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Biden clearly won


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I wouldn't say he 'clearly won'. It seemed more like a tie to me. Palin held her own and she seemed like a genuine person, instead of Biden, who just seemed to be just saying stuff.

I feel like Biden was just saying that stuff only because that's what he was supposed to say. Like, if he was McCain's Vp, he'd be on McCain's side with no problems.

I feel Palin was more authentic and real.

Though I do believe it was more of a tie then an actual clear cut victor.

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I wouldn't say he 'clearly won'. It seemed more like a tie to me. Palin held her own and she seemed like a genuine person, instead of Biden, who just seemed to be just saying stuff.

I feel like Biden was just saying that stuff only because that's what he was supposed to say. Like, if he was McCain's Vp, he'd be on McCain's side with no problems.

I feel Palin was more authentic and real.

Though I do believe it was more of a tie then an actual clear cut victor.

Wait, what, where we watching the same debate?

Sadly, Palin did not commit Political Suicide, but it was PAINFUL to watch. You could SEE Biden holding back.

Palin lied so many times, and was proven wrong so many times it isn't even funny. She ranted on and on about being an "average American", and having "family troubles", but she makes way more money than the average American. So many things she says are ridiculous.

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Wait, what, where we watching the same debate?

Sadly, Palin did not commit Political Suicide, but it was PAINFUL to watch. You could SEE Biden holding back.

Palin lied so many times, and was proven wrong so many times it isn't even funny. She ranted on and on about being an "average American", and having "family troubles", but she makes way more money than the average American. So many things she says are ridiculous.

This, Revan I see us getting along well

Don't forget her horrible diction, lyle just because your Republican doesn't mean you can look at this in a biased manner, I admit she did better than I expected, but not nearly as good as Biden.

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I feel like Palin is more real.

And no one running for office is going to be making the same amount of money that the average joe makes. So anyone saying that they know what it's like to be in the middle class is full of it.

Palin was herself. As flawed as she may be, that was her in that debate. Biden was not who he was. He looks like Mr. Rogers. And he flip flops a lot. I'd rather deal with someone who's consistantly wrong than someone who can't make up their mind.

Plus, the VP doesn't really matter too much. The whole point of that debate was to see if Palin could handle the spotlight, and she did. She wasn't nervous, she didn't studder (At least no more than Biden did) and she kept cool the whole time.

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I feel like Palin is more real.

And no one running for office is going to be making the same amount of money that the average joe makes. So anyone saying that they know what it's like to be in the middle class is full of it.

Palin was herself. As flawed as she may be, that was her in that debate. Biden was not who he was. He looks like Mr. Rogers. And he flip flops a lot. I'd rather deal with someone who's consistantly wrong than someone who can't make up their mind.

Plus, the VP doesn't really matter too much. The whole point of that debate was to see if Palin could handle the spotlight, and she did. She wasn't nervous, she didn't studder (At least no more than Biden did) and she kept cool the whole time.

"I'd rather someone who makes the wrong choice and never wavers from it than someone who realizes a mistake!"

Sounds like a pretty typical line from the Right Wing.

I could go on and on about how much Palin fails, but I'd really rather not. All I will say right now is that I am definitely not comfortable with the very likely situation (if McSame is elected at all) of her being President. McSame is way too old.

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I honestly think it doesn't matter who won or lost, because anyone who is republican is going to say good things about Palin, and anyone democratic is going to say good things about Biden.

There's no real winning or losing in these debates, as they are meant to show were a candidate stands.

Honestly politics tears people apart, and caused a lot of arguments thus why I don't bother with choosing a side.

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"I'd rather someone who makes the wrong choice and never wavers from it than someone who realizes a mistake!"

Sounds like a pretty typical line from the Right Wing.

I could go on and on about how much Palin fails, but I'd really rather not. All I will say right now is that I am definitely not comfortable with the very likely situation (if McSame is elected at all) of her being President. McSame is way too old.

Lol. That sounds like a typical line from the left wing.

These politicians keep going about 'change'.

Change is fucking stupid. Change is nickels and dimes. And stupid shit like that. Hitler changed things as well. That doesn't mean it made things better.

What I want is for things to get better. I don't think Obama is a bad candidate, I just think McCain is a better choice, and I agree with his policies before.

Edit: I agree with Cynthia here. Niether of us are gonna say the other won. It's the same with all people on the left and people on the right. Probably all debates end in a tie when it comes down to it.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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I feel like Palin is more real.

And no one running for office is going to be making the same amount of money that the average joe makes. So anyone saying that they know what it's like to be in the middle class is full of it.

Palin was herself. As flawed as she may be, that was her in that debate. Biden was not who he was. He looks like Mr. Rogers. And he flip flops a lot. I'd rather deal with someone who's consistantly wrong than someone who can't make up their mind.

