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FE10 HM LTC (expected ~125 turns)



34 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I restart the run with to bring in transfers from PoR (won't take long to redo)?

    • Yes, we need to have everything optimized to get the minimum turn count!
    • No, there's no reason to do that!
  2. 2. What limits would you put on the FE9 run?

    • None! Max everything out (without cheating)!
    • Do it in the context of an FE9 HM LTC!
    • Something else? (suggest in comments)
  3. 3. What level of RNG abuse would you prefer to see in this playthrough?

    • Minimal amount required to get the lowest number of turns
    • Minimal amount required to get the lowest number of turns and grab as many items as possible on each map
    • Maximize EXP/item gain to the fullest extent

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4-2 has a bunch of pacifists / stationary units, right? I'm really hoping these Part-4 LTC strats work out and that ### will have vids up soon. I always hate those bigass rout chapters and seeing them cleared in 2 or 3 turns is always a sight to see.

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Chiki's EM videos should be good enough for HM actually. The only map that is really different is 4-1 (because there are a bunch of different priests with staves) (and maybe 4-P), while 4-2, 4-3 and 4-4 are almost identical.

Yes,I will do it ,but I still on 3-E now :sob:

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I've noticed that my Nolan is going to have a particularly low EXP gain (probably something like 9.30 by the end of 1-4), and I have the opportunity to redo 1-1 and get an extra kill for him (take it away from Leonardo). Is this particularly important? I remember during previous "beta" tests of various chapters using a promoted Nolan (at level 10), but is this actually necessary anywhere? I don't believe it is, but feel free to correct me.

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My new computer setup has paid off pretty well! I can do the resets lightning fast (and I've semi-automated them with the help of TAS input and scripting), and I've already got a clear of Chapter 1-2! Pretty standard, except that I was a little bit riskier to give Micaiah more EXP than normal, since she is so far behind where I normally have her.

Micaiah is now at 2.69 or something like that, and Edward hit level 7.

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Yes,I will do it ,but I still on 3-E now :sob:

sorry,I didn't record 4-3 NM :sweatdrop:

Sigrun must ORKO the warrior southwest(killer axe)in my strategy

Yes, Chiki is redoing 4-P so there is enough bonus experience for Sigrun, Mia, Lucia, Calill and Tanith to all promote. Sigrun is very important for 4-3.

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Been doing some experimenting for later chapters and noted the following:

Regarding the 2 turn clear of 1-4, Ilyana has to aggro and crit kill one of the bosses on turn 2 EP. The boss is at "Best" biorhythm (can't be altered) when he attacks, and Chiki claims that his hit chance (not true) on Ilyana is 98%. However, after working the math out for myself, I've realized that this 98% hit rate is only the case if Ilyana has transfers (Spd and Luck), has leveled once (with Speed and Luck procs), and is in "Good" Biorhythm.

This also proves definitively, I guess, that it's not possible to achieve the same turn counts with an FE10 HM LTC without transfers. It does not, however, rule out a combined LTC with FE9 from meeting the same turn counts, since one can replace Soren with Ilyana as the primary mage for the playthrough.

EDIT: when I say not true above, I don't mean that Chiki is wrong; I just mean that it's not "true hit;" just in case anyone misunderstood that. Also, I suppose it doesn't prove anything definitively, since you could nominally give Ilyana the Dracoshield during the base to make up for her lack of transfers and then get her a level in 1-3 with HP and Def procs, or immediately afterwards with BEXP (I don't think she quite needs the Mag proc, though that along with Speed certainly make the clear more manageable)

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Hey, quick question for you guys. I just finished recording 1-5 and realized that I forgot to take off Zihark's HP transfer! In fact, I didn't edit the original transfer file at all, with the exception of adding in Ilyana's HP transfer. Would you guys mind if I took Zihark's HP transfer away once he joins the party in 1-6, or would you prefer that I reroute the chapter?

Similarly, I noticed that the other Seraph Robes were given to Haar and Nephenee. Haar doesn't really mind having it, but I'm thinking of taking Nephenee's away to give it to Marcia (this can be done at the beginning of the chapters where they join, respectively).

Alternatively, if you guys are uncomfortable with the Zihark issue, I can also remove Haar's HP transfer, so that it nominally went to Zihark. What do you guys think?

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Progress on this run has been going astoundingly well since I set up my new operation, but I'm now running into the unlikeliest roadblock: hard drive space. Seriously these files are huge! The 1-5 clear is well over 60 GB. I can't upload this stuff nearly as fast as I've been able to route and record it, and while I still have plenty of space of my PC for the moment (after wiping all the Shadow Dragon videos from computer), I fear that I'm soon going to be out of space to record. Not sure what will happen then.

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Btw, assuming a 1-3 3 turn is impossible, none of your trivial improvements matter since 40 is the lowest possible turncount for Part 1. Also, assuming a 1-3 3 turn is impossible, you won't be able to improve on Chiki's playthrough at all, since he already got the lowest turncounts.

I love how this guy can state blatant lies so confidently. I wish I could do that.

Anyway, expected turn count for Part 1 is 37 or 38 turns (probably the latter). Excited to share!

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I love how this guy can state blatant lies so confidently. I wish I could do that.

Anyway, expected turn count for Part 1 is 37 or 38 turns (probably the latter). Excited to share!

If you're so excited to share them, then why don't you share them, instead of keeping the strategies to yourself?

1-P: Impossible, Edward doesn't have the speed to double the boss (he needs 2 levels to do so).

1-1: Impossible for obvious reasons.

1-2: Impossible for obvious reasons.

