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Everyone's picked their side, but is there anyone on their preferred side that they don't like? (possible character spoilers)


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Ngl the kagerou support reads like borderline sexual harassment, given his last sentence in the C support

Which makes me think he does know what kind of reaction his audience may have, at least sometimes, and in this case it's intentional.

There's some of his supports that have brutal honesty within reason (like Hinoka's C-A where he's rude, but brings up some valid points, and is generally interesting as long as you don't try to S them--then it just falls apart), but then there's a few where he just openly admits to getting off to messing with people. So uh

I'll probably have to get a few more Asama convos in before I say that for certain - I need to know a bit more about what's going on in his head/backstory/other stuff. There's another way it can be taken, but it requires a LOT of leaps of faith!

I'll evaluate the antisocial butler later. Like Asama, I need to get into his head.

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I'm going Hoshido all the way. The ones that don't appeal to me are Subaki and Hinata, mainly because of their mods, which are contradictory to what their classes are supposed to accomplish. Setsuna is starting to come close for her rather crummy growths; in fact, I'd rather use Virion if he was in Fates over her, or even Takumi.

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Ngl the kagerou support reads like borderline sexual harassment, given his last sentence in the C support

But when Azama does this shit he instantly rises way above assholes I can deal with like Jakob.

For me the biggest thing that pushed it over was the Kagerou support. I didn't mind him too much before the Kagerou support, but that's something that's borderline workplace harassment lawsuit level. And it made it look like he's right in the end, too.

I don't see that as sexual harassment or him being sexist. Why ? Because from what his supports show, I think, he just uses the best way to screw with people, the sexual part is not the focus of his attack, the focus is messing with Kagerou.

Also can we really call that harassment toward a person when C support is just one conversation of 5 minutes ? (Speculation -> And between C and B support maybe two weeks have gone by in the game ? )

Of course, Asama is a dick who likes to screw people, I'm not denying that and it's fine to dislike him, I just think people are overreacting a little bit. (Maybe people also don't like him because, in the end, he always seems to win the confrontation after being a jerk in almost all of them.)

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Screwing with people in a sexual manner is still sexual harassment, regardless of intentions.

The fact that he does it in a provocative way (in which he tends to initiate, as opposed to reactionary) doesn't help, and unlike Zero in Nohr, there aren't many supports I've seen that really put him in his place. Zero gets punched really hard by Charlotte and threatened by Elfie, and Camilla talked him down enough to make him grovel for forgiveness. which shows that Zero's behavior is not okay. I would beat up Asama.

Either way, people don't like a character you like for whatever reasons, big deal. Accept your tastes are different and move on. If I actually told off Thane every time he said he didn't like Ryouma and got a dollar for it, I'd be rich.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I would beat up Asama.

Asama killed a bear with his priest Staff in Kamui's support. (And they ate it, it was a nice Awakening easter egg)

And as I said, it's fine to not like him and it's better to be disliked than to be forgotten. (In the end every people he screwed with have learned or gained something if you pay close attention. Except for Elfie, in this one, Asama is the one being screwed and he gains a goddess and a renewed faith in gods.) Let's end it at that.

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I adore/like nearly all Nohrian characters with the only exception being Niles and his daughter. IMO he is one of those characters who shouldn't be able to s-support everyone. Especially his support with Elise makes me very uncomfortable. In Nina's case, I found her 'boys-love'-tick got a bit grating in some of her supports.

But I guess I'll wait for the localisation before I pass my final judgement. Their English supports might make me like them better.

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Screwing with people in a sexual manner is still sexual harassment, regardless of intentions.

The fact that he does it in a provocative way (in which he tends to initiate, as opposed to reactionary) doesn't help, and unlike Zero in Nohr, there aren't many supports I've seen that really put him in his place. Zero gets punched really hard by Charlotte and threatened by Elfie, and Camilla talked him down enough to make him grovel for forgiveness. which shows that Zero's behavior is not okay. I would beat up Asama.

On the other hand, Zero doesn't have the divine retribution skill, so maybe they're worried about getting hit by lightning if they hit him?

