo don't really mix ideally on the same file), but from what I'm seeing you're not going to get very far. How much work are you expecting an Olivia!Lucina to do on Lunatic+? How long are you going to perpetually grind (in a terrible difficulty to grind in, and the grinding won't help you that much for its cost) just to walk out with a Lucina (or anyone really) with usable stats only to ask yourself "why am I using unit X" other than... to use them.

In game (especially L+), Apo, and streetpass (although you aren't planning on it) just aren't suited for a singular file. You're better off specializing.

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So, I'm gonna write most of this with respect to endgame point of view, so some skills might work better than I have listed for the story missions. Whether you're a fan or not, Galefore is an extremely valuable skill and has too much utility to pass up. For children, you want to optimize for Galeforce, and a proc(aether, ignis, luna, etc.). I'm not sure of the best order but i believe it's aether>ignis>luna/vengeance(not both)>astra. Males want aggressor.

Male Avatar/Thajra:

Noire/Morgan: -Armsthrift, Vantage, Wrath, Galeforce/Vengeance, Tomefaire/Limit Breaker

I'm assuming you were planning out a magic oriented Morgan/Noire. Replace vantage for ignis, keep Galeforce and Limit Break, Aggressor for Morgan, a -Faire of your choosing. Last skill for Noire is up to you. All +2 is what many use, but keeping Armsthrift isn't gonna cripple her or anything.


Lucina: Galeforce, Rightful King, Luna, Limit Breaker, Aegis/Vantage/Dual Guard+/Rally Speed
Inigo: Galeforce, Armsthrift, Vantage, Sol/Luna, Limit Breaker
Keep in mind Chrom is required for every chapter, so you may need to pair him up with Olivia and use her as a combat unit.
Lucina: Rightful King isn't as great as it seems, as there are some skills that are more valuable. I would replace it with Dual Strike+ for 100% dual strike, and a -Faire.
Inigo: Luna is generally better, replace, Vantage with aggressor.
Owain-Luna/Miracle, Galeforce, Vantage, Wrath, Limit Breaker/Aggressor/Dual Guard+/one of the Faires
Owain: I would keep Luna, Gale, Aggressor, Limit Break, and Faire. Because of Murphy's Law, I don't like to rely on chance such as Miracle.
Cynthia: -Galeforce, Tomefaire, Anathema, Dual Guard+/Dual Support+, Luna/Limit Breaker
Cynthia: I would do Galeforce, Tomefaire, Limit Breaker, Luna, (filler)
Kjelle -Armsthrift, Sol, Galeforce, Aegis, Pavise/Limit Breaker
Kjelle: Galefore, Luna, Limit Breaker, -Faire, (filler). Many use All +2 since her speed is not that great.
Gerome: Sol, Dual Support+, Dual Guard+, Deliverer, Limit Breaker (Standard)
-Aegis, Pavise, Renewal, Sol, Limit Breaker (General tank)
I would keep him as a hard support so replace sol with aggressor.
Laurent -Vantage, Wrath, Vengeance, Anathema, Tomefaire/Aggressor/Limit Breaker
Laurent works excellent as a Hard support
Brady-Luna, Galeforce, Renewal, Tomefaire, Lifetaker/Dual Guard+
Brady has everything he wants, so I would give him a father that gives him great mods. Consider using Lon'qu or Virion. Replace Renewal w/ Limit break, and Lifetaker/Dual Guard+ with Aggressor.

Yarne --Vantage, Armsthrift, Sol, Axefaire, Wrath/Deliverer/Lancebreaker/Limit Breaker


Severa:-Vantage, Armsthrift, Sol, Galeforce, Luna/Swordfaire/Bowfaire/Limit Breaker

Severa: Replace Vantage and Sol. only need 1 Faire.


Nah-Vantage, Sol, Lifetaker, Galeforce, Deliverer/Limit Breaker

Since you're playing MaMU, consider giving Gaius to Kjelle as it makes her top tier. You will end up with 6 pairs of children, and probably bench Nah. I would switch Libra and Lon'qu for reasons listed above.

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The only realistic answer would be FeMU x Chrom (although L+ and Apo don't really mix ideally on the same file), but from what I'm seeing you're not going to get very far. How much work are you expecting an Olivia!Lucina to do on Lunatic+? How long are you going to perpetually grind (in a terrible difficulty to grind in, and the grinding won't help you that much for its cost) just to walk out with a Lucina (or anyone really) with usable stats only to ask yourself "why am I using unit X" other than... to use them.

In game (especially L+), Apo, and streetpass (although you aren't planning on it) just aren't suited for a singular file. You're better off specializing.

Sorry for double post. Yea, realistically, FeMU will get you much better results as keeping Olivia as a dancer can be valuable depending on if you wanna use her or not. However, Apo is not unbeatable if you don't have the best optimized team. If you know what you're doing, these pairing are possible to beat Apo with.

Edited by Mujuju
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Sorry for double post. Yea, realistically, FeMU will get you much better results as keeping Olivia as a dancer can be valuable depending on if you wanna use her or not. However, Apo is not unbeatable if you don't have the best optimized team. If you know what you're doing, these pairing are possible to beat Apo with.

I know that FeMU is the best one but I really want to make a MaMU to work. Also want party that is still be good both lunatic+ and apo.

How you make a party like that? Let's say that you have all DLC and you have the patience to grind and also the money for forge and weapons. What is your opinion the best party for lunatic+ and apo. Forget my roster tell me your opinion.

Remember: Rules

1. Must have MaMU

2. Lunatic+ and apo

3. must keep the same party for both, but can change the skills if necessary

4. It's your opinion so have fun

5. You have all DLC

6. Have the patience to grind

7. Have the weapons you need

8. Again it's your opinion don't worry about others

9. The very best team you can muster

Edited by Jeymz
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This is my setup that I would run, and :

Chrom x Sumia

MaMU x Aversa

Cordelia x Vaike (RIP hair color)

Sully x Donnel

Tharja x Gaius

Maribelle x Lon'Qu

Lissa x Ricken

Olivia x Stahl

Miriel x Libra

Yarne x Virion

Gerome x Gregor/Henry

This setup allows all kids besides Laurent, Yarne, and Gerome (who cannot get Galeforce) to have both Galefore AND a good proc (aether, ignis, luna). The remaining three kids still are very capable support units. I think i went over the priority skills on my other post but I can suggest them if you would like.

The reason I chose Aversa is that she is the only 1st get lead unit who morgan can get good magic inheritance and is a galeforce lead that avatar can utilize. However, keep in mind that you wont get her until the very end of the playthrough, so you can replace her with Cordelia (or even Say'ri), but lose out on the mods.

This is my opinion so feel free to add on, dispute, or correct me.

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6. Have the patience to grind

Really? If you're grinding during the main story, you're just making an Apo team on Lunatic+, not a team that can do both Lunatic+ and Apo. It basically breaks the whole point of this thread. That said:

Chrom x Sumia, Robin x Cordelia, Lucina + Cynthia and Morgan/Severa x Fred!Owain/Henry!Inigo. Morgan and Severas' husbands should probably be left without GF, but it's not impossible to get on Inigo if you're really stubborn.

Classes and skills from there are variable, but all those pairings (at the same time) are solid for both ingame and postgame. Due to only having six children, Chrom and Robin will need to stay on with their wives as combat pairs too. Lissa can easily be the main staffbot, and Olivia should be trained too. Henry can be dropped in as an emergency Hex/Anathema bot, but he shouldn't have exp invested in him.

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