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Characters You Could Care Less About


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I remembered that I can't stand Dicken 1.2 Tsukuyomi because he is pretty much Dicken Ricken, except that he's also an arrogant asshat on top of it all.

I tried to remove his existence from my mind... that's how much I like him : |

IS, remember when you could do the anima/wind weilding mage right? Or can you only churn out unlikable shotacon fanservice now?

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These are the characters that I don't really like.

The Nohrian siblings, Asama, Arthur, Charlotte, Benoit, Flannel, Gunther, Siegbert, Foleo, Ignis, Lutz, Eponine, Deere, Fuuga,

Hehe, I'm really Hoshido biased.

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I try not to dislike any characters before actually playing the game, but the presence of Awakening expies kinda irks me; I would have preferred to see new characters (even if bland) instead of simple carbon copies. I feel nothing toward Felicia, Kaze, Tsukuyomi, Silas and most of the kids, but hopefully the localization will make me care more about them - and even if it does not happen, the characters I like totally outnumber the ones I don't like/care about, so I'm already very satisfied ;o;

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Hoshido: Setsuna, Kaze, Asama, Saizou Izana, Kisaragi, Nishiki, Hinata, and his son, Midoriko, Fuuga. Now that I think about it, I don't care for a lot of Hoshido's characters.

Nohr: Ignis, Siegbert, Belka, Flannel, Leon, Sophie, Asuya. Now that I think about it, I may be too biased towards Nohr units.

Edited by Neofranky
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I don't really hate any of the characters in fates but...

I coudn't care less about the awakening trio, most of the kids (because of their boring personalities), Suzukaze and saizou, Rinka, Tsubaki, Cyrus, Yuugiri, Harold and Benoit.

...wow that's actually quite a lot

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Shara, i REALLY hate tharja... the only reason that i won't send her to death imediately after recruit its for noire in awakening and because she is daughter of my little mage Tsukuyomi

I get this ugly feeling you come from 4chan. And it's ugly not because of that site, but because I know exactly what made you hate her if you happen to come from there.

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I cannot muster anything positive in the direction of Setsuna other than her cute design. Her character is like Ilyana's, (whom i truly abhor character-wise) only instead of food, its falling down holes. S h u t u p.

Silas has committed the horrible offense of having the appeal of paint drying.

Japanese!Asama is...really unremarkable. I say Japanese!Asama, because i have a feeling he'll be changed up in localization a bit. (hopefully)

Gurei/Grey is...bloody shameless, and it annoys me.

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I don't have anyone I dislike in particular among the playable cast, except that stubborn Nohrian first prince who refuses to change sides until the last minute. Leon should have been king, period.

For the villains, Garon. the non-monstrous parts about him are severely underexplored, and from the protagonists' perspective, his current self deserves all the hate.

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Mmm...I honestly don't really like Aqua/Azura very much. She's a really bland character and I was expecting a lot more from her, which was really disappointing. I also don't care all that much for any of the child units either—their existence makes, like, no sense whatsoever.

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I forgot I don't like Tsukuyomi. I also completely forgot about him.

I think this topic makes no sense and makes the opposite result, anyway takumi that edgelord and hipster stay mad alazen you cunt

What about it makes no sense?

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(s)he is an extremely bland character with basically nothing definable and the blatant character worship about him is going to be annoying. Robin was way better than kamui sounds.

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(s)he is an extremely bland character with basically nothing definable and the blatant character worship about him is going to be annoying. Robin was way better than kamui sounds.

All a certain member does here is complain about Kamui. Honestly I'll have to see for myself, I don't listen to people that much, especially when they do nothing but complain.

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Waiting for the English release, so haven't played the game yet, but so far:

Azura (seems a bit boring and omg I can not stand her hair. Like those sad excuse for bangs in her face. I want to cut them off.)

