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Favorite/Least favorite map gimmicks? (Spoilers)


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As we all know one of the most prominent traits of FE:Fates' gameplay is its heavy implementation of various creative map gimmicks that are unique from chapters to chapters. So, which of those gimmicks do you like the best, and which are your least favorite (or need to be improved in your opinion)? This also extends to Dragon Vein effects.

For me, my most favorite one is the use of dragon vein in N10 (even though that's more like a specific part of the map design) because of how it deeply affects your strategy (and your mentality if you're playing for the first time) at that moment. The change seems dangerous but at the same time you can also take advantage of it if you know what you're doing. I love designs like that.

While I haven't played IK, I like the map where you get to pick up objects and strategically place them to create obstacles. While the gimmick may not be essential to the map itself, I like it because it has to rely on your positioning as well (as compared to DV which affects pre-set areas). I would love it if they implemented something like that in future games and expand from it. The one where enemies switch from unpromoted to promoted depending on the area they're standing on also sounds interesting, even though I don't know how it'd work out when I actually play it.

As for least favorites, the wind gimmick and that fox chapter can go straight to hell. The former was really obnoxious for dragging my progress because I had to constantly either wait for the right streams or avoid my ass from the wrong ones. And the latter was really unfair, especially in combination with the nasty skills on Lunatic and the RNG fest nature of that map. And N12 has a dishonorable mention for those annoying jars. Some things from IK like "ice of war" also doesn't seem like something I would enjoy.

So, what about you?

Edited by Ryo
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Favorite is probably Hoshido!23 with Camilla's bombardments since it gives a sense of urgency to finish the map and puts all your heals to use.

Least favorite is probably IK!23 since moving platforms are the worst and kill any non-flier momentum.

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I'm going to agree with H23 and N10 being some of the best (albeit challenging, but that's good!) uses.

For the ones I disliked the most, that lava map where the DV points can make everything a damage tile AND slow you down was really annoying. And fuck N12 and those jars.

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Favourite-Probably any chapter that has turrets. I just really like turrets. Also Seigebert's chapter. I know some don't like it but I did.

Least Favourite-IK Ch. 10 a.k.a Ice of War

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Hmm...let me try to recall all the "gimmicks" of every chapter

C5: The "gimmick" was, while interesting, I think it's a bit...difficult, somewhat (on the higher difficulties)

H10: The stakes are annoyingggggggu

H13: It's not really annoying or anything, but it's quite uh...interesting, so to speak, when Camilla uses the dragonvein as well

H21: Honestly speaking the lava is hell if you trigger it. But it's fixed, so all you need to do is look it up. Still, beginner players who just play through blindly will be in for a tough time (unless they reset..or user all flier armies or something)

H23: I liked this one a lot

HE: I kind of like this one..except the map layout by itself doesn't really seem to make it matter

N6: It's kind of hard to explain this one though...there are several ways of dealing with the chapter, so I'm not really sure what to say

N12: The vases are largely annoying........I'm not sure if they're fixed though.

N15: I suppose it's fairly interesting, the map itself doesn't really, well, help, somewhat.....

N16: Somewhat interesting, I guess...but the map itself is fairly normal as is

N17: Eh......honestly speaking the map is more annoying, though not overly because of the gimmick

N19: The foxes are fairly unfair, but I actually find it quite nice. It might be a tad unfair though

N20: The winds are pretty annoying, though I think in general the gimmick is fair

N21: I've yet to see people have trouble with this, it's interesting, though not overly difficult.....if you're prepared

N24: The Dragonvein is...quite a thing, but otherwise nobody seems to have trouble with this either

N25: "Interesting" choice of gimmick, but the map itself still feels pretty straightforward

N27: While interesting, it doesn't really seem to do much

NE: Interesting gimmick, a tad unfair though

R6: It's not really a gimmick per se, but fighting "two armies" is ok, I guess (on Lunatic mostly)

R7: Eh....it doesn't really matter that much, but it doesn't really take that much, if anything away, so it's good? Wish it kind of came later into the game though

R10: The gimmick is really silly, but I guess it somewhat punishes overextending

R11: Frickin stakes

R12: The ice is...somewhat unfair, yet at the same time it's somewhat good as well. How paradoxical

R16: The gimmick is ok I guess. Fairly interesting

R18: Soso, the enemy density makes it a bit of a nonissue at times. If the enemies were a bit more active (and if they had fliers) maybe it would be a bit more exciting

R19: Enemy density really, even though it's technically quite dense, to an extent

R20: It's ok, I guess

R21: This gimmick doesn't really seem to make things difficult at all, so it feels kind of silly

R22: Eh....it's ok I guess, it makes terrain a bit more of a deal

R23: It makes things fairly challenging, I guess?

