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Since everyone and their mother seem to be either giving the translations praise or wishing it didn't exsist, how exactly does everyone feel about it? Love it? Hate it? Just prefer one version over the other?

I for one enjoy the Japanese version better but there are things I really like about the English.
Such as Cyrus being voiced by Antony Del Rio in the dub. (Though I cannot every unhear Pit from Kid Icarus!!) and Aqua's song is music to my ears too!

There are a few things that rub me the wrong way though. Such as some of the name changes, that don't make me angry but just make me scratch my head in confusion.

Usually I don't like talking about this, considering i've tried to talk about this on tumblr and there was a lot of flack involved, I expect people on here to be more mature about it though.

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Tumblr is an unsafe place to talk about fates, especially the translation(The amount of people cancelling their preorder kinda scares me). I don't really have a problem with the translation, as long as gaming mechanics stay to themselves, not a lot of things can really bother me about the game. The name changes are a bit strange but nothing someone could get over with through time. Some of the characters sound a lot more mature too (Even if Felicia's voice is really weird it's a lot better than her Japanese voice) which makes some plot elements better.

I really enjoys Aqua's VA too, they really were able to make the English song amazing, so hopefully all these changes stop bothering people around the time the game comes out.

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(Oh tumblr~You can be great sometimes but man, you can be filled with toxic). I find it that people on tumblr just over-exaggerate or over-react to things that aren't that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things (did you see how Tumblr blew up about the Soleil fiasco and the rubbing being removed? My gosh, it was embarrassing to watch). Like, I swear, some people make it seem like these changes are going to end the world.

I have 0 problems with the localization and I've said this before but, I know things are going to change so when they do, I'm not going to make a big deal out of it. You kind of just have to adapt. I looooooooooooove the voice acting and I might even go as far as to say I like it more than Awakening just because I find the characters in Fates a lot more interesting, so I'm going to enjoy their voices a lot more.

Of course, there are those questionable translations but I just get a good laugh from them.

Edited by carefreejules
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I don't have any problems with the localization too actually. Everything is fine and I'm not upset about anything. Well, I have been like "What..." with some of the names like Jakob and Niles. Subaki is still a "meh" to me but oh well.

Voice acting is fine? I cringed at Felicia's at first but after hearing more of her lines, I think it's kinda okay. And British Joker hue.

No facerubbing is alright for me. I will miss it. I admit, I was like "Welp time to get a Japanese 3DS" but nah. Besides, I like the convos more actually. It saves time and doesn't get awkward when i play the game in the public lol.

So apparently, the VA for Silas is the same as Pit's? I can't hear it but oh well lol

Dual audio isn't my problem but if there is... can we hear aqua's song in Japanese as well? :o I love that song in both versions.

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Dual audio isn't my problem but if there is... can we hear aqua's song in Japanese as well? :o I love that song in both versions.

No, there's no dual audio.

As a matter of fact I feel very certain that Aqua's song is the reason behind this, Nintendo doesn't own the rights for Renka's song and where not able to get them for the international release. some early videos with Aqua's song where taken off youtube because of copyrights too for that matter, one of which iirc was just the game's tittle screen even.

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European sales for the FE serie are quite bad, that's why our opinion doesn't matter much.

We are given the NA version of the game and have to deal with it, that's the market's law.

Unfortunate but can't be helped. Muting the dub is life saver.

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I love the cute names. I love the witty script. I love all the cute new voices voices. I love Fire Emblem Fates and I can't wait for one more week.

Edited by ChocolaChao
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Actually, I'm not to sure that Silas's voice actor is Antonio Del Rio.

It really didn't seem like him, my best guess is that Silas's voice actor is actually Michael Johnston, who does sounds like Antonio.

Not only that but I think Antonio is a Union voice actor, which makes it very hard for him to voice someone in this game.

However, I can't sure of that. Dark Paladin X can answer this better than me.

Edited by Water Mage
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Twitter is honestly just as bad. Just full of people who are STILL crying about the "censorship", and the dual audio, along with more complaints about "just how awful the dubs are". I'm actually hoping the people who say they've canceled their SE pre-orders are serious, and maybe if I ask I can get lucky when I go to Gamestop next week.

Edited by TheFantasm
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Twitter is honestly just as bad. Just full of people STILL crying about the "censorship", and the dual audio, along with more complaints about just how awful the dubs are. I'm actually hoping the people who say they've canceled their SE pre-orders are serious, and maybe if I ask I can get lucky when I go to Gamestop next week.

Pretty much. Also, everyone better remember to ask their VG shop people to get the code for the other path, so you all can get the Dread Fighter/Dark Falcon classes.

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honestly im actually in love with the fates localisation

Like the funny bits are funnier and the parts that were awkwardly worded or needed further story clarification were fixed

Lines being tweaked that amend minor plot holes or strengthen characters

Like treehouse has done a good job with this my dudes. its not anywhere near 4kids bad like people are saying it is

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honestly im actually in love with the fates localisation

Like the funny bits are funnier and the parts that were awkwardly worded or needed further story clarification were fixed

Lines being tweaked that amend minor plot holes or strengthen characters

Like treehouse has done a good job with this my dudes. its not anywhere near 4kids bad like people are saying it is

That, and I think NoA altered some lines to put Hoshido in the gray, right?

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honestly im actually in love with the fates localisation

Like the funny bits are funnier and the parts that were awkwardly worded or needed further story clarification were fixed

Lines being tweaked that amend minor plot holes or strengthen characters

Like treehouse has done a good job with this my dudes. its not anywhere near 4kids bad like people are saying it is

People have really over-exaggerated how bad the fates localization really is, I think a lot of the 4kidz friend emblem posts are just satire (I hope).

Treehouse did a good job tbh, they don't deserve the blunt off all the fates hate.

