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9) Luna, Odin, and Lazward are not Severa, Owain, and Inigo. They are mercenaries who look and act remarkably similar to the Awakening trio but are not them. I really hate how they can have kids with the other characters and disappear, either with or without their spouses, and that Awakening is even in this game to begin with. So they're just separate identities from the Awakening kids.

similar to that

my headcanon is that Luna, Odin, and Lazwald are just Einherjar summoned by Anankos.

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Welp, I forgot a couple headcanons myself

Hoshido and Nohr used to one country, but a large scale civil war broke this empire into two countries with Nohr getting the short end of the stick in terms of resources, causing them to be jealous of the Hoshidans. This jealously is Garon's "official reason" for declaring war, tho his actual cause is pure anger towards Mikoto for picking Sameragi over him.

My Hoshidan male and female MU's are the children of M!Robin and Tiki.

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oooooo! Dis thread!

*magicks a chair, a tea table, and tea out of thin air and sits down*

Most of mine are specific to the named MUs i have.

[spoiler=Nohr route]

His real name is Kamui, given to him by Mikoto. But once he was taken, Garon gave him the name, Hveðrungr (which means "roarer").

He knew from day one that he was not blood related to the Nohr siblings. But still treats Elise as he would a blood sister. (seeing how she was born after he was taken)

He grew up being really jealous of Marx, due to him being first in line for the Nohr Throne. Having the sense of entitlement he has (what with being able to turn into a dragon and just...generally speaking), Hveðrungr even contemplated having Marx removed from the equation. But he realized he could never go through with that because Marx treated him like a true brother.

He grew up with a rather close (if not somewhat unhealthy) bond with Camilla.

He thinks Hoshido gave up on him. He is not aware of Aqua/Azura's being taken by Hoshido. Camilla, being very protective over him, refused to allow anyone to tell him. (its also very possible he would not have cared)

He dotes on Elise and will move mountains to get her what she wants.

Leon helped Hveðrungr learn magic. They occasionally geek out together about spells and junk.

It was Hveðrungr's idea to have Marx hire Pieri as a subordinate. He was extremely fond of her violent nature.

He's more than happy to go mow down Hoshido. He agrees to go with Aqua/Azura's plans to seat Garon on the throne there, only to execute him as soon as his arse reaches it. (little does he know that.....)

The Hoshidan siblings call him by his true name of Kamui, and it literally wigs him out and he keeps shouting how that isnt his name.

At the end of Conquest, hes pretty convinced he doesnt deserve to rule anything.

[spoiler=Random Character Headcanons]

Zero secretly enjoys foodplay, but only with his spouse.

Pieri's cooking is so legendary, almost all of Nohr knows about it. In her support with Odin, its shown that she tries to teach things to criminals and thugs. Well, she also tries to teach them to cook. One of her favorite goons can make a mean spaghetti.

Camilla has way too many pairs of shoes. When shes feeling blue, she has another pair made.

Marx gets really angry when people interrupt when hes reading.

Odin put something like a Kick Me sign on Luna's back. But instead of Kick Me, it reads "Are you daft?"

Odin named his tome, Story Demonspanker. It brought back some fond memories....

Benoit doesnt like bear meat.

Elise puts ribbons on her horse every day. A new colored ribbon for each day of the week.

Leon used to read stories to Elise to help her sleep. Occasionally, she'll still ask him to do it.

Camilla keeps things in her bra. Need a vulnerary??

Nyx isnt a grown up trapped in a kid body, but simply ageless and stop aging at 19. (and shes just smallish/petite)

Flannel doesnt have qualms about munching on human bones as long as he doesnt know who or where it came from. That one might be canon tbh....

Elfie sometimes uses Arthur as a means of weightlifting.


Ryouma enjoys origami.

Takumi always keeps an extra pair of socks at the bottom of his quiver. Just in case.

Hinoka, despite being a bit tomboyish, doesnt mind dressing in one of Oboro's nice kimonos once in a while.

Sakura likes to take the others to kabuki on weekends.

Tsubaki is extremely well-read. All the great literary masters of his nation, he can recite them from memory.

Thats all i got right now.

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Oh, actually, this can't be true... even if it would be funny.

