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Which Fire Emblem characters would you like in Super Smash Bros. 5?


What "Fire Emblem" characters would you like in Super Smash Bros. 5?  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. Which veteran(s) would you like in SSB5 (more options possible)

    • Marth
    • Ike
    • Robin
    • Lucina
    • Roy
    • Corrin
  2. 2. Which newcomers (which appear in more than two games in the main series) do you want for SSB5 (more options possible)

    • Tiki
    • Anna
    • The Pegasus Sisters (Catria, Est, Palla)
    • Camus
    • Jake
    • The Black Knight
    • Other (who?) ...
    • None of these
  3. 3. Do you want an lord / protagonist from an older game? (more options possible)

    • Alm
    • Celica
    • Sigurd
    • Seliph
    • Leif
    • Lyndis
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Eirika
    • Ephraim
    • Micaiah
    • Sothe
    • Chrom
    • Azura
    • None of these

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To be fair, I do have a limit. 9 characters per series (this goes for Mario, Zelda, DK, FE, etc.), no more. Unless Nintendo breaks my limit.

Alright, that's more fair then.

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Nobody that's appeared in more than one Smash game has ever been cut. The only characters to be cut were one-timers, with the exception of the Ice Climbers which was due to a technicality, not because of time constraints or anything. So I have to agree with Fire Emblem Fan and say that Ike is here to stay.

Exceptions are inevitable but fair enough.

And I think if a lance wielder ever appears in Smash 5, Azura would be the developers' first choice instead of Ephraim.

Edited by RidellCrimea
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how about no more FE characters


also Ana cutting Roy for Ephraim is insanely hypocritical and I'm hoping you realize this. I mean, you say Roy is irrelevant, and then add blah Ephraim?

Roy has a ton of fans. You can't just hand wave him away. That'd be like cutting Mewtwo and Dr. Mario again. Lucina's fair game. I like Corrin.

So yeah:






I'd argue that if you don't think the five of them should all move on, then you're probably biased.

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Okay, maybe the irrelevance thing wasn't proper. But I still want Roy cut. Deal with it. He's a plain sword wielder and similar to Marth. We don't need him at all. Ephraim is at least different in the fact that he wields something that ISN'T a sword. And he's not blah to me, he's awesome. And besides, I don't think Ephraim has a high chance anyway because he's also irrelevant.

There's no bias either, because I haven't even played Roy's game and so I have no real opinion of him (except that his flaming sword is cool). In fact, I prefer Roy over Marth. You really need to stop treating your opinions as fact and insulting others' opinions.

I'd be okay with Azura instead of Ephraim. She seems really cool.

Edited by Anacybele
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guess we have to cut Mewtwo, Lucas, and Dr. Mario too.

It's a slippery slope, but still more constructive than your "deal with it." FE is primarily swords for the Lords. You can count non-sword Lords on one hand. Micaiah, Ephraim, and Azura. That's it.

I hate Ike. Am I going around campaigning for his cut? Can you not handle Roy that much?

this is why Ike fans have a bad reputation

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guess we have to cut Mewtwo, Lucas, and Dr. Mario too.

It's a slippery slope, but still more constructive than your "deal with it." FE is primarily swords for the Lords. You can count non-sword Lords on one hand. Micaiah, Ephraim, and Azura. That's it.

I hate Ike. Am I going around campaigning for his cut? Can you not handle Roy that much?

this is why Ike fans have a bad reputation

Wow, way to put words in my mouth and TOTALLY twist everything I said. You are really rude. You're lucky flaming is against the rules, or you'd see an angrier post than this from me.

Also, Hector primarily uses axes. And it doesn't matter, non-sword lords still exist.

Edited by Anacybele
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guess we have to cut Mewtwo, Lucas, and Dr. Mario too.

It's a slippery slope, but still more constructive than your "deal with it." FE is primarily swords for the Lords. You can count non-sword Lords on one hand. Micaiah, Ephraim, and Azura. That's it.

I hate Ike. Am I going around campaigning for his cut? Can you not handle Roy that much?

this is why Ike fans have a bad reputation

This was unnecessary. So what if she doesn't like Roy? I do highly doubt they'll cut him again, but getting this vehement against someone who disagrees with your opinion on the matter really isn't necessary. I have a feeling that if someone told you they wanted Shulk cut, you'd lose your mind.

And by no means am I saying I'm a saint, I'll be the first to admit that I've gotten angry, but I've been working on it and would like to think I've greatly improved.

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This was unnecessary. So what if she doesn't like Roy? I do highly doubt they'll cut him again, but getting this vehement against someone who disagrees with your opinion on the matter really isn't necessary. I have a feeling that if someone told you they wanted Shulk cut, you'd lose your mind.

And by no means am I saying I'm a saint, I'll be the first to admit that I've gotten angry, but I've been working on it and would like to think I've greatly improved.

uh you're totally right

if someone suggested cutting Shulk I'd have a cow.

As a result, I'm no hypocrite. The only character I think could ever get cut reasonably is Lucina because of Roy and Robin. I even think that Dr. Mario should stay and Dark Pit should become unique. I abhor cuts, but I do think that Snake's cut was for the best. Konami is pretty much a growth on the gaming industry. Worse than EA IMO.

