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BSoDs return rather fiercely!


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Ok, so in the past 11 days now, I've had 6 BSoDs. It seems to occur quite often whenever I leave the computer be idle for more than 20 minutes or so, or when I come back and try to do things after that amount of time has passed. All of these so far I've noticed have had a STOP code of 0x0000007A, and I caught wind of one yesterday that was something about "ataport.sys". I've ran ChkDsk, and the first time it seemed like it got stuck at 18%, but 2nd time it went through fine. After that it says the disk is fine so...I don't know what else it can be. It's certainly not a virus or malware, I wouldn't think, as MalwareBytes and MSE has never said anything.

The things are still blank because I think it's due to me not having the comp set to restart after a BSoD so that I can catch the STOP code and anything that may happen. I've seen a lot of "Kernel_In_Page_Errors" on these BSoDs too so...

Of note, I've had SIX BSoDs this month alone, 2 in November, 1 in October, and 1 in August. Also of note, I have a new monitor now but this was happening even with the older monitor so it can't be the monitors...

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At this point, I'd clean off any and all pirated stuff, and ship it over to these guys. They make take a bit before they answer.

I think you need someone that can analyze the dumps, as well as your hardware configuration.

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Probably. Judging from what I've seen looking up 0x000007A and from experience, it really DOES seem like it's whenever the computer idles for too long (more than 15 minutes or so). So yeah, if I can figure out how to deal with that specifically, then that's all I'd need to do. Otherwise...probably just need to just new HDD like I've said months ago heh. ^^; It's only REALLY been a big problem this month, and it acted up out of nowhere too. >_<

The problem is my computer isn't set to restart after a BSoD so it never collects any dumps, so I can't even send dumps at all.

Here's the other weird thing though. I've let this computer idle for more than 15 minutes multiple times today too...but this is the only time this happened as well. So...yeah. Random as heck.

Edited by Xenomic
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The problem is my computer isn't set to restart after a BSoD so it never collects any dumps, so I can't even send dumps at all.


It may be relating to automatic restart being disabled in the BIOS. The above link is for Windows 7 but it may be able to help you give the proper information to those who could analyze it properly.

It really could be a lot of things, my computer kept having them periodically every hour or so because the SSD drivers were out of date and I had to update them manually.

It is worth noting that that particular error code (KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR) is described as "The primary causes of this error are virus/malware, drivers, memory, and disk corruption. And there can even be combinations of those so a thorough check of all is required. Added possible causes are hardware errors such as damaged motherboard or other hardware."

If you're certain it isn't some sort of malicious application, I would lean towards it being memory, driver or disk corruption over damaged hardware.

Edited by Tryhard
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Run some disk diagnostics, see what the average load time and errors are. I had a similar thing happen to my old laptop when the HDD was starting to go. Once I replaced it, things were completely fine.

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If you've updated any drivers lately, roll them back. Google shows that ataport tends to be driver related, but BSODs can be anything. I'm not an expert at all and am just going from experience because I've had a lot of really unlucky computer problems throughout the years, but I only ever got kernal errors and frequent BSODs 1.when a stick of RAM failed and 2.when the RAM ports in my motherboard kicked the bucket. (it's probably not the latter, my motherboard was just defective) You obviously need to get a pro to check it out, but a good way to at least see if it's the RAM is by downloading and running http://www.memtest86.com/(it's a lot more thorough than the Windows default software)

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Yeah, seeing as the one I had today just happened at random while doing normal things and not being idle (this one being STOP 0x000000F4 instead of 0x0000007A and nothing else listed with it (no ataport.sys or the like, and no "Kernel_in_page_Data_Error" or the like), and from reading up on things, it could also be the power cables themselves that go to the HDD or the HDD port. But yeah, could be RAM too, I had to get rid of an old RAM before (so I've been running on 2GB RAM instead of 4 for the past year now). I may need to just outright get me 2 new RAM sticks...hard saying.

Or just get a new computer if possible since this one is 8 something years old heh. ^^;;

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I remember having a good number of them before I looked it up. Basically, you may have downloaded a rootkit or something to that extent which could interfere with your anti-virus software, leading to BSODs when it happens.

Shouldn't be too too bad to find a rootkit remover.

I'm just throwing ideas out there, because I had this issue a year or two back and I've been BSOD free since.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Lord Raven: Yeah, just looked it up today after getting it 2 times in one day the other night, and once today already. And it's very consistent (ataport.sys, KERNEL_IN_PAGE_DATA_ERROR, and STOP 0x000007A are all almost there everytime. Sometimes ataport.sys doesn't show up.) I'm going to give this Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool a try and see if that helps at all. Otherwise...not sure what else to try honestly other than new RAM or new computer.

EDIT - I have ran the TDSSKiller and KVRT which found nothing for rootkits or the like (I did not run the "Loaded Modules" option as I didn't want to install a new driver to do that and don't think that'd matter much). So it's probably not a rootkit...

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