The reason is that, it is implied in Kamui' support with Zero (although I'm not sure if it is talked about in other supports of his) that he had to sell his body to live, and from an early age too.

Taken from here:

I also remember in one support (maybe this same one, except translated differently... I dunno) there was him talking about how he could never forget how one of his customers pulled his hair during these moments.

Zero had a really bad life. I wouldn't be suprised if his perversion also comes from how people treated him, in a horrid mix of sadism, emulation and revenge.

Yeahhh, it was mostly a silly little crack HC that completely disregarded canon because..I don't know canon. I knew it couldn't be true, I mostly just wanted a good laugh. I feel less like laughing now.

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Oh my god, that is genius.

Remember at the end of their support, Takumi says that he'd teach Kisaragi how to use the Fuujin Bow? That means that Takumi is not aware of the drawbacks of using it.

Now imagine that Takumi decides to stop using the Fuujin Bow for a while in order to build his personal strength as an archer, and to prove to himself that his strength is reliant on himself, not merely his special weapon. After his childish interaction with Kisaragi, he's realized that he needs to build up his self-esteem, and he thinks this is the best way to do it.

Meanwhile, he decides to honor his promise to Kisaragi, so he hands over the bow to Kisaragi, and has the child use it.

And after a couple of days, Takumi's bounding with self-confidence, and charming everyone. Meanwhile, Kisaragi falls into this utter depression. He can't withstand the side effects of the bow as well as Takumi can-- after all, he's still young and his mind isn't as strong, and he hasn't used the bow for that long-- and he becomes absolutely paranoid. Instead of remaining cheerful, he becomes fixated on the idea that if he isn't happy, no one will accept him. And intoxicated by the power of the Fuujin Bow, and realizing how strong he is with it, he suddenly feels like he's nothing without it. He starts doubting his capabilities as an archer.

And that makes him question his position in the army. If he's not a capable archer, what the hell is he doing here? These doubts persist and follow him into the battlefield, to the point that his personal skill changes into "Negative Thinking: When Kisaragi selects "Wait," he is immobilized for the next Turn." And while he isn't able to move, paralyzed by his thoughts, an enemy deals a nearly fatal blow to him.

Takumi's not stupid-- he's realized his son's been acting a bit oddly for the past couple of days-- but this incident solidifies his worries. And after a lot of investigation, he realizes the cause of it.

Alarmed, he immediately takes the bow away from Kisaragi, and resolves that little issue. But now he's faced with a new one:

Does he continue using his personal weapon?

Idk this is so out of the field, but I have a lot of feels about Kisaragi.

Woah! That sounds really sad for Kisa-baby :0! But yeah thats basically what my headcanon was about!

Now... Think if all the sacred weapons have a side effect :S

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Yeahhh, it was mostly a silly little crack HC that completely disregarded canon because..I don't know canon. I knew it couldn't be true, I mostly just wanted a good laugh. I feel less like laughing now.

Oh yeah it is strongly implied that Zero may have been a prostitute at one point.

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ill rumors have been abound thruout Nohr about my Nohrian MU Gabriel and Camilla since that horse incident prior to the game's start mentioned in my first post.

Xander often tries to deflect these rumors, with often hallarious and embarrassing results. On one occasion, he screwed up so bad at silencing these rumors, he accidentally created a new one concerning him, Camilla, and Gabriel.

I'm also headcanoning that all three routes happen at once with a seperate Male and Female MU for each. Gabe, my Awakening M!MU, will even be returning for Revelations.

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Oh hell.I feel like I'm going to be embarrassing myself on so many levels,but why the hell not.Some will be concerning my Kamui (if you will),Shoal.Fates spoilers,of course.

Shoal inherited his father's abilities to sense and control emotions and look into the future,although both are weaker than Anakos'.His future sight can sometimes trigger randomly and either show something incredibly useful or incredibly stupid.

Iago whipped Shoal for insubordination several times,and most of those times Xander interrupted when Shoal looked like he couldn't take it.He took those whippings for Shoal instead.

Xander is sometimes suicidal,and rushes into battle without thinking of the consequences to himself.The other Nohrian siblings and his son don't understand why he's like that.

Leo hates Xander's cabbit because it destroyed one of his histories books when it got into his room.He would've cursed it if Xander hadn't intervened.

