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Biden clearly won


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Thats wrong btw, don't trust everything you read on the internet, unless the website is reliable. There is an article on time magazine about Alaska's economy and it's in debt

The entire country is in debt.

Also taken from a government census in 2005: "The 2005 gross state product was $39.9 billion. Its per-capita GSP for 2006 was $43,748, 5th in the nation."

Nice try, but you still have yet to prove me wrong. In 2006 Alaska was 5th in the nation and dropped to 7th, the census hasn't been officially updated yet, but the government has accepted Alaska as the richest state.. I think you lost, because the census doesn't lie, and you have yet to show me anything.

By the way that site IS reliable, it is from a REAL reporter, not some internet crap. People who do RESEARCH, and it's on an official site for an Alaskan Newspaper.

This is what I mean about politics, people don't get all the facts before they make an opinion, thus causing fights and people like me having to fill them in.

The bottom line is, you can't CLAIM something as ridiculous as Bush "bought," his degrees without physical proof. You NEED proof or it doesn't count. It's just slander then.

Edited by Cynthia
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but she makes way more money than the average American.

Her family pulls in about $210,000 a year, which is actually below what Obama himself said is the middle class line (which he drew at $250,000). That's also combined income, mind you, her and her husband. It's not that uncommon.

I didn't catch the debates, but I will say that if Palin wasn't totally shut down, then it's a victory for her because expectations were incredibly low for her. I've seen some of the stuff with the interview with Katie Couric (whom I hate with a flaming passion, just FYI) and yeah, she had quite a few gaffs but nothing as bad as Biden saying that the president in 1929 was FDR and that they had television back then. Of course, the Vice President actually does nothing once in office, so I don't even really care about it all that much.

I'm pulling for the McCain camp and I'll tell you why. I think the biggest thing threatening America is partisan politics. Because government got so big and the two parties refuse to acknowledge the other side because doing so hurts them somehow, it's a lot of needless bickering. Obama has said he's against partisan politics. He's said a lot of things saying how he wants to get away from "same old politics." Man is sure as hell doing a great job of being the same old politician. On the verge of a bill HE WAS IN FAVOR OF AND WAS PUSHING VERY HARD, McCain went to Washington to do what he could to get the bill passed while Obama basically did nothing and let the speaker of the house publicly blast the Republican party. They are so intent on making that whole thing seem like the Republicans' fault because the majority of them voted it down, but the 40% of the Democrats in congress that also voted no can hide from the storm. If Obama had gone to White House, it'd have been passed. He HAS to know that is the case.

That's not the kind of leader I want. I don't know how many of you guys can vote, but I can and I'm actuially publically announcing it for the first time since I've been allowed to vote because I genuinely believe that Obama will be bad for America.

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I agree with Sandman here. Though I don't think Obama would be a terrible President, I just don't think he's ready yet. He still needs to ripen.

I might vote for him in the future though. Should he run for office. And should the Republican candidate not be better suited IMO.

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Her family pulls in about $210,000 a year, which is actually below what Obama himself said is the middle class line (which he drew at $250,000). That's also combined income, mind you, her and her husband. It's not that uncommon.

I didn't catch the debates, but I will say that if Palin wasn't totally shut down, then it's a victory for her because expectations were incredibly low for her. I've seen some of the stuff with the interview with Katie Couric (whom I hate with a flaming passion, just FYI) and yeah, she had quite a few gaffs but nothing as bad as Biden saying that the president in 1929 was FDR and that they had television back then. Of course, the Vice President actually does nothing once in office, so I don't even really care about it all that much.

I'm pulling for the McCain camp and I'll tell you why. I think the biggest thing threatening America is partisan politics. Because government got so big and the two parties refuse to acknowledge the other side because doing so hurts them somehow, it's a lot of needless bickering. Obama has said he's against partisan politics. He's said a lot of things saying how he wants to get away from "same old politics." Man is sure as hell doing a great job of being the same old politician. On the verge of a bill HE WAS IN FAVOR OF AND WAS PUSHING VERY HARD, McCain went to Washington to do what he could to get the bill passed while Obama basically did nothing and let the speaker of the house publicly blast the Republican party. They are so intent on making that whole thing seem like the Republicans' fault because the majority of them voted it down, but the 40% of the Democrats in congress that also voted no can hide from the storm. If Obama had gone to White House, it'd have been passed. He HAS to know that is the case.