Izana (wouldn't marry him and he can't be paired off so useless)

Felicia (boring)

Hinata (reminds me of Vaike design wise)

The Awakening Trio (I loved them (except Severa) in Awakening but they should have stayed there. No need for repeats in Fates)

Pieri (seems annoying)

Charlotte (I don't like her design or her personality description)

I don't know how they make children work in this game (plot-wise because I've tried to stay as spoiler-free as possible), but they don't bug me so far. There's a lot of hate for the children that I don't understand, but I can only assume it has to do with a weak integration of why they are included in the first place.

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All a certain member does here is complain about Kamui. Honestly I'll have to see for myself, I don't listen to people that much, especially when they do nothing but complain.

It's fine to withhold your judgment on Kamui, but I don't see the point of calling out others for complaining when that's pretty much the point of this thread...

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It's fine to withhold your judgment on Kamui, but I don't see the point of calling out others for complaining when that's pretty much the point of this thread...

Eh, I'm more or less surprised he spreads it everywhere. This thread is fine but that's all I see him do on this site. NO offense.

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All a certain member does here is complain about Kamui. Honestly I'll have to see for myself, I don't listen to people that much, especially when they do nothing but complain.

Did you really have to add a lot of this? :l

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I'd usually jump on any thread where you can whine about the game, but since this is about characters that just slip your mind, I'll make a single contribution that isn't related to the god-awful implementation of children:


What the hell was the point of adding this character? What does he do or offer? He had the potential to be interesting, given that he was a Nohrian knight who followed Kamui through both paths, but he ends up pretty much just shutting his eyes and ears to anything that's going on while shouting "BOY, ISN'T IT GREAT TO BE BEST FRIENDS, KAMUI?!" while they go "dude, I don't even know you.".

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Felicia (I don't care when 99% of your character consists of tripping, breaking or burning stuff.)

Pieri (A complete monster who drags the entire cast down because they are tolerating a completely insane mass murderer. She's the only character who I consider killing off.

Ignis (Unlike most other kids I haven't found too much that sets him apart from his dad yet)

The awakening trio (I consider them shameless fanservice and I don't think they make sense to be in the story

The awakening reincarnations (Also shameless fanservice)

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I'd usually jump on any thread where you can whine about the game, but since this is about characters that just slip your mind, I'll make a single contribution that isn't related to the god-awful implementation of children:


What the hell was the point of adding this character? What does he do or offer? He had the potential to be interesting, given that he was a Nohrian knight who followed Kamui through both paths, but he ends up pretty much just shutting his eyes and ears to anything that's going on while shouting "BOY, ISN'T IT GREAT TO BE BEST FRIENDS, KAMUI?!" while they go "dude, I don't even know you.".

He seemed pretty popular to me. I guess it took a nosedive when the game came out, mm?

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He seemed pretty popular to me. I guess it took a nosedive when the game came out, mm?

Yeah in theory before the game out he looked pretty good because of his whole loyalty, childhood best friend schtick but the reality is the whole game is kind of built around worshipping Kamui anyway so he's just sort of... unnecessary and boring. He really fades into the background, and this is coming from someone who actually married him on my first ever playthrough and was just so disappointed.

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Yay for another whine post :P

I'm just gonna list those that I have somewhat strong opinions about:

Kamui: yeah, pretty much hate everything about him/her

Aqua: mostly for her role and exhibited personality in the main story; she isn't that bad in the supports

Camilla: terrible armor design and being incredibly creepy towards Kamui

Eponine: oh lord, the fujoshi who ships real people around her together

Soleil: this is more of a complaint on what the game decided to do with her. Why have her obsess over girls but not be an actual lesbian/bi? I fail to understand the reasoning. Either don't characterize her that way or let her be lesbian/bi.

Joker: being a jerk to almost everyone other than Kamui and a terrible parent

Suzukaze: his problematic characterization in Conquest

Cyrus: I know you are a nice guy and all, but... why are you even in this game? He's just so... bland, without even a memorable gimmick.

The Awakening trio and clones: guys, please just leave. This is not your game anymore

The rest of the children: I do like a few of them, but I would much prefer if they didn't exist as a whole given the current story

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