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Oh look, it's chapter four! I actually like this one better, kinda. A quick note that you can sign-up if you so desire since I had to remove two characters, sigh. I leiks lots of characters, waaah

But omg omg look at how this one begins. It's so greeeat.


Chapter Four- A Sinister Wind

There was a frail-looking girl in the midst of young winds, a cleric of seventeen years. Her silver hair fluttered delicately in the wind, her blind eyes staring blankly into the depths of nonexistance, or as it was possibly so. A slighty shorter rouge, younger by two years, stood by the older girl in an array of dark clothing, his hair dark, all darkness as was his inner mind. They stood atop the slightly blustering hill, their orders short and simple, their plans and tactics for executing such orders successfully being more complex. The rouge looked up at the cleric; the cleric keept her empty gaze forward. The night was spreading a blanket of shadow across the entire land. Sleep and silence ruled this time of particular mystery and uncertainty as the light of confirmation was shrouded in the darkness of confusion, despair, and even questionable intentions in the hearts of some...

Another girl approached. Younger than the duo already standing awake, she was; probably around twelve, or so it looked, with innocent eyes as green as the green that autumn stole away, and long, light brown hair that spread over her shoulders like a protective veil, ending halfway down her back. She could not speak, not since five years ago, for undisclosed reasons never known. She was an enigma, an enigmatic figure; none knew much more than an inkling of her past, the only thing being an obvious fact was her loyalty to the older teenage cleric that stood a few feet away. The young one inched closer. Sighing softly, she tugged at the cleric's shirt tenderly and shivered some. She felt a sort of qualm about future actions they would take or maybe was just fearful for her own comrades; she was also horribly sensitive to the slight frigid tinge in the breezes of dusk. The rogue gave her somewhat of a scornful glance which caused her to step back once, but the cleric embraced her with a gentle loving warmth. "There, there," she whispered assuringly. "Is something wrong? You needn't feel afraid for any of us. We'll be just fine."

"Look, what is it with you and that... perplexing one? We've got things to do, places to go! Is she coming with us?" The rogue demanded, which caused the younger female to shrink back even more, and the slightly vexed cleric let out her own sigh this time.

"Listen, we must. I would fear so much for her safety if we left her here. I know potential dangers lie ahead as well, however the thought of abandoning her in this maelstrom of chaotic winds in all loneliness is something I cannot do."

"But it's just you always protecting her, it's so--"

"Shh. You said it yourself, we have a job to do. Shall we go, before it gets light?"

"Nyehh, I'm coming, I'm coming," the rogue grumbled.

With that, three delicate shadows lept into the desinigrating night, the weather growing slightly uneased as clouds started to smother the gibbous moon...


"So, you two heard of the recent... events here?" Nightmare asked as Fim was coming around through the chamber entrance. The room was a great dining chamber, a large table in the middle of the wide space with a boquet of colombines and a type of lily flower mixed in as the centerpiece. Candles were lit up all about and were the main sources of light. Flames flickered here and there, disorienting the shadows on the marble floor. Tiny moths took delight in the numerous candlelights and were thusly flittering about the bright sets of embers. Lyle was sitting next to Nightmare as Bizz was next to Opal, the two duos just across from each other. Chris was apparently scouting for more information, much like Fim had been doing before.

"Well, more like a feeling," Bizz replied as Opal was sitting silent and smiling. Both of them were offered cinnamon apples, which the chestnut-haired swordmaster accepted immediately and graciously while her friend had done so more reluctantly. If there was anything Bizz had fervently desired more than just plain food to sastify her famishment, it was cinnamon and apple fused together- an irresistable combination. To her, it was pure delight. Her opinion of the nobles rose higher, just from that, the apples and cinnamon.

"A feeling, huh?" Lyle said in curiosity; Fim gasped hugely at this moment, and Lyle turned his head to the excited girl making her way into the room.

"Bizz!" She shouted exultantly, making a seat next to Nightmare, "I didn't know you were coming tonight! And Opal too!"

