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Some more ideas.

-Sumeragi and his family was invited to attend the independence ceremony of Chevalier from Nohr. The event was supposed to mark diplomatic progress between Nohr and its vassal states, as well as an effort to to ease tensions between Nohr and Hoshido. Sumeragi didn't trust Garon but he trusted the king of Chevalier, whom he had fought before and respected as a warrior. What Sumeragi didn't know was that Chevalier's independence was bought on the condition that they would betray Hoshido and allow Nohr to wipe out the Hoshidan royal family. Most of the Hoshidans there are slaughtered and Ryouma (age 13) witnesses the death of his father. Yuugiri was also present (age 23) and obtained her scar while protecting Mikoto.

-Ryouma has had an intense hatred of Nohr and Chevalier in particular since that incident. Initially he doesn't care about the suffering of innocents in Nohr but can be convinced by Kamui to acknowledge the good people in Nohr and support them after the war. Crimson, who is the daughter of the now late king of Chevalier, is desperate in her attempts to regain her country's honor after their betrayal. When she first meets Ryouma, he nearly kills her but eventually they become close during the events of the war and after she rescues Sakura from a group of Nohrians. If Crimson survives the events of the Hoshido route, she and Ryouma marry.


I like these

Also I'd read that fic

Edited by Thor Odinson
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heh, those are some really interesting ones xD so here's mine.

Leon can play the piano while Takumi can play the koto.

Leon actually has a brother around his age but died during the concubine wars. (Don;t ask why because I don't know either.... random idea)

Jakob is joker's real name but changed it to joker after meeting Kamui.

Leon has poor atk and def growth.

M!Kanna is the most adorable thing in Fates universe.

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Did someone say headcanon...? Because I'm pretty sure I heard someone say headcanon.

It just keeps pouring out! Someone make it stop!

Even more ideas.

-Marx had two older brothers but they both died in the war that began after Kamui was kidnapped.

-Camilla had one older brother who died in a duel. Camilla killed several half-siblings in the Waifu Wars.

-Leon was an only child and had a pampered and happy childhood.

-Elise was used as a tool by her mother and never really cared about her as a person.

Takumi is always trying to flirt with Camilla but whenever he gets close to her, udon starts flowing out of his pockets.

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Here are some of mine:

- Ryouma secretly thinks up names for his special sword techniques. Since he isn't as crazy as Odin he doesn't shout them out loud, but he definitly does it inside his head. Sometimes he accidently starts letting one slip (Which is why one of his Crit quotes is "OUGI!!!") before catching himself. If he could he would shout like a Tales of character on the battlefield.

- Since Marx has the best handwriting of the army I have it in my head that he is very deft with his fingers. As such he can knit, sew and embroider like a champ, and is in fact the one who taught Camilla (who had to swear not to reveal it to anyone else).

- Camilla is actually very good at intrigue and plotting. It was actually her who managed to get the concubines shut down (including her own mum, who was abusive).

- Hinoka used to insist on dressing like a boy until she was around 16. Visits by foreign delegates would usually end in disaster when they addressed her as 'Prince Takumi' and Takumi became 'Princess Hinoka'. Mikoto just found it amusing.

- Leon is a complete neat freak in all areas of life. He is very insistent on having a daily bath, and if he cannot get it (such as during war) he feels like he is dying. People who enter his room with dirty shoes quickly find themselves regretting it (as in they get slapped by tree branches).

- Takumi still owns some of the dolls he used to play with as a child (from his supports with Orochi), but they are hidden within several locked boxes in the very back of his closet. So far no one has found them (not that Hinata hasn't tried), but it's really just a matter of time, seeing as he usually takes them out at night whenever he has a nightmare.

- Speaking of nightmares; Since Takumi has them quite often and has trouble falling back to sleep afterwards, he is usually sleep deprived and makes up the difference by drinking at least half a dozen cups of tea a day.

- Elise quite literally runs on sugar and candy, managing to manipulate everyone around her into giving her all kinds of sweets. It's gotten to the point where she has to eat almost twice as much candy as other children to even come close to experiencing a sugar high.

- Sakura is completely unafraid of spiders, even thinking some of them cute. Meanwhile the rest of the family absolutely cannot stand them, so Sakura always has to insist on them being taken outside instead of crushed.

That's enough for now I think.

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^ Wow I really like those

The only headcannon I have at the moment is

-Tsukuyomi and Nishiki Both being really arrogant which causes them to argue a lot with each other. Nishiki always calls Tsukuyomi a dumb little kid wich leads to Tsukuyomi testing out his magic on Nishiki's tail.

