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Who else here thinks the FE after fates should be like the older games? It can still have marriage, but no children, they tend to break the game anyways. Character creation should be scrapped, but have a lord of each gender be playable. Does anyone else think this is a great idea?

Edited by GrayClouds23
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I like the idea of blending the more current gameplay elements with some of the old school ideas. Eugenics is fun, so why not try bringing back affinity and have eugenics on that too? Limiting support options gives for better support conversations, but why not keep the current system in how supports build?

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I enjoy marriage and character creation, but do agree to ditch the kids. If there's a good reason for the child units to exist, I'm cool with it. But it seems kind of like they shoved them in just to have them in Fates.

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I enjoy marriage and character creation, but do agree to ditch the kids. If there's a good reason for the child units to exist, I'm cool with it. But it seems kind of like they shoved them in just to have them in Fates.

I really enjoy it. I really like characters in general except for a few and I like how the personality is related to the parents. Ophelia and Soleil are gonna be my favorite in Fates. I do agree that how they were put in is kind of cringe worthy, secluded realm? Nothings perfect so I won't say anythung negative. If they added a great reason then I would be 100% satisfied. No, Awakening was not my first game, FE8 was my first so I am use to the old one and I like both.

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I've yet to play Fates, but Awakening is my second favorite game in the series for a reason.

If we get FE 7 in terms of Story Quality and Character Development, and Awakening/Fates in terms of gameplay, that would IMMEDIATELY be my favorite game in the series.

Keep the children tho, I honestly don't care what BS reason is given for them, just keep them there so my ships feel like they mean something

Heck, keep the Avatar too, I love using that system to get other VG characters in FE. How else could I legitimately ship SOLID SNAKE and Tiki

Edited by MCProductions
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Awakening/Fates in terms of gameplay

At this point I'm not even sure why they are grouped together. Awakening was a bit of a trainwreck outside of casual play (IMO) but fates is as solid as any older game what with the effort they've gone to fix awakening's issues (dual attack, second seals, EXP formula, pair up bonuses, grinding depending on route, better unit balance, staves, lower stat inflation etc...). The weapon system has turned out really well too (room for improvement but it's a solid change that can certainly work well).

Just thought I'd point that out. Fates is a genuine improvement or natural evolution on the old formula. Awakening's changes just were not executed well and the game now just feels like a flimsy prototype to what Fates is. Perhaps I'm giving Fates too much credit it but it's genuinely surprised me -- at least the fact that despite Awakening's success, IS has earnestly made a big effort to improve things.

And that gives a lot of hope for future titles.

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I think its fine if they return to the old formula, but I don't mind the character creation or the kids either. I do mind when they're being stupid about a second generation, but thats Fates fault and not the fault of the mechanic itself.

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Considering FE4 is the only game that from a plot perspective made kids work, I would agree with ditch kids. There was actually a topic recently about if they could pull an FE4 again, and I don't think so. But keep in marriage. Character Creation is fun, but only if the charcter is the lord charcter, not a My Unit. And less waifu emblem, but that's more the fans I think.

Edited by Lantairu
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Having a plot and characters similar to the older games combined with the gameplay Fates has (And maybe bring back older stuff), would make a great game.

Marriage is okay with me as long as it is epilogue stuff. I would love if the S support was more then just there for romance. A+ is nice but it does not feel as worthwhile as S. Children can stay if they have a genuine reason for it and not what they have in Fates, but I highly doubt we will unless the plot revolves around them like FE4 and FE13.

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nah, i really like the direction fe has taken from a gameplay perspective

Really? From a gameplay perspective, I don't think Fates/Awakening children really add that much.

I really enjoy it. I really like characters in general except for a few and I like how the personality is related to the parents. Ophelia and Soleil are gonna be my favorite in Fates. I do agree that how they were put in is kind of cringe worthy, secluded realm? Nothings perfect so I won't say anythung negative. If they added a great reason then I would be 100% satisfied. No, Awakening was not my first game, FE8 was my first so I am use to the old one and I like both.

Not having child characters doesn't mean the cast needs to be smaller. Ophelia and Soleil could still be in the game, just not be Odin's/Lazward's children.

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I have yet to play Fates but as far as I can tell, the gameplay is a lot more balanced than Awakenings. IS should add some old stuff like Canto or maybe even Fatigue/Capture (won't happen but it would be awesome) but I don't think it's necessary to completely go back to the old formula. A mix between new and old would be much more enjoyable in my opinion.

Though, I'd like to see children gone.

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I say keep Fate's gameplay but take out marriage/children and Avatars. Go back to writing interesting interpersonal relationships without feeling obligated to accommodate for player worship and eugenics. I don't mind a customizable MC, but take the focus away from "Who do I, the player, want to bang?"

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Ditch kids, but otherwise, no. I love the old games, but franchises grow with change. Instead of just doing what the old games did, it would be best to improve upon newly-implemented features.

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Keep everything as it is, avatars are great, thats just a personal preference of mine no reason really, children are good as they give you even more reasons to pair up two people in the game that otherwise hate eachother but force them to marry eachother, marriage should stay seeing as its been in the fire emblem games for a majority of years.

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Really? From a gameplay perspective, I don't think Fates/Awakening children really add that much.

i like the idea of having a second wave of characters in the midgame that can replace your B-team with the potential to become (or be integrated into) your new A-team with a little love. from a feels standpoint, it's like promoting your own U21s in football manager. gameplay-wise, it's fun to create my own ubermenschen and see how they turn out.

