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Unshakable Faith from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Musical


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"Unshakable Faith" from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Musical

In the land of Ostia, final battle preparations were being made. Lords Hector and Eliwood, the Lady Lyn, and all of their allies were to make a final march on the Dread Isle. The last of the weapons, tomes, and elixirs were being obtained. It was just about time to depart.

"That should be everything," Eliwood said as he looked over the supplies. "To Badon, and the Dread Isle!"

Suddenly, the cast began storming out of all the buildings. They descended upon the center of town, specifically to their supply wagon. In the background, bags filled with supplies were being tossed from person to person before finally being thrown into the wagon. The remaining allies proceeded to break into song, to the tune of


What in my life and theirs is worth fighting for?
What do we stand for against the druid's horde?
For the Lycia we love!
For family above!
We'll face the feral wraiths,
With unshakeable faith!

The crowd split to reveal Lyn, examining her Mani Katti as she recalled all the trials that brought her to this point. With Kent and Sain at her sides, she recited her solo.

What in my life and theirs is worth fighting for?
The Sacaen plains are all I'd ever known.
The last of all my kin,
Nearly lost, because of him!
I swear upon the wind,
Nergal shall meet his end!

Lyn sheathed her sword and stormed off with renewed fervor. Kent and Sain looked at each other and nodded. They followed her with a series of backflips, disappearing into the crowd. In their place, a mournful Eliwood rode horseback alongside his faithful knight Marcus. The lord told (well, sang) him what he would fight for.

What in my life and theirs is worth fighting for?
By, by my hand I killed the one I 'dored.
First, he took my father's life.
Now all lives on edge of knife.
Though I can't be redeemed,
The dark lord's death, it shall be seen!

Eliwood raised his rapier above his head, his horse rearing back on its hind legs. A unit of cavaliers joined Eliwood and Marcus and exited the village with the thunder of hooves.

The scene changed to Castle Ostia, where Hector stared upon an empty throne. In a rare moment of introspection, he called out to his brother.

What in my life and theirs is worth fighting for?
Is the weight of the throne more than I can bore?
For my friend, I'll claim victory.
For Ostia, I'll prove worthy.
With the power of Armads,
That blackheart is good as gone!

Hector laid a hand upon the throne before walking out, his Wolf Beil in hand. Outside, he rejoined Eliwood, Lyn, and their allies as they set forth for their destination. The three looked at each other, confirming that this was what needed to be done. The three lords led the party as they swiftly walked across Lycia. They not only led them to battle, but in song!

And so, we march from Ostia to Port Badon!
We march, for those long gone and those well ever hold!
To stop Nergal's defile,
We'll claim the dark Dread Isle.
We'll stand at Dragon's Gate,
With unshakeable faith!

As they marched forth, the sun set, signifying the dark times ahead. Yet they persevered, because no matter the odds, they marched...

With unshakable faith!

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This is really a novel approach! I was initially skeptical, but after queuing up the bgm, I could get most of the lyrics you'd chosen to match up pretty well. The only thing better might have been a recording of you or friends performing it. :P

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I assure you that me singing would have made it worse :P I will take solace in knowing that I have the best musical/play entry because it's the only one.

This one's mine, fyi ;)

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