But eventually they open up to each other and become best friends even though they won't admit it themselves. (sort of like a Doug/Dylas relation from Rune Factory 4)

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^ Wow I really like those

The only headcannon I have at the moment is

-Tsukuyomi and Nishiki Both being really arrogant which causes them to argue a lot with each other. Nishiki always calls Tsukuyomi a dumb little kid wich leads to Tsukuyomi testing out his magic on Nishiki's tail.

But eventually they open up to each other and become best friends even though they won't admit it themselves. (sort of like a Doug/Dylas relation from Rune Factory 4)

Doug x Dylas OTP

The only headcannon I have is that

[spoiler= ]if you marry Kisaragi or Shinonome, they find out you aren't related from Takumi/Ryouma before they propose.

...Even if they don't, I'm still going to marry Kisaragi ineveryfileexceptnohr. He's my favourite Fates exclusive character ~ <3 (Inigo is my overall favourite.)

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Did someone say headcanon...? Because I'm pretty sure I heard someone say headcanon.

It just keeps pouring out! Someone make it stop!

Even more ideas.

-Marx had two older brothers but they both died in the war that began after Kamui was kidnapped.

-Camilla had one older brother who died in a duel. Camilla killed several half-siblings in the Waifu Wars.

-Leon was an only child and had a pampered and happy childhood.

-Elise was used as a tool by her mother and never really cared about her as a person.

Takumi is always trying to flirt with Camilla but whenever he gets close to her, udon starts flowing out of his pockets.

The last one though.

Honestly I imagine Camilla is motherly to just about anyone when she isn't hitting on boys. When people slip and call her "mom" on accident she no longer minds. Mommamilla? Camommy? Momilla...

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In Hoshido, they have friendly tournaments for the Samurai Caste and Nobles to test their skills with weaponry, but everyone is given a regular bronze weapon to ensure that it's a trial of skill. Ryoma and Hinoka always do really well and almost always win grand finals, but Takumi struggles to make semi-finals in the Archery tournaments because using the Fuujin Bow is very different to using other Yumi (heavier, the arrow's don't have drop-off, different drawing techniques ETC), which is why he doesn't think much of himself in terms of archery talents and is jealous of Kisaragi's talents with a bow.

Edited by Phillius
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Camilla killed several half-siblings in the Waifu Wars.

Yoooo i dig this one loads. There could be a lot of implication for this and i think im gonna subscribe to it.

All the yaoi Eponine reads is FE yaoi.

Her favorite couple is Legault x Heath, but she loves Jugdral yaoi sagas that span more than 3 books.

Hah i like this one too! She enjoys a retelling of the Ribald Tales Of The Faith War.

Well, here we go then. Warning, there is a lot of text.

World building (I'm just going to limit it to a few tidbits for Nohr and Hoshido)

  • Nohr's actual territory is ill-suited for farming, but contains several rich mineral nodes and the population contains some of the best blacksmiths in the world. This allows the Nohrian military to ensure that every soldier, whether noble or commoner, are very well equipped with high-quality steel weapons and armor.
  • The Nohrian levy system requires service from every man and woman over a certain age, meaning that the vast majority of population can quickly mobilize to fight.
  • Hoshido operates on a caste system that prevents social mobility except for in very pressing circumstances (hence why a lot of the retainers are nobles or otherwise high ranking members of their respective social standing. (i.e Asama being a high ranking priest)). This system also breeds contempt and racism towards outsiders, as their status outside of the system places them lower than even peasants.
  • Hoshido may have fertile farmland, but it is lacking in metals and other mineral resources. While members of the Samurai Caste are able to import metals from neutral powers (and certain Nohrian Vassals) west of the Infinite Chasm, most of their ashigaru (peasant soldiers) have to make do with inferior pig iron weapons.

Ooooiiiii dig this one!!

- Sakura is completely unafraid of spiders, even thinking some of them cute. Meanwhile the rest of the family absolutely cannot stand them, so Sakura always has to insist on them being taken outside instead of crushed.

That's enough for now I think.

Yes i like this. Good, good. I also have this headcanon that Sakura does not have a problem with the sight of blood and guts. She gets sad because she doesnt like the idea of other people suffering.

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Honestly I imagine Camilla is motherly to just about anyone when she isn't hitting on boys. When people slip and call her "mom" on accident she no longer minds. Mommamilla? Camommy? Momilla...

