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Fates was announced nearly a year ago, and I'm sure most of us looked at these characters' faces and thought of really useless trivia for them. Since we'll soon have our hands on the game, I'm kind of curious to hear about the headcanons ya'll have come up with. Of course, if any of your headcanons are spoiler-based, please put them under the spoiler tag! This thread was mostly made with people who haven't even touched the game in mind.

And I guess to start us off, here are some of mine?

I like to pretend that Zero is actually a huge virgin, but, ya'know, one of those virgins. The "haha yeah i TOTALLY saw a boob once guys :^)" Kind of virgin. Given his... everything, I'm sure it isn't true, but its funny to think about.

[spoiler=character spoils]I also like to think that the reason Foleo looks so much like Maribelle, is because Odin told him about her. And he just kinda.. got attached, the way kids do. Like she's his symbol of strength, or, whatever. His role model, I guess.

Some of my headcanons aren't... really something I could discuss free of backlash in public. But I'm open to gushing about HC in private if any of you feel like doing that! Headcanons are way too fun.

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I have a few Ryouma headcanons that are somewhat supported by dialogue, but isn't entirely stated outright:

1) Ryouma is a foodie and is also a barbeque dad

This one mostly attributes Shinonome x Kinu B support, where Shinonome went home to Ryouma and asked him what goes well with Yakitori and Ryouma just gave him some of his favorite spice like, Ryouma what did you do, do you carry that on you at all times like do you just add some of that to all your food or something, or did you like, physically bring Shino to the kitchen just to give him a jar of spice either way

I don't think his kitchen lines are translated, but given what little I can read and a healthy does of google translate, I think he does have some insight to putting together spices.

Then there's Ryouma x Felicia S where Ryouma makes Felicia some riceballs and yeah they're not pretty (or at least, so he says) but fuck they probably taste pretty good

Ryouma's food type in the cafeteria is apparently "Manly", which in my mind translated to some stereotypical dads at a grill, and I mean the fucker catches fish with his bare hands, so why the fuck not put those on his grill too, Shinonome grills fish as well I'm sure he learned that from someone

Lastly, Raijin Katana has demonstrated the ability to light things on fire, or at least amplify flames. Grill lighter sword anyone

2) Ryouma is fabulous and low key vain

This mostly attributes to Nohr 18 where his comeback to Marx is basically "yeah my face is prettier/more handsome/nicer-arranged than yours", but also he has a lot of pride in his hair (Amie lines) and in his Hinoka support he's basically like "so let's dress up like gaudy royals and travel around HA HA HA" and I like to see that as Ryouma really wanting to dress up but he's too embarrassed to do that so he tries to rope/troll Hinoka into doing it with him

Apparently he IS canon hot, though, instory, or at least somebody in Hoshido 13 thinks so

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Ryoma had a pet lobster (or maybe lobsters) when he was a kid. It/they was really well trained and he could even get it/them to do tricks. Because of this, he insisted that his parents and the staff call him the lobster lord (because kids). They found this very amusing and refuse to let him forget about it, especially Orochi who reminds him basically every day.

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Oh, this is nice. I was planning on creating a HC topic of my own if I didn't see one sooner or later.

I like to pretend that Zero is actually a huge virgin, but, ya'know, one of those virgins. The "haha yeah i TOTALLY saw a boob once guys :^)" Kind of virgin. Given his... everything, I'm sure it isn't true, but its funny to think about.

I've only read a few of Zero's supports (and obviously haven't seen his involvement in the Main Game), so I don't know how accurate this is, but my HC for Zero is the complete opposite of yours. I think during the time he lived in the slums, he was sexually abused in order to be put in place. In short, people used sex to intimidate him, especially given his (then) young age and innocence, and thus taught him that sex was power.

And I think this is why he's so sexually provocative; he doesn't trust people, and it's his form of lashing out at them. I skimmed through Zero/Camilla before, and I remember he basically called her out for being this rich, royal kid who's never known suffering. And their support is laden with goddamn innuendos left and right. He was pissed off at Camilla and didn't trust her, and hence tried to make her feel uncomfortable by asserting his sexual dominance.

