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Biden clearly won


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No, it's not entirely because of Bush. He doesn't have total power. But it makes a pretty massive difference.

I disagree, state one thing that Bush has actually done and not Congress?

Congress declared war.

Congress raised taxes.

Congress does the bail outs.

Congress is responsible for passing laws to regulate prices, which they neglect.

The president AND congress don't interfere with the economy, as the United States has a free-trade economy. So it's not THEIR fault the economy is failing either.

The stock market crashed because bankers are giving out loans that people can't afford to pay back. That is their mistake, not the government's. The government works 24/7 to try and fix the mess that people make.

Sure Bush isn't the smartest SOUNDING guy, but he did get two degrees from Yale, and they don't just hand them out.

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I don't see why you people are getting so hostile over this....

1. The outside of America (including citizens of off-shore) should not decide on who our president is.

2. The presidential election is not a poularity contest. If one guy who's hated can do a better job than the other even if he isn't liked, then that's the way it works.

3. Change is not a set term. Change just means something different will happen. A Nuclear Holocaust would change the world. There's no two ways around that.

4. Palin has as many good points as she does bad points. The same can be said for Biden, Obama, McCain, even Bush.

5. She's not a stunt. She stood up agaisnt the oil companies, she technically has more experience dealing with common folk than any of the other candidates simply because she's a Governer. And the others are just senators. And she has a lot of confidence.

After this I'm done. The simple fact is, we're not going to agree here. So let's just stop while everyone still has limbs attached.

Right. Oh wait, no, wrong. Now, even considering other things, just think about this.

This woman is a creationist. That in and of itself is enough to turn me off, but there's so much more. Have you seen the number of lies she made up, the number of questions she dodged? Do you understand what she did with her power?

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That's because 9/11 happened while Bush was in office. Not when Clinton was.

And Bush could not have had in any way been the cause for 9/11. So don't even use that as an argument.

Iraq and Afghanistan are two complemently different things, there irrelevant to each other

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Right. Oh wait, no, wrong. Now, even considering other things, just think about this.

This woman is a creationist. That in and of itself is enough to turn me off, but there's so much more. Have you seen the number of lies she made up, the number of questions she dodged? Do you understand what she did with her power?

Can you prove it though?

Slander is one thing, but you need to PROVE it.

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Can you prove it though?

Slander is one thing, but you need to PROVE it.

I am aware of the need for proof. Do you want me to link you to reports that show some of these things? I mean, she's fully admitted to being a creationist.

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Sure Bush isn't the smartest SOUNDING guy, but he did get two degrees from Yale, and they don't just hand them out.

So irrelevant, last in his class btw, and he only got in because his father is who he is and knew people in the school

@cynthia yea really, shes said so and is a religious nut case

Edited by Doom103
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Lyle it's a debate, were not hostile

1. they don't

2. no one is saying otherwise

3. now your being stupid

4. No, that is incorrect, name three good point of Palin

5. She was a stunt, it worked at first, but backfired the second she opened her mouth, and she has no experience and uses poor diction, honestly do you think McCain is that dumb as to pick her for his running mate if it wasn't a stunt to get publicity. Confidence means nothing if you don't have skill

1. Kay

2. Kay

3. <_< That's the point. 'Change' is a stupid term. It isn't what we need to strive for. We need to strive for things to get better.

4. -Stood up to big Oil companies

-Manages people well as governer

- When you see her talking, that IS her. It's not an act like other politicians. You can tell that who she is, is who she is. She doesn't pretend to be anything other than herself.

5. That's pretty much all personal opinion. Picking Palin was a gutsy move for McCain to make. And I feel it's payed off for him. I'm sure others agree.

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also the biggest reason why anything failed is because of the federal reserve pushing things, and the market is almost a living thing it has it's own mood swings, it has biorhythm (FE contection here), and besides the fed has no real balances.

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I am aware of the need for proof. Do you want me to link you to reports that show some of these things? I mean, she's fully admitted to being a creationist.

Being a creationist does not hinder one's abilities to lead.

I was talking about the power abuse, you need PROOF that she abused her power, not rumors or reports, the reports need FACTS, as so much of the media is based on rumor.

Can you physically prove that she has abused her powers, beyond reasonable doubt?

Doom103, same question to you, can you PROVE that's how he got his degrees, and can you PROVE he was on the bottom of his class? Because I'll have you know, you can't BUY your way into Yale, yes you need to be from a rich family, but it is a very prestigious school, they don't let you in unless you're smart.

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1. Kay

2. Kay

3. <_< That's the point. 'Change' is a stupid term. It isn't what we need to strive for. We need to strive for things to get better.