"Indeed, dear," Opal responded with a wink. Whereas Bizz was busy scarfing down apples; she looked up dumbfoundedly, swallowing most of her mouthful of the fruit.

"Hey, Fim, I haven't seen you in a few months. How've you been doing?" Her voice was slightly muffled from food, and the younger wvyern rider giggled.

"Oh, I've been all right. Can't say the same for the rest of us, though." Lyle seemed to cast a strange glance behind him at this point; Nightmare tapped him on the shoulder as if asking him a question, and he shrugged plainly. Bizz stopped eating and looked ahead, squinting her eyes, as if trying to spy something down the blinding blackness of the hallway.

"You guys hear something just now?" The formerly eating girl asked quietly. She got headshakes from everyone except for Lyle and Opal. "... It's getting louder..."

"Maybe we should go check it out?" Nightmare suggested, but only a few seconds before a panicky Chris ran in breathing heavily. Nightmare and Lyle got up immediately while Fim looked up in puzzlement, Bizz nearly choked on apple from surprise and Opal looked horribly confused.

"What's going--" Nightmare began, but was cut off by a high-pitched screeching sound and a hostile gust blew into the room, putting almost half of the candles out in an instant. The moths were manipulated in the air like puppets on strings. Bizz caught one and observed it closely- it was stunned.

"It... I... I need to show you something!" Chris panted. "Now!"


"So... you say your name is Freohr?" Masu repeated for confirmation as he lowered his kendama cautiously. The slightly startled light-brown haired myrmidon in front of him nodded, again.

"Y-Yes, my name is Freohr," she stammered nervously. "I'm... sorry for scaring you, I didn't mean to seem like a prowler..."

"No, we're sorry!" Songbird jumped in, side-stepping to reveal herself from her older brother's cover, "We didn't mean to, it's just easy to get scared on nights like this..."

"It sure is!" Freohr agreed vigorously, "I've been feeling something so strange since evening..."

"What exactly are you doing here, anyway?" Masu asked.

"Oh, um... I've come from the small village of Therma," she replied, "near to the Arbit River. I'm... traveling from home to see other sights, I guess you could say.

"Arbit... ?" Masu pondered for a minute, "Isn't that the river that got it's name from the sound the frogs make there, or something?"

"Indeed so! I now almost miss the harmonous melodies of such calls..." Freohr was about to mimic the sounds when a galing wind interrupted all that lie in it's path...

Shriiiiek, Songbird almost flew off of her feet but was caught by Masu. She responded to the protective action with a 'thanks!' and the perturbed trio looked to the direction of the blasting flurry as snow started to puff in random directions. It subsided, then would begin again, repeat, repeat; then into the north a deafening screech came to sound, this time with a different source than plain wind as citizens and tourists alike found their half-awake selves outside, wondering of the commotion...


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Hopefully I'm still in.

Yes you are, you'll be back in next chapter I think

But yeah, would you rather be 'Godot' than 'Javaman'? That's just what I'm confused on

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Oh Bizz, such wonderful things you do.

I agree with you on the absolute greatness of your beginning, and the only wrong thing I can find when I look with the most perlustration I can manage at the moment, all I can find is this- "for undisclosed reasons never known". I don't think you need both 'undisclosed' and 'reasons never known' I would drop the undisclosed.

But you see, the only error I can find is such a very tiny one; itty, bity, tiny tiny tiny...

I likes the moths, though.

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Ilu guuuys, especially youuu Eponaaa

Aaah, oh noes, the redundancy... not the redundancy... I shall remember to change that at once!

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It might be anither day or two ;`; but I assure you, chapter five is epic so faar

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  • 3 weeks later...

You guys, this isn't all of chater five. Part two should come tomorrow, but right now I just have to have this up. Sorry for taking so long, so much stuff has been happening ;__; I LOVE YOU GUYS

Also, point out any swiss cheese words you might see. This keyboard hates me

Chapter Five: Unsettled Confusion

It's a hard story to tell after a certain point, I must advise you... albeit it's an important one. Look at you anxious, I'm sure you'd want to know. Don't worry, it's only but beginning...