But even so, I don't think sex is... how do I say it, something that constantly screams BADBADBAD to Zero. After all, his description of Leo chilling at the beach could have come from a damn ero manga, and he respects (or loves, if we want to go the shippy route, and I do~) the man quite a lot. I think sex is a thing that's so engraved within Zero that although he understands the negative consequences it can bring, he can't separate himself from it. Hence, there are times when he intentionally uses it to harm others, but there are times when he unwittingly lets innuendos slip. (Not even unwittingly, per se. He does it knowingly, but it's like... a habit. Like when you know you're clicking the pen and annoying everyone around you, but you continue to do it anyways.)

And for this reason, I feel like Zero is the type that would suck at cuddling. Like you'd try to cuddle with him, and he'd just make some nasty comment about how he could feel your backside while being the big spoon.

(But this is also the reason why I feel that Zero needs to learn how to love and how to properly cuddle.)

I hope this isn't completely off from his in-game portrayal, lmao.

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Regarding Soleil's headband, I like to think that Olivia gave Inigo her headband before he left, and when he dropped Soleil off at the stupid hyperbolic chamber thingy she wouldn't stop crying, so Lazzy gave her the headband as a gift and a promise that he would come back. Something like that.

Siegbert thinks his mullet looks cool and Xander encourages that while everyone else laughs and his mother eternally cringes

There are more, but I can't think of them right at the moment.

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Oh my Lord, don't even get me started on my headcanons! I have at least 60 pages worth of headcanon information by now, including the head canon Nohrian noble families, world politics, geographical information and familial information for units that play a predominant role in Teresa's story. I guess that I could share a few here and then keep expanding on it if people are interested.

For now I'll just throw in a really skeletal set of headcanons for Teresa and Iago.

(Teresa [formally Tomoe])

Formal Titles (lowest to highest):

Princess Teresa/Tomoe of Nohr/Hoshido

Princess Teresa, Duchess of Izumo

Her Majesty Queen Teresa (Cawdor) of Touma, Duchess of Cawdor


Born to Mikoto on the 15th of October.

Tomoe spent most of her early childhood running around the streets of Shirasagi and playing [or more like brawling] with other children. Eventually she was adopted into Royalty when King Sumeragi married Mikoto after the untimely death of his first wife. Tomoe enjoyed playing with her siblings and was inspired to take up the sword by Ryoma. With Nohr pushing for war at its borderers, Sumeragi sought to secure Hoshidan safety and by the invitation of King Marcus of Chevalier, travelled to meet him to discuss the possibility of alliance and future marriages. Upon arriving, Sumeragi was double crossed and killed, Tomoe being taken from him by King Garon. Her memory was quickly erased by Garon's subordinate, she was granted the name Teresa and given an adoptive mother to make it seem that Teresa was legitimately his blood child.

She grows close to all of her Nohrian siblings, particularly Xander and Elise, and trains relentlessly in order to earn approval from her father. She shows a strong promise for Tomes, however, her personality makes it difficult for tutors to train her, seeing that she is not likely to accept orders from people in positions of authority without being on friendly grounds as them. Iago was the only tutor successful in training her as he quickly recognises this trend. Eventually she becomes smitten with him.

Some of Teresa's goals include training to prove herself as a capable warrior and Nohrian leader, publishing a book of poetry or a play and earning approval from Garon.

She has a keen eye for poetry and play and has a decent singing voice, however she couldn't make her bed or play an instrument to save her life. She is fluent in both Nohrian and Hoshidan. Her favourite foods are sweet and her least favourite are sour with the exception of lemon cake. Teresa will not eat red meats {at least until she transforms for the first time) but likes berries, fish and vegetables and is not a fussy eater. She has a good alcohol tolerance but will usually prefer to drink, tepid creamy tea.

She has a deathly fear of whips and crops.

She has the sharpest teeth in the army.


Formal Titles (lowest to highest):

The Lord Iago Cawdor

The Most Honorable Iago of Cawdor (Court Title: The Lord Iago, the Honorable Seat of House Cawdor - and later - The Lord Iago of Cawdor, Honorable Lord of His Seat)

His Majesty, King Iago of Touma, Duke of Cawdor


Born to Egeon Cawdor and Aemelia Stein on the 23rd of April.

Iago hails from a magically blooded, Nohrian Noble family known as Cawdor. Despite being the third born of four children he was slated to become the head of his house as he was the only sibling to inherit his fathers distinct heterochromia, a sign denoting strong inheritance of Cawdorian summons and blood magic. His elder brothers, Demetrius and Chiron, had him removed from Cawdor and murdered their parents before he was able to assert his claim, forcing him to court in Windham where he quickly because an advisor and tactician to Garon. His younger sister, Imogen, is the only person Iago has faith in (before Teresa) and trusts that she will be able to promote instability amongst his brothers and other houses on his behalf.

