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Underrated/Forgotten games


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We all know those games, those that nobody remenbers, those that people either didnt know existed or just forgot, this is basically a place to recommend and to talk about some of those games

First im gonna bring two RTS games that are just fantastic

War Wind: a incredibly interesting game that happens in a alien world,with 4 races to play as, each playing differently from each other, while having a interesting story, along with the fact that the game has some nice mechanics like a main hero, the ability to enter buildings and vehicles and the upgrade system, another detail is that there is no humans in this game, and honestly, that makes the game more different and nice, there is a sequel but its plot is just... bad... oh and the game was launched in 1994 and it looks great for the time

Warlords Battlecry 3: this game launched in steam a while ago, and its a fantastic RTS game, with 16 playable races, a bunch of classes to choose from and many spells to use, the plot is somewhat simple but how you do the campaign is the more interesting part, as you explore the land and engage in wars and alliances, its a fantastic and fun game, sure the game has some old graphics but if you can pass it, then you gonna have alot of fun

Also I understand that there is a underrated games thread already,but I dont want to necro post

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Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective has the title "best game that no one ever played", and it's shockingly true. It's one of the coolest games out there with an amazing and satisfying story, yet so few people know of it.

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Games can't be underrated or overrated for that matter, saying a game is underrated is the same as saying you simply don't agree with how it's rated.

Legend of Dragoon, mixed critical reception, but had a decent fan-base whilst still not getting recognition to get a sequel or prequel.

Dead Island, takes a lot of flak for it's bugs and glitches, but underneath it all is a charming little zombie romp IMO.

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Battle Realms for an RTS. Sold pretty poorly despite being high quality for the time (2001) and never really had more than a small cult following.

Games can't be underrated or overrated for that matter, saying a game is underrated is the same as saying you simply don't agree with how it's rated.

I was thinking more along the lines of it being synonymous with 'obscure' in this case. Edited by Tryhard
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I am tired of telling people what Secret of Evermore is

also Deadly Tide was my first FPS I ever played, and I really appreciated the game back then for its clever attention to physics

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Dangan Ronpa.

A really, really good Visual Novel for the PSP/PSV which is unfortunately not as known as it'd deserve

Are Visual Novels really games?

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Tantei Club: Kieta Kōkeisha is a pretty neat Detective game made by the creator of Metroid and there is a translation patch if you want to see an early famicom style mystery game.

Battalion Wars, originally called Advance Wars Under the Fire and still is called Famicom Wars in Japan, is a great hybrid of taking a Turn Based Strategy game and making it a 3rd person RTS styled Pikmin game with guns. While the campaigns aren't long, it provides a nice difficulty and a great take on cartoony wars. There is a sequel on the Wii which I recommend. Unfortunately due to being released during the Super Mario Galaxy hype, there wasn't much advertisement for this game which is a shame since the Online play worked great which is shutdown now and it's still my top 10 wii games.

Elite Beat Agents/Osu Tatakae Ouendan is my number 1 favourite DS game of all time. This game destroys your Nintendo DS that it made me replace 3 copies of my actual Nintendo DS. Great rhythm game that Nintendo funded for the system and it utilizes all screens well. Sadly it won't get any more sequels considering how it was released during the Zelda Twilight Princess hype release.

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I am tired of telling people what Secret of Evermore is

I rarely hear anyone talk about that Secret of Evermore either. The most I hear about it is how it wasn't Secret of Mana. Its a shame since I thought the game was amazing when I was a kid. I played it again recently and I still had a good time with it. A special mention goes to the great soundtrack.

Anyway I don't know if Final fantasy 4: the after years is unknown, but I hardly ever hear anyone say something positive about that game. I actually liked it. Giant playable cast, bond moves where a nice little addition to the battlefield and I thought seeing the older versions of the characters was pretty nice.

Age of wonders 3 is a bit of a flawed game, but I still greatly enjoyed it. I never hear anyone talk about that game though.

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Heh, Dangan Ronpa underrated when it had three sequels and an anime? That sounds pretty successful to me. They are even getting a PC release. As far as VNs go, that game is hugely successful. Same with WEWY, pretty sure when that game came out on the DS it got glowing reviews and amassed a sizable fanbase. The characters even reappear in Kingdom Hearts. The HD version is on iOS with a remastered soundtrack as well.

I really enjoyed Lost Kingdoms on the GCN. You fling cards at enemies that either transform into allied monsters, do some cool super move, or defend your character. You can capture weak enemies to convert into more cards. The game is not very long but I remember having fun with it. I heard the sequel was even better but my video store kept renting me the wrong game so I kept ending up with Bloody Roar instead, makes me a bit sad I never got to play it.

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I think underrated really means a good game that didn't sell well or gain traction.

A little bias only because it didn't sell well but I'll put em anyway. Both Fire Emblem PoR and RD.


No More Heroes 1 and 2 good games but after the first 2 fell flat sales wise iirc

F-zero GX best in the series so far but didn't do to well sales wise

Bayonetta 1, 2 as great as they are never really sold too well

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Dangaronpa doesnt feel underrated at all for me..... it feels abit overrated but... its just not for me really

However whats underrated is a REAL series called Serious Sam, problaby one of the most fun FPS games of all time, with some good humor, epic battles and some great spin offs, like a 2d platformer where you can put guns on guns and make one heck of a giant weapon, or a classic RPG with a more different style, its just loads of fun and humor it deserves more knowledge

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Heh, Dangan Ronpa underrated when it had three sequels and an anime? That sounds pretty successful to me. They are even getting a PC release. As far as VNs go, that game is hugely successful. Same with WEWY, pretty sure when that game came out on the DS it got glowing reviews and amassed a sizable fanbase. The characters even reappear in Kingdom Hearts. The HD version is on iOS with a remastered soundtrack as well.