1-3: Probably the most possible since it's like one shove away, but still likely impossible.

1-4: Impossible for obvious reasons.

1-5: Defend chapter.

1-6-1: Impossible since 3 is the first turn your units can reach the enemies in the northwest corner.

1-6-2: Impossible since 2 is the first turn your units can reach the boss.

1-7: Impossible for reasons dondon already told you.

1-8: Impossible for obvious reasons.

1-9: Impossible, Micaiah goes as far as she can and it takes too long for Jared to appear.

1-E: Impossible for obvious reasons.

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Progress on this run has been going astoundingly well since I set up my new operation, but I'm now running into the unlikeliest roadblock: hard drive space. Seriously these files are huge! The 1-5 clear is well over 60 GB. I can't upload this stuff nearly as fast as I've been able to route and record it, and while I still have plenty of space of my PC for the moment (after wiping all the Shadow Dragon videos from computer), I fear that I'm soon going to be out of space to record. Not sure what will happen then.

You should choose a codec to compress the file and radically reduce its size.

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The playthrough is currently at a fairly volatile state as I go back to redo things in order to optimize EXP gain and save BEXP, save gold, etc. Sometimes I rerecord the videos for this stuff, and sometimes I figure it's too trivial to bother (i.e. removing Zihark's HP transfer and picking up the Wind Edge in 1-5) when I can just add comments in the notes. I'm probably not going to post videos until I clear 1-E just so that we don't go back into the cycle of me continuing to repost old chapters as I find minor improvements.

In any case, uploading the videos is a huge pain, but should be significantly easier once I return to college and have access to massive bandwidth for uploads. This is in about 3 weeks time, which should give me plenty of time to finish up Part 1 (and maybe Part 2).

By the way, I just realized that I missed a hidden item earlier in the playthrough (as in I had someone standing there, but they didn't pick it up). However, after going back to that state, try as I might, Jill refused to pick up the item for some reason (after many resets). She was at normal Biorhythm too, so I was very confused. Can fliers not pick up hidden items or something? Or can they not after attacking an enemy unit? I tried the same thing with Sothe, and he managed to pick it up on the first try, as expected. Am I missing something here?

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but after doing some more preliminary calculations, I've realized that money isn't as big of an issue as I thought it would be going into this playthrough (especially for the Dawn Brigade). Depending on my mood over the next few hours (and whatever you guys tell me), I may be willing to restart from 1-6 and spend some extra cash to reduce RNG odds of various things (primarily extra forging on Sothe's knives for less reliance on Adept activation) so that I can put Micaiah in more dangerous positions and gain her more EXP, thus saving BEXP. I haven't really been following Chiki's run too closely since I was mostly preoccupied with FE7, but based on his recent posts, it seems like not having enough BEXP in Part 4 is an issue for him, and I'm hoping to avoid that problem when I get there.

Despite not getting much EXP early on, my Micaiah is already well ahead of the game though, clearing 1-5 at level 10 thanks to Wrath-critting basically the whole map (not as RNG reliant as you think with Sothe support and/or ledge advantages), so if I do this, I might very well be able to get to run through 1-9 without spending any BEXP on Micaiah at all! (except what I spent before 1-4 to push her up to level 4).

Any thoughts on whether or not this is a good idea?

EDIT: Still not planning on buying the Spirit Dust, since only Sanaki can really make use of it (or maybe Elincia for Rescue staff range, but I have no idea if that will come up or not); Micaiah and Laura certainly don't need it. Furthermore, I already get at least 1 more Spirit Dust from 3-E (Boyd and Mist A support) and possibly another one from 3-9 (not sure if I'll be able to pick it up), so forking out 8k of gold on it seems like a waste of money.

EDIT 2: On the other hand (regarding where to spend surplus money), it's probably better just to forge a good Light tome so that Micaiah doesn't need to wrath-crit things and can just kill them with regular doubles. I'm probably going to have her use something like this in 1-9 anyway (Ellight more expensive with almost no benefits, since I don't believe Micaiah's WEXP matters that much), so might as well buy it for her now.

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He is lying (he has been known to lie before).

1-6-1 is impossible to 2-turn: Sothe needs 10 shoves on Turn 1 to be able to kill the priest on Turn 2, which is impossible since you only have 8 shoves (Aran, Nolan, Edward, Leonardo, Volug, Meg, Tauroneo, Zihark), and the path is blocked by an Armor Knight which makes it even more impossible. Promoted Jill with 9 move cannot reach, either.

Alternatively, you can shove 3 times on Turn 2, but the thickets in the path to shoving Sothe prevent you from being able to reach him. This is the best you can do:


If Zihark shoves first, Volug cannot reach Sothe. If Volug shoves first, Zihark cannot reach Sothe.


Details coming soon!

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Guess this means I was right and sub-130 is indeed possible.

He is lying (he has been known to lie before).

Whatever. This makes having the last laugh more enjoyable anyway.

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Oh, I forgot to mention this for 56285028's purposes (though he has probably already figured this out):

This clear is impossible in the JP version of the game since Eddie and Leo have lower base stats. In particular, Leo can't crit kill the fighters, and Eddie can't get enough EXP to reach the Str/Spd procs to ORKO Isaiya.

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holy fuck I can actually run Rudys videos at 720p60fps on this computer. Its so ridiculously pretty that I feel inadequate having a(n abandoned) run of my own at the mere sight of it!
Im usually one to call BS, but I know the kind of BS & luck one has to go through with the endless amount of resetting just to make every movement count (especially when I dont have the patience on an average LTC on-console).


Bet your ass itll happen.

Also, how do you, like, apostrophe on an American keyboard~

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