Iago manages to gain significant influence for his house in court, however, he is not viewed as very honourable or likeable by other houses due to his questionable methods of conducting business.

His ambitions include advancing himself and his family name as well as gaining power. Initially he saw Teresa as a good opportunity to gain power and status before developing personal feelings for her.

Iago has a strong liking for poetry, play and prose and spends time studying the arts during what little spare time he has. He is very fond of sweet food due to the absence of such luxury in Cawdor where crop yields are very low. He is also very fond of tea and drinks between 10 - 15 cups per day, more if he's stressed. Unlike Teresa, he likes his tea blisteringly hot and sweet without cream, lemon or milk.

I'll add some other stuff later, perhaps about the different houses or the politics in Nohr. I'm not sure yet.

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Gabriel, my male MU for the Nohr route, lost his eye protecting Camilla from a stampedeing horse, which is why she dotes on him so much.

This one is very dumb and very wrong, but I don't care. The royal family of Nohr is descended from Chrom and F!Robin, and the Hoshidan royals are descended from M!Robin and Tiki

My F!MU for the Nohr route is flat out racist toward Hoshidans

Prior to the war, Ryoma and Xander were best friends.

Another dumb one that's flat out wrong Yato is actually a Falchion forged from one of Tiki's fangs.

I have others but they are rather spoilerly, and I don't know how to use spoiler tags.

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Oh! I have a lot of them haha, but they aren't interesting or anything, so I only let here one.

So, in order to use the Fuujin Bow, the user need to have mental strengh, right? Or at least that is what Kisaragi say in his supports with Takumi:

Kisaragi: Aww man, I missed the mark. This is totally different from handling a normal yumi. I trained a lot, so I know this yumi can't be used by people without skill. And also, the bowstring and arrow would disappear if you lost even a little bit of focus, so its wielder needs to have a strong mind. You must be really amazing if you can use this so easily, Father!

I find that funny, because like everyone know... Takumi is described to have a weak mind, I think even his info in the game say it? Anyway, his weak mind is what helped Anankos to take control of him, right?

There is another thing with Takumi, that is his insecurity and all his personal issues...

Now, joining all of this together, here is what my headcanon is about:

I have the Headcanon, that the Fuujin have a side effect for using it: The user use all his mental concentration for using the bow, but let them weak in other mind aspects, and that is why Takumi have too much issues and have a weak mind. All his strength is used for the bow, and have only a bit for his normal life.

Ah, I'm terrible at explaining stuff, so, I hope I didn't made this very confusing :S

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My headcanon is that Oboro/Takumi is canon.

Okay, in all seriousness, I've been so disappointed in this game's story that I haven't even felt like headcanoning for the most part. The few that I have are the following (may contain spoilers):

1) Kamui is always full siblings with Takumi and Sakura. I haven't decided whether or not Ryouma and Hinoka are Kamui's half-siblings through Sumeragi, or if Mikoto is the mother of all five of them. There was no reason to not make them related other than to marry them.

2) Aqua is Garon's daughter and half-sibling to the other Nohrian siblings.

3) Mikoto and Shenmei are not sisters. This doesn't add anything to the already stupid plot and is never relevant after it is brought up.

4) Shenmei was never queen, she was just a concubine to Garon.

5) Aqua doesn't know about the IK.

6) Kamui is a dude.

7) Nohr!Kamui doesn't regret his choice to side with Nohr. He was raised in Nohr and he grew up with Nohrian beliefs. He thinks going against Hoshido and his real family is an acceptable sacrifice to help the struggling land of Nohr get resources to keep their own survival going. He fights against Hoshidan troops like a normal person, no "he miraculously spared all the enemy troops" shit.

8) Garon is not a slime monster and actually treated Kamui like his own kid.

I am so disappointed.

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7) Nohr!Kamui doesn't regret his choice to side with Nohr. He was raised in Nohr and he grew up with Nohrian beliefs. He thinks going against Hoshido and his real family is an acceptable sacrifice to help the struggling land of Nohr get resources to keep their own survival going. He fights against Hoshidan troops like a normal person, no "he miraculously spared all the enemy troops" shit.

8) Garon is not a slime monster and actually treated Kamui like his own kid.

This so much.