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Dark Pit, as much as I love him (seriously, not joking, he's awesome. I got Kid Icarus: Uprising awhile back), I'd replace him with Viridi. I don't see how Dark Pit could be unique when he's literally a copy of Pit. Viridi would obviously be unique because NATURE POWER (yes, a pun on the Pokemon move lol). I like Viridi too though, just not quite as much as Dark Pit.

I don't really like making cuts either, but I feel they're unfortunately necessary at times. I agree that Snake's cut was a good thing because of all the Konami BS I heard about.

But to go back on topic, I'd understand being upset if someone wanted a character you like to be cut. I'd be upset if someone said Ike or Luigi should be cut (although, whoever says Luigi should be cut is an idiot because it's Luigi, one of Nintendo's biggest icons...). But it's their opinion. I just felt like making an argument on why I think Roy should be cut. I realize that there are Roy fans. There were also Pichu, Young Link, Snake, Wolf, and Pokemon Trainer/Squirtle/Ivysaur fans. You can't please everyone, sadly.

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I would totally prefer Viridi. Viridi is perfect omg.

As for those characters, I liked Squirtle and Ivysaur. I love Lucas. I also loved Roy. I have a history of cuts. I still hope today that the next Smash doesn't replace Shulk with Elma. With Roy's redesign an moveset changes, I'd say he earned his place.

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I think if we have a bunch we should have representation for every "generation".

Marth: for NES

Sigurd: for SNES (also his horse could be implemented in interesting ways).

Hector: for GBA (we need some diversity, a FE character that doesn't use swords at alll would do).

Ike: GC/Wii

Robin: 3DS.

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If we're talking SNES then I think Leif has the most potential for moveset. Also the only lord to appear in two games aside from Ike and Marth (unless Fates has some kind of Awakening related spoiler in which case don't tell me).

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For SNES, Leif would've been my second pick but Sigurd seems (to me at least) to be more popular and he could ride a horse which would be able to work as a ridable Luma and that he can mount and dismount for things like improving his recovery range by jumping off of the horse as well as the ability to wield swords and lances in his base stage, his playstyle could work by using rush attacks that go forward while his attacks in a vertical plain would be more lacking in things like range and effectiveness.

Leif does get a horse upon promotion as well but Smash seems to prefer using FE characters base classes.

Edited by saifors
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I'll never understand why would anyone want characters cut. Like, I don't see a single valid reason.

I mean, I can see that sometimes characters get cut due to technicalities or time constraints and said cut characters are low on the priority list.

But if every condition is met for a veteran to be in, why would anyone want said veteran cut? It makes zero sense.

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Well, for me, it's mostly about balance in the roster among the franchises. Right now, I think FE has too many reps and I'm getting tired of seeing people complain about that even though they're right in my eyes. And I feel Roy and Lucina are the most reasonable cuts because one is a clone and the other is irrelevant and a plain sword user (and a semi-Marth clone). I would be willing to keep Lucina if she's degraded to a Marth alt like originally planned though. Who cares if it gives her a tipper? I don't. xP

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But that's what I'm talking about. If a veteran can be added back in without affecting anything else in the game, why not just add the character to the roster? It doesn't really harm anyone, as you can simply choose not to use said character if you don't like him/her.

I mean, I can understand discussing cuts under the assumption of "Someone HAS to be cut for whatever reason". But wanting a character cut when adding said character affects nothing in the game, then it just comes out as selfish.

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I'll never understand why would anyone want characters cut. Like, I don't see a single valid reason.

I mean, I can see that sometimes characters get cut due to technicalities or time constraints and said cut characters are low on the priority list.

But if every condition is met for a veteran to be in, why would anyone want said veteran cut? It makes zero sense.

Because time constraints and technical limitations are still a thing. It takes a hell of a lot of work to make a video game so while we'd love to see it, we won'g be getting a 100+ roster of diverse and balanced characters any time soon (though they do estimate we might hit the singularity within 30 years so it might be sooner than you'd imagine). When it comes to it in certain cases I would sacrifice two preexisting characters for the sake of getting a new one. Even when people are talking about roster representation it's still just a veiled discussion of technical limitations. Only a certain number of working hours can be put into making a game so for every hour they spent adapting Roy to Smash 5, it's an hour they could be spending creating a new character. Granted a new character is going to take a lot more work than a preexisting one but the effort that goes into a preeixting character is still non negligible.

Edited by Jotari
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Because time constraints and technical limitations are still a thing. It takes a hell of a lot of work to make a video game so while we'd love to see it, we won'g be getting a 100+ roster of diverse and balanced characters any time soon (though they do estimate we might hit the singularity within 30 years so it might be sooner than you'd imagine). When it comes to it in certain cases I would sacrifice two preexisting characters for the sake of getting a new one.

I'm strictly assuming that time constraints aren't an issue.

Once again: "What's the problem in adding a veteran back if it affects nothing else in the game?"

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But they are an issue. And they'll continue to be an issue for decades. Ask anyone if they'd like a Smash Roster with every prexesting character and every character they could ever want and they'll no doubt say yes. Unless they're just naturally vindictive towards certain characters (in which case you could probably sway them pretty easily by saying you'd be able to beat them up).

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