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Some advice before I play the game in 2016


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Before I get my hands on the SE of the game in February, I was hoping to get some advice/forewarnings from members who have played the game already. I made this topic to avoid any potential spoilers.

1.) During my practice runs of Hoshido and Nohr, will it be possible to pair everyone together?

I believe this is probably more feasible in Hoshido rather than Nohr. I wanted to unlock all of the children on my practice runs.

2.) In 'My Castle,' are resources collected only at certain times during the day, or just a fixed amount at any time in the day? I hope the latter is true because I'll probably only have time to play this game at night. :(

3.) Can I easily fill most of the S Supports in the Support Conversation library by using more than one save file? Let's say I have Corrin marry Xander, then save to File #2. Then I go back to the File #1, then have Corrin marry Leo and save over File #2?

4.) Would the best subclass for a male Corrin in Hoshido be the Lance Fighter since he could Buddy Hisame or marry Hana for Samurai already and not have to wait for Shinonome? Or, would a Hoshidian Kanna still appreciate the Samurai class line? Also, would the Samurai be the best subclass for a female Corrin in Nohr?

5.) Since Nohr is limited in gold, I'll probably be saving most of my funds for staves. Is it possible to go through all of the Nohr Campaign only with iron weapons? I know you'll have to rely on the royal's personal weapons to get through the tough parts, but I was concerned for other units, like Effie and Niles.

Thanks folks.

Edited by Leif
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1.) I doubt it if you don't grind. Otherwise you will be spreading your exp really thin and will need to plan things out in advance.

2.) You can also collect resources after completing a chapter/skrimish

3.) I believe so.

4.) For Hoshido best subclasses are Cavalier/Ninja/Spellcastor. Lancer and Samurai are unnecessary here. Same for Nohr, but Samurai works here since the offense is more appreciated against the tougher targers.

5.) I doubt it. You'll have enough funds for good weaponry and staves

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1.) I doubt it if you don't grind. Otherwise you will be spreading your exp really thin and will need to plan things out in advance.

2.) You can also collect resources after completing a chapter/skrimish

3.) I believe so.

4.) For Hoshido best subclasses are Cavalier/Ninja/Spellcastor. Lancer and Samurai are unnecessary here. Same for Nohr, but Samurai works here since the offense is more appreciated against the tougher targers.

5.) I doubt it. You'll have enough funds for good weaponry and staves

1.) I'll take that as a 'no' for not getting all children in Nohr? Couldn't I abuse My Castle battles to get everyone married?

2.) So, resources are collected only at certain times during the day?

4.) I'll stick with Samurai for F!Corrin for Nohr and Cavalier for M!Corrin in Hoshido, thanks.

Edited by Leif
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1.) You can abuse the My Castle battles, I was just assuming you weren't

2.) Certain times, but most reset after you complete a chapter(ie collect milk before starting chapter 7 and after completing chapter 7 you can go get more Milk).

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1) Yes, it is possible in all routes.

In Nohr, support is the only thing you can grind in My Castle. Sooner or later, some player will make some "for supports" Castles. In these Castles, there will be some units with high Def/Res but no weapons, so you can attack them as many times as you want to grind supports easily.

Or you can use DLC. If a DLC allows you to use you own units, you can grind supports in it.


In one of my save data before Nohr 27:

1. I have used at least 26 Seals. They cost 2000 each, though some are from drops/chests.

2. I have paid for Brave Lance, Brave Sword, Brave Axe and Mighty Bow. They cost 8000*4.

3. I have paid for some other weapons, tonics and many E-rank staves.

4. I don't use any skills for grinding money.

5. I still have 30000+G.

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1.) During my practice runs of Hoshido and Nohr, will it be possible to pair everyone together?

I believe this is probably more feasible in Hoshido rather than Nohr. I wanted to unlock all of the children on my practice runs.

Yes, it's possible, either through skirmishes or My Castle battles. It's even better for Nohr because you won't get exp while grinding supports. Keep in mind you won't be able to get all the children if you choose Mamui unless you marry a Kamui-sexual or 2nd gen.

2.) In 'My Castle,' are resources collected only at certain times during the day, or just a fixed amount at any time in the day? I hope the latter is true because I'll probably only have time to play this game at night. :(

You can collect them after timed intervals and completing battles. You can also collect them from other castles.

3.) Can I easily fill most of the S Supports in the Support Conversation library by using more than one save file? Let's say I have Corrin marry Xander, then save to File #2. Then I go back to the File #1, then have Corrin marry Leo and save over File #2?


4.) Would the best subclass for a male Corrin in Hoshido be the Lance Fighter since he could Buddy Hisame or marry Hana for Samurai already and not have to wait for Shinonome? Or, would a Hoshidian Kanna still appreciate the Samurai class line? Also, would the Samurai be the best subclass for a female Corrin in Nohr?

I'd say choose a class you couldn't get otherwise. For Hoshido!Mamui, Knight, Fighter, Mercenary and Dark Mage are locked unless you choose them as a subset and Oni Savage and Wyvern Rider are locked unless you get them through marriage with Rinka and Crimson, respectively. Nohr!Femui has Samurai, Oni Savage, Lance Fighter and Spellcaster locked unless you choose them as a subset and Pegasus Warrior, Priestess, Ninja are locked unless you marry Shigure, Izana, or Suzukaze, respectively. Of course, if it's just the skills you're after, you may be able to purchase them from other My Castles.

5.) Since Nohr is limited in gold, I'll probably be saving most of my funds for staves. Is it possible to go through all of the Nohr Campaign only with iron weapons? I know you'll have to rely on the royal's personal weapons to get through the tough parts, but I was concerned for other units, like Effie and Niles.

You don't have to be that stingy with gold. If you plan on doing a lot of reclassing you might run low on funds but you can generally get a fair amount of weapons.

Edited by NekoKnight
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I also recommend you try to get all three routes AND several DLC in your SD Card. The Gold, Weapons, and the EXP DLC Maps can be really helpful (especially in the Nohr route, and many of these maps are helpful on grinding supports as well). Don't try to play Lunatic right out of the bat. It's better to start on easier difficulties to get familiar with the chapters, maps, and the enemy stats.

Also, try to familiarize your intentions when doing playthroughs. Are you going for practicality where you want to makes things easier in your walkthroughs in Lunatic difficulty, or do you to maximize for lategame potential? Also, keep in mind about RNG as well.

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If you don't mind abusing castle rank bonus, you can save even more money by using the rewards, many of which are very useful or rare weapons/items and can be acquired with low renown (e.g Reverse weapons for Conquest).

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3.) Can I easily fill most of the S Supports in the Support Conversation library by using more than one save file? Let's say I have Corrin marry Xander, then save to File #2. Then I go back to the File #1, then have Corrin marry Leo and save over File #2?


Thank you. No one would answer this in the thread that I asked that in.

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