Ryoma's quite reckless when it comes to defending the ones he loves.Takumi tries to remind him that,if he dies,he wouldn't be able to protect them anymore.That doesn't work.

Xander is bisexual,but hides his attraction to men so his father doesn't get angry at him because of the fact Xander must produce an heir.The only other person who knows is Camilla.

A lot of these feature the noodle bro.

These aren't all of them,only the ones I can think of right now.

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Prepare for all the Mamui x Zero HCs:

-Zero, once he warms up to someone is a massive teddy bear who loves cuddles

-He is not as kinky as he suggests and in actuality is very traditional when it comes to his lovers, waiting till marriage

-In fact, Kamui is the more so kinky one in the relationship, much to Zero's confusion

-As Nohrian nobles are not fans of Kamui's relationship, he likes to flaunt Zero in front of them, much to Marx's displeasure

-They adopted Eponine after she tried to steal money from Zero as she was an orphan who reminded Zero of himself

-Zero has nightmares at night so Kamui likes to cuddle Zero to help him (He even half transforms and wraps his tail around him to bring him closer)

-They are the mushyest couple ever and all but Elise get annoyed at their constant flirting and PDA

Now for story stuff:

-Kamui is the full sibling of the Hoshidans. Thus, Mikoto is the mother of them all and Ikona never existed

-Kamu was his birth name but upon being kidnapped by Garon he was named Corrin to hide his Hoshidan heritage

-Garon while at first only wanted Kamui for power soon began to love him as his own and is not an ass

-Garon is not a slime monster

-Aqua is related to Garon as his daughter. Shenmei was one his concubines who eventually became the second queen of Nohr but died during birth

-Camilla is doting on Kamui due to him being pure compared to the rest of Nohr. She is also like this to Elise but not to as far an extent

-Marx and Camilla know of Kamui's Hoshidan heritage which is why Marx tries his hardest to stop Ryouma and why Camilla is okay about showing how much she loves Kamui in a romantic way in public

-Kamui does not mind going against Hoshido due to the fact he was raised in Nohr. He does feel a bit bad since they were his blood family, but he also feels this way about the Nohrians if he sides against them too.

-Kamui's dragon powers comes from a rare occurrence that has not happened in thousands of years since the first rise of Hydra (Fan fiction thing).

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Well, I ship Orochi and Saizou like a madman, so...

Once they start dating, Orochi's scared that Kagerou would be upset because they're best friends and what not, but Kagerou's super chill about it. They talk about how Saizou's actually a huge softie and loves to cuddle.

Much to his annoyance.

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All the yaoi Eponine reads is FE yaoi.

Her favorite couple is Legault x Heath, but she loves Jugdral yaoi sagas that span more than 3 books.

I support this.

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Woah! That sounds really sad for Kisa-baby :0! But yeah thats basically what my headcanon was about!

Now... Think if all the sacred weapons have a side effect :S

What would be the side effect for Ryoma?

...Wait a second.

What if the Raijin Katana is so powerful that it saps the life of the person who uses it? After all, Sumeragi died pretty early on, and that was initially his sword, right?

Now imagine Ryoma's slowly decreasing his life span, and no one's aware...

Also, since people are talking about Eponine...

I feel like Eponine would push her ships way too hard, in that she doesn't respect certain boundaries or gushes on about yaoi in inappropriate situations. For instance, I remember there was this kid in middle school who'd come up with his favorite ships, and literally push people into one another to get them to "embrace" each other. I think Eponine would be the type of kid to do that.

I'm pretty sure she wouldn't do it out of ill intent, but it'd probably still annoy the other child units.

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What would be the side effect for Ryoma?

...Wait a second.

What if the Raijin Katana is so powerful that it saps the life of the person who uses it? After all, Sumeragi died pretty early on, and that was initially his sword, right?

Now imagine Ryoma's slowly decreasing his life span, and no one's aware...

well, he does die in one route so that certainly works

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Camilla is a cyclops and lost one eye protecting one of her siblings from an assassin.

She is very affectionate towards Kamui, but that's because she's his/her sister and acts motherly towards him/her since he/she lacks a mother.

