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[FE7] How do I figure out map change pointers for cutscene only maps?

Avril Lavigne

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This post might be horribly formatted cause I'm on mobile.

Anyways, you know how Markyjoe gave the pointer for map changes in his tiled tutorial? Well i kind of want to figure out how to find that for the cutscene only maps (so like outside fort and outside araphen) because there are actually map change pointers for those maps

Or can I just add my own random pointer? Not sure how it works and this might be a dumb question but I wanna make map changes on those maps.

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you can add any map change pointer, it doesn't actually matter. you could also change a map pointer to a map change pointer. map change pointers, map pointers and event pointers are all contained under the event references table so they're all interchangeable, if that makes sense. you might need to fiddle with the chapter data editor module afterwards though

sorry I'm a bit drunk

Edited by Agro
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