Eroya was a strange country in the eyes of many. Normally, a person would leave home around age fifteen to persue their dreams. This accounted for most of the young people living alone. The other kingdoms of Kishonan, Sirya, Niran and Kurai all followed different beliefs and customs; the one shared in all four plus most other small settlements and nations was the highly common religous belief that all mankind was created by Beings in the Stars. When praying or in ordinary speech, there was the popular expression "thank the Stars!" which obviously meant "thanks for your blessings". Other, seperate continents had different beliefs rarely known between each other.

Eroya in actuality was the less passionate nation when it came to religion. This at times caused it's neighboring nations and settlements to look down upon them, but it was simply the way they lived. They never questioned it nor saw their allies as enemies just due to such trivial things as religious desputes...

There were rumors that were sure to spread on the events in the capital, however. Was it an attack over the kingdom's mind, or a different power altogether?


The wind sliced through the air fiercely as if in battle, its war cry the screech everlasting in the ears and mind, sure to drive those who heard it to near-insanity. Villagers started to have nightmares, most of them young children. Some awoke and cried. Others simply watched through small windows, terrified at the wheather's strange rampage. Was it a storm? Was it magic?

The head of Serold, Javaman, stood outside of the Town Building, a hand rubbing his chin. He wore his sigature red outfit- his shirt being a brighter red than his pants- and his back hair was smoothed down. He had his sword by his side in preparation for anything hostile. He was ready for everything. He wasn't going to let a simple windstorm unhinge his nerves. Though this wasn't any normal windstorm he'd witnessed...

Bewildered screams, though muffled by the wind, were curiously audible in the head's ears. He swirled around quickly to see the twins Cymbeline and Desdemona braving the battering wind to make their own ways to him. "Javaman!" Des shouted while her sister kept silent afterwards, trying to straighten her flapping cloak in the chaotic airs. "Do you know what's going on?"

"If I would, I'd have announced it to everyone!" Javaman replied back as loud, "What are you two doing here, anyway?"

"We wanted to check on you!" said Desdemona; Cymbeline nudged her.

".. And wondering if you knew what was going on," she added, "though, it's least likely anyone would know that..."

"Except for whoever's behind this," came a voice from an unknown origin...

-to be continued-

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You guys, this isn't all of chater five. Part two should come tomorrow, but right now I just have to have this up. Sorry for taking so long, so much stuff has been happening ;__; I LOVE YOU GUYS

Also, point out any swiss cheese words you might see. This keyboard hates me

Chapter Five: Unsettled Confusion

It's a hard story to tell after a certain point, I must advise you... albeit it's an important one. Look at you anxious, I'm sure you'd want to know. Don't worry, it's only but beginning...

Eroya was a strange country in the eyes of many. Normally, a person would leave home around age fifteen to persue their dreams. This accounted for most of the young people living alone. The other kingdoms of Kishonan, Sirya, Niran and Kurai all followed different beliefs and customs; the one shared in all four plus most other small settlements and nations was the highly common religous belief that all mankind was created by Beings in the Stars. When praying or in ordinary speech, there was the popular expression "thank the Stars!" which obviously meant "thanks for your blessings". Other, seperate continents had different beliefs rarely known between each other.

Eroya in actuality was the less passionate nation when it came to religion. This at times caused it's neighboring nations and settlements to look down upon them, but it was simply the way they lived. They never questioned it nor saw their allies as enemies just due to such trivial things as religious desputes...

There were rumors that were sure to spread on the events in the capital, however. Was it an attack over the kingdom's mind, or a different power altogether?


The wind sliced through the air fiercely as if in battle, its war cry the screech everlasting in the ears and mind, sure to drive those who heard it to near-insanity. Villagers started to have nightmares, most of them young children. Some awoke and cried. Others simply watched through small windows, terrified at the wheather's strange rampage. Was it a storm? Was it magic?