She's also just as affectionate towards her siblings and takes a shining towards Takumi and Sakura rather quickly.

Kaze joins Kamui in Nohr as a spy for Hoshido. He's prepared to assassinate Kamui but finds he can't bring himself to do so. He also has problems with the structure of Hoshidan society, which influences his decision to stick with Kamui.

Ryouma's a great warrior but a naive and terrible ruler and not only doesn't fully understand Nohr's circumstances but doesn't really try to.

Garon initially attempted trade relations with Hoshido but their goods had high, strict tariffs, just like with Thracia and Lenster.

Hoshido has a rather strict caste system with very little upward mobility. There's also a notable amount of corrupt and cowardly daimyos, who fled and left their people to fend for themselves when Nohr invaded, which is part of why their invasion is as successful as it.

Hoshido is also more noticeably racist towards Nohrians, and people with mixed blood are ostracized and treated like dirt.

Iago secretly intends to have Garon and the royal siblings killed so he can take the throne, or at least spare Elise to be a puppet ruler for him.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Ship related headcanon

[spoiler= Ryouma x Rinka]

So basically Rinka likes food, and she likes fish a lot according to Rinka x Oboro
and Shino wants to make his mom's favorite dish to beat dad at winning mom's affections wow what a momma's boy
But for her birthday Shino and Ryouma team up and catch a lot of fish and grill them all for her
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I have headcanon that Orochi and Kagerou sit down each day at sunset and drink tea and discuss whatever they think of

Below is not a spoiler btw, but I'm saigerou trash so I'm tagging it for…reasons

the sessions almost always involve Orochi teasing Kagerou about Saizou

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When I'm not trying to find ways to make the story make sense, I like to pretend that the third route just has everyone go into the world of Etrian Odyssey. Some of the Fates' classes correspond quite well with EO ones, anyway. The samurai have three class options they can take in EO (ronin, shogun, and bushi), bow-locked classes have three options as well (survivalist, arbalist, and sniper), and anything that primarily uses a lance has the highlander class. Sakura would make a pretty cool monk, actually.

EDIT: Oh yeah, EO2:U has the stupidly OP (or so I hear) Fafnir class that is a shapeshifter. Even Kamui, Nishiki, and Flannel have a class.

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Well, here we go then. Warning, there is a lot of text.

World building (I'm just going to limit it to a few tidbits for Nohr and Hoshido)

  • Nohr's actual territory is ill-suited for farming, but contains several rich mineral nodes and the population contains some of the best blacksmiths in the world. This allows the Nohrian military to ensure that every soldier, whether noble or commoner, are very well equipped with high-quality steel weapons and armor.
  • The Nohrian levy system requires service from every man and woman over a certain age, meaning that the vast majority of population can quickly mobilize to fight.
  • Hoshido operates on a caste system that prevents social mobility except for in very pressing circumstances (hence why a lot of the retainers are nobles or otherwise high ranking members of their respective social standing. (i.e Asama being a high ranking priest)). This system also breeds contempt and racism towards outsiders, as their status outside of the system places them lower than even peasants.
  • Hoshido may have fertile farmland, but it is lacking in metals and other mineral resources. While members of the Samurai Caste are able to import metals from neutral powers (and certain Nohrian Vassals) west of the Infinite Chasm, most of their ashigaru (peasant soldiers) have to make do with inferior pig iron weapons.

Adults (Just limiting it to the royals and the three amigos. This is their what they are like at the start of the game in addition to their already established characters and they can change over the course of the game)

