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What game(s) hold a special place in your heart?


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Fire Emblem: Introduced me to this site and met a ton of amazing people

Paper Mario: Introduced me to Chuggaconroy!!!

Pokemon Firered: First game I played on my own console, I bought it after seeing my cousin playing it.

Smash games: Memories with friends and family

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Ooh boy. I don't have much because I don't actually play many games but I have two really important ones.

-Pokemon: I lived and breathed Pokemon when I was a kid and it was what opened me up to going out and making friends. It pulled my family together when we were otherwise not close.

-Hakuouki: I don't want to go into detail but long story short, I was going through a terrible time in my life and I was a hypochondriac and going through a hypochondriac's worst fears. I am no longer like that and triggers are easily handled. Sounds dumb in retrospect that a game saved my sanity but it doesn't change the fact that it helped me then.

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Civilization series I started when I was really young. Got me more into history at the time.

CIVILIZATION! Definitely taught me a lot of cool stuff, directly and indirectly.

...so...yeah. I'm going to be honest...I don't really play games these days.

I think the last I played a game other than Civilization for a notable amount of time, outside of scattered Smash Brothers matches, was...like...Castlevania on Virtual Console, some number of months ago at least. Maybe it was Pikmin 3? I don't remember, man, but I didn't beat either, I can tell you that much.

I don't know man, but for some reason, I've just...stopped liking games. I haven't asked for a game for Christmas or anything in like, a year or two, because I know I'm not going to actually play them. I got all these games I've barely scratched the surface of, and...whatever.

Civilization, however, I still do play every once in a while. It's a game where you can take a very long break from it, but you will come back. As Civilization 5 is the most recent one (though I do need to play more Beyond Earth) and my Civ4 disks from years ago don't work, that's the one I've been playing, that's the one I really like, you know? Civ is just a really fun game, provided you take the time to understand the mechanics.

I remember getting into the series with Civ4 because I saw my uncle playing it, so I bought it (this was before an expansion packs came out), and played it, and enjoyed it, I played it a lot. However, while I fondly remember some stuff, like the introduction, I was far to young at the time to actually appreciate the complexity of the game, and now my disks don't work, well, they didn't on my old computer, perhaps they'll work on this one. I should try it some time...

But anyway, because I didn't have that appreciation, the games slipped from my mind until just a few years ago, where a teacher reminded me of the fifth installment. Got it soon after, Game of the Year addition, I don't think I even waited for a holiday, I just either paid for it or got my parents to, again, I don't recall. But I bought it, loved, got the expansion packs as they came out, read the info as it came it, got super hyped, play the game, love the game.

I remember that, sometime before I got Brave New World, my uncle saw that I'd put over 600 hours into the game and was legitimately shocked. Good times. It wasn't until a bit after Gods and Kings came out that I started actually, like...seriously playing the game though, which probably accounts for a good bit of that 600 hours. Before then I was the typical newbie who always played on Chieftain, at the highest, and I'm still not a great player, I don't do so well with wars, but I am playing at the Emperor-Immortal level, so...I certainly would say I'm better at this game than probably any other, which probably says something.

Now I don't know if I'd call my attachment to the game sentimental, and thus if I'd say I have a sentimental attachment to any game, really, but...I play it a lot, it's fun, so...that fits the bill best, man.

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Kirby's Adventure, for being my first video game, which is probably why I hold the series in very high regard

FE7 for bringing me into the series and eventually here so that counts too

Megaman 4 was my first Megaman, which is my favorite NES series

Smash Bros 64 is also here for getting me into the series that brought and brings me closer to a lot of people in real life

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SO many special moments, but ... SPOILERS WARNING.

MGS 3, the ending was too intense for me when you discover the truth about The Boss. I literally cried.

Most of the N64 games were a great introduction for the 3D world. With SNES is where I started my very first touch with the videogaming world, concretely thanks to Stunt Race FX.

And the GBA, I guess played a great deal of wonderful games. PS2 too, but not so many: Rayman titles, GTA San Andreas, Woody Woodpecker, etc.

Some Gamecube titles such Super Smash Bros. Melee, Zelda WW, Mario Sunshine, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.

Wii games like Metroid Prime Trilogy, Mario Galaxy, Zelda Twilight Princess, and few more I guess. Nintendo DS? Many of course! Zelda PH and SP, Super Mario 64

Undertale affected me the way to see games overall as well.

Gaming is a wonder of experience because of the many ways can let you interact with a fictional world, and the feelings they can transmit because of the power of the narrative. Combine both things and you'll get a supreme infinite of possibilities to experiment, left with a lot of creativity that you could create in your own.

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One of my favorite/most beautiful moments in games is FFVI, when Celes sings in the castle at night. Just one of my favorites I'll never forget, even though I never finished the game.

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Banjo Tooie- I used to play this game all of the time, it was the first game i ever 100%d

Majora's Mask- The first Zelda i played that really got me into the series, ever since i played this one i fell in love with the series

The World Ends With You- I love the battle system, i fell in love with the characters also

Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations- My favorite in the Ace Attorney series... and Godot... because Godot

Golden Sun The Lost Age I LOVE THE STORY and the sequel to the first rpg i ever played which was the first Golden Sun

9 Persons 9 Hours 9 Doors- My favorite visual novel and i love all of the endings to the game

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse: my favorite 2D action side scroller

Super Mario World: the first video game i ever played

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Maxis's Marble Drop: First computer game ever and it was fun as shit. This was back in the '90s, mind you. I remember the last level being invisible and hating it.

Pokemon Blue: Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of Pokemon games (they bore me) but this was my first actual video game at age 8. Back then, I knew how to get through the caves blindfolded and nobody else could so I'd charge other kids like a buck to do it for them.

Baten Kaitos Origins: I'll probably never play it again but this will always be my favourite RPG of all time. Compeĺling story, great cast, difficult bosses and a very intricate battle system. Barely edges out FFVI.

Borderlands 2: This game got me through the army. I'd come home after 19 days on base (and that meant 4/8 guardposts, 8/8 checkpoints and 8/8 patrols) and I'd just unwind by playing this game. My best friend came over one weekend and I thought I finished the game (beat BNK-3R) and then we watched in horror as Handsome Jack shot Roland in the head.

Honourable mentions go to:

The Logical Adventure of the Zoombinis (play it, it's great)

Madden '99

NHL '04



That's about it.

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  • Life is Strange because it gave me a very powerful nostalgic feeling and an experience I will never forget.

Pokémon Sapphire because it was the first game I had ever owned and it got me into the Pokémon series.

Persona 4 because it provided me with a very unique experience and very relatable characters and at the time of writing this, is my favorite game of all time.

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