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Everyone's picked their side, but is there anyone on their preferred side that they don't like? (possible character spoilers)


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Back to Asama. Yes, he's honest. The stuff he brings up seem to be desirable things (luxury/nobility in Sakura's case, physical attractiveness in Kagerou's), but he does so without considering how the other person will receive it. That's why people don't like him. . .and that's why all I can do is shake my head at him. If he existed in this world, I think he'd unironically wear a fedora.

So people who don't like Asama also don't like characters such as Dr House or Sherlock Holmes for example ? Since they treat others the same way imo.

I get why they annoy people, but that make them that much more interesting to me. (He also puts Tsukuyomi in his place, I mean, give the man a medal)

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So people who don't like Asama also don't like characters such as Dr House or Sherlock Holmes for example ? Since they treat others the same way imo.

I get why they annoy people, but that make them that much more interesting to me. (He also puts Tsukuyomi in his place, I mean, give the man a medal)

Dr. House and Sherlock Holmes have their brilliance to balance out their jerk behavior though. They help people in their own way. Asama just comes off as mean-spirited and tactless.

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Dr. House and Sherlock Holmes have their brilliance to balance out their jerk behavior though. They help people in their own way. Asama just comes off as mean-spirited and tactless.

So because they're brilliant, they have an excuse...?


EDIT: For the record, only the latter sentence was sarcastic, the first one was a legitimate question.

Edited by AsherCrane
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So because they're brilliant, they have an excuse...?


Less "an excuse" and more "entertaining". Of course, people can dislike the aforementioned characters if that's not their cup of tea.

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So because they're brilliant, they have an excuse...?


I do believe that's my line

I actually like Asama, solely because I'm similar to him.

Honestly, if it wasn't for Yukimura reminding me so much about Otacon from MGS, Asama would be my favorite Hoshidan male, since I can actually sympathize with the guy in some sense. He could stand to show more tact, but I do think he's interesting at the very least.

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I'm thinking of avoiding using Rhajat much due to her being Tharja 2.0. Also, not sure if I'll like Yukimura or Gunter. Gunter is the Jagen of Fates and we all know what happens there.

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Dr. House and Sherlock Holmes have their brilliance to balance out their jerk behavior though. They help people in their own way. Asama just comes off as mean-spirited and tactless.

But if you read his supports Asama seems to be smart, skilled and knowledgeable. He's a priest so he also helps people too. But, he sure says in some of his supports that he talks like that because half of it is for his enjoyement for screwing with people.

But hey, in the end it's better to be loved or hated, compared to being completely forgettable. To each his/her own.

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People like characters like that as long as their brilliance outweighs their rudeness. While Asama does have his moments, a lot of his supports seem to be nothing more than him trolling people because he gets off on it while not doing much to actually come of as anything other than a dick.

Besides, even if House and Sherlock have their fanbases in the real world, they don't tend to be 'liked' in-universe as much as they are 'tolerated'. Sherlock in the new BBC series has about three friends with almost disliking him and House gets in trouble with his superiors all the time for being very flippant and rude towards people (not to mention he apparently gets sued a lot).

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I haven't seen anything of Asama, but looking at this thread I might just marry him just for the hell of it. Try and criticize me now...hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

I'll admit, when I first saw Asama/Azama, I didn't think much of him, but reading his personality made me smirk since he sounds like a character I'd find amusing.

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My side is Nohr and i dont really dislike any character from that side though my least favorite is Foleo

Oh wait i forgot about gunter yeah i dont like or care for gunter but does he even appear in conquest? i thought he was only playable in revelations

Edited by sacredenigma
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Ngl the kagerou support reads like borderline sexual harassment, given his last sentence in the C support

Asama: Ahaha. Messing with serious people is still fun, isn’t it.

Which makes me think he does know what kind of reaction his audience may have, at least sometimes, and in this case it's intentional.

There's some of his supports that have brutal honesty within reason (like Hinoka's C-A where he's rude, but brings up some valid points, and is generally interesting as long as you don't try to S them--then it just falls apart), but then there's a few where he just openly admits to getting off to messing with people. So uh

Edited by Thor Odinson
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My side is Nohr and i dont really dislike any character from that side though my least favorite is Foleo

Oh wait i forgot about gunter yeah i dont like or care for gunter but does he even appear in conquest? i thought he was only playable in revelations

Why Foleo? I don't think I've seen anyone else answer him. Sorry if it seems too nosy I'm just curious.

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Why Foleo? I don't think I've seen anyone else answer him. Sorry if it seems too nosy I'm just curious.

Well his niche as a character its been done already quite a bit with characters like libra(which i love), luciius( he is okay) so it makes me compare and when i compare to the pretty past boys, foleo feels flat and more boring and less complex so yeah, but dont get me wrong i still like foleo. I also think its due to me knowing that when i play im either going to marry my male avatar to camilla or niles so if i do choose camilla then 100% i cant have all children and well i already chose foleo to be the one i dont get since the other children seem more interesting

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Honestly though, there is something that bothers me a bit.

Jakob is liked, Azama gets flak.

I understand Azama has the trait that he finds screwing with people amusing, but Jakob still is an asshole/borderline asshole to anyone who isn't Kamui. There might be a crucial key difference here (although I'm not sure how many notice it), but the result is still the same: other characters get upset.
From what I read, people dislike Azama mostly for being a blunt asshole, which is not that far from what Jakob does.

I get it-- Azama has been sexist in one support, and mean to an imouto in another. I guess that's what actually grinds most of the gears here.

I'm not telling you to like him, but I just want to understand why people are okay with Jakob, but not with Asama.