For DR, that is just recently and even then nobody here knows about that game at all. And compared to some other VNs, it is pretty unknown.

Most people thinks it's an anime. Yeah.

And as for TWEWY, it received a rerelease and that was it. Only a small group of people played it, as far as the people I know go.

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For DR, that is just recently and even then nobody here knows about that game at all. And compared to some other VNs, it is pretty unknown.

Most people thinks it's an anime. Yeah.

And as for TWEWY, it received a rerelease and that was it. Only a small group of people played it, as far as the people I know go.

Danganronpa is one of the biggest fandoms I see in the anime community and managed to sell over 200K copies in North America on the Vita. I imagine a PC release on Steam will push a lot more copies. It's still a niche genre but it pushes comparable numbers to Ace Attorney, and I think most would agree AA is niche, but not consider it obscure or underrated.

I think WEWY was held back a bit by low shipment of units initially which makes it more rare as a physical copy than it should have been. However sales numbers are a bit misleading as far as how many people played this game as the DS had a huge piracy problem. It is a very popular game to cosplay from thanks to Nomura's fantastic art style so I think this game found a good audience.

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Same with WEWY, pretty sure when that game came out on the DS it got glowing reviews and amassed a sizable fanbase. The characters even reappear in Kingdom Hearts. The HD version is on iOS with a remastered soundtrack as well.

TWEWY was actually a huge flop in Japan when it came out on the DS. Only the American audiences saw it actually doing well but Square only really cares about the Japanese market. Yes it got iOS ports but even that didn't generate enough interest into the game as a whole. Yes they made references here and there but the overall sales for it in Japan was pretty bad.

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I am tired of telling people what Secret of Evermore is

!!!! This game is my jam. As is Legend of Dragoon upthread.

I also get a bit sad when people dont know Legend of Mana and/or Breath of Fire IV.

I also weep at the size of Shadowgate's fandom.

Anodyne needs more love too.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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@Danganronpa talk: Number of games and products don't necessarily equate to popularity. You don't hear much about Armored Core do you? I suppose whether something seems unknown can be relative as well. That said I wouldn't consider DR to be "Underrated/Forgotten" overall.

While I'm here I want to mention the probably dead series Spectrobes. An RPG essentially doing the Pokemon thing of raising monsters and using them in battles, there were three games in this series, two on DS and the third on Wii. These games were alright, but unique creature designs, willingness to change formulas each game un-needlessly to figure out what works(as opposed to Pokemon's approach of continuously refining the same one), and overall rise of quality each game showed potential that was unfortunately halted early.

Edited by DavidSW
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Serious Sam games are really good, but it did actually have a decent following when it did come out... happens to have faded now though.

Illusion of Gaia tends to be talked about and remembered fairly well enough, not so much for the games preceding and succeeding it, Soul Blazer and Terranigma respectively. Soul Blazer wasn't the most polished but still enjoyable, and Terranigma didn't see a US release as it was restricted to PAL and Japan. Terranigma is personally probably my favourite SNES game.

Sanitarium never got a whole lot of credit. It got a little tedious at parts and fell short in technical aspects, but despite being a very good game and having some people's praise was not really widely remembered. Edit: Funnily enough, made by same developers who made War Wind as posted in OP, though I haven't any experience with that game.

Nox was similar. Often compared to Diablo II even though it came out five months prior, it faded away probably due to more interest in other games. Pretty goofy but also genuinely enjoyable and I haven't really heard another person talking about the game. rip westwood

Gun-Nac and The Guardian Legend are both shooters from the same company, Compile. The former is a very, very good linear shooter. The latter plays a little more like Metroid with shooter segments interspersed and is probably one of my favourite games on the NES, surprisingly because I never heard of it before.

Rolan's Curse II is a Gameboy RPG that is actually very good, once again I've heard no other person mention this game ever. The first game wasn't very good but this is a vast improvement and I'm not really sure I've ever seen the leveling system before - you gain levels for the characters you currently have in your party by finding chests and walking over an icon of them. It's kind of weird and I don't remember seeing that anywhere else, but it does reward exploration as regular enemies give no experience or such.

Treasure of the Rudras is an excellent Square RPG though it's easier to see why this game didn't get much fame, it wasn't released outside of Japan. There's a translation patch available, but the magic system is original enough that I'm gonna include it here.

Freedom Fighters had a very 'muricah feel to it which I assume was satirical (hardcoregaming article) from Danish developers. Pretty short and cliched (again, I have to assume it was intentional) but very solid gameplay mechanics. I liked it, anyway.

Edited by Tryhard
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Goddamn... someone remenbers Nox and Sanitarium those are both great games and yeah... I miss Westwood aswell... too bad they had to go... I will miss their series...

I doubt anyone will know this one but, Gruntz... this game was my childhood,it was rather different RTS game with some interesting gameplay and some silly humor, oh and it was made by Monolith, the folks who are only known for FEAR which... kinda makes me sad...

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