Edited by AsherCrane
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Idk why people dislike characters like Azama or Jakob.

I enjoy people who are rude to other people. That Kagero support makes me laugh more than anything. He obviously doesn't care if he makes people mad, and that's amazing.

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Idk why people dislike characters like Azama or Jakob.

I enjoy people who are rude to other people. That Kagero support makes me laugh more than anything. He obviously doesn't care if he makes people mad, and that's amazing.

I generally dislike a character who sexual harasses a woman. Probably because of the creepy bullshit I've heard directed towards me.

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I generally dislike a character who sexual harasses a woman. Probably because of the creepy bullshit I've heard directed towards me.

Yes, but that's real life. Azama's not hurting anyone in universe in the first place. He offends her, but he never does anything but that.

A good, old-fashioned awful person can make for a great character, even if they're scum in real life. I wouldn't allow someone to do something like that to a real woman, but the wacky hijinx supports make it slightly hard to care about that situation.

Edited by Ms. Andrews
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Yes, but that's real life. Azama's not hurting anyone in universe in the first place. He offends her, but he never does anything but that.

A good, old-fashioned awful person can make for a great character, even if they're scum in real life. I wouldn't allow someone to do something like that to a real woman, but the wacky hijinx supports make it slightly hard to care about that situation.

Just because something is fake doesn't mean anything. I also don't appreciate harassment as being a fucking punchline. It's like the Nah/Inigo support is considered terrible even though "it isn't real." Domestic violence isn't a punchline, neither is harassment.

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Given the timeline of Hoshido and Nohr's universe I'm honestly surprised that characters aren't more blunt about that kind of stuff in-game. It's a shame that it hits a bad nerve with some people, so I'm glad they didn't do it over-the-top.

To explain Azama though, I think he's some sort of religious person. That, and he appears to be on the older side. Those two don't often go well together to make a progressive character. It makes me wonder if it'll be edited out in the American version.

But hey, at least we all take Azama at face value. What REALLY pisses me off are characters that are attractive that get away with saying that kind of stuff both in game and out of game...

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Given the timeline of Hoshido and Nohr's universe I'm honestly surprised that characters aren't more blunt about that kind of stuff in-game. It's a shame that it hits a bad nerve with some people, so I'm glad they didn't do it over-the-top.

To explain Azama though, I think he's some sort of religious person. That, and he appears to be on the older side. Those two don't often go well together to make a progressive character. It makes me wonder if it'll be edited out in the American version.

But hey, at least we all take Azama at face value. What REALLY pisses me off are characters that are attractive that get away with saying that kind of stuff both in game and out of game...

Y'know what happens when you let people say whatever they want? Giant family feud, if you're lucky. Being old and religious is one thing, but using that as an excuse to put others down is terrible.

Pretty sure Asama will still be religious, and old is a given. How they'll portray that will be interesting. As for the younger characters. . .we'll see.

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Idk why people dislike characters like Azama or Jakob.

People have different tastes

For a lot of us, experiences with people like Asama are bad enough reminders of people IRL, so it doesn't really matter if they're fake or not. A character is more than just one trait, and two characters can have the same main trait while end up fairly different in execution because of everything else surrounding them. See Sain vs Inigo. I dislike the former, but am quite fond of the latter. Both are flirts, but it's the characterization that surrounds their main trait that made the difference.

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Y'know what happens when you let people say whatever they want? Giant family feud, if you're lucky. Being old and religious is one thing, but using that as an excuse to put others down is terrible.

Oh of course- I'm going to think that you meant the excuse part as Asama's excuse, but if it sounded like MY excuse as saying 'oh, what he said wasn't bad', I'm sorry. It's still bad. But the character and the words do go hand in hand, which is what I meant.

Can't wait to see all the differences between the versions.

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Just because something is fake doesn't mean anything. I also don't appreciate harassment as being a fucking punchline. It's like the Nah/Inigo support is considered terrible even though "it isn't real." Domestic violence isn't a punchline, neither is harassment.

The Nah/Inigo support amused me though...

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