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Birthright Pairing Advice/Opinions

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Howdy all, seeing as Fates is approaching quickly, so should the fleet of ships. I plan on playing Birthright first, then Conquest, then Revelation. Most of these pairings are based on making the kids as good as possible with a Male or Female Corrin (not sure which gender I want for the first playthrough yet) based on mods, general ships, and a rough impression of how the class system works. Input is appreciated!

For Male Corrin:

Corrin(M Str+ Def-) x Yuugiri/Crimson (No idea on secondary class)

Sakura x Tsukuyomi

Ryoma x Kagerou

Mozu x Asama

Setsuna x Subaki

Azura x Nishiki

Silas x Hinoka

Jakob x Rinkah

Kaze x Orochi

Saizou x Hana

Takumi x Oboro

Hinata x Felicia

Female Corrin:

Corrin(F Mag+ Def- Dark Mage Secondary) x Silas

Sakura x Tsukuyomi

Ryoma x Kagerou

Mozu x Asama

Setsuna x Subaki

Azura x Nishiki

Jakob x Hinoka

Kaze x Orochi

Saizou x Hana

Takumi x Oboro

Hinata x Felicia

Rinkah gets the bench.

Any glaring errors or things that could be more optimal?

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Disclaimer; I haven't played the game, so my impressions might be wrong….

1. Sakura x Tsukuyomi…. you might not actually use Tsukuyomi in the main game due to being under leveled, but if you do, sure, this sound find…. plenty of magic for the two of them and Syalla, without Orochi's speed penalty on Syalla

2, Ryoma x Kageoru … sounds good

3. Mozu x Asama …. maybe late game Mozu going archer, inheriting Bowfaire onto Mitama, and going War Priestess with her? I don't see them pairing together well in the main game, but it might work for Mitama in postgame.

4. Setsuna x Subaki…. sounds good, easy Prescient Victory

5. Azura x Nishiki… lots of SPD, good SPD/STR from Azura in growths….. depends on whether you actually get Azura paired, however

6. Silas x Hinoka … a good mutual pairing

7. Jakob x Rinkah … I don't understand the reasoning here.

8. Kaze x Orochi … for postgame, seems a waste of a speed mod…. this really nerfs Midoriko's speed growth, and her starting class isn't magical, so she might struggle.

9. Saizou x Hana …. Saizou doesn't get a class from Hana, but she gets Ninja/Elite Ninja…. Priest on Gurei could be interesting in the long term, but Hana's magic growth is going to make Gurei's magic more mediocre

10. Takumi x Oboro … seems okay enough, although Takumi won't get a class from Oboro.

11. Hinata x Felicia … is this just pair the spares, or is this some sort of plan to put Tomebreaker on Hisame?

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8. Kaze x Orochi … for postgame, seems a waste of a speed mod…. this really nerfs Midoriko's speed growth, and her starting class isn't magical, so she might struggle.

Nobody in postgame will struggle for starting class.

Edited by Tooru
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Honestly for my first run I wiII probably support grind with my castle battles and and pair the characters based soIeIy on their supports. Optimizing can wait until the higher difficulties. I always play normal first then work my way up through the difficulties anyways so yeah XD Though I wiII probably try to make mixed couples on revelations. Now reaIIy the only question is hoshido or nohr first, I will play both before Revelations.

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From experience:

Male!MU x Crimson is really good. Honestly, it's such a good pairing that you wont even need to bring your child to battle because they are the ultimate power couple. Also I would recommend +Str over +Mag for Hoshido since you won't be attacking with Magic unless you reclass out of White Blood, but that's really up to you.

Sakura x Tsukuyomi is a great pairing for Syalla and I actually prefer Sakura!Syalla to Orochi!Syalla. This may have been because my Orochi!Syalla was during a higher difficulty run than Sakura!Syalla so it didn't feel like she was as powerful, but I can't really say for sure.

Ryouma x Kagerou is also great. Shinonome will be a powerhouse.

Takumi x Oboro is a solid pairing. Kisaragi tends to be a good unit in general.

As for the other pairings I would personally swap Kaze x Orochi and Saizou x Hana because Grey can actually be a viable Magic unit surprisingly enough. Midoriko would benefit more from the Strength and Speed that Hana would offer.

Also I would swap Jakob x Rinkah and Hinata x Felicia just because I think Felicia's Magic bonus would be a waste on a non-magic child. Sure, there's extreme class overlap, but Deere and Hisame don't really need to branch out into other classes since they seem to work best in one of their promoted classes anyway.

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Also I would swap Jakob x Rinkah and Hinata x Felicia just because I think Felicia's Magic bonus would be a waste on a non-magic child. Sure, there's extreme class overlap, but Deere and Hisame don't really need to branch out into other classes since they seem to work best in one of their promoted classes anyway.

At the same time, Jakob/Felicia suffers from some problems, among them being mod clash and the fact that whichever servant you didn't get early joins somewhat late in the game.

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At the same time, Jakob/Felicia suffers from some problems, among them being mod clash and the fact that whichever servant you didn't get early joins somewhat late in the game.

That's also true, and ideally I pair them both with other people, but I was just giving a suggestion because OP had doubts about those pairings.