Yeah same, I also have one about Ryouma being dad (he took on family dad's role due to Sumeragi's early demise) and Takumi and Sakura probably both called him dad at some point (Hinoka's probably too old/close to Ryouma's age to do that)

I also imagine smol young Takumi telling Ryouma YOU'RE NOT MY DAD at some point too and then Ryouma reminds him that just 3 days ago Takumi accidentally did, in fact, call Ryouma dad

which is why I wish their support was more about being their siblings' honorary mom/dad instead of the shitty kamui thing, alas

I also headcanon that Ryouma may not always have been so meditatively serious, but Sumeragi's death forced him to grow up and mature faster than he had to otherwise, and his temper sometimes seen in nohr route is whatever's remnant from those days.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Yeah same, I also have one about Ryouma being dad (he took on family dad's role due to Sumeragi's early demise) and Takumi and Sakura probably both called him dad at some point (Hinoka's probably too old/close to Ryouma's age to do that)

I also imagine smol young Takumi telling Ryouma YOU'RE NOT MY DAD at some point too and then Ryouma reminds him that just 3 days ago Takumi accidentally did, in fact, call Ryouma dad

which is why I wish their support was more about being their siblings' honorary mom/dad instead of the shitty kamui thing, alas

I also headcanon that Ryouma may not always have been so meditatively serious, but Sumeragi's death forced him to grow up and mature faster than he had to otherwise, and his temper sometimes seen in nohr route is whatever's remnant from those days.

this headcanon is too gud

i need fanfiction

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Yeah same, I also have one about Ryouma being dad (he took on family dad's role due to Sumeragi's early demise) and Takumi and Sakura probably both called him dad at some point (Hinoka's probably too old/close to Ryouma's age to do that)

I also imagine smol young Takumi telling Ryouma YOU'RE NOT MY DAD at some point too and then Ryouma reminds him that just 3 days ago Takumi accidentally did, in fact, call Ryouma dad

which is why I wish their support was more about being their siblings' honorary mom/dad instead of the shitty kamui thing, alas

I also headcanon that Ryouma may not always have been so meditatively serious, but Sumeragi's death forced him to grow up and mature faster than he had to otherwise, and his temper sometimes seen in nohr route is whatever's remnant from those days.

y e s

I don't imagine it'd be locked tight. Not too long did Ryouma stop being called anything but "Lobster dad."

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While on the topic of Ryouma, I like to imagine he kind of has a thing for Wyvern Riders. (My two favorite pairs for Ryouma are Crimson WHICH ISn"T BLOODY POSSIBLE and Camilla. Both ride Wyverns.)

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Here is a silly headcanon that I have:

Baby Youkos, Garou and Dragons (like Kanna) randomly transform as they can’t control the shift. Example: One moment everyone see Kamui carrying baby Kinu, but minutes later they see Kamui carrying a little puppy.

Also... I don't know others but I think that:

Oboro literally kicked her way into the Hoshido Army, like one day she appeared and scared everyone, so their let her join.

What would be the side effect for Ryoma?

...Wait a second.

What if the Raijin Katana is so powerful that it saps the life of the person who uses it? After all, Sumeragi died pretty early on, and that was initially his sword, right?

Now imagine Ryoma's slowly decreasing his life span, and no one's aware...

I thought something like that, but with Brunhilde because of Dark Magic, then I feel bad for Leon.

With Ryoma my first thing was a situation similar that Hector with Armads, that can fit for the Nohr route, and in the others two, he being to aware of it and searching a way to avoid the bad fate.

And in case of Marx, maybe stubbornness can be a thing, as he sounds very stubborn in the game as he didn't wanted to acept that Garon was bad (and I remember that in a translation of the Hoshido route he said something similar to "maybe father will come back to normal if we do what he wants"), and even didn't wanting to hear Kamui in the third route

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Some more miscellaneous head canon.

-Hoshido has a much higher population density than Nohr, thanks to their high amounts of produce. While they could theoretically put up an army of similar size to Nohr, only the Samurai caste is allowed to carry weapons (although the spiritual caste can use batons and spells and ninja are not officially recognized). This means only a small percentage of the fighting men are trained fighters.

-Kinu is vain and obsessed with fashion (she immediately becomes friends with Oboro). She loves playing tricks on and manipulating humans so she spends almost all of her time living amongst them. She likes to seduce men so they buy her expensive clothes, and then she disappears in a flurry of leaves. All spirit fox possess illusionary powers, and they use their magic to turn their mountain into a Lost Woods.

