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Characters You Could Care Less About


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The character I hate most is Eponine, she seriously pisses me off more than any other character in any video game I've played.

And with all the other characters I don't like that's saying something.

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The character I hate most is Eponine, she seriously pisses me off more than any other character in any video game I've played.

And with all the other characters I don't like that's saying something.

So what's up with her then? XD she seems like a pain in the ass.

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The character I hate most is Eponine, she seriously pisses me off more than any other character in any video game I've played.

And with all the other characters I don't like that's saying something.

Honestly what I don't like about her is I wanted to like her. Appearance wise I really like her, and the idea of her Robin Hood esqueness sounded awesome... but then she ended up as me back in my yaoi days.

It wasn't a fun time for anyone.

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So what's up with her then? XD she seems like a pain in the ass.

Two big things,

1) Shipping people who are real in the game world. It's like people who do shipping in real life, something that is really fucking creepy.

2) She's a yaoi fangirl, the horrible kind that finds things like lesbians gross but loves the idea of men having sex.

Edited by Zerosabers
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Honestly what I don't like about her is I wanted to like her. Appearance wise I really like her, and the idea of her Robin Hood esqueness sounded awesome... but then she ended up as me back in my yaoi days.

It wasn't a fun time for anyone.

Yaoi fangirls scare the hell out of me. I'm bisexual and they used to make fun of me during school... not really the best experience... why did they feel the need to make a character like her? Wth?

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Yaoi fangirls scare the hell out of me. I'm bisexual and they used to make fun of me during school... not really the best experience... why did they feel the need to make a character like her? Wth?

Probably for shits and giggles to go in conjunction with Zero's bisexuality? I haven't read any supports, but her obsession with M/M is probably due to Zero being outwardly sexual towards other men. Kids are weird, I dunno. I just kinda...pretend this part of Eponine doesn't exist. Yaoi fan girls are unsettling.

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The correct expression is "I couldn't* care less", you fools!

I dislike Aqua and Kamui for story reasons.

I don't care about the children besides Midoriko, Velour, Ophelia, Matoi, Shinonome and Kinu. Even then, I mostly just like them for their appearance.

I don't really like Pieri (psychotic womanchild), Joker (abrasive asshole), Belka (willing to kill even her allies) or Tsukuyomi (arrogant brat). Although I use some of them for their usefulness.

I'm still confused about the hate for this game's children?

A lot of the children have bland personalities or are simply copies of their parents. They also join later, when you've already assembled a group of characters you like.

I wonder why people are hating on Effie she seems like a good character to me

Elfie Is popular, if only because she's a good knight.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Takumi is OP as hell

It's stuff like this that's exactly what I had in mind. All it accomplishes is reminding me that the fandom will never learn that archer hype tends to turn out to be unwarranted. Oh, and of course, I'm still skeptical as hell.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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I actually like most of the characters, including the kids. I really have nothing against anyone, and I can't really say anything since it is not the official translation. Not saying fan translation stuff is bad, just not official.

But if I had to say anyone, it would be the two main characters, Kamui and Aqua, for story reasons. I hope they are made beater in the localization.

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It's stuff like this that's exactly what I had in mind. All it accomplishes is reminding me that the fandom will never learn that archer hype tends to turn out to be unwarranted. Oh, and of course, I'm still skeptical as hell.

I don't know if it's his legendary bow or what, but he can easily beat non flying enemies in no time, other archers have a harder time with it.

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The correct expression is "I couldn't* care less", you fools!

I dislike Aqua and Kamui for story reasons.

I don't care about the children besides Midoriko, Velour, Ophelia, Matoi, Shinonome and Kinu. Even then, I mostly just like them for their appearance.

I don't really like Pieri (psychotic womanchild), Joker (abrasive asshole), Belka (willing to kill even her allies) or Tsukuyomi (arrogant brat). Although I use some of them for their usefulness.