  • Camilla dotes on all her younger siblings as a way to attempt to cope with her role during the Concubine Wars (commonly refereed to as the waifu wars on this forum) she especially dotes on Kamui due to his status as an outsider to the cutthroat nature of Nohrian politics and sees him as someone who won't ever try to stab her in the back. She does have a bit of a drinking problem, needing at least one bottle of wine to get through the day.
  • Marx is painfully aware that the waifu wars were effectively triggered by his mother, Queen Ekaternia (i think that's how you spell it) and harbors a deep sense of survivors guilt, knowing that the vast majority of his extended family died because of his mother's actions. He doesn't show it though, bottling up his emotions and revealing almost nothing about how he really feels, even to his own family.
  • Leon is the most stable mentally of his siblings, if only because he knows constructive ways to deal with his emotions as opposed to lashing out during training (Marx) or drinking (Camilla).
  • Elise sometimes wishes her family wasn't so defensive of her, but she is aware that she is the linchpin holding the Plantagenets (Nohrian royal surname) together, so she keeps up the facade of being a happy, innocent child. Deep down, she is aware of her family's past and wishes that she could comfort her siblings more than by just being the happy little sister.
  • Ryoma is a strong believer in Hoshidoan superiority, but has a change of heart during the war, especially after during the abortive Chevalier Campaign and sees just how the rest of the world operates, realizing that several of Hoshido's societal and military traditions could condemn his kingdom to the ashes of history unless they change.
  • Hinoka spends the vast majority of her time in training, both martial and statecraft, to the point where she only really has a close relationship with Ryoma. As such, her relationship with her younger siblings is not as strong as it seems.
  • Takumi suffers from an extreme case of middle-child syndrome. In addition, the vast majority of importnat events in his life, including his birth, were overshadowed by Nohrian aggression that demanded his family's attention, leaving him with a negative view of Nohr and its people.
  • Sakura wants to believe that everyone in the world is good and kind. A view that her family and retainers encourage to help keep her innocence alive for as long as possible.
  • Kamui has a bit of a narcissistic streak to him due to being constantly coddled by both his blood and adopted families, a problem made worse by his naivety. Some of his naive nature, however, was lost when he had to claim his first life while reclaiming fortresses along the Infinite Chasm during chapter 3, and he slowly became more cynical as time went on.
  • Aqua knows all too well about what happened during both the Sundering in Touma (in which her mother, Shenmei was killed and Anankos overthrew the King of Touma) and that her status as an outsider in Hoshido means that she is less than even a criminal. As such, she is an incredibly jaded and cynical individual. The only person in Hoshido who seems to genuinely care for her is her adopted sister Sakura. Despite this, Aqua has turned to sake as a way to escape from her problems.
  • The Awakening Trio (Lazwald/Inigo, Luna/Severa/ and Odin/Owain) are from the Future Past scenarios. After the conclusion of those scenarios, Exalt Lucina heard rumors of strange entities around the withered husk of the Mila Tree in Valm, and sent them to investigate. Said entity was Anankos, who struck a deal with the trio, saying that if they did what he asked, then he would restore the world to its previous state before Grima's crusade. However, while Anankos was able to restore the Awakening world, that act was enough to trigger the final phase of his degradation, trapping the Awakening trio in the world of fates with no way of returning as far as they knew. Over time, the trio began to see this world as their new home, and while they do wish to return to Ylisse, they have all but given up hope that they will.


Note: I personally felt that the children characters are incredibly forced in this game, however, I also feel that some of them are interesting enough to not completely ignore, so here are my headcanons for why (at least some of them) are still going to show up in my play-throughs.

  • Eponine is the adopted daughter and apprentice of Zero. Zero adopted her after he found her trying to steal from Prince Leon's caravan when he was touring Krakenburg (Nohr's capitol). Rather than let Leon kill the interloper, Zero convinced his Lord that Eponine could be useful, and took her in.
  • Lutz is Arthur's son (Arthur looks old enough to have a kid). They share a similar relationship to what Garcia and Ross had.
  • Deere is Joker's youngest brother. Seeking to emulate his brother, Deere started training to be a Rod Knight and Butler, though Joker strongly disapproves of this move.
  • Ophelia is an apprentice dark mage who is tutored by Odin. Being quite idealistic and naive, she took to his "spell hand" teachings with gusto.
  • Velour is a Garou from Flannel's village. She was lured out of the village despite Flannel's order to remain by the urge to find treasure
  • Matoi is a junior Pegasus Warrior who trained with Yuugiri and Hinoka. Her desire to be like the Hoshidoan Princess is what drives her urge to be perfect.
  • Both Kisargari and Shinonome are from the Yamoto's (surname of the Hoshidoan royals) branch family, making them related to the Hoshido royals. they take their role as the final guardians of the royal family incredibly seriously.
  • Kinu is a Fox Spirit from Nishiki's village, and like Velour, was lured away from it by the call of adventure
  • Midoriko is a traveling merchant. Originally orphaned by a faceless raid on her village, she was taken in by Saizou's clan and raised by Kaze. After coming of age, she set out with the goal to be the wealthiest merchant in Hoshido.
  • Sophie is Cyrus's younger sister. Both she and Cyrus were friends with Kamui in the past and she still harbors a small (around Oboro size, not Cordeila size) crush on him.