Plus, the VP doesn't really matter too much. The whole point of that debate was to see if Palin could handle the spotlight, and she did. She wasn't nervous, she didn't studder (At least no more than Biden did) and she kept cool the whole time.

No she wasn't she was like a trained dog

So, it's irrelevant middle class owns this country it makes no difference what class they are

Biden knew what he was talking about, Palin was like a broken record repeating herself over and over again, plus she lied about a couple of things and was politically incorrect alot of the time

And the VP does matter, especially this time. McCain could die from a disease and Obama is hated by extremist. So both have a chance or dieing, and even then the VP has power look at Dick Cheney. And she did not keep cool she was too jumpy and she got goosebumps at one point ( I know this because #1 I have the best TV on the market and It's not debatable and #2 I was playing with the zoom and I noticed them)

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McCain isn't that much older than Biden...

And Biden just kept on going on and on about Obama. He didn't really say anything about how HE could help the nation. He really just listed things that would make him somewhat credible.

Palin mostly said something along the lines of: "WE have a plan." Or "WE can do this." Like she wasn't just McCain's puppet, like Biden is Obama's.

And yeah. Middle class is pretty irrelevant. It's not about classes, it's about people themselves. Obama is a socialist. Which goes agaisnt the idea of capitalism that this country was founded on. We gotta stop focusing on this class or that class and focus on people.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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Lol. That sounds like a typical line from the left wing.

These politicians keep going about 'change'.

Change is fucking stupid. Change is nickels and dimes. And stupid shit like that. Hitler changed things as well. That doesn't mean it made things better.

What I want is for things to get better. I don't think Obama is a bad candidate, I just think McCain is a better choice, and I agree with his policies before.

Edit: I agree with Cynthia here. Niether of us are gonna say the other won. It's the same with all people on the left and people on the right. Probably all debates end in a tie when it comes down to it.

Why do people even bother making topics about this stuff? All it does is cause debate and no one agrees who won or lost, so it's really pointless to make a topic claiming one side won, when all it will amount to is people disagreeing, and in some cases even arguments, as politics is just one of those subjects that some people feel strongly about.

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Lol. That sounds like a typical line from the left wing.

These politicians keep going about 'change'.

Change is fucking stupid. Change is nickels and dimes. And stupid shit like that. Hitler changed things as well. That doesn't mean it made things better.

What I want is for things to get better. I don't think Obama is a bad candidate, I just think McCain is a better choice, and I agree with his policies before.

Edit: I agree with Cynthia here. Niether of us are gonna say the other won. It's the same with all people on the left and people on the right. Probably all debates end in a tie when it comes down to it.

No. I would like, for once, for the Right Wing to take a step backwards.

The entire world has an awful view of the United States right now. Bush Administration destroyed America in the world' view wholly. And I am yet to see a single person outside of the United States that supports McCain. People in America are far to caught up in the political game.

For example, you said change is fucking stupid. That is wrong. Wrong to the extreme. Change, ironically, is actually very good, read what I said earlier.


And don't let me even get into other parts of Palin... Lol, humans and dinosaurs co-existing. ^_^

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McCain isn't that much older than Biden...

And Biden just kept on going on and on about Obama. He didn't really say anything about how HE could help the nation. He really just listed things that would make him somewhat credible.

Palin mostly said something along the lines of: "WE have a plan." Or "WE can do this." Like she wasn't just McCain's puppet, like Biden is Obama's.

Yea but Biden isnt the main candidate, and he spoke of Obama because if you were listening Palin attacked Obama on several occasions, so Biden has to defend him. Palin is a trained dog, she was a political stunt going wrong

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Why do people even bother making topics about this stuff? All it does is cause debate and no one agrees who won or lost, so it's really pointless to make a topic claiming one side won, when all it will amount to is people disagreeing, and in some cases even arguments, as politics is just one of those subjects that some people feel strongly about.

What is the point? Because some people will change their opinions on things. I have done so in the past. It's like asking why we debate anything.

And Lyle, do you have any fucking idea what Socialism is? Do you? Or are you talking out of your ass? Obama is not entirely a Socialist, Socialism isn't bad, and fuck, even though they drone on about it, America isn't pure Capitalism anyway.

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Although I do not support McCain, I think Palin held her own. She was straight and was being true to herself and real. Biden had some nice things to say and he too was true to himself.

It's a tie.

Edited by Snow_Storm
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No. I would like, for once, for the Right Wing to take a step backwards.

The entire world has an awful view of the United States right now. Bush Administration destroyed America in the world' view wholly. And I am yet to see a single person outside of the United States that supports McCain. People in America are far to caught up in the political game.

For example, you said change is fucking stupid. That is wrong. Wrong to the extreme. Change, ironically, is actually very good, read what I said earlier.


And don't let me even get into other parts of Palin... Lol, humans and dinosaurs co-existing. ^_^

Bush didn't do this alone.

CONGRESS has the power to declare war, not the president. CONGRESS has the power to create laws, not the president.

