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A creative name

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Dont think thats the case since she is female. Welcome aboard the serenes. Everyone starts off easy. Sacred stones was my first and I played that on easy. Once you get use to the games, you can get more of a challenge. I love this series as well and its cool of you to join us here. My favorite class is myrmidon and mercenary. What was your first FE game? Nice to meet and have a good day ;)

Edited by Radiance
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That's quite the creative name you got there XD

Hey, pretty much everyone was bad at FE (or a game in general) when they first started. My first time, I was like "I have to click on a person to move them? Why can't I just move them freely?" Yeah, I was dumb.

Salutations, Konnichiwa, Zdravo, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here!

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Welcome to the forums, A creative name!

I can certainly see why people would like mixed attackers, all the benefits with none of the drawbacks, thankfully Fates will nerf that to some extent.

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