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Need some advice on pairing up healers...


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Hey guys, had a question about Lissa and Maribelle in the early(ish) game, before they can be promoted, and that is how often do you pair them up? For instance, I like Gaius and Lissa as a couple, but the problem is that I like Gaius to get a lot of action and Lissa to get dat experience, and with them paired up all the time (which I like to do with most of my units, particularly the married ones), one is going to be left out. Should I just try to keep alternating them frequently, or should I split them up? Will they still get a lot of support side by side? I'd like to do it in a way where I won't have to grind much later. Thanks.

Edit: I should probably add that this question also applies to Olivia as a dancer

Edited by ApathyBeam
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There's not enough exp in the game to raise a full team where everyone gets equal levels without falling badly behind, unless you're on Normal, and even there doing that weakens you quite a bit. Thus, you shouldn't have issues with not having a deployment slot for the pairup.

As for if you want to train them and build experience/support at the same time? Either have them separate (and give the healer a different pairup, who you don't need to build support with) so you can build support through healing, or staffspam until you promote, and then let the healer frontline as a combat unit with the husband hard supporting.

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