The head of Serold, Javaman, stood outside of the Town Building, a hand rubbing his chin. He wore his sigature red outfit- his shirt being a brighter red than his pants- and his back hair was smoothed down. He had his sword by his side in preparation for anything hostile. He was ready for everything. He wasn't going to let a simple windstorm unhinge his nerves. Though this wasn't any normal windstorm he'd witnessed...

Bewildered screams, though muffled by the wind, were curiously audible in the head's ears. He swirled around quickly to see the twins Cymbeline and Desdemona braving the battering wind to make their own ways to him. "Javaman!" Des shouted while her sister kept silent afterwards, trying to straighten her flapping cloak in the chaotic airs. "Do you know what's going on?"

"If I would, I'd have announced it to everyone!" Javaman replied back as loud, "What are you two doing here, anyway?"

"We wanted to check on you!" said Desdemona; Cymbeline nudged her.

".. And wondering if you knew what was going on," she added, "though, it's least likely anyone would know that..."

"Except for whoever's behind this," came a voice from an unknown origin...

-to be continued-

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You guys, this isn't all of chater five. Part two should come tomorrow, but right now I just have to have this up. Sorry for taking so long, so much stuff has been happening ;__; I LOVE YOU GUYS

Also, point out any swiss cheese words you might see. This keyboard hates me

Chapter Five: Unsettled Confusion

It's a hard story to tell after a certain point, I must advise you... albeit it's an important one. Look at you anxious, I'm sure you'd want to know. Don't worry, it's only but beginning...

Eroya was a strange country in the eyes of many. Normally, a person would leave home around age fifteen to persue their dreams. This accounted for most of the young people living alone. The other kingdoms of Kishonan, Sirya, Niran and Kurai all followed different beliefs and customs; the one shared in all four plus most other small settlements and nations was the highly common religous belief that all mankind was created by Beings in the Stars. When praying or in ordinary speech, there was the popular expression "thank the Stars!" which obviously meant "thanks for your blessings". Other, seperate continents had different beliefs rarely known between each other.

Eroya in actuality was the less passionate nation when it came to religion. This at times caused it's neighboring nations and settlements to look down upon them, but it was simply the way they lived. They never questioned it nor saw their allies as enemies just due to such trivial things as religious desputes...

There were rumors that were sure to spread on the events in the capital, however. Was it an attack over the kingdom's mind, or a different power altogether?


The wind sliced through the air fiercely as if in battle, its war cry the screech everlasting in the ears and mind, sure to drive those who heard it to near-insanity. Villagers started to have nightmares, most of them young children. Some awoke and cried. Others simply watched through small windows, terrified at the wheather's strange rampage. Was it a storm? Was it magic?

The head of Serold, Javaman, stood outside of the Town Building, a hand rubbing his chin. He wore his sigature red outfit- his shirt being a brighter red than his pants- and his back hair was smoothed down. He had his sword by his side in preparation for anything hostile. He was ready for everything. He wasn't going to let a simple windstorm unhinge his nerves. Though this wasn't any normal windstorm he'd witnessed...

Bewildered screams, though muffled by the wind, were curiously audible in the head's ears. He swirled around quickly to see the twins Cymbeline and Desdemona braving the battering wind to make their own ways to him. "Javaman!" Des shouted while her sister kept silent afterwards, trying to straighten her flapping cloak in the chaotic airs. "Do you know what's going on?"

"If I would, I'd have announced it to everyone!" Javaman replied back as loud, "What are you two doing here, anyway?"

"We wanted to check on you!" said Desdemona; Cymbeline nudged her.

".. And wondering if you knew what was going on," she added, "though, it's least likely anyone would know that..."

"Except for whoever's behind this," came a voice from an unknown origin...

-to be continued-

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I accidentally double-posted and this thing won't let me edit. ;`; The computer's just getting worse and worse

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Okay guys don't kill me aaargh

Here's the rest of chapter five. Chapter six in its entirety is coming soon. I'm even starting on it right at this moment. I just really need to write. Waaah.. aaah...

