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Let's give some prayers to all the victims of the recent horrible weather in the eastern/southeastern US


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If any of you have been watching the weather lately, the southeastern region of the US has been slammed with bad storms, a lot of rain, floods, and even tornadoes. Some people have died, including children, and many lost their homes, and now can't have a Christmas this year. We need to think of them and hope they can manage. :(

We had flash flood warnings over here in NC as well, though luckily, it wasn't bad enough to cause serious damage. The nearby river trail was flooded though.

But they even showed on TV, someone's Christmas tree turned to debris. Nobody should have to go through something like this at the holidays.

Edited by Anacybele
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But they even showed on TV, someone's Christmas tree turned to debris. Nobody should have to go through something like this at the holidays.

Oh, that's horrible. My heart goes out to anyone that has to face...anything like that. God be with them, and what human effort we can muster too. I wish I weren't living on such a shoestring budget or I'd donate to something.

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Yeah, the weather showed a long band of heavy rainfall going up and down the east coast from Mississippi to Virginia, and a little bit of it going into Pennsylvania. My mom and I were concerned about my cousin who lives in Alabama. And I think it and Mississippi got the worst of it. Not entirely sure, but I saw a lot of the most severe part of the band going through there.

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I live in this area of the US, and I have indeed been hit with a ton of storms [Mostly rain in my area], but I didn't realize how bad those around me had it. My prayers and condolences to anyone who has suffered this Christmas, and may everyone have a brighter future in store for them.

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The weather drives crazy almost everywhere atm... thanks to Global Warming.

In nothern-central Europe it's by far the warmest December in history. About 10°C above the average. There was no single frozen day even at night in my country.

Today is a brilliant spring day for me. I could spend the entire day in the garden without a jacket (I did for a couple of hours). Absolutely unimaginable for a December 26th.

It might sound nice, but it has a bitter aftertaste...

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Well, if it's global warming, it's no big deal. At one time, the planet's climate was entirely warm and there were no glaciers or ice caps or anything of the sort. This was before people even existed. It's a natural thing that happens. I hate when people make it sound like a bad thing, because it isn't, honestly. Not unless temperatures start getting really hot everywhere, which would probably take thousands and thousands of years to happen. And while things like the rainforest and all need to be preserved, it would take people a lot of global effort for them to be the reason for an onset of global warming.

Not to mention that it isn't even warm everywhere right now anyway, I hear the western part of the US is pretty cold right now.

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Well, if it's global warming, it's no big deal. At one time, the planet's climate was entirely warm and there were no glaciers or ice caps or anything of the sort. This was before people even existed. It's a natural thing that happens. I hate when people make it sound like a bad thing, because it isn't, honestly. Not unless temperatures start getting really hot everywhere, which would probably take thousands and thousands of years to happen. And while things like the rainforest and all need to be preserved, it would take people a lot of global effort for them to be the reason for an onset of global warming.

Not to mention that it isn't even warm everywhere right now anyway, I hear the western part of the US is pretty cold right now.

Climate change isn't just about temperature increase. The global temperature has risen a massive amount since the industrial revolution, which coincidentally corresponds with atmospheric CO2 concentrations. There's also the changes in water and air streams that these changes cause, which can result in an increased number and severity of storms.

There's also the CO2 in the oceans, which gives marine life a lot of trouble. It's a fairly big topic, way more than can be covered in one post. However, it's a reminder that there's more to it than a little sunny weather.

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And like I said, climate change is also natural and has happened since long before humans even existed. I never said people didn't have any effect whatsoever, I just don't think it's the only effect or a major one.

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