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Headcanons huh? I suppose I'll play along...

My MU, Yoku, is 19 years old at the beginning of Fates. But this particular headcanon features his 16 year old self who is involved in a coup d'etat. He also has a growth spurt about a year before the beginning of Fates.

Before growth spurt


After growth spurt


I guess that I'll also mention that I've written some of my own headcanon supports.

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Oh! I have a lot of them haha, but they aren't interesting or anything, so I only let here one.

So, in order to use the Fuujin Bow, the user need to have mental strengh, right? Or at least that is what Kisaragi say in his supports with Takumi:

Kisaragi: Aww man, I missed the mark. This is totally different from handling a normal yumi. I trained a lot, so I know this yumi can't be used by people without skill. And also, the bowstring and arrow would disappear if you lost even a little bit of focus, so its wielder needs to have a strong mind. You must be really amazing if you can use this so easily, Father!

I find that funny, because like everyone know... Takumi is described to have a weak mind, I think even his info in the game say it? Anyway, his weak mind is what helped Anankos to take control of him, right?

There is another thing with Takumi, that is his insecurity and all his personal issues...

Now, joining all of this together, here is what my headcanon is about:

I have the Headcanon, that the Fuujin have a side effect for using it: The user use all his mental concentration for using the bow, but let them weak in other mind aspects, and that is why Takumi have too much issues and have a weak mind. All his strength is used for the bow, and have only a bit for his normal life.

Ah, I'm terrible at explaining stuff, so, I hope I didn't made this very confusing :S

Oh my god, that is genius.

Remember at the end of their support, Takumi says that he'd teach Kisaragi how to use the Fuujin Bow? That means that Takumi is not aware of the drawbacks of using it.

Now imagine that Takumi decides to stop using the Fuujin Bow for a while in order to build his personal strength as an archer, and to prove to himself that his strength is reliant on himself, not merely his special weapon. After his childish interaction with Kisaragi, he's realized that he needs to build up his self-esteem, and he thinks this is the best way to do it.

Meanwhile, he decides to honor his promise to Kisaragi, so he hands over the bow to Kisaragi, and has the child use it.

And after a couple of days, Takumi's bounding with self-confidence, and charming everyone. Meanwhile, Kisaragi falls into this utter depression. He can't withstand the side effects of the bow as well as Takumi can-- after all, he's still young and his mind isn't as strong, and he hasn't used the bow for that long-- and he becomes absolutely paranoid. Instead of remaining cheerful, he becomes fixated on the idea that if he isn't happy, no one will accept him. And intoxicated by the power of the Fuujin Bow, and realizing how strong he is with it, he suddenly feels like he's nothing without it. He starts doubting his capabilities as an archer.

And that makes him question his position in the army. If he's not a capable archer, what the hell is he doing here? These doubts persist and follow him into the battlefield, to the point that his personal skill changes into "Negative Thinking: When Kisaragi selects "Wait," he is immobilized for the next Turn." And while he isn't able to move, paralyzed by his thoughts, an enemy deals a nearly fatal blow to him.

Takumi's not stupid-- he's realized his son's been acting a bit oddly for the past couple of days-- but this incident solidifies his worries. And after a lot of investigation, he realizes the cause of it.

Alarmed, he immediately takes the bow away from Kisaragi, and resolves that little issue. But now he's faced with a new one:

Does he continue using his personal weapon?

Idk this is so out of the field, but I have a lot of feels about Kisaragi.

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Oh my god, that is genius.

Remember at the end of their support, Takumi says that he'd teach Kisaragi how to use the Fuujin Bow? That means that Takumi is not aware of the drawbacks of using it.

Now imagine that Takumi decides to stop using the Fuujin Bow for a while in order to build his personal strength as an archer, and to prove to himself that his strength is reliant on himself, not merely his special weapon. After his childish interaction with Kisaragi, he's realized that he needs to build up his self-esteem, and he thinks this is the best way to do it.

Meanwhile, he decides to honor his promise to Kisaragi, so he hands over the bow to Kisaragi, and has the child use it.

And after a couple of days, Takumi's bounding with self-confidence, and charming everyone. Meanwhile, Kisaragi falls into this utter depression. He can't withstand the side effects of the bow as well as Takumi can-- after all, he's still young and his mind isn't as strong, and he hasn't used the bow for that long-- and he becomes absolutely paranoid. Instead of remaining cheerful, he becomes fixated on the idea that if he isn't happy, no one will accept him. And intoxicated by the power of the Fuujin Bow, and realizing how strong he is with it, he suddenly feels like he's nothing without it. He starts doubting his capabilities as an archer.