Part two


Hours earlier, a vanguard and a valkyrie stood side by side in a forest that was, somehow, devoid of some kind of comforting properties unlike most other forests. It's not that it was particularly dead or devoid of life; in fact, it was like most other woods in the area. It was just when you entered the depths of it; the vacuous properties sucked up whatever security you had inside of you, and whatever was left was Empty Space.

Empty Space was hard to describe. It was like trying to find something in a hollow cave, a shell. Like something was missing, but you just knew it was there a few hours, seconds, minutes ago. Maybe days would pass, months, years, and it could be there again. Albeit, sometimes it never returns and you find something new. You find something new to fill the Empty Space, a different recourse.

Occasionally, however, you forget about it- you forget about that room and the door would stay shut tight forever. It wouldn't hurt or help you ever again- it would just be There. It would be There, you just wouldn't know about it. It was most likely better that way... a wise man once did say 'ignorance is bliss', after all. It isn't always, but sometimes it was better not to know things or to simply forget about the motivation, the part of you that died when you realized it for that brief moment and was overwhelmed with something new, a pheonix rising from the ashes once again to fly into a fiery new life...

The vanguard was uneffected by the Empty Forest. He had no explanation for it, just that what was There always stayed There no matter where he looked or did or traveled to. The valkyrie wasn't as immune, however she still had enough defense against it to keep her from falling into the vortex of unknowing anything as long as you lived. Her mental state wasn't perturbed by the Vacuous Effect. Neither was her horse; its mind wasn't as complex.

"Raven," she muttered in a quiet, yet confirmed voice, "I know what you're doing is what you believe in."

"Indeed it is, Fox." The man standing beside the troubadour shifted position slightly.

"You will return to me, correct? It is all that I wish for." The woman's look at this particular moment of time was that of concern and of a type of desire.

"Of course, my love. I promise you this. And I have never..." the man paused to add a reassuring smirk in the middle of his sentence, "... broken any a promise to you, am I correct?"

Many a folk believed 'never say never', but Raven's 'never' was always very much sincere. Fox released a sigh that sounded like it'd been held in for hours. "All right. I will trust you with this..."


The group of six, led by Chris, 'followed the leader' outside of the Casta palace to gaze their eyes upon the storm. Bizz ran into a wall several times before realizing where the rest of the group was, though she remained taciturn the whole rest of the way. Opal did the same.

"See this?" Chris had said, pointing up to the sky. There were no clouds, though for a gibbous moon it was really very bright. The wind did not cease to continue its frightful gusts.

"What? Is this another attack or something?" Lyle asked no one in particular; Nightmare seemed to be contemplating something.

"If so, to what end? I really see no point in it," He had replied. Bizz's oblivious gaze was turned to something at a ruined house, and Fim had been in the same kind of trance.

"You guys..." Fim suddenly began, however her voice trailed off as a group of three headed towards them, two girls and a very irritated-looking mage...

Out of the blue, it started to snow.


Edited by Bizz
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Why, hello there, chapter six. How have you been doing? I've been doing just fine...

Sorry if it's kinda short but yay I got it done

Chapter Six: Searching for Reason

I don't know where the snow comes from. What I do know is that its purpose is to bring silence. Snow itself is the personification of silence. Wherever the blanket of white is arrayed, it covers all sound, all color, into blank white. The world is coated in purity; all that is visible is white. It erases everything... a sign of forgetting all into a kind of blank comfort. There was nothing else to see, to think about, to hear... even the chill in the air seemed disrupted by the soft falling of flakes. It just wasn't as cold while the silence was falling. No, that was usually saved for later, the aftermath of a futile attempt at trying to eliminate things that would still be there once it all melted away... you soon realize that reality must be faced. It's a grim truth... but the truth nonetheless.

I wonder... you wonder... what happens after it is discovered... no?


"Sir, the entire area has been inspected."

"Hrm. Any sign if 'it', by any chance?"

"I'm afraid not, sir."