... I should really turn this into an actual fan fic at some point...

EDITS: just trying to clean up my grammar

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Some more ideas.

-Sumeragi and his family was invited to attend the independence ceremony of Chevalier from Nohr. The event was supposed to mark diplomatic progress between Nohr and its vassal states, as well as an effort to to ease tensions between Nohr and Hoshido. Sumeragi didn't trust Garon but he trusted the king of Chevalier, whom he had fought before and respected as a warrior. What Sumeragi didn't know was that Chevalier's independence was bought on the condition that they would betray Hoshido and allow Nohr to wipe out the Hoshidan royal family. Most of the Hoshidans there are slaughtered and Ryouma (age 13) witnesses the death of his father. Yuugiri was also present (age 23) and obtained her scar while protecting Mikoto.

-Ryouma has had an intense hatred of Nohr and Chevalier in particular since that incident. Initially he doesn't care about the suffering of innocents in Nohr but can be convinced by Kamui to acknowledge the good people in Nohr and support them after the war. Crimson, who is the daughter of the now late king of Chevalier, is desperate in her attempts to regain her country's honor after their betrayal. When she first meets Ryouma, he nearly kills her but eventually they become close during the events of the war and after she rescues Sakura from a group of Nohrians. If Crimson survives the events of the Hoshido route, she and Ryouma marry.

Well, here we go then. Warning, there is a lot of text.

World building (I'm just going to limit it to a few tidbits for Nohr and Hoshido)

  • Nohr's actual territory is ill-suited for farming, but contains several rich mineral nodes and the population contains some of the best blacksmiths in the world. This allows the Nohrian military to ensure that every soldier, whether noble or commoner, are very well equipped with high-quality steel weapons and armor.
  • The Nohrian levy system requires service from every man and woman over a certain age, meaning that the vast majority of population can quickly mobilize to fight.
  • Hoshido operates on a caste system that prevents social mobility except for in very pressing circumstances (hence why a lot of the retainers are nobles or otherwise high ranking members of their respective social standing. (i.e Asama being a high ranking priest)). This system also breeds contempt and racism towards outsiders, as their status outside of the system places them lower than even peasants.
  • Hoshido may have fertile farmland, but it is lacking in metals and other mineral resources. While members of the Samurai Caste are able to import metals from neutral powers (and certain Nohrian Vassals) west of the Infinite Chasm, most of their ashigaru (peasant soldiers) have to make do with inferior pig iron weapons.

Adults (Just limiting it to the royals and the three amigos. This is their what they are like at the start of the game in addition to their already established characters and they can change over the course of the game)