A lot of the children have bland personalities are are simply copies of their parents. They also join later, when you've already assembled a group of characters you like.

Elfie Is popular, if only because she's a good knight.

B-B-But I like insane people... mostly because I'm partially nuts myself.

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-The Kamuisexuals and children almost universally don't appeal to me (Flora, Crimson and Shigure are the exceptions).

-I'd be fine if Jakob was a little rude on occasion, but he's just such a jackass in almost all of his supports that he just comes across as unlikable.

-Kamui's role in the story is an example of everything that is wrong with Player Avatar's.

-I don't dislike Orochi and Setsuna, I just find them rather boring.

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Probably Felicia, Pieri, the awakening trio and most of the kids, especially Sophie and Shara. I don't particularly care for a lot of characters because of the sheer size of the cast.

EDIT: Also not a huge fan of Takumi and Leon because I'm a baby who doesn't like how popular they are and the fact you can (and many do) marry them but I do like them a little as little brothers.

Edited by nordopolica
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I don't hate any character actually, but there are some ones I just don't have too much interest in them.

One of them is actually Silas, I see that lot of people like him, but I find him... A bit boring? Also, I didn't find Asama interesting, but maybe I need to read a bit more of him.

Another one is, welp... Odin. I wasn't a fan of Owain in Awakening, I find him a bit annoying, and having him back in Fates, will not make me change my opinion of him. I'm just not a fan of characters with personalities similar to him.

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Shara, i REALLY hate tharja... the only reason that i won't send her to death imediately after recruit its for noire in awakening and because she is daughter of my little mage Tsukuyomi

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Shara, i REALLY hate tharja... the only reason that i won't send her to death imediately after recruit its for noire in awakening and because she is daughter of my little mage Tsukuyomi

All this Shara hate makes me very sad, she was my first partner in this game... I just had to marry her to the female MC right away :(

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Should Be Cut From Fates Tier


Transparent Marriage Fodder Tier






Kamui Tier


Awakening Pandering Tier

The Awakening Trio

The 2nd Gen

Unremarkable Foe Tier

Fake Garon




What Are You Doing Here Tier


Edited by Alazen
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  • I have many qualms with Camilla's personality. I expected her to be a creepy and sexy badass and all I got was a mix of siscon and momcon fanservice. I don't find anything redeeming in her. Her obsession with Kamui puts the nail in her coffin.
  • Silas is so boring that I sometimes forget about his existence. His daughter looks cute, at least. But even she seems boring!
  • Kagerou bores me too. Another character I forget about.
  • Luna doesn't excite much, because Cordelia is out of the picture, and thus her inferiority complex shines less and all that's left is a boring tsundere. Not to mention Severa wasn't always such a boring by-the-book version of the trope; I don't remember her being always so IT'S NOT THAT I LIKE YOU OR ANYTHING all the time.

Overall I don't think I can truly judge as of now. I started Awakening really liking some characters or disliking others, but nowdays after playing it more than once my opinions are very different. Same goes for every other FE.

I used to dislike Lachesis a lot, but now I like her, for example.

Basically, time will tell.

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I have to say Azura is probably the one i am most apathetic towards. No strong feelings there either way.

Others are Suzukaze (he is just too uh chill I guess?), Tsubaki (I find 'perfect' characters boring, not even his light trolling tendencies are helping), Tsukuyomi (just doesn't stand out to me), Camilla (missed opportunity, a slab of fanservice), Pieri (too childish crazy for me), Gunther and Fuuga (eh).

For the kids, the only ones I actually love for themselves (and not just for their parents) are Shigure, Shinonome, Mitama, Shara (yes I know), Siegbert and Foleo.

I don't mind Eponine's yaoi fangirling like others do, I am just so disappointed that they didn't give her roguish Robin hood side any attetnion and just made all her supports about that one gimmick. I am just so pissed that there isn't a single one where she isn't fangirling about boys being close. Not even in my worst teenage phases was I ever so obnoxious about it.

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