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Idol singer simulation confirmed to be in next Fire Emblem game!

Kidding aside, I don't know much about the SMT crossover (or SMT in general) but as a drawing itself it's very beautiful.

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Oh wow, 3 comments O_O! I was expecting 0 like almost always, lol. Granted this isn't dA or Patreon so there's that :P.

Kiria needs more love. I think the color scheme fits her perfectly.

Yes, she does <3. Too bad this is the only #FE piece made :(. Oh wells.

Thanks. I think them changing the dark green and brown/black parts to dark purple when they did the censoring actually makes the outfit look better, at least in regards to the color scheme, imho.

While I'm not too big a fan of her look (can't say anything for her character, yet), this is very well done and looks beautiful!

Well, I suppose she can't win everyone, lol. I love her. Her personality and amazing voice are just the strawberry on top. Amazingly, there's not a single chara in #FE, at least in the main cast, that I don't feel completely indifferent about. I guess there's Barry, but that Engrish and his... humor, can't help but make me not feel indifferent about him. Well, there's a first for everything, lol.

Thanks much! I'm really glad you think it's beautiful :3.

Idol singer simulation confirmed to be in next Fire Emblem game!

Kidding aside, I don't know much about the SMT crossover (or SMT in general) but as a drawing itself it's very beautiful.

If only, lol. Actually, with how they're incorporating music into #FE and if/Fates, I'd LOVE it if they did add singing into the next game(s). Of course, that means that major cut scenes will have to be fully voiced :3.

It's a really, really great game. The slow loading times are fairly annoying, but that's what I get for going physical. As for the SMT series in general, they're really great, albeit hard (I mean actually hard), games that makes you really think through your decisions. There's also the Persona games which are also a part of the SMT tree which are also great, although the plot and "atmosphere" are nowhere near as "bleak" as they are in the main SMT games. I guess that's a good thing in some cases.

When comparing #FE to SMT games in general, #FE is easy. I mean I still do have my occasional Game Over screens, but that's my fault for going into the battle under leveled. I haven't unlocked Lunatic yet, so maybe it's just that Hard Mode in Fire Emblem games are too easy for me o_O?

Thank you very much :3!

~ Sokloeum

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