R24: It's...ok, I guess...but I was never really a fan of stealth missions (since they kind of require you to follow exact steps to avoid getting caught)

R25: The moving platforms are ok, but they seem kind of underutilised

R26: A gimmick that mostly helps you really

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For the ones I disliked the most, that lava map where the DV points can make everything a damage tile AND slow you down was really annoying. And fuck N12 and those jars.

I finished that chapter in a single attempt. Just treat the poison as walls (you're required to break only one), and you'll be good. The turn limit isn't very tight, either.

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I finished that chapter in a single attempt. Just treat the poison as walls (you're required to break only one), and you'll be good. The turn limit isn't very tight, either.

Yeah, it's not impossible to beat, just tedious. The jars slow down your momentum and (unless you memorize their location or use a guide) they are difficult to use strategically.

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Shout outs to IK 26 for it's ridiculously broken gimmick.

Anyway you can toss in another vote for H23. I hate that the map is rout, but I love the bombs. Kinda cool how you can manipulate it.

Least favorite is IK's moving platform stages because they tend to drag. I also kinda loathe N12's pots. The worst of all is N19 with the stupid fox invincibility ugh that map is so bad.

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I also really liked the map where Camilla could use the Dragon Vein to get your party members down to one hp, but the problem with that map was that there was an incredible lack of space to maneuver, and the reinforcements from the middle lane could all fly, which could catch any healers off guard. Really, it felt more like a Nohr map than anything else. - Luckily, Takumi can motherflipping walk on water and shoot them down.

Nohr's defend map is, as people have already pointed out I believe, amazing. It really took me back to the Warcraft III days of holding out against an onslaught of enemies. The masochist in me also really likes the map where you had to flee from the Faceless while being bombarded by Golems that you had to freeze as you made your way to the top of the mountain.

Sadly, a lot of gimmicks are either superfluous or annoying: the Wind Clan Village feels a lot like RNG, as does Nohr's map where you fight against the fox people (rough terrain and they randomly turn invulnerable and immobile; since they also deal extra damage against beasts, chances are Xander can't tank all the damage. They're also nigh impossible to hit). Siegbert's map is also just ludicrous; fighting in rough terrain against waves of reinforcements that keep coming every turn until you use the Dragon Vein is just not fun.

This is not even mentioning Revelations, which some people have dubbed "Gimmick Emblem" due to all the nonsense in it, like slow-moving platforms that you have to wait for each turn as you slaughter droves of random ghosts without any abilities.

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Yeah, it's not impossible to beat, just tedious. The jars slow down your momentum and (unless you memorize their location or use a guide) they are difficult to use strategically.

It says right in the terrain name whether they have positive or negative effects. You can also rely on the jars' slight orange or purple tint to tell.

I played safe and never break poison jars unless absolutely necessary. Halving the player unit's HP isn't fun at all.

The fox map is especially ludicrous on Lunatic with every single enemy except one(?) packing Beastbane and Pass.

Use wyvernback units. They have the needed defence for offseting their ridiculous speed, and they're more mobile.

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It says right in the terrain name whether they have positive or negative effects. You can also rely on the jars' slight orange or purple tint to tell.

Derp, I guess I need to work on my Japanese reading comprehension. The color hint will be helpful in the future.

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Derp, I guess I need to work on my Japanese reading comprehension. The color hint will be helpful in the future.

Wait, you didn't know that? :p

I'm more annoyed with the jars because they hinder your movement and block your paths to the enemies. If you want to clear the way quickly you would need to break the ones with negative effects.

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