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Tips for Lunatic+


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So I'm on chapter 24 of my lunatic classic play through, as I want to unlock Lunatic classic, and from what i have played from Lunatic, I know that I DEFINITELY need tips to take on the levels 1,2 and 3.

What I also want is what characters are possibly the best for Lunatic+



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For Lunatic Plus, it really is the same concept as Lunatic. Try the same strategies you used, but it is based more on pure luck. And Frederick will be needed for those first few chapters again lol.

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NO! NO! Lunatic mode does pretty much little to nothing in preparing you Lunatic +. I disagree that the mode is purely based on luck. Aside from the random crits from the barbarians in prologue to chapter 2, there really is no "luck" that you have to depend on. Once you roll a map, enemy skills are already set and will not change, and YOU need to prepare accordingly to face those enemies since you already know what skills the enemies have.

-I would strongly advise you to make use of Robin's veteran skill and try to overlevel him. I suggest making it female so Chrom can support her and make powerful Morgan and Lucina.

-Chrom is required for every chapter, so make use of his excellent support abilities

-Use Fred for early chapters, try not to give too many kills to him. He falls of very quickly.

-Lissa will be your best staffbot due to availability.

-Morgan and Lucina will be excellent units for your team.

Stick to a small team so more resources can be used on them.

Edited by Mujuju
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Well, Apotheosis kinda gives you a sneak peak into what Luna + will throw at you. However, by the time you are there, you already have access to all the resources: DLC, every character, forged weapons, etc. With rally units and grinded characters, Apotheosis should be a breeze at what Luna + throws at you.

Luna + however throws you into a mess with underwhelming units against enemies with vastly superior stats, weapon ranks, and higher tier weapons with very, very little resources available. You have very little to work with, so you need to take advantage whatever resources are available.

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Some tips to help prepare for it:

1. Remember to prioritize training Robin during early game (Prologue to Chapter 4) -- Lunatic+ is NOT Frederick Emblem unlike vanilla Lunatic. Robin has a ranged attack, can walk on water as a Tactician (Chrom can also walk on water as a Lord), has excellent growths all around before Asset/Flaw are applied and gets increased experience gain while paired up thanks to the Veteran skill.

2. Unless you're feeling very masochistic, don't have Flaw set to Speed, HP or Defense.

3. Clear a save file with max Renown before starting a new file. This will allow you to have at least 109,999 gold for FREE if you sell off the large bullion and the Supreme Emblem rewards after clearing Chapter 3 (as well as getting quite a few other useful goodies like a Second Seal, statboosters, and Celica's Gale).

4. If you intend to abuse DLC maps right after Chapter 4, it may be good to have several preferably maxed out units saved into your Logbook for breaking the game easily (such as by clearing Infinite Regalia or Golden Gaffe easily for the Silver Card and gold). Just keep in mind that you can only recruit up to 20 Logbook units.

5. If you need an easy supply of weapons, you can always summon a Spotpass team to buy goods from, such as Fortify staff, Celica's Gale, etc., assuming that the unit in question will be able to use the weapon

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There's 2 main strategies/approaches that fairly reliably does L+ past the hellish earlygame that I know of, they're nogrind strats

If you're into lowmanning, going on the defensive with an all-bow team works since it gets around counter, so the next most dangerous skill becomes the hawkeye-Luna+ combo. Sol's still quite useful here because once the enemies box you in they'll start hitting you from 2 range and that's something you can use Sol to tank. I ran this set with a +Str MU mainly out of persona preference for +Str (+Def and to a smaller extent, +Spd will still give you the easiest start) but +Str does have the nice bonus of letting you roll through Hero easily since it oneshots everything without Pavise+ from 7-10. This runs Chrom x Femu.

Another one that I haven't personally done but is tested and proven is MaMU x Cordelia and Chrom x Sumia maximum Galeforce team. This one prioritises offense over defense and just eliminates all trouble enemies before they become too much trouble.

For grind runs I found that having just 2-3 galeforce bow users utterly trivialises the entire second half of the game bar like, chapter 23 or something

Edited by Thor Odinson
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There's 2 main strategies/approaches that fairly reliably does L+ past the hellish earlygame that I know of, they're nogrind strats

This is good advice. I prefer the quad GF passdown because I like offense more than turtling, but it's arguably harder in that you have to spend much more time planning your attacks, and you can't rely on Robin late Plegia because you need all the exp to go to Sumia and Cordelia.

For the first few chapters, follow Interceptor and Kuroi's guides (Int's new one, that is). They cover more or less every scenario that can be rolled in terms of random skills, and can get you through the first four chapters in under two hours with minimal resets (or even a hour with a few more).

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I'd say the bowteam (lowman bow+gale combo aside I haven't tested its feasibility in nogrind aka how much reclassing i can get away with but that'll be my next project once winter break rolls around) is easier to get going and doesn't require a lot of effort, but makes the lategame tougher, while the quadgale requires more effort, but makes lategame easier, so that's the tradeoff other than playstyle. I definitely would have liked galeforce on chapters 18 and 21, and probably more than like, a single pair of units on 23.

Although I did get Lucina x Morgan solo 23 to an algorithmic level just so I can have the Khans live under lowman conditions.

Honestly my actual playstyle's more aggressive usually but I'm also lazy as fuck so I picked the low effort route haha

Edited by Thor Odinson
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