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As someone that just got If and canceled Fates for a multitude of reasons, I prefer If. The reason it was 'awkward' or makes less sense is because the fan-translation preserved the literal, original text (for the most part, some of the things are really difficult to translate even for me), not because the writing is inferior, at least in my opinion; someone can disagree with me but personally from what I've seen (up to chapter 6 for both) the writing skill is just as good as the other.

The English version, don't flame me for this, did kind of tone down the bitterness and insults that some parts of the original had, but it's not 4kidz level and the only reason I prefer If is because I'm more accustomed to the Japanese language. If I 'got' English as much as I 'got' Japanese, I'm sure I would have loved both equally. Actually, I probably would love both equally, it's just a matter of personal preference for what I want to read it in if you get my drift?

So I urge everyone to enjoy it, and please don't trade for the Japanese version unless you know what you're doing/feel really strongly about what was changed because I truly do think it's a good solid localization.

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(Oh tumblr~You can be great sometimes but man, you can be filled with toxic). I find it that people on tumblr just over-exaggerate or over-react to things that aren't that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things (did you see how Tumblr blew up about the Soleil fiasco and the rubbing being removed? My gosh, it was embarrassing to watch). Like, I swear, some people make it seem like these changes are going to end the world.

I have 0 problems with the localization and I've said this before but, I know things are going to change so when they do, I'm not going to make a big deal out of it. You kind of just have to adapt. I looooooooooooove the voice acting and I might even go as far as to say I like it more than Awakening just because I find the characters in Fates a lot more interesting, so I'm going to enjoy their voices a lot more.

Of course, there are those questionable translations but I just get a good laugh from them.

^^^Pretty much all of this lol.

And as other people have said, I really like Azura's vocie too! I still prefer Renka but maybe I'll like Rena's more!

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I'm indifferent to most script changes made that I've seen. Some are good.

Some of the name changes are stupid, but I'm fine with most of them.

The dub is decent, but some of the voices are bad. I wanted duel audio, but I can survive.

I dislike the removal of skinshipping. I find it unnecessary, and the fact that other things that could be considered "weeb shit" and "strange to western audiences" were left in seem contradictory.

I dislike how they removed the swimsuits. No, it's not because I want to get off to bad character models, but because there is no reason to remove them, and it contradicts the other content left in. It's pretty stupid, and stupid bothers me.

I'll wait to see everything when it comes out.

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From what I have seen so far I am perfectly fine with the localization. The voice acting sounds just fine the only one i'm not a big fan of is Felicia. (although I prefer her English voice to the moe screeching in the Japanese version.)

Somebody on the fire emblem subreddit actually made a post comparing the official localization to the fan translation and it's a great improvement in my eyes. (specifically the level where you get Kana)

However I am a little bit disappointed that duel audio will not be in this game. Mainly because I love Ryoma's "SHOUGII" crit quote but it's nothing to get upset about.

And most of the name changes are just fine in my book. Mainly I like "Corrin" more than "Kamui". Kamui just rolls off my tongue in a weird way and Corrin feels more natural to me.

All and all I think the localization is a good one. Yeah skinship got censored a bit but I had no plans on using it in the first place so no big deal. I can't wait to play it next week.

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From what I have seen so far I am perfectly fine with the localization. The voice acting sounds just fine the only one i'm not a big fan of is Felicia. (although I prefer her English voice to the moe screeching in the Japanese version.)

Somebody on the fire emblem subreddit actually made a post comparing the official localization to the fan translation and it's a great improvement in my eyes. (specifically the level where you get Kana)

However I am a little bit disappointed that duel audio will not be in this game. Mainly because I love Ryoma's "SHOUGII" crit quote but it's nothing to get upset about.

And most of the name changes are just fine in my book. Mainly I like "Corrin" more than "Kamui". Kamui just rolls off my tongue in a weird way and Corrin feels more natural to me.

All and all I think the localization is a good one. Yeah skinship got censored a bit but I had no plans on using it in the first place so no big deal. I can't wait to play it next week.

And kudos to NoA for their attempts to avoid favoritism towards either path. Because seriously, the Japanese version have Hoshido glorified to no end. Freaking revisionists.

Edited by FluffyWarlock
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Twitter is honestly just as bad. Just full of people who are STILL crying about the "censorship", and the dual audio, along with more complaints about "just how awful the dubs are". I'm actually hoping the people who say they've canceled their SE pre-orders are serious, and maybe if I ask I can get lucky when I go to Gamestop next week.

Hoping I can get one at a reasonable price on amazon if the sellers don't care about the US game!


The dubbing is pretty good with some characters like Felicia(No offense. Her Jap voice was terrible. Had to mute the game.), Beruka, Elise, Sakura, and Rinkah.

Edited by PuffPuff
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Tumblr is an unsafe place to talk about fates, especially the translation(The amount of people cancelling their preorder kinda scares me). I don't really have a problem with the translation, as long as gaming mechanics stay to themselves, not a lot of things can really bother me about the game. The name changes are a bit strange but nothing someone could get over with through time. Some of the characters sound a lot more mature too (Even if Felicia's voice is really weird it's a lot better than her Japanese voice) which makes some plot elements better.

I really enjoys Aqua's VA too, they really were able to make the English song amazing, so hopefully all these changes stop bothering people around the time the game comes out.

I've seen plenty of different things that disheartens me, such as me being called petty for prefering to use the character's Japanese voices, I do like a lot of the name changes, such as Selkie, such an adorable name! But I am quite attached to the Japanese ones and just like usin em more.

And yes, tumblr is a very, scary and horrible place to be for not only a fire emblem fan, but a fan of anything really. I've tried not to use it as often honestly but sometimes I get really excited and just wanna talk to someone about it.

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