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Let's see…. the last post is only 5 days ago, so I guess I can post here myself without necro-posting… I don't have the game yet, but my plans are like this:

+MAG/-LCK Dark Mage Male Avatar (intended ending class: Dark Knight):

Mod's don't matter too much for no-grind, but I'll list them off anyways: -1 Str, +3 Magic, +0 Skl, +2 Spd, -3 Lck, +0 Def, +2 Res.

Planned Avatar pairing:

Male Avatar (Dark Knight) x Matoi (intended ending class: Falcon Warrior OR Dark Falcon [i've ordered the Special Edition])

Characters I'm planning to use are below. I know that by Ch. 27 there are up to 16 slots available, although some only open up later in the story…. I suppose children might fill the slots…. or I suppose "Kamuisexual" pre-promotes like Crimson could fill some slots

1. Avatar (x Matoi) - he's your lord

2. Matoi (x Avatar) - Cordelia 2.0, wife of choice for the Avatar….

3. Ryoma - I want to run the four royal siblings, and Ryoma is powerful

4. Hinoka - I want to run the four royal siblings

5. Takumi - I want to run the four royal siblings

6. Sakura - I want to run the four royal siblings; I hear Sakura is a worse unit than her siblings, but I still kind of want to use her to complete the theme

7. Tsubaki - Necessary for unlocking Matoi

8. Kaze - Early Ninja, also I want to get an early A-support for certain reasons

9. Felicia - the first servant… I figure staff + hidden weapon + promoted unit that gains skills early but gains EXP like unpromoted shouldn't be ignored

10. Silas - the avatar's old friend and a Cavalier….

11. Oboro - seems like a good unit

12. ????? (maybe Kanna, even though she's not that great, just for the Avatar's family?)

13. AZURA (forgot about her)

14. ?????

15. ?????

16. ?????

A digression on which version of Matoi I should create to make the Avatar's wife…

I was thinking of Hinoka!Matoi or Oboro!Matoi, but are there any other Matoi variants whom would be a better pick considering the +MAG/-LCK nature of my Avatar? In no-grind, class changes probably won't be too extensive, will they, nor do I imagine Matoi will have time for both buddying with Kamui and A+'ing with some else and actually leveraging it….. regardless, in Birthright, Matoi can A+ with Sophie, Syalla, and Mitama if they are recruited, which are the Cavalier/Great Knight/Paladin, Spellcaster/Exorcist/Basara, and Priestess/War Priestess/Exorcist tress.

Pegasus/Falcon Warrior Matoi doesn't seem to want to actually reclass into the Avatar' Dark Mage (weapon rank concerns), although from a postgame perspective Sorcerer does have Bowbreker and Dark Mage has Bind/Devilish Wind. But really, the idea behind Falcon Warrior + Dark Knight is not for class changing synergy but pair-up bonuses…. +SPD/+RES/+Move to the Dark Knight from Falcon and +MAG/+DEF/+Move to the Falcon form the Dark Knight (assists ability to Shockstick on top of the Falcon's natural magic base and Shockstick's high might).

I'm aware that Oboro!Mato is probably more synergistic (Hinoka x Tsubaki has the issues of them putting fliers together, reducing flier coverage, not passing skills to Matoi unless class-changed or promoted, and Pegasus pair-up not giving STR when Hinoka or Tsubaki would probably like that (re-classing is possible, but removes one of your fliers).

But should I perhaps be running a different Matoi variant given whom my Avatar is…. I like the hair colors of Hinoka/Oboro Matoi, but I'm totally willing to go with a different version if she'd be a better fit…

My Avatar is a Dark Knight specifically instead of a Sorcerer so that he can retain Yato usage for the later battles and final bosses, so in that sense although he's +MAG and his STR isn't' as good as it could be, he's inevitably a hybrid unit.

So, which Matoi version (out of any of the 11 choices) should I create to work best in this playthrough (between +MAG/-LCK Dark Mage Avatar pairing choice and ease/practicality of the pairing in the first place, with a preference for the parents working well together as well)?

End of digression….

And, once that's considered, how should I pair up my remaining units? Whom do you think I should fill my empty slots with to get to my final 16 for Ch. 27/28? Other units to create more 1st gen pairings? Pre-promote Kamuisexuals (which ones)? Specific children created by these pairings?

I'm guessing that Silas should probably pair-up with Hinoka, Kazahana/Hana (if I bring her onto the team) or Oboro. Looking at Hana/Oboro… would Hana be better because of the synergy with Silas's other class, Mercenary? (Cavalier + Samurai and Cavalier + Lance Fighter both work for Hana and Oboro respectively, but is perhaps Cavalier/Mercenary/Samurai better for Silas than Cavalier/Mercenary/Lance Fighter)? Hinoka would also be a fine option for fixing speed, but first I need to determine whether or not she's being used on Matoi (probably shouldn't, I guess)….

Hinoka and Oboro really depend on whether they're used on Matoi or not… both could work with Silas…. Oboro really could work with any of the physical guys, I suppose…

Anyways, if I'm running these characters, I'm quite likely to be able to pick up some other children, like Sophie (from Silas)…. I don't really have a 2nd gen pairing for her setup right now, although Shinonome from Ryoma or Kisaragi from Takumi might be recruited…. she can A+ with Matoi, but Matoi's probably with the Avatar….
Got to go now…
Any thoughts?
Edited by astrophys
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