"Blast." A priest commanding an invasion on a small town known as Taken grimaced slightly in disappointment. A dog rushing frantically away from the chaos was kicked by said priest; the small animal was sent whimpering and scurrying even faster. "What of the town's militia? Have you eradicated them all?" There was a very faint light approaching its way into the horizon- unseen by the general poplice due to the clouds concealing all that came to be.

"All but apparently one, sir. There's a lone archer attempting to scale the hill."

"Well, you're a ballista rider, aren't you? How many bolts do you have left?"

".. One, sir."

"That should be enough, then." The commander strode off with not another word. His soldier sighed and returned to his large, mounted weapon; he loaded the last bolt with considerable difficulty, then aimed the ballista at the boy bravely fighting his way through the freezing, slicing winds which invited gradually condensing flakes into a party of catastrophe. The silence was falling.

"Heh... hah... no hard feelings, right?" Muttered the soldier to himself as he prepared to fire his last ammo, a tinge of remorse glinting in his eye, "After all, you'll be with the rest of 'em..."



Lyle blinked. "Wait, how is it..." his sentence cut off as he took a quick glimpse at the sky, and noticed it was the ash-colored, cloudy night sky that upcoming blizzards brought. First there were no clouds, and then there were. The trio of Freohr, Masu, and Songbird caught up eventually; the three were left panting in a moment of pause before Masu pointed a finger at Lyle.

"You! I know you!" He shouted suddenly and rather breathily. Lyle raised a brow.

"Eh?" The trueblade replied, "I don't think--"

"Masu!" Bizz exclaimed exultantly, "And Songbird! I haven't seen you two in a long time!"

"Oh, Bizz, Opal, everyone! It's so great to see you all here after that incident outside of Serold..." Songbird sighed in some kind of relief. Freohr had been watching quietly in fascinated curiosity as Bizz, Songbird, and Fim all embraced in a warm group hug. Masu and Lyle continued their 'conversation'.

".. Anyway, so, you don't remember me?" Masu asked, "I mean, I didn't know you were still so dense!"

"... Masu?" Lyle guessed after sifting through the evidence in his mind, "Well, of course. You were always so quick to start an argument."

"Yeah, right! Like I was always the cause of your gloomy mood all the time!"

"... Hey, that's all behind me now!" The trueblade protested, "You know, you shouldn't speak to a noble in such..."

In the background, the quarrel between Masu and Lyle hadn't been audible. Chris tapped Nightmare's shoulder firmly; the man turned immediately with a response of "yes?" It was a remarkable quality he was so revered for, the ability to somehow be aware of all around him and the capability of such quick reflexes. He acted unlike someone who was blind. In fact, if you hadn't known that, it would be easy to be hoodwinked into believing he possessed extra eyes at the very back of his head.

The two engaged in a conversation for a brief moment. Afterwards, the second trueblade noble took his step into the middle of the ecstatic group, interrupting the fighting and the conversing and the shivering from the cold. Everyone looked up at Nightmare, who cleared his throat.

"I hate to intervene into this happy reunion and all, but we must head to the palace as soon as possible. Everyone, prepare for a long bout of traveling..."


If he had ever experienced death in his short span of life, it had been the moment when the ultimate silence descended upon the world of his mortal being. This was unlike snow, for instead of white, there was nothing. There couldn't have been black, for how could any color exist at all if there was nothing? He hadn't been frightened, he felt no regret, and the sensation of pain ultimately subsided. There was peace. It didn't last for long, however that very brief example of time his spirit was nowhere and everywhere all at once.

As suddenly and finally as it ended, it began again. He felt existence again. It was brief and faint, but the way he conceived it was the simple, consise proof that he was thinking about it. You didn't think when you were dead. Did you?

There had been sound, too. He didn't think so at first, but he could think again, so he could confirm that it really was, in actuality, a voice. Something was chiding him awake. It was a hormonous, melodic sound, a sound of rhapsody and sorrow all blended into one melange indescribable in his comatose state... or even to anyone, for that matter. There was light. Something was blocking it, but the obstruction vanished when he opened his eyes to a blinding luminescence...


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