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A Step Too Far


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My school has given me trouble since I moved here, but I'm close to graduating, and as soon as I do, I'm going to press so many charges, as I don't want to attempt to bring up old cases at the moment, as with all the loopholes they've used, they'll find an excuse to expel me.

I'll just wait until I'm out of their reach.

Good idea!
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Dont worry Cyn. You know, it's no problem if you try to...forget about it and let life continue as we breath. If you dont do anything wrong than you have nothing to fear.

Btw, in my country, a love between 2 girl is...as least I think it normal because I have a friend and his lover is a oldman( that guys maybe 18, 19).

Edited by soluuloi
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I'm just done being harassed. I know I'm not the popular kid, or the teacher's pet, but that does not mean I should have to sit through all of this.

Story of my fuckin life.

How many times have you moved, that might be a factor. I know it was for me

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I only moved once, and I must say the people at my old school were more civilized.

Moved about *counts* five times, and up till about the last move. Everything was going okay (though the last move was about six years ago

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Oh my, that is really going overboard. Seriously, I would understand if it was sexual forms of touching, but shoulder touch or hugging is overboard indeed. How is that wrong, unless it disrupts the class? Oh no, I touched that person's shoulder! I'm so horrible!!! Heck, in my school, I usually see folks kissing each other in the hallways (not in class, of course) all the time. In my Middle School, there was a rule that separated the guys from the girls during lunch, but that was probably for safety reasons. It's hard to restrain your hermones in your early teens. Still, your school makes mine look like a paradise, as far as the teachers are concerned. (even if I got into a car accident with one before, but heed the word accident)

Point is, your school is bound to get sued over 1,000 times, especially with the teacher hitting you part. Hard to believe there isn't some charges against them already.

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If you're going to press charges, you need good evidence. Although they may settle into your demands rather than pay for a lawyer, depending on their financial situation. (Your school system might have an attourney on retainer already though.)

Do you live in New York, Cyn-sama?

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If you're going to press charges, you need good evidence. Although they may settle into your demands rather than pay for a lawyer, depending on their financial situation. (Your school system might have an attourney on retainer already though.)

Do you live in New York, Cyn-sama?

So much for user privacy...

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do you know that if you hit a teacher, even if it was in self-defense, you'll still be guilty?

I seen it happen. A MALE teacher sexually touched a female student. The female student yelled and smack the teacher. Guess who gotten written up and kick out of the school? The student, despite being sexuality harassed. Covering the damn teacher's ass despite his past sexual harassment. A bunch of bullshit!

Okay, after reading some of the post, Cynthia, it seems that you have told your parents and the parents told your school board about the teacher hitting you and the teachers playing favors.

That's good.

Now, it also seems that the school board ain't doing shit. That's bad. Get in contact with the state and their education department and tell them what is going down. If the city's school system won't step in, I swear on my life the state's education board WILL! And if the state don't do shit, time to let the federal education department do the job! No student should go through that shit.

About the touching: I can see the whole no kissing or groping deal. However, high-fives, handshakes, shoulder tapping? What in the hell? How backward is your teacher and the school?

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I'm not surprised that such stupidity exists but this is still quite heavy, seriously it's like those adults think it's their own freaking world where they can do what they desire and that you're just living in it. If I were you, I wouldn't let it go (and I usually do let stuff like this fly because I believe my efforts would be in vain), keep trying and hopefully it'll get some significant progress because people like this don't deserve the forgiveness they're getting. I would suggest not talking with teachers, they're usually not different from the typical students and just about any of them react the same way typical students do.

In the college I previously attended instructors were incredibly biased, liars, ridiculously strict and really ignorant and they all ended up giving me failing grades for my semester (despite the fact that I did all the work they told me to do to pass and they knew I was planning to transfer so that probably plays a role in that too). The NY district sucks (it probably has anything you can think of that's wrong) and I can't move to another state for my studies. My solution for this is to skip all summer vacations so I can graduate fast, the sooner I'm done with my studies on this bullshit district, the better.

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