EDIT: worth noting, i especially like the ability (even slightly so) to influence how that reinforcement wave comes out. in a perfect world, i'd be able to hardcore engineer how the kids came out to be the replacements i needed when i needed them, but as it stands i had a lot of good awankening playthroughs where i had a unit underperforming so i engineered a future kid to replace them.

caveat this may not be actually good for gameplay, but at least the awankening implementation (have not played fartes yet, presume it's similar) made me adjust in the midgame to slide a person or three out for the kids of my star players to create new star players, and that pandered to me personally.

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i like the idea of having a second wave of characters in the midgame that can replace your B-team with the potential to become (or be integrated into) your new A-team with a little love. from a feels standpoint, it's like promoting your own U21s in football manager. gameplay-wise, it's fun to create my own ubermenschen and see how they turn out.

caveat this may not be actually good for gameplay, but at least the awankening implementation (have not played fartes yet, presume it's similar) made me adjust in the midgame to slide a person or three out for the kids of my star players to create new star players, and that pandered to me personally.

Yeah, it's called "recruiting units throughout the whole game". Plenty of games before Awakening have had useful units join during the midgame, such as Percival or Dean or Sety or Pent or Gerik or Tanith or the Hawkboys or Catria/Palla or the Sable Knights.

I get the appeal of children. It's powergaming, getting a little boner over how ridiculously overpowered your units are when they solo the final chapter with a rusty length of pipe while taking zero damage. I don't think it's particularly good gameplay, however.

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I think it'd be cool to bring back some old mechanics, but mix in new stuff. There's no reason to ditch old mechanics that are fun even in the name of moving forward, but some combination of both that work together would be cool. Whatever works for the gameplay, really. I mean hell, this trend of world maps and whatnot, isn't that in FE2 and FE8? If it works well in conjunction with the new mechanics, then use it.

I'm not a fan of kids, as physically children of a couple, unless it can be done in a non-contrived manner (FE4 is great, FE13 is fine within its universe given plot, FE14 is poorly handled story-wise). Marriage is okay, though I want a reasonably sizeable so there's still plenty of options, but somewhat limited pool so people who neither have prior relation nor good personality compatibility are not forced to marry, and it can create another layer of strategy in marriage optimization (or just use my program, self-advertising hurr hurr). The current mechanic of class transfer on marriage is already fairly solid in having reason to pair people together from a gameplay perspective.

For a second wave units type of deal, I've discussed this with a couple of friends in another chat, but instead of children, they could be like apprentice characters. Apprentice characters taking on the classes and skills of their teachers make perfect sense, and doesn't require weird time loopholes every time (or FE4 v2.0) to justify. It'd keep the "children" mechanic, but hurts the story integration a lot less. We could do with less 5 year olds running around, too.

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I get the appeal of children. It's powergaming, getting a little boner over how ridiculously overpowered your units are when they solo the final chapter with a rusty length of pipe while taking zero damage. I don't think it's particularly good gameplay, however.

Children are basically just a fancy way of implementing more 'Est' units. And yes, Est units are not good design whatsoever. Either they are useless or you train them enough to be overpowered. No in-between.

As a one-off gimmick/addition (Nino?) they can be okay. But only standalone in each game. It's cool to have a unit that you can train to feel satisfaction/joy from doing so but beyond that they aren't a practical addition.

Edited by DLuna
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Ditch kids unless developers can NOT shoehorn them in for the sake of it *cough*Fates*cough*

Marriage is okay, but I'd like Avatar creation to get some improvements. I also miss a lot of gameplay mechanics from older games, most specifically Radiant Dawn. Ledge mechanics were AWESOME. And I liked affinities. I also don't approve of weapon durability or weapon weight being gone.

Oh yeah, things like face-rubbing and the forced sexual/ridiculous designs really need to go and stay gone. Also, destroying a unit's armor or ripping their clothes in battle is okay, but having their clothes fall off ENTIRELY is just wtf and disgusting. It's actually possible to make a unit naked (I saw a clip by accident and I still regret it). The dress-up thing is ridiculous too, unless there's someway it can actually be helpful/interesting.

My Castle in general seems really neat though.

So yeah, I honestly would like FE to go back to being a little more like the older titles, with a few newer features staying.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm okay with the new stuff, and heck I'm glad they axed weapon weight. I just feel weapon weight is too flawed to be an enjoyable mechanic, and I'm curious about these new weapon effects in Fates

The artstyle, eh I liked POR and the GBA games, feel NES and SNES are too dated, hated RD's and SD, and are completely indifferent to Awakening's and Fates

Weapon durability I can live without, because A. the new system seems more fun to use and B. I can use powerful weapons without feeling guilty now.

Face Rubbing I'm completely indifferent too, so if they keep it, I don't care, if they don't, I don't care.

Also, Ana, if you could truly make someone naked, Fates would be rated M, so either that got censored in the US version, or you saw wrong.

I enjoy the children, so keep them. I don't care how dumb the reasoning is, they are fun to use, so keep them.

I'd like Ledge mechanics to return too, but I can live without them.

Honestly, the only thing Fates lacks I miss from the older games is canto, and Galeforks serves the same purpose anyways.

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