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Any characters you initially disliked, but grew to like over time?


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I'm asking purely based on your first knee jerk reaction to a character when you first saw their design (and maybe some of their personality) and disliked at first, but grew to really like them. Feel free to explain why.

I think for me, that would go to Niles, Pieri/Peri, Nyx, and Odin.

I wasn't a fan of Niles due to his sadistic nature and his eyepatch, but I ended up growing to like him slightly more once I learned he could S-Support with male Corrin, learned a bit of his past and personality, and his design grew on me over time.

Pieri/Peri was because I'm not a fan of her personality, but I really like her design.

Nyx due to her design as a Dark Mage. The weird design choice really bothers me, but I'm curious based on her backstory as to what she's like.

Odin was due to him being Owain and I wasn't a fan of Owain in Awakening. I'm mostly curious as to how he'll be as a Dark Mage and I'm looking forward to his ridiculous tome names.

Edited by KazeNinja17
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-Asama. I mean he's basically some old guy that lies around and does whatever, but I was quickly disproved of that thanks to this place.

-Takumi. I thought he was alright at best, but he's a total cutie.

-Pieri because I didn't like her design (seriously...that hair color...with THAT armor? If her armor was just as colorful too I would have went straight for that), but her personality (at least in the JP one which I'm getting) seems to be good.

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The FEA trio

and most surprisingly of all,


Now Niles is my favourite character and also love the rest that I listed.

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Camilla is starting to grow on me and I'm scared. I love her attitude and the way she carries herself and flips her hair in the opening. I just hate how she's so yandere about Corrin.

Yeah. Camilla is another one that's grown on me. My only issue with her is how clingy she seems towards Corrin.

-Asama. I mean he's basically some old guy that lies around and does whatever, but I was quickly disproved of that thanks to this place.

-Takumi. I thought he was alright at best, but he's a total cutie.

-Pieri because I didn't like her design (seriously...that hair color...with THAT armor? If her armor was just as colorful too I would have went straight for that), but her personality (at least in the JP one which I'm getting) seems to be good.

Out of those, I think the only one I'm still not a fan of is Takumi. So far from the videos I've seen, he's pushed a lot of buttons of mine that make me want to not use him at all.




The FEA trio

and most surprisingly of all,


Now Niles is my favourite character and also love the rest that I listed.

Yeah. Niles has become a surprising favorite of mine as well.

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Whoa! Why didn't anyone like Niles? I'm genuinely curious; he always seemed alright to me.

For me, it was his design (not a huge fan of eye patches) and his personality, but I've done more research into his character and I've grown to like him.

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I didn't like Oboro at all initially my earlier regrettable forum posts prove that but she's grown on me a lot now! She's pretty cool, even though she's not my favorite.

Felicia was also sort of boring at first, but I like her a lot more now after watching the maid animations.

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Whoa! Why didn't anyone like Niles? I'm genuinely curious; he always seemed alright to me.

I like him because he meets all of my standards. White hair? Check. 'Unusual' face(eg. lacking an eye/has an eyepatch)? Check. Piece of shit who could kill me? Check. Pretty darn gay? Check. yes i know hes bisexual so dont shit urself just cos i called him gay instead

The last two reasons are probably common reasons why people don't like him. He's pretty creepy and invasive and he's overall a bad man. But he's also a sad man with a sad past. My poor dude.

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Luna, Soleil, and I'm starting to warm up to Pieri. I'll never like her design but her personality is salvageable. Luna seems to have mellowed the fuck out. Soleil... still love her design.

I would say at first when I saw Takumi, I was more focused on everyone else. I did see Takumi and my first thought was, "gee he's cute. But since I like him with my luck he'll be unimportant." I was wrong and I'm super happy about that.

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I like him because he meets all of my standards. White hair? Check. 'Unusual' face(eg. lacking an eye/has an eyepatch)? Check. Piece of shit who could kill me? Check. Pretty darn gay? Check. yes i know hes bisexual so dont shit urself just cos i called him gay instead

The last two reasons are probably common reasons why people don't like him. He's pretty creepy and invasive and he's overall a bad man. But he's also a sad man with a sad past. My poor dude.

His past is what really caught my attention and it does explain why he is the way he is.