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I understand Azama has the trait that he finds screwing with people amusing, but Jakob still is an asshole/borderline asshole to anyone who isn't Kamui. There might be a crucial key difference here (although I'm not sure how many notice it), but the result is still the same: other characters get upset.

From what I read, people dislike Azama mostly for being a blunt asshole, which is not that far from what Jakob does.

I get it-- Azama has been sexist in one support, and mean to an imouto in another. I guess that's what actually grinds most of the gears here.

I'm not telling you to like him, but I just want to understand why people are okay with Jakob, but not with Asama.

That's pretty much why. I don't really care much about Jakob. But when Azama does this shit he instantly rises way above assholes I can deal with like Jakob.

Edit: @Sacre, Ah ok, I've only really read his father support which was my new favorite support ever pretty nice.

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Honestly though, there is something that bothers me a bit.

Jakob is liked, Azama gets flak.

I understand Azama has the trait that he finds screwing with people amusing, but Jakob still is an asshole/borderline asshole to anyone who isn't Kamui. There might be a crucial key difference here (although I'm not sure how many notice it), but the result is still the same: other characters get upset.

From what I read, people dislike Azama mostly for being a blunt asshole, which is not that far from what Jakob does.

I get it-- Azama has been sexist in one support, and mean to an imouto in another. I guess that's what actually grinds most of the gears here.

I'm not telling you to like him, but I just want to understand why people are okay with Jakob, but not with Asama.

You are mistaken. A LOT of people were bothered by Joker's abrasive attitude and there was quite a shit storm over his treatment of Deere. The dislike of Asama is a more recent topic because few people actually read his supports.

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You are mistaken. A LOT of people were bothered by Joker's abrasive attitude and there was quite a shit storm over his treatment of Deere. The dislike of Asama is a more recent topic because few people actually read his supports.

OH! That's actually good to hear, thank you for letting me know.

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For me the biggest thing that pushed it over was the Kagerou support. There's a bunch where Asama's blunt and critical that I do understand where he's coming from (like Hinoka's as mentioned earlier) which is a fine support given you don't do the S rank parts. There's even a really good support with Elfie. I didn't mind him too much before the Kagerou support, but that's something that's borderline workplace harassment lawsuit level. And it made it look like he's right in the end, too.

But Joker's abrasiveness IS the reason that, while he's not quite as low as Asama (because at least he didn't have a support entirely involving haranguing his coworker about her boobs, for fuck's sake. Joker's backstory at least explains him a little, even though it does not excuse him at all and his relationship to Gunther is interesting) he's no longer on my "to S rank" list. I feel that Asama kinda does it to get people purposefully riled up, though, where Joker just doesn't like people. Like--I think other people bother Joker, and he reacts to them in a way that shows his annoyance--which in no way excuses his assholery, mind, while Asama in several of his supports read like he's doing it on purpose.

Like they're both assholes with no filter but I feel like the way they go about it is subtly quite different.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Joker pleases me aesthetically and class wise. Nice voice, nice design, helpful to Kamui...

And a terrible dad to Deere. The poor child doesn't deserve that and that's what keeps me from really doing anytihng with Joker unless it's Joker x Azura or Kamui so that poor boy can at least have two loving family members aside from his dad. I hope their support gets changed a bit - like instead of going with his son into combat, why not... chess?

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Idk how I feel about Hayato. He seems like Ricken up to eleven, and that's a dangerous combination that can only be offset if he's voiced by Lowenthal.

On the subject of Camilla, I actually adore her armor, and I'm not into big boobs or stuff. I think she totally rocks it.

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Idk how I feel about Hayato. He seems like Ricken up to eleven, and that's a dangerous combination that can only be offset if he's voiced by Lowenthal.

On the subject of Camilla, I actually adore her armor, and I'm not into big boobs or stuff. I think she totally rocks it.

I could be wrong, but I think Silas is the one voiced by Lowenthal. Not saying Hayato couldn't be voiced by Lowenthal too.


I personally don't have problems with Azama/Kagerou' support (except the fact that it's a shitty support), but, hmm, I'm pretty darn sure it's gonna get changed in the West. Azama in general will probably be changed a bit.

I think he can say very interesting things so at every bad support I feel like it's a wasted opportunity.

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Ngl I wanted that support to be good because I want to give him chances, and they seemed like older, more mature members of the army (relatively)

Then I did a google translate and well

The actual translation just sealed it, though.

I might change my opinions about him when localization comes along, though, so it's possible I won't dislike him forever--With FE I usually just go with the version I like better as far as characters go--like JP Walhart. Forever salty about English Walhart's Morgan support. I also go with the JP version of Chrom/Sumia rather than English, but for Sully I'm English all the way.

IIRC Joker/Dia is more complex than just Joker being a dick to Dia, since Dia is also openly competitive to him and Joker probably just feel threatened. Not that I don't think he should probably be the bigger person--after all, Joker is the dad--but I guess that's what happens when you have a kid and suddenly they're a teenager before you know it--blame the hyperbolic time chamber for that, but Dia's also hardly an innocent victim in this case. It goes to show that Joker's a really insecure person who is in constant need of validation (mainly from Kamui) and is afraid that someone might just come and do his job better--which Dia makes him feel.

Like, a lot of people get rubbed the wrong way by Joker/Dia as a support, and rightfully so because he's pretty dickish there, but after reading Dia's join chapter dialogue, it gives it a lot more context.

(Mind, I'm not excusing squat for Joker, at the end of the day he's still an abrasive dick, but at least from the supports and content I have read, I can analyze his motivations and the angle he's coming from better. He still lost his place as a S partner either way)

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