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Cynthia: I can't log on!


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I'm talking to Cynthia on Aim and she's saying she can't get onto the forums. It's giving her the same message that we got last night when the forums were being moved.

She can get onto the main site.

I'm not sure how to help myself, but I figured I'd make this topic just in case you could.

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That's because your computer caches the location that the domain points to, so when there's a DNS server update (like there was overnight), it can take time for your computer to check to see that the location it has cached is the actual location.

If anyone else has this problem, they should open up the command prompt (Start -> Run -> type in cmd) and type in ipconfig /flushdns and press enter. If they're using Vista, they'll need to run the command prompt as an administrator.

Edited by Makarov
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