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Dark Magic in Fates


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I'm thinking of having Dark Mage as my Avatar's second class in Fates, but had a few questions about how Dark Magic works.

1: Is Dark Magic like it was in Awakening? As in only Dark Mages/Sorcerers got it, but not Dark Knights?

2: Going along with the first question, are tomes even separated into Dark and Anime magic? Can Dark Blood, Revenant Knight, Strategist, etc use "Dark" tomes.

3: I noticed the DLC Witch class has Dark Gift, which says it lets you use Dark Magic tomes. Is it like Awakening Aversa's gift where you had to have access to normal tomes, then could use Dark as well, like a Sage gaining access to Dark Magic? Or does it let any class use Dark Tomes regardless, like say now a Berzerker can use Dark Magic if she has this skill?

4: Do Dragonstones run off of magic? (I think I heard they do, but want to confirm.)

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1 yes, it is the same

2 yes as I know only Dark mage and Sorcerer can use Dark magic

3 is the same skill:)

But don't worry about Dark magic, Nosferatu is the only Dark tome

Nosferatu's the only one that matters. :)

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and crit, however with breaking sky or luna it might work maybe?

As you said Nosferatu can't do critical hits anymore, and it also can't activate skills like Luna, Breaking Sky, Ignis, Sol, Vengance and etc.

Honestly, it kinda sucks.

Edited by Water Mage
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As you said Nosferatu can't do critical hits anymore, and it also can't activate skills like Luna, Breaking Sky, Ignis, Sol, Vengance and etc.

Honestly, it kinda sucks.

i can't hit skills? Didn't knew about that.

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Magic got nerfed pretty badly, but Dark Mages can utilize the scrolls that Diviners use, and those are generally really good.

1: Is Dark Magic like it was in Awakening? As in only Dark Mages/Sorcerers got it, but not Dark Knights?

2: Going along with the first question, are tomes even separated into Dark and Anime magic? Can Dark Blood, Revenant Knight, Strategist, etc use "Dark" tomes.

3: I noticed the DLC Witch class has Dark Gift, which says it lets you use Dark Magic tomes. Is it like Awakening Aversa's gift where you had to have access to normal tomes, then could use Dark as well, like a Sage gaining access to Dark Magic? Or does it let any class use Dark Tomes regardless, like say now a Berzerker can use Dark Magic if she has this skill?

4: Do Dragonstones run off of magic? (I think I heard they do, but want to confirm.)

1. Yes. However, as far as we know, Nosferatu is the only dark tome in the game, and it's not as good as its Awakening counterpart.

2. There are two types of magic: Tomes and scrolls, but any magic class can use either type.

3. Yes, it works exactly like Shadowgift, but considering that there's only one dark tome in the game, it's basically a skill that unlocks Nosferatu. Also, Witch is a female-only class. I'm sure you knew that, though.

4. IIRC, yes, they do. I think they give you a stat penalty after using them, but they boost your stats a lot.

Edited by Esme
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Wow, it sounds like Dark Magic and Sorcerers got nerfed beyond recognition, guess I'll go with plan B and make my second class a Wyvern Rider.

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Wow, it sounds like Dark Magic and Sorcerers got nerfed beyond recognition, guess I'll go with plan B and make my second class a Wyvern Rider.

Yep. Oh, and Dark Mage has a whopping 3 base speed.

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Nosferatu is still usable and can be used to faceroll large portions of the game. Players who sincerely believe armour knights are a good class in FE will enjoy Nosferatanking in this one yet again - I mean you don't run out of uses and have to buy the expensive tome again! It's the stupidest way of playing the game though.

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I guess my next big question is what's the difference between Tomes and Scrolls? I must have missed that looking at the classes.

Nothing much aside of look.

From mjolnir is one of more intresting ones (crit chance)

from spells, i would say horse god is just rocking (skill, spd, def, res +3 while equipped)

i'm still trying to figure out more tomes that are actually good to use, well i won't be able to do so for a long time (no relese for eu) but those 2 tomes seems most reliable aside of pref. weapons.

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I guess my next big question is what's the difference between Tomes and Scrolls? I must have missed that looking at the classes.

Not much. The basic spells have the same might as tomes, 5 less hit, and give a +1 boost to a stat. The E rank spell boosts skill, D boosts defense, C boosts speed, and B boosts res. However, there is a limited supply spell called Horse Spirit which boosts skill, speed, defense, and res by three, but it only has 4 might.

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As you said Nosferatu can't do critical hits anymore, and it also can't activate skills like Luna, Breaking Sky, Ignis, Sol, Vengance and etc.

Honestly, it kinda sucks.

I'm really not a fan of how gamey the weapon rules. There's no consistency or logic to them, they just randomly apply "no doubling" "no skills" etc.

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I'm really not a fan of how gamey the weapon rules. There's no consistency or logic to them, they just randomly apply "no doubling" "no skills" etc.

Personally, I'd rather that than have situations where I don't need much more than javelins or hand axes to plow through the game. I mean, it's a STRATEGY game, for [EFF]'s sake - I'd like it to at least show!

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Personally, I'd rather that than have situations where I don't need much more than javelins or hand axes to plow through the game. I mean, it's a STRATEGY game, for [EFF]'s sake - I'd like it to at least show!

So have these weapons lower your speed or skill - there are already calculations in the game, use them instead of throwing up arbitrary blocks that don't follow any predictable pattern.

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So have these weapons lower your speed or skill - there are already calculations in the game, use them instead of throwing up arbitrary blocks that don't follow any predictable pattern.

It seems like they replaced the old weapon weight and durability systems with something a lot more convoluted.

Edited by Rezzy
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So have these weapons lower your speed or skill - there are already calculations in the game, use them instead of throwing up arbitrary blocks that don't follow any predictable pattern.

What about it is arbitrary? They decide what weapons can or can't double/critical/activate skills and so forth for balance reasons.

It seems like they replaced the old weapon weight and durability systems with something a lot more convoluted.

The new system is easier to understand than weapon weight (which is never explained).

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