Plus, he's not as creepy/stalker-ish as Tharja was in Awakening

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Charlotte I was apprehensive about because of her personal skill making it sound like she's one of those girls who hate on other girls, but her supports was really a pleasant surprise and gives her a lot of depth in addition to being entertaining. She's one of my top favorites now.

I wouldn't say I disliked Sakura at first because I do like her but I never imagined that I'd like her this much. I'm not usually fan of younger characters but Sakura really got me. Initially I liked Elise more due to a stronger initial impression, but now that's reversed--not that I don't like Elise either, I still do love her haha

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Charlotte I was apprehensive about because of her personal skill making it sound like she's one of those girls who hate on other girls, but her supports was really a pleasant surprise and gives her a lot of depth in addition to being entertaining. She's one of my top favorites now.

I wouldn't say I disliked Sakura at first because I do like her but I never imagined that I'd like her this much. I'm not usually fan of younger characters but Sakura really got me. Initially I liked Elise more due to a stronger initial impression, but now that's reversed--not that I don't like Elise either, I still do love her haha

Yeah I forgot Charlotte. I love her too. We even share names. Plus, first lady axe user... I love muh axes.

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At first, I didn't like Laslow (god, that will take some getting used to) because I thought he was just a copy-and-paste of Inigo. While I love Inigo, I really wasn't into recycling characters. Then I played the game. It's hard for me to hate someone like that for long.

Also Camilia. My general basis of hate for her can be summed up with, "No need for big boobs!" When I started to play the game, I tried to stay away from her due to her yandere nature to Corrin, but she was honestly a sweet person. She just has her own way of expressing her love(?).

Edited by Hoshino Sora
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I originally disliked Arthur/Harold/Whatever he is called, Charlotte, benoit and Not!Owain. However after reading a few of their support conversations I have grown to like all of them especially Arthur/Harold.

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At first I thought he was generic pre-promote Paladin trash and Ryouma was better, but after a while I noticed how badass he was

I think I like him even more Ryouma now

Plus, he has a BFS; what's not to like

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Hinoka. I don't know why but I just didn't like her from the moment I saw the character. It was something about her design, and how she looked a little weird in the cutscene where she is trying to be a helicopter. I still am kinda iffy on her hair. There are time where it looks like someone stuck a red tribble on top of her head.After watching Hoshido chapter 13 video, she just kind of grew on me. I think she is kinda cool, and think her design is kind of cute. She is quickly becoming one of my favorites in the game.

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Oboro, at first I thought she would be basically another Cordelia with her crush on Takumi, but once I decided to actually use her I ended up liking her. And once I eventually get the English Version I am planning on marrying her. I also really like her design now that I have seen her Live2D Model she looks really great in it. I also didn't think I would like Elise, but she ended up being my favorite of the siblings(though she is one of the few people I plan on never ever marrying). And Peri really grew on me after her Lazward supports.

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I used to really dislike Tsukuyomi, Hinoka, Hinata and Pieri.

Tsukuyomi was just a copy of Ricken, who I didn't like at all in Awakening. Hinoka and Hinata seemed really boring to me with bland personalities. Pieri's design and personality really turned me off. I tend to dislike characters with that "I love blood and killing people! Yay!" cliche.

But now I really love Tsukuyomi, mostly because of his Japanese VA and his battle animations.

Hinoka and Hinata are much more likeable to me now that i've read some comics about them.

After reading up on her, I like Pieri's personality much more. I've realized that she looks like Harley Quinn, so now I love her design.

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I never actually hated[\B] any of the characters I like now, but I originally thought Ryoma's design to be a bit repelling. Now, well do the math.

Haha. Funny how that happens.

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Oboro. At first I didn't get the massive hype for her over in Japan but as I found out more about her she started to grow on me.

Charlotte. I didn't really think they'd stick her only with the "gold digging bitch." She had to have some redeeming qualities, which I like.

Hinoka. While I didn't dislike her per se, she didn't stand out to me as much as the other royals did at first.

Arthur. The whole "Lantern Jaw of Justice CAPTAIN GORDON! Perpetually Smiling for America" type guy has never been a favorite of mine but as it turns out he kind of defies the stereotype in a way that's humanizing.

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