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FAvorite author?


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J. R. R. Tolkien, Anthony Horowitz, Neil Gaiman, Alexandre Dumas, Jules Verne and hopefully me when I can earn the title. There are plenty of books I read in elementary and early high school that I can't remember the authors of offhand, but have really fond memories of reading them, so props to them as well.

I honestly wish I had read much more when I was younger, because being an adult now I barely have the time to read books outside of the ones I read for university.

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Brandon Sanderson is pretty epic.

This. (hp lovecraft gets cllose, but i have to ding points for massive racism)

My favorate nonfiction author is probably Barbera Tuchman, mostly for "the guns of august", (although her other books like "the zimerman telegram" and "the proud tower" are also good)

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I admit I checked to make sure, but Anna Karenina is Tolstoy. I've never read it. Only War and Peace.

I had this exact same reaction.

As for me it'd have to be George RR Martin. He's probably a little to mainstream now a days in many people's eyes but for me he's number one. And unlike most I got into his other works before A Song of Ice and Fire so I have some perspective on how he is outside of his big seller. Some of his stories can be major misses but when he's good he's pretty darn good. Pratchet does have to get a mention from me though I admire his brain more than his writing style, which is admittedly great, it's just his perspective and imagination where his real genius lies. You feel less like you're reading something and more like your experiencing someone else's mind.

Has anyone read any Wally Lamb? I read I Know This Much Is True about eight or nine years ago and absolutely loved it. I've also recently been hearing some pretty mixed to good things about the Moment I First Believed which has made me want to get into his works proper but dang there are just so many books and so little time (though it would help if I spent a little less time browsing internet forums >.>)

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I used to love Stephen King but then I started reading Hercule Poirot so Agatha Christie replaces him. And I also love Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories/books too.

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