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Dragon quest 7 and 8


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It's more efficient to use Angelo for that strategy actually. Sex Appeal isn't a very good skill tree and Jessica's pretty tight on points. Sarcastic Snigger in Angelo's Charisma tree has the same tension lowering effect for a 13 point cost vs 38 for Jessica.

Angelo's not really good at anything once his early multi-heal novelty runs out, and you mostly only *need* to get 21 fisticuffs for him, other than that he tends to be a Timbrel/buff bot by endgame that you can do whatever you want with skill tree wise, you could consider 65 staves mandatory for Oomph. Jessica on the other hand *needs* 100 staves because her revive skill is locked at the end of the skill tree, and she needs at least 52 fisticuffs and 23 whips as well.

Edited by Tangerine
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I think I'll buy it anyway, even if the PS2 DQ8 is supposedly better than the 3DS DQ8. Since I haven't played the original and I can have it and 7 on the same platform, plus bonus content, I'm happy with this.

I need to see if they are downloadable on the eshop, because game shops are rare over here.

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It's more efficient to use Angelo for that strategy actually. Sex Appeal isn't a very good skill tree and Jessica's pretty tight on points. Sarcastic Snigger in Angelo's Charisma tree has the same tension lowering effect for a 13 point cost vs 38 for Jessica.

Angelo's not really good at anything once his early multi-heal novelty runs out, and you mostly only *need* to get 21 fisticuffs for him, other than that he tends to be a Timbrel/buff bot by endgame that you can do whatever you want with skill tree wise, you could consider 65 staves mandatory for Oomph. Jessica on the other hand *needs* 100 staves because her revive skill is locked at the end of the skill tree, and she needs at least 52 fisticuffs and 23 whips as well.

Angelo will only knock off one level of Tension a turn. Jessica will nuke it entirely, and cause him to miss a turn forcing him to start over (It's not uncommon for him to outpace Angelo's Sarcastic Snigger).

Also, Sex appeal gets Hustle Dance (iirc), that on its own makes it worth it for me.

I usually give Angelo one of my sage stones, so he can save his MP for emergency Full Heals/Kazings, give Jessica the other until she get's hustle, and have the hero and Yangus do most of the damage, giving hero the second stone when Jessica gets Hustle.

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I'm starting to think that my favorite vocations in the game are generally the ones that are more physically-oriented. The fact that so many, if not all of their big moves have such high power at the cost of no MP is simply amazing, with a lot of multi-enemy/hit skills. And Boulder Toss is the best thing ever to me.

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Angelo will only knock off one level of Tension a turn. Jessica will nuke it entirely, and cause him to miss a turn forcing him to start over (It's not uncommon for him to outpace Angelo's Sarcastic Snigger).

Also, Sex appeal gets Hustle Dance (iirc), that on its own makes it worth it for me.

I usually give Angelo one of my sage stones, so he can save his MP for emergency Full Heals/Kazings, give Jessica the other until she get's hustle, and have the hero and Yangus do most of the damage, giving hero the second stone when Jessica gets Hustle.

HD isn't worth 100 skill points, it's just multi heal at a point in the game that untensioned multi heal isn't strong anymore. DPS wise Jessica is the strongest in the game against single targets until the trials (or against specific enemy types, but even then Twin Dragon Lash will come out on top unless the hero is insanely overleveled), so using her for that isn't a terribly efficient use of her skills either. That's why it's recommended to put 13 points into Angelo and not 38 into Jess. Angelo doesn't do anything with his points anyway, Jess has a lot of good abilities in her trees and putting points into SA delays something better.

I'm starting to think that my favorite vocations in the game are generally the ones that are more physically-oriented. The fact that so many, if not all of their big moves have such high power at the cost of no MP is simply amazing, with a lot of multi-enemy/hit skills. And Boulder Toss is the best thing ever to me.

Offensive magic in the DQ games is just unbalanced for the most part, you'll always favor physical classes generally. DQ8 is the only game in recent memory that has decent magic, and even then the strongest magic attack requires you level up a physical skill tree.

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Generally, I have multiple people healing (ie Nevan + Milly, Angelo + Jessica, Madchen + some sort of Healslime) and devote very few to damage output.

Magic is good for random encounters, but for bosses your mages should really just stick to a buff/debuff routine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm astounded. I'm not yet done grinding, but I notice that there are SO MANY really strong abilities that cost 0 MP. It's really ridiculous, actually. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I find so many ridiculously powerful attacks that I can just fire off and not ever worry about running about MP.

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I'm astounded. I'm not yet done grinding, but I notice that there are SO MANY really strong abilities that cost 0 MP. It's really ridiculous, actually. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I find so many ridiculously powerful attacks that I can just fire off and not ever worry about running about MP.

If this is DQVII, do you have Swords Dance yet?

It's really broken against bosses.

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I'm astounded. I'm not yet done grinding, but I notice that there are SO MANY really strong abilities that cost 0 MP. It's really ridiculous, actually. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I find so many ridiculously powerful attacks that I can just fire off and not ever worry about running about MP.

Yeah, at some point just regular attacks become pointless cause so many 0 MP abilities are superior and your mages who don't have these 0 MP abilities shouldn't bother physically attacking anyway.

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Nope, still DQVI. I don't have DQVII the original.

Nothing in DQVI really matches up to DQVII Swords Dance imo.

Idk if it got nerfed in the remake but it was op in the PS1 version. 4 hits, 75% normal damage each, totalling to 3x normal output if everything hits one target. The hits were randomly aimed, but it was still a lot of damage.

all for no MP

I think the thing I spammed most in VI was Thin Air/Vacuum for randoms and I forget for bosses. Multihits, probably.

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Oh thank goodness. That thing was ridiculous on PS1.



It's also limited to some advanced class.

Basically, all the strongest skills are limited to sone specific classes (I know Omniheal is also part of these. Not sure about the others). That also means they learn farf more skills with leve up.

Unless you learned them from monsters. That makes it another incentive to use Monster Classes.

Wheteher it actually goes to far in the other direction, I have no idea.

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It's also limited to some advanced class.

Basically, all the strongest skills are limited to sone specific classes (I know Omniheal is also part of these. Not sure about the others). That also means they learn farf more skills with leve up.

Unless you learned them from monsters. That makes it another incentive to use Monster Classes.

Wheteher it actually goes to far in the other direction, I have no idea.

Swords Dance was a Warrior/Dancer combo skill. Yeah it's kinda hard to figure out how to get it blind, but once you learn how you can easily get it on everyone with a bit of Warrior/Dancer battles.

I had it on everyone (besides maybe Maribel, idr) and didn't have much trouble getting there.

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Swords Dance was a Warrior/Dancer combo skill. Yeah it's kinda hard to figure out how to get it blind, but once you learn how you can easily get it on everyone with a bit of Warrior/Dancer battles.

I had it on everyone (besides maybe Maribel, idr) and didn't have much trouble getting there.

I was talking about the remake here.

They also suppressed combo skills btw

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I was talking about the remake here.

They also suppressed combo skills btw

Oh, they were done away with? Pity, I was hoping that it'd just make their existence more obvious. There was nothing wrong with the system besides being barely indicated.

But making it less available certainly helps matters.

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