4. -Stood up to big Oil companies

-Manages people well as governer

- When you see her talking, that IS her. It's not an act like other politicians. You can tell that who she is, is who she is. She doesn't pretend to be anything other than herself.

5. That's pretty much all personal opinion. Picking Palin was a gutsy move for McCain to make. And I feel it's payed off for him. I'm sure others agree.

4. Yea that is her, stupid her,

She can't even keep Alaska economically stable

5. It didn't pay off McCain is falling in the polls, and after tonight he is losing major votes

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Bush IS and idiot. There's no two ways around it.

But he is also:



-He doesn't give a shit about what people think of him, if he thinks he's doing what he thinks is right

-And he has a good heart. As stupid as he may be.

All of those qualities are good qualities for a president to have. McCain has all of those, but he's way more intelligent.

Again, I don't think Obama would be a bad choice. But I just think McCain is better.

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4. Yea that is her, stupid her,

She can't even keep Alaska economically stable

5. It didn't pay off McCain is falling in the polls, and after tonight he is losing major votes

That's why Alaska is the wealthiest state in the United States right?

Lyle, he most certainly is not an idiot, he's possibly one of the most intelligent men in the United States, the problem is he makes bad decisions, which happens, I can see how too. The reason people think he's "stupid" is because he stumbles when he talks and mixes up words, but it's a very stressful job.

Yale doesn't hand diplomas out.

Edited by Cynthia
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I am aware of the need for proof. Do you want me to link you to reports that show some of these things? I mean, she's fully admitted to being a creationist.

Revan there is nothing wrong with being a creationist, I believe that life was created, how exactly it came to modern species may be evolution but I belive that ultimately life was created.

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Why do you care so much it's a bloody election. The only thing that happens is you vote for someone whose "lies" are more appealing than the other side. The in about five months you start bitching about how the elected president is fucking up the place in the ass. And saying "We should have elected the loser" if you are on the losing side, or "he'll do better" if you're on the winning side

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Doom103, same question to you, can you PROVE that's how he got his degrees, and can you PROVE he was on the bottom of his class? Because I'll have you know, you can't BUY your way into Yale, yes you need to be from a rich family, but it is a very prestigious school, they don't let you in unless you're smart.

Technically you can, but everyone knows and yes you can prove he was last in his class, and pshhhh you can buy your way anywere, do you think Bush is smart, he can barely complete a basic sentence

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4. Yea that is her, stupid her,

She can't even keep Alaska economically stable

5. It didn't pay off McCain is falling in the polls, and after tonight he is losing major votes

In case you haven't noticed, the whole country is economically unstable.

And you don't know that he's gonna lose major votes dude. None of us are politicol anylists. We don't know what's going to happen.

Even the professional politicol anylists don't know what's going to happen.

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Technically you can, but everyone knows and yes you can prove he was last in his class, and pshhhh you can buy your way anywere, do you think Bush is smart, he can barely complete a basic sentence

I see no proof, only opinion.

Alaska actually happens to be the wealthiest state in the United States, that isn't a lie.

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In case you haven't noticed, the whole country is economically unstable.

And you don't know that he's gonna lose major votes dude. None of us are politicol anylists. We don't know what's going to happen.

Even the professional politico anylists don't know what's going to happen.

Im watching several news channels now and looking things up, they know very well

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One of the major reasons I lean towards the right is because of Hollywood.

They're all a bunch of liberal whinny little brats who don't know shit.

My hero's are: Drew Carey, Trey Parker, and Matt Stone. And all three of them didn't buy into the stupid liberal shit that goes around in hollywood.

I'm not saying that being a liberal is bad, I just think Hollywood people like Steven Colbert and Jon Stewart, should be where you get your politicol beliefs from.

Though that's completely irrelevant I'm sure, I'm just trying to change the subject so we can all stop getting at eachother's throats.

One thing I did notice, what really got me impressed in that debate by Palin, was that she called out Biden on the Bush thing. How the democrats keep blaming Bush for all the problems. There are some republicans that do this too. But we really need to stop complaining about what happened, and move on to what we can do NOW.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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Thats wrong btw, don't trust everything you read on the internet, unless the website is reliable. There is an article on time magazine about Alaska's economy and it's in debt

You can't trust anything you read in the media either.

Really you can't trust anyone. That's why the debates are so important. Because they're live. So no one can alter them.

I'd say this thing is a tie. Palin did what she needed to do, and Biden held his own. Even if he did seem like a puppet, and she like she was ignorant.

Here's my analysis:

Republicans: Stubborn old men who need to get over their grumpiness.

Democrats: Whinny little brats who complain about everything but don't do shit.

Personally, I'd rather take the stubborn old guys.

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