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Greetings! (・∀・ )


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Hello, everyone!

I'm Nyu. I'm seventeen and currently a junior in high school. This is my very first post on the forum, although I created my account last spring. I just never really got around to actually posting anything...

Fire Emblem is one of my favorite games, as well as pretty much anything else Nintendo related. My other interests include LoL, WoW, art, and tea.

(▰˘◡˘▰) Nice to meet you.

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Hows it going? It is nice of you to join us and its awesome of you to join as well. Nice of you to post as well. I welcome you to the serenes and hope you have an awesome time here. Enjoy and fight for your friends, because we're all friends. Nice to meet you Nyu. Fire emblem is one of my favorite game series as well. I like Ike.

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Hello, everyone!

I'm Nyu. I'm seventeen and currently a junior in high school. This is my very first post on the forum, although I created my account last spring. I just never really got around to actually posting anything...

Fire Emblem is one of my favorite games, as well as pretty much anything else Nintendo related. My other interests include LoL, WoW, art, and tea.

(▰˘◡˘▰) Nice to meet you.


If you're on the EUW server, feel free to add me: VanguardRaven

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