The president can only veto what congress does, even then they can still pass a law if 2/3 of Congress thinks the veto wasn't fair.

Not saying Bush is a great president, but you have to give credit where credit is due, and a lot of the world has a bad view of the United States because of the wars, and the rest comes from what the United States has accumulated over time, it's not like people suddenly started stereotyping the United States, it's been going on for years.

EDIT: Revan, that's not really what this forum was made for though, and it's best to avoid such subjects because it causes fighting, when this board was created to be a friendly community based around Fire Emblem.

Edited by Cynthia
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Bush didn't do this alone.

CONGRESS has the power to declare war, not the president. CONGRESS has the power to create laws, not the president.

The president can only veto what congress does, even then they can still pass a law if 2/3 of Congress thinks the veto wasn't fair.

Not saying Bush is a great president, but you have to give credit where credit is due, and a lot of the world has a bad view of the United States because of the wars, and the rest comes from what the United States has accumulated over time, it's not like people suddenly started stereotyping the United States, it's been going on for years.

No, it's not entirely because of Bush. He doesn't have total power. But it makes a pretty massive difference.

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No. I would like, for once, for the Right Wing to take a step backwards.

The entire world has an awful view of the United States right now. Bush Administration destroyed America in the world' view wholly. And I am yet to see a single person outside of the United States that supports McCain. People in America are far to caught up in the political game.

For example, you said change is fucking stupid. That is wrong. Wrong to the extreme. Change, ironically, is actually very good, read what I said earlier.


And don't let me even get into other parts of Palin... Lol, humans and dinosaurs co-existing. ^_^

Yea but Biden isnt the main candidate, and he spoke of Obama because if you were listening Palin attacked Obama on several occasions, so Biden has to defend him. Palin is a trained dog, she was a political stunt going wrong

I don't see why you people are getting so hostile over this....

1. The outside of America (including citizens of off-shore) should not decide on who our president is.

2. The presidential election is not a poularity contest. If one guy who's hated can do a better job than the other even if he isn't liked, then that's the way it works.

3. Change is not a set term. Change just means something different will happen. A Nuclear Holocaust would change the world. There's no two ways around that.

4. Palin has as many good points as she does bad points. The same can be said for Biden, Obama, McCain, even Bush.

5. She's not a stunt. She stood up agaisnt the oil companies, she technically has more experience dealing with common folk than any of the other candidates simply because she's a Governer. And the others are just senators. And she has a lot of confidence.

After this I'm done. The simple fact is, we're not going to agree here. So let's just stop while everyone still has limbs attached.

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Bush didn't do this alone.

CONGRESS has the power to declare war, not the president. CONGRESS has the power to create laws, not the president.

The president can only veto what congress does, even then they can still pass a law if 2/3 of Congress thinks the veto wasn't fair.

Not saying Bush is a great president, but you have to give credit where credit is due, and a lot of the world has a bad view of the United States because of the wars, and the rest comes from what the United States has accumulated over time, it's not like people suddenly started stereotyping the United States, it's been going on for years.

Well it's true to an extent, the congress barely changes over time so the congress during the Bush term are almost the same as the Clinton term, and nothing bad happened during the Clinton term

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Well it's true to an extent, the congress barely changes over time so the congress during the Bush term are almost the same as the Clinton term, and nothing bad happened during the Clinton term

That's because 9/11 happened while Bush was in office. Not when Clinton was.

And Bush could not have had in any way been the cause for 9/11. So don't even use that as an argument.

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I don't see why you people are getting so hostile over this....

1. The outside of America (including citizens of off-shore) should not decide on who our president is.

2. The presidential election is not a poularity contest. If one guy who's hated can do a better job than the other even if he isn't liked, then that's the way it works.

3. Change is not a set term. Change just means something different will happen. A Nuclear Holocaust would change the world. There's no two ways around that.

4. Palin has as many good points as she does bad points. The same can be said for Biden, Obama, McCain, even Bush.

5. She's not a stunt. She stood up agaisnt the oil companies, she technically has more experience dealing with common folk than any of the other candidates simply because she's a Governer. And the others are just senators. And she has a lot of confidence.

After this I'm done. The simple fact is, we're not going to agree here. So let's just stop while everyone still has limbs attached.

Lyle it's a debate, were not hostile

1. they don't

2. no one is saying otherwise

3. now your being stupid

4. No, that is incorrect, name three good point of Palin

5. She was a stunt, it worked at first, but backfired the second she opened her mouth, and she has no experience and uses poor diction, honestly do you think McCain is that dumb as to pick her for his running mate if it wasn't a stunt to get publicity. Confidence means nothing if you don't have skill

That's because 9/11 happened while Bush was in office. Not when Clinton was.

And Bush could not have had in any way been the cause for 9/11. So don't even use that as an argument.

Iraq and Afghanistan are two complemently different things, there irrelevant to each other

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