That's not the kind of leader I want. I don't know how many of you guys can vote, but I can and I'm actuially publically announcing it for the first time since I've been allowed to vote because I genuinely believe that Obama will be bad for America.

Obama did go to Washington, but unlike McCain he didn't suspend his campaign. Honestly that was very unprofessional of him, and also lieing to David Letterman doesn't look too good. I like them both, but there are three things swaying me away from McCain, #1 is Palin, I don't care wtf she does, she is a total idiot/flake and #2 is his view on the Iraq war and #3 his economical plan is'nt as good as Obama's.

lol John McCain, John McClain (Die hard reference)

I agree with Sandman here. Though I don't think Obama would be a terrible President, I just don't think he's ready yet. He still needs to ripen.

I might vote for him in the future though. Should he run for office. And should the Republican candidate not be better suited IMO.

He is an experienced senator, and knows what he's doing and can speak very well, compared to McCain and Bush or any person for that matter

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Well, it's your opinion. No one is saying you can't have it.

Though some of us just like McCain better.

though I think I've been brainwashed by Sean Hannidy and Rush Limbaugh.

even though they seem more intelligent then someone like Steven Colbert, or John Stewart.

Let's not talk about experience here. Obama didn't go to war. McCain's been a senator for like 30 years or something.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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Well, it's your opinion. No one is saying you can't have it.

Though some of us just like McCain better.

though I think I've been brainwashed by Sean Hannidy and Rush Limbaugh.

even though they seem more intelligent then someone like Steven Colbert, or John Stewart.

Let's not talk about experience here. Obama didn't go to war. McCain's been a senator for like 30 years or something.

I know Lyle lol, I don't hate people who like Phailin or McCain lol Phailin, get it Phail-in Palin lol (man I'm dumb)

I'm aware of the fact McCain has more experience, I was defending Obama because you said he don't have enough experience

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I know Lyle lol, I don't hate people who like Phailin or McCain lol Phailin, get it Phail-in Palin lol (man I'm dumb)

I'm aware of the fact McCain has more experience, I was defending Obama because you said he don't have enough experience

Well that's a matter of opinion. As is a lot of this stuff.

And I wouldn't say that Obama doesn't have enough experience. As I've said before, I don't think he would make a bad President, I just think McCain would do better.

Really, when it comes down to it: I believe that all four of them are intelligent, cohearant people. And it's just their policies and beliefs that differ. So whichever you prefer is what you should go for.

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Well that's a matter of opinion. As is a lot of this stuff.

And I wouldn't say that Obama doesn't have enough experience. As I've said before, I don't think he would make a bad President, I just think McCain would do better.

Really, when it comes down to it: I believe that all four of them are intelligent, cohearant people. And it's just their policies and beliefs that differ. So whichever you prefer is what you should go for.

How is that an opinion, whether not someone has experience.

Do you honestly think Palin is coherent.

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How is that an opinion, whether not someone has experience.

Do you honestly think Palin is coherent.

It's opinion whether or not he has ENOUGH experience.

And yes I do believe that Palin is coherent.

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I don't feel like debating the first one

How so? Is She coherent

It's all a matter of opinion. There's no clear cut evidence that says she or Biden is either a god sent or a hell spawn. That's pretty much what voting is about. Let's face it: There have been Presidents that have been elected that have not been the best person for the job.

Let's not forget a man called Nixon.

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It's all a matter of opinion. There's no clear cut evidence that Hosays she or Biden is either a god sent or a hell spawn. That's pretty much what voting is about. Let's face it: There have been Presidents that have been elected that have not been the best person for the job.

Let's not forget a man called Nixon.

You still haven't answered the question

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No matter what I say here, no one's political views will change, but I'll talk anyway.

Last night, Biden won. There's no debating that. It changes nothing, but he won. Palin didn't fall on her face like most hoped, but she didn't answer any fucking questions. She just started saying stupid stuff like "Ya' know, Joe, Obama has no experience." Palin has been governer for less than 2 years. She has no right stating that Obama has no experience. Biden, on the other hand, actually reponded to some of the issues. He attacked McCain and Palin much less than Palin attacked Obama, and that really helped him. He was able to answer some key questions, and Palin didn't.

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No matter what I say here, no one's political views will change, but I'll talk anyway.