And that makes him question his position in the army. If he's not a capable archer, what the hell is he doing here? These doubts persist and follow him into the battlefield, to the point that his personal skill changes into "Negative Thinking: When Kisaragi selects "Wait," he is immobilized for the next Turn." And while he isn't able to move, paralyzed by his thoughts, an enemy deals a nearly fatal blow to him.

Takumi's not stupid-- he's realized his son's been acting a bit oddly for the past couple of days-- but this incident solidifies his worries. And after a lot of investigation, he realizes the cause of it.

Alarmed, he immediately takes the bow away from Kisaragi, and resolves that little issue. But now he's faced with a new one:

Does he continue using his personal weapon?

Idk this is so out of the field, but I have a lot of feels about Kisaragi.

I now want to make a fanfic out of this headcanon. Would that be okay?

Also, just to contribute to the headcanons, here's my incredibly silly one (that proves that I love arthropods waaaaaay too much):

If Ryoma was a lobster in a former life, then Hinoka was a horseshoe crab, Takumi was a mantis shrimp, and Sakura was a butterfly.

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I now want to make a fanfic out of this headcanon. Would that be okay?

Also, just to contribute to the headcanons, here's my incredibly silly one (that proves that I love arthropods waaaaaay too much):

If Ryoma was a lobster in a former life, then Hinoka was a horseshoe crab, Takumi was a mantis shrimp, and Sakura was a butterfly.

Yo, go for it. Link me to it after you're done! :)

(Anything with Kisaragi deserves +100, because Kisaragi is so underrated. ;;

I mean, kudos to Takumi too, but he already gets a lot of love. XD)

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-Lol we all saw this coming if you know my past track record that Chrom is Inigo's daddy.

-Also, that in Hinata X Odin support is that Odin tells Hinata to name his sword. Then said sword is named in the support between Hinata x Hisame.

-Saizou is the one to avenge his father and kill that ninja (i forgot his name).

-Joker and Gerome fight in another dimension (if you get this then cool).

-Takumi X Camilla is OTP.

-Fuuga helped Sumeragi as the ultimate wingman to get in with Mikoto when they were younger.

-Kamui is fully related to his siblings

-Shinonome beats even the faceless in arm wrestles and later picks up the ways of the swords

-Ophelia and Foleo are extremely close like Maribelle and Lissa. However Soleil competes with Foleo so she and Ophelia can be like their dads.

-And Arthur has action figures of himself

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Ryoma has a pet lobster. Or maybe some water animals like a pond of fish or something. I think he would be most interested in keeping Kois.

Marx has a pet cabbit (as inspired by Kozaki's artwork for him).

All of the Nohr royals know how to play at least a musical instrument. (I think it's slightly hinted in the Sakura/Elise supports?) Elise plays the violin (she plays it in the support so it's canon). For my personal headcanon, Marx plays the piano, Leon plays the organ (he wants to be like nii-san but didn't go with the piano so as to avoid competition). Camilla would play the flute I guess. But I could also imagine her going for the singing road instead (something like an opera singer?)

That's all I can think of at the moment.

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This is dipping into fanfiction because the changes are too great to fit into the main story but here we go.

1. Kamui is the full blooded sibling of Sumeragi. Their dragoness is just a expression of certain genes. It used to be a common occurrence among their ancestors but has since become very rare.

2. Garon is a brutal but pragmatic ruler that has be worn down by the burdens of leadership. He is invading Hoshido because he desperately needs their resources to hold Nohr together.

3. There is no invisible kingdom, and all characters and plots exclusive to it don't exist.

4. Aqua is the daughter of the water tribe's chieftain. She's only a minor character.

5. Camilla is bisexual and has been subtly grooming Kamui to love her. Her attraction to Kamui is based on a traumatic childhood that left her with attachment issues to most people.

6. Nohr!Kamui is a girl and magically inclined and has a white weasel-cat familiar who grants wishes at a cost. While she is convinced by her other siblings of the necessity of the invasion, she tries to spare lives when she can. She starts off optimistic and caring but becomes more cynical and pragmatic when her naivete gets people killed.

