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Why is this game so addicting?


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I've put in almost 300 hours into my copy of Awakening, which is MUCH more than any other game I've played. The only other "contender" I can think of is Super Mario 64, but I've had that game since 1997, whereas Awakening came out three years ago.

I took it upon myself to try and level up my units to their fullest, i.e. every skill they can learn in every class they can be in. But the game itself is repetitive, at least at this point. I know the FE games don't improve upon much, gameplay-wise; you just move all your units, kill the enemy's, and hope all goes well. It's boring, long, simple....

So why am I still playing it?!!

I like the Fire Emblem series, I really do, but I don't know why I'm continuing to play this game when I've already beaten it a few times. Does the completionist in me just want my fictional friends to be their best? Am I training for Apotheosis? If I do complete that map, I'll have a whole 'NOTHER CHARACTER to train!

If I ever end up getting Fates, and it's as similar to Awakening as it looks, I'm not going to be playing much other games anymore. FE isn't even my favorite series. I've never been one to constantly replay or continue to play a game after I've beaten it for replay value. The only games I've ever 100% completed are SM64 (like 10 times), and the other 3D Mario games, bar 3D World.

So why am I still playing it? I don't know. Maybe it's characters. They are so well written and I can connect with a number of them (even Tharja in some cases...). Because of how I'm "built," I can't go into the outside world very much. Allergies suck. So, I guess this game is just time-wasting-material and "friend-filler" for me, idk. Maybe once I get my life together, I'll play it more sparingly, but for right now, I'm addicted to the game. I do have friends, of course, but I've reached the point in life where they're all doing things, like jobs and school... somethings I can't very well do myself...

I have plenty of other games, numbering in the hundreds somewhere, but I always come back to my copy of Awakening whenever I'm bored. It's not even that great of a game, and yet, I'm continuing to play it. Life of a video gamer, I guess.

Pointless topic, definitely, and I don't know why I'm posting it. But I guess I needed to get it out there for some reason.

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Well I have about 800 hours on Awakening and it's entirely on the characters. The maps and story were my least favorite of the series. It's a fun game there's no question about that but I think it's addicting because of the different ways you can go about things like in Pokemon. You can get to the end by using different characters, pairings, weapons,etc. Also if you're a completionist it would be no surprise because the game has a huge support system.

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I'm not playing it to get all the supports and I suck on Lunatic+, so I think "completionist" was the wrong word to use. Not exactly "casual" either, idk.

I do think it's the characters, tbh. FE has great characters in it, but by this point (after the endgame), they don't really converse with each other anymore, so...

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I think it really has everything to do with the content in the game. Its so replayable due to just what you can do with your guys. On top of that, all that DLC, spotpass chapters, etc. Theres always something to do and if you get bored with a current team, you can just start over on a new difficulty. Theres just so many combinations on how to proceed and i think thats really what keeps us still playing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

TBH, I'm only replaying Awakening for the time being once I get Fates...

Personally fates has way less depth in the kinds of things that got me to spend 600+ hours on awakening. Inheritance and unit building has been destroyed by skill buying.

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I've been relentlessly farming both supports and skills, and honestly, it's almost like a Candy-Crush-like addiction, but with substance. The endless possibilities for the characters, no character is deemed too weak or too lame (at least after grinding the ever loving shit out of the characters), just simply tools. Then when I want to get all feels and what not, I just go read the supports. The fruits of our labor.

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You can get to the end by using different characters, pairings, weapons,etc. Also if you're a completionist it would be no surprise because the game has a huge support system.

That is what I like, the series implements luck into a strategy based game so well, it makes everyone have a different playthrough each time because a a random unit got criticaled or they got stat screwed so you decided to get the other character in that same class.

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