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Pair Up affects Growths?

Big Klingy

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I feel like Serenes Forest has pretty comperehensive data on this game's mechanics, so if something isn't mentioned here I assume it doesn't exist. Which is why I have a question:

A few people have commented on some of my Youtube videos of this game telling me that Pair Up influnces growth rates to some degree, or at least during Level Ups. What I THINK they're implying is that, when a Paired Up unit gets a level, their growths for that level are influenced slightly by their support unit, i.e. pairing up with Chrom will make someone more inclined to gain Strength or something. (They use this as an example of why my Morgan got Mag-screwed despite coming from a Mag-asset Avatar: he spent most of his time paired-up with Chrom)

The thing is, I often pair up my Lon'qu with Lissa and he does have a tendancy to get Strength-screwed in all my runs, so there MIGHT be something to this, but as this website says nothing about it I was very sceptical. I asked all these commenters to provide proof but all I got was personal accounts and confirmation bias, no hard evidence. There are obviously people on here who have datamined this game, so I want to put this to bed: is there ANYTHING in the game's code to suggest Pair Up influences growth rates at all? If something like this did exist, I'm sure it would've been on this site by now. (Unless it's as well-hidden as FE11's "modular growths" theory)

Again, I'm looking for hard evidence here, actual gameplay mechanics in the code, for or against this. I get people telling me this like it's 100% confirmed fact and I'm an idiot for not knowing about it, but I haven't seen any proof so far.

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I'm pretty sure this isn't it. When the Growths Project (that pinned thing) was going on, people inputted their stat gains, and I'm positive that there were differences in pair-up partners. If pair-ups truly did influence growths, then there should've been a lot more statistical noise in that spreadsheet, rather than having growths nearly-pinned down perfectly.

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I'm pretty sure this isn't it. When the Growths Project (that pinned thing) was going on, people inputted their stat gains, and I'm positive that there were differences in pair-up partners. If pair-ups truly did influence growths, then there should've been a lot more statistical noise in that spreadsheet, rather than having growths nearly-pinned down perfectly.

That seems to pretty solidly lean towards this not being true then.

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Pair-ups affect a unit's stats and S-supports affect a child character's growth rates. However, a level up during a pair-up isn't affected by the pair-up partner because the RNG is all that matters with it.

PS…I really enjoyed your youtube playthrough for Awakening

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I have a feeling it's just confirmation bias, but once I've finished checking Fates, I'll run a quick experiment to check.

Oh wait, this means I have to work with Awakening's stupid encrypted growths again. This will be fun >___<

Well, for now, there's the 0% growth rates mod I published that people can mess around. There, everybody's class and personal growths are set to 0, so you should be able to deduce a few things at least.

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