If Kinu were just a copy of Holo instead of PLAY TIME, I'd marry her forty times. That's as many as four tens. And that would have been great.

The last one though.

Honestly I imagine Camilla is motherly to just about anyone when she isn't hitting on boys. When people slip and call her "mom" on accident she no longer minds. Mommamilla? Camommy? Momilla...

Mommamilla is the canon mother of the Mario brothers.

Oboro literally kicked her way into the Hoshido Army, like one day she appeared and scared everyone, so their let her join.

I can imagine Oboro showing up at a barracks one day and having an encounter like:

Samurai: Hey, who are you? You're not supposed to be here!

Oboro: What do you mean I'm "not supposed to be here"? *Oboro face intensifies*

Samurai: W-what I mean is that... uh, take this naginata. Is two enough? In fact, take them all!

Edited by NekoKnight
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I'm listing this one separately because compared to the rest of my personal headcanons, this one is particularly strange.

Hinoka - She identifies as an attack helicopter. However, since she was born well before the Industrial Revolution, she realized she would never be able to live her life as she deeply wishes she could, but she was not deterred by this fact. In order for her to at least come close to expressing herself like she believed she was deep inside, she decided to train to become a Pegasus Warrior so she could experience flight. She even dyed her hair bright red (her natural hair color is actually more like a chestnut brown) and started wearing bright red clothing to match the fiery red color she would have had herself be painted. After her training, during her off time, she would even take her flying steed on rides high up in the sky and practice twirling her lance like the rotors of the flying machine she inspires to be. She secretly considers that moment in the trailer to be one of her greatest accomplishments: To have performed so graceful yet fierce.

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Here is another one I have been working on.

Nohr, in direct contrast to Hoshido's caste system, operates under a meritocratic society. This system is what allows commoners and criminals who prove themselves to elevate their social status to the point where they serve the royal family and are allowed in on national secrets. I.E: Gunther was born a commoner, yet due to his ability, he is not just promoted to Royal Knight and given the role of the guardian of one of Nohr's royals but also is privy to what has to be one of Nohr's best kept secrets, the existence of Kamui. If this was Hoshido, Gunther would be lucky to be the commander for an ashigaru unit, let alone the guardian/tutor for a royal. The disadvantage of this system is that Nohr's society has taken the idea of meritocracy to its logical conclusion. Nohrian society has zero tolerance for failure, whether personal or implied, and it is not uncommon for duels to break out between disgraced leaders and angry subordinates. Typically, if the winner of the duel was the subordinate, he/she will obtain all the power that their superior had and move up the social ladder. Naturally, these duels are to the death. This was originally born during one of the original famines that have plagued early Nohr, the shortage of food led to infighting among both commoner and nobility alike, leading to only the strongest (or perhaps well equipped and led groups) surviving. All strata of Nohrian society, from the crime dens of Krakenburg's Underground District, all the way up to the Royal Family themselves, follow this extreme form of meritocracy. Whenever Nohr integrates a new conquest into the Greater Nohrian Empire, it is only a matter of time before the conquered people begin to mimic Nohr's cutthroat system. The reason for this is similar to the reason why a lot of Roman conquests began to adopt Roman traditions and societal structure, they saw the wealth and success it provided, so they copy it for themselves.

This societal aspect was one of the many causes of the Concubine Wars (waifu wars) as Queen Ekaternia triggered infighting among the extended royal family, as she believed that one of the concubine's offspring could threaten the designated heir (Xander) and win. The other concubines, whether goaded on by the Queen or sensing her own weakness, committed both themselves and their children to the fight for dominance, and we all know the result of that...

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I can imagine Oboro showing up at a barracks one day and having an encounter like:

Samurai: Hey, who are you? You're not supposed to be here!

Oboro: What do you mean I'm "not supposed to be here"? *Oboro face intensifies*

Samurai: W-what I mean is that... uh, take this naginata. Is two enough? In fact, take them all!

Yes! Something like that! She probably pointed the first naginata in a menacing way to the poor samurai... It would be funny if said samurai was Hinata, but probably that wasn't possible x]

Btw now that I mentioned Hinata, when I was writing a chapter of my fanfic... I started to think that he probably is that types of people that just couldn't keep his mouth closed. Not in the way Odin does, but in the form that Hinata is unable to stop saying what he thinks, while he is in front/near the people that he is talking about

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The in-game confirm headcanon

- Ryouma and Crimson (IK)

- Oboro have a crush on Takumi

- Tsubaki and Luna (IK --- support between Luna and Matoi is unique)

- Saizou and Kagerou (I heard that they were lover once)

I have to be honest: I don't like Oboro and Takumi pairing (am I the only one to find Oboro not so beautiful?) I still find her cute, it's just her look (the problem is only her expression).