Last night, Biden won. There's no debating that. It changes nothing, but he won. Palin didn't fall on her face like most hoped, but she didn't answer any fucking questions. She just started saying stupid stuff like "Ya' know, Joe, Obama has no experience." Palin has been governer for less than 2 years. She has no right stating that Obama has no experience. Biden, on the other hand, actually reponded to some of the issues. He attacked McCain and Palin much less than Palin attacked Obama, and that really helped him. He was able to answer some key questions, and Palin didn't.

***clap clap clap

Ninji, thank you for helping me elaborate my point(s)

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Well Ninji does have a good point.

But, do we really want a president who does nothing but point the finger of blame on someone else? Why would you want someone like that?

And the whole point of that was to see if Palin could handle the spotlight. And I feel that she did.

But I think we're done here.

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Obama did go to Washington, but unlike McCain he didn't suspend his campaign. Honestly that was very unprofessional of him, and also lieing to David Letterman doesn't look too good. I like them both, but there are three things swaying me away from McCain, #1 is Palin, I don't care wtf she does, she is a total idiot/flake and #2 is his view on the Iraq war and #3 his economical plan is'nt as good as Obama's.
#1) Palin matters as much as Joe Biden which is to say doesn't matter at all. #2, he's right about the war. You know why we've lost the Iraq war? We fought a limited war, which is why the 4000 troops that have died did so for nothing, including a friend of mine from high school. Setting a time table for withdrawal is telling your war plans to the entire world. I guarantee doing so would initially stop insurgency but the moment we leave, it'd be the biggest turmoil the middle east as ever known (which is saying something because they've been at war with themselves since before Christ.) #3) what do you know about economics? Obama hasn't even really said much on his actual plans for the economy. He just says that voting for him will fix them. In fact, what I have heard of his plans doesn't bode very well. He's going to up equity taxes on sold homes, meaning that our house which is currently for sale? Very little of that is going to return to our pockets. The problem with liberalism is that big governments don't work except during times of great crisis (basically war time) when a strong central government is the only way things can move quickly. I realize we're at war but the bureaucracy of Washington keeps sending our troops into an unwinnable war.
He is an experienced senator, and knows what he's doing and can speak very well, compared to McCain and Bush or any person for that matter
Experienced? He's been in office for a single term and has yet to put his name to a single bill. Palin actually has more political experience because she was in government positions before being elected governor while Obama was a "community organizer". (I am still not even sure what the fuck that means.)

I'm not surprised the "young vote" is going towards Obama, but that's because my generation doesn't take the time to really think about what it is they want in government. It's too easy to let someone that "charms" get elected over someone that actually has qualities needed for a job because the American voter is just plain not educated on the issues.

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#1) Palin matters as much as Joe Biden which is to say doesn't matter at all. #2, he's right about the war. You know why we've lost the Iraq war? We fought a limited war, which is why the 4000 troops that have died did so for nothing, including a friend of mine from high school. Setting a time table for withdrawal is telling your war plans to the entire world. I guarantee doing so would initially stop insurgency but the moment we leave, it'd be the biggest turmoil the middle east as ever known (which is saying something because they've been at war with themselves since before Christ.) #3) what do you know about economics? Obama hasn't even really said much on his actual plans for the economy. He just says that voting for him will fix them. In fact, what I have heard of his plans doesn't bode very well. He's going to up equity taxes on sold homes, meaning that our house which is currently for sale? Very little of that is going to return to our pockets. The problem with liberalism is that big governments don't work except during times of great crisis (basically war time) when a strong central government is the only way things can move quickly. I realize we're at war but the bureaucracy of Washington keeps sending our troops into an unwinnable war.

Experienced? He's been in office for a single term and has yet to put his name to a single bill. Palin actually has more political experience because she was in government positions before being elected governor while Obama was a "community organizer". (I am still not even sure what the fuck that means.)

I'm not surprised the "young vote" is going towards Obama, but that's because my generation doesn't take the time to really think about what it is they want in government. It's too easy to let someone that "charms" get elected over someone that actually has qualities needed for a job because the American voter is just plain not educated on the issues.

I will respond to this later, I have my first date lol

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I just think they're all horribly biased.


Palin was badass. She CHOSE not to answer questions. :D

Biden was... w'ever. I was watching it for a cheap laugh.

I seriously hope that's sarcasm.

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