  • Camilla dotes on all her younger siblings as a way to attempt to cope with her role during the Concubine Wars (commonly refereed to as the waifu wars on this forum) she especially dotes on Kamui due to his status as an outsider to the cutthroat nature of Nohrian politics and sees him as someone who won't ever try to stab her in the back. She does have a bit of a drinking problem, needing at least one bottle of wine to get through the day.
  • Marx is painfully aware that the waifu wars were effectively triggered by his mother, Queen Ekaternia (i think that's how you spell it) and harbors a deep sense of survivors guilt, knowing that the vast majority of his extended family died because of his mother's actions. He doesn't show it though, bottling up his emotions and revealing almost nothing about how he really feels, even to his own family.
  • Leon is the most stable mentally of his siblings, if only because he knows constructive ways to deal with his emotions as opposed to lashing out during training (Marx) or drinking (Camilla).
  • Elise sometimes wishes her family wasn't so defensive of her, but she is aware that she is the linchpin holding the Plantagenets (Nohrian royal surname) together, so she keeps up the facade of being a happy, innocent child. Deep down, she is aware of her family's past and wishes that she could comfort her siblings more than by just being the happy little sister.
  • Ryoma is a strong believer in Hoshidoan superiority, but has a change of heart during the war, especially after during the abortive Chevalier Campaign and sees just how the rest of the world operates, realizing that several of Hoshido's societal and military traditions could condemn his kingdom to the ashes of history unless they change.
  • Hinoka spends the vast majority of her time in training, both martial and statecraft, to the point where she only really has a close relationship with Ryoma. As such, her relationship with her younger siblings is not as strong as it seems.
  • Takumi suffers from an extreme case of middle-child syndrome. In addition, the vast majority of importnat events in his life, including his birth, were overshadowed by Nohrian aggression that demanded his family's attention, leaving him with a negative view of Nohr and its people.
  • Sakura wants to believe that everyone in the world is good and kind. A view that her family and retainers encourage to help keep her innocence alive for as long as possible.
  • Kamui has a bit of a narcissistic streak to him due to being constantly coddled by both his blood and adopted families, a problem made worse by his naivety. Some of his naive nature, however, was lost when he had to claim his first life while reclaiming fortresses along the Infinite Chasm during chapter 3, and he slowly became more cynical as time went on.
  • Aqua knows all too well about what happened during both the Sundering in Touma (in which her mother, Shenmei was killed and Anankos overthrew the King of Touma) and that her status as an outsider in Hoshido means that she is less than even a criminal. As such, she is an incredibly jaded and cynical individual. The only person in Hoshido who seems to genuinely care for her is her adopted sister Sakura. Despite this, Aqua has turned to sake as a way to escape from her problems.
  • The Awakening Trio (Lazwald/Inigo, Luna/Severa/ and Odin/Owain) are from the Future Past scenarios. After the conclusion of those scenarios, Exalt Lucina heard rumors of strange entities around the withered husk of the Mila Tree in Valm, and sent them to investigate. Said entity was Anankos, who struck a deal with the trio, saying that if they did what he asked, then he would restore the world to its previous state before Grima's crusade. However, while Anankos was able to restore the Awakening world, that act was enough to trigger the final phase of his degradation, trapping the Awakening trio in the world of fates with no way of returning as far as they knew. Over time, the trio began to see this world as their new home, and while they do wish to return to Ylisse, they have all but given up hope that they will.


Note: I personally felt that the children characters are incredibly forced in this game, however, I also feel that some of them are interesting enough to not completely ignore, so here are my headcanons for why (at least some of them) are still going to show up in my play-throughs.

  • Eponine is the adopted daughter and apprentice of Zero. Zero adopted her after he found her trying to steal from Prince Leon's caravan when he was touring Krakenburg (Nohr's capitol). Rather than let Leon kill the interloper, Zero convinced his Lord that Eponine could be useful, and took her in.
  • Lutz is Arthur's son (Arthur looks old enough to have a kid). They share a similar relationship to what Garcia and Ross had.
  • Deere is Joker's youngest brother. Seeking to emulate his brother, Deere started training to be a Rod Knight and Butler, though Joker strongly disapproves of this move.
  • Ophelia is an apprentice dark mage who is tutored by Odin. Being quite idealistic and naive, she took to his "spell hand" teachings with gusto.
  • Velour is a Garou from Flannel's village. She was lured out of the village despite Flannel's order to remain by the urge to find treasure
  • Matoi is a junior Pegasus Warrior who trained with Yuugiri and Hinoka. Her desire to be like the Hoshidoan Princess is what drives her urge to be perfect.
  • Both Kisargari and Shinonome are from the Yamoto's (surname of the Hoshidoan royals) branch family, making them related to the Hoshido royals. they take their role as the final guardians of the royal family incredibly seriously.
  • Kinu is a Fox Spirit from Nishiki's village, and like Velour, was lured away from it by the call of adventure
  • Midoriko is a traveling merchant. Originally orphaned by a faceless raid on her village, she was taken in by Saizou's clan and raised by Kaze. After coming of age, she set out with the goal to be the wealthiest merchant in Hoshido.
  • Sophie is Cyrus's younger sister. Both she and Cyrus were friends with Kamui in the past and she still harbors a small (around Oboro size, not Cordeila size) crush on him.

... I should really turn this into an actual fan fic at some point...

EDITS: just trying to clean up my grammar

You should. Those are some solid ideas.

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