- Tsubaki and Luna

- Takumi and Kamui

- Ricken (I don't know how to spell his name in Fates) and Nyx

That's all.

PS: I don't hate Oboro.

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I've got some alternate history....

Nohr and Hoshido were both under the colonial rule of the agressively expansionist Touma less than a generation ago. Touma's iron-fisted, unjust rule and flat-out racism of it's immigrants and forcibly imposed greedy and corrupt governors sowed the seeds of a revolt after nearly a century of mistreatment and hardship. Hoshido and Nohr had never really interacted much before then, but banded together to rebel against Touma.

The people of Nohr rallied behind the handsome and charismatic Garon, with a military mind like a steel trap, who was a hero amongst native Nohrians, for he and his highly illegal militia were the only things keeping neighboring nations and bandits at bay, which had been plauging the borders for many years.

The people of Hoshido presented General Sumeragi, a man of few words and great character, as their leader. Although he had a high status in Touma as a war hero and even had a wife from the offending country, he saw that what Touma was doing to his people was wrong and needed to be stopped. However, his wife did have him wrapped around her finger...

The uprising began and things were looking up for Nohr and Hoshido, but when Garon's friend, advisor, and spy on Touma, Lago Macbeth (it's a great name for him so I made it his surname, a shame they changed it, really) reported that Touma was sending in it's trump card, their dragon ruler Anakos, everything went down hill fast for the rebellion. Soldiers were deserting left and right, fearing retribution from the mighty dragon of legend. The remains of the armies of Nohr and Hoshido were exhausted and lacked resources. Sumeragi's wife pleaded for him to stop the uprising for the sake of his people, and of his young son. Finally Sumeragi caved and summoned his army back to the capital rather than to the rallying point that Garon had set up. Sumeragi's wife sent word to Touma that Hoshido had quelled it's rebellious ways, and they were pardoned for their treason if they helped invade Nohr along with Anakos and his army.

Sumeragi was enraged at the notion of invading Nohr. There was only so far he would go. However, while he was above invading Nohr, he was not above lying. He promised to help Anakos invade Nohr in hopes that Touma would send a smaller army in hopes that without Hodhido's support Garon would be able to successfully fend off Touma.

Luckily he was correct in the end, but not until after Garon and Nohr had suffered heavy losses and Anakos had devastated Nohr's landscape to a nearly uninhabitable state. But the strong and stoic people of Nohr slowly began to rebuild with Garon as their king. Garon and Nohr never forgave Sumeragi for backing out on them, and that's what caused Garon to kill Sumeragi at their meeting.

Oh and also Ryoma and Xander were friends as children when the war was going on. They practiced swordsmanship and watched the soldiers drill while their fathers discussed strategy.

I have a feeling that had a lot of loose ends and the phrasing was awkward but I was just trying to get my half-assed thoughts down.

E: More stuff

So Mikoto takes over after Sumeragi dies and everyone loves her and lovingly refers to her as "Mother Mikoto" but she is a terrible ruler and the country is in a giant economic depression and merchants (Hoshido's main source of revenue due to Nohr's need for resources) are forced to ram up their prices on goods. This is seen as a direct attack on Nohr by Nohrians, but they are only half wrong because Hoshido is still bitter over Sumeragi's death even though they know what he did was wrong.

Also Hoshido's isolationism was in part caused by their shame and guilt for turning their backs on Nohr and also because they got a bit of a nasty rep for it.

And finally the meeting between Garon and Sumeragi was meant to be a gesture of goodwill and trust (Garon let Sumeragi enter Chevalier, a Nohrian state, and Sumeragi brought his son along with him).

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Corrin x Crimson because I want all children possible and because she deserves someone at least. Especially with that crummy IK deal she got.

Still annoyed she cannot S Rank anyone else like Ryoma. Seems like IK is the reason she got hit hard with lack of supports when realistically she should have gotten a bunch.

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I want to think Yuugiri and Yukimura have an affair.

Mikoto used to punch Yukimura in the face and do wrestling moves on him while also screaming his name.

Yuugiri x Yukimura should just happen

I got the mental image of Mikoto suplexing mura now thanks

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