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My headcanon is that each of the Legendary weapons requires some sort of attribute to use them. For example, Xander had to train really hard to use Siegfried, so one would need dedication to use it. Ryoma is shown to never give up ever, so maybe the Raijin Katana requires one to have determination. Brunhilde would then need high intelligence (Leo is said to be a genius) and Fujin would need mental strength (so Takumi can summon the bowstring).

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Ooh, some of the HC's here are interesting. Here are mine. You can tell how I slowly put less and less effort into them as I go on. I'm not certain what constitutes spoilers so here they all are.

  • Sakura's dolls (from her Suzukaze supports) are repaired both by her and Hinoka. Suzukaze says that the dolls look somewhat familiar, but he can't immediately see that they're based off the Hoshido royals, only able to tell who they are by their hair color. So when they got all ratty and scuffed, Hinoka offered to repair them when she saw how upset Sakura was about them. Unfortunately, as seen from her Camilla supports, Hinoka isn't very good at sewing, so they ended up a little mangled. Sakura finishes the repairs but she keeps Hinoka's little 'artistic touches' because she's ecstatic that Hinoka offered in the first place.
  • Marx ran away from home briefly as a young teenager. Maybe for a few weeks? (Also maybe to a farming village? Could explain his fascination with carrots.) Either way, it contributed heavily to Camilla's attachment issues because one of the only siblings who's actually nice to her suddenly disappears for no reason? Yeah, not fun. Also Garon was very disappointed in him, which, along with Marx's own memories of Garon as a loving father, is part of why Marx is so willing to endure so much to avoid risking disappointing his father again.
  • Saizou has a goddamn dog whistle. Kamui just uses it to summon him for makeouts and sex when she gets in the mood. Kagerou and/or Suzukaze once responded to it on accident, thinking they were being called. Saizou snaps the flute in half and can't look either of his fellow ninja in the eye for weeks.
  • Saizou and Suzukaze are beyond intimidated by Kagerou's brother, for some completely inexplicable reason.
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I offer you a completly off-the-wall HCs:

Sumeragi's more like Shinonome in personality with recklessness rather than Ryouma's meditative seriousness (why else would he drag kids half-way across the world?)

Garon's always luaghed uproariously- it used to be at his own bad jokes.

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I like to pretend that Zero is actually a huge virgin, but, ya'know, one of those virgins. The "haha yeah i TOTALLY saw a boob once guys :^)" Kind of virgin. Given his... everything, I'm sure it isn't true, but its funny to think about.

[spoiler=character spoils]I also like to think that the reason Foleo looks so much like Maribelle, is because Odin told him about her. And he just kinda.. got attached, the way kids do. Like she's his symbol of strength, or, whatever. His role model, I guess.

Some of my headcanons aren't... really something I could discuss free of backlash in public. But I'm open to gushing about HC in private if any of you feel like doing that! Headcanons are way too fun.

Oh, actually, this can't be true... even if it would be funny.

The reason is that, it is implied in Kamui' support with Zero (although I'm not sure if it is talked about in other supports of his) that he had to sell his body to live, and from an early age too.

Taken from here:

Zero: I see. To learn more about someone, you should start by learning about their past, huh? If you want to understand a person’s nature better, then that’s probably a good way to go about it.

Kamui: Are you willing to discuss it?

Zero: I’m fine with it. It’s not really a big deal, anyway. Ever since I’ve been a child, I’ve done anything I had to to get by. Stealing, begging, assaulting people, killing them… it would be pretty difficult to think of an evil deed I haven’t done.

Kamui: …

Zero: What? Surprised, are you? I haven’t even gotten to the best part! Anything I had that was of any value, I’d sell. Everything you could think of. The most intense one was probably that one time… who would’ve thought such a great man would–

Kamui: Whoa! I… I think that’s enough for me. It’s not an easy story to listen to. I wasn’t being considerate enough

I also remember in one support (maybe this same one, except translated differently... I dunno) there was him talking about how he could never forget how one of his customers pulled his hair during these moments.

Zero had a really bad life. I wouldn't be suprised if his perversion also comes from how people treated him, in a horrid mix of sadism, emulation and revenge.

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I actually forgot a headcanon, so I'll just add it here.

9) Luna, Odin, and Lazward are not Severa, Owain, and Inigo. They are mercenaries who look and act remarkably similar to the Awakening trio but are not them. I really hate how they can have kids with the other characters and disappear, either with or without their spouses, and that Awakening is even in this game to begin with. So they're just separate identities from the Awakening kids.

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