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Interview with Azura's NA Voice Actress

Aggro Incarnate

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I'm very happy she did the dub for Azura, her singing in the scenes sounds so beautiful. She really did an incredible job playing the part. It's really sad that she got so much hate in the beginning, hate that she didn't deserve. I really hope she returns again one day for some more voice acting for fire emblem.

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The Tales of Series is one of the fandoms that are definitely NOT milder than here for negative reactions to English dubbing.

I actually tend to love the voices for the Tales of Series games. I mean, I knew voice acting for characters coming over from Japanese wouldn't be easy but I'm disappointed to see that people can still be so vicious about their preferences.

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I just hate how Voice actors are in la-la land with all their money and animators are just struggling to get a dime.

Anime industry, game industry. I just puts me off my motivation to be an animator.

Y-You are aware of how much anime and video game voice actors are paid, right?

There's reason why there was almost a video game voice actor strike.

Edited by Water Mage
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While they're wrong about VA's getting the Hollywood treatment, there is a precedent for animators getting treated poorly in other entertainment industries. The company in charge of Special Effects went bankrupt because of the ridiculous 'Fixed Fee' stuff movie studios tend to pull, not to mention that Ang Lee thanked pretty much everyone who worked on the movie except the animators.

The Video Game industry is generally pretty shitty for basically everyone other than publishers and executives; there's this thing that people working in the industry tend to refer to as 'crunch time', the period of time before a game is released that usually has people working 12 hours a day plus weekends, possibly with no overtime and the chances of mass layoffs if the game doesn't sell well. It can also last up to/more than a year in case it doesn't sound completely nightmarish.

Edited by Phillius
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But...why? It seems like something that could easily be fixed without increasing the cost yet at the same time improve the quality of the product, or am I missing something important here?

If the company told the VA that they were voicing some big name character (Mario, Link, etc.), the VA has the opportunity to charge more for their service because their voice becomes attached to the big name character and their voice is therefore critical. This is why Nintendo tends to reuse a lot of their voice work.

If people are being used for the same character in future games, they aren't told of their role. I recall a Q&A with Laura Bailey where she declined a VA role and after she declined, she found out it was for a character she had already voiced. So they went and found someone else. They couldn't let her reprise her role as she knew more than she was supposed to.

I also recall another interview with a different VA where the lines recorded were nothing from the lines actually used in the name of secrecy. NDAs are really powerful. They're also really expensive. Limiting the NDAs going out keeps costs lower.

The unfortunate thing about being a VA is that you're basically got no power over your service. Game companies know how important your voice is to their games and they go out of their way to take as much power as they can.


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If the company told the VA that they were voicing some big name character (Mario, Link, etc.), the VA has the opportunity to charge more for their service because their voice becomes attached to the big name character and their voice is therefore critical. This is why Nintendo tends to reuse a lot of their voice work.

If people are being used for the same character in future games, they aren't told of their role. I recall a Q&A with Laura Bailey where she declined a VA role and after she declined, she found out it was for a character she had already voiced. So they went and found someone else. They couldn't let her reprise her role as she knew more than she was supposed to.

I also recall another interview with a different VA where the lines recorded were nothing from the lines actually used in the name of secrecy. NDAs are really powerful. They're also really expensive. Limiting the NDAs going out keeps costs lower.

The unfortunate thing about being a VA is that you're basically got no power over your service. Game companies know how important your voice is to their games and they go out of their way to take as much power as they can.


Pretty much it can get ugly politically like with the Voice Actor of Niko Bellic of Grand Theft Auto IV. Ever since that fiasco, they never used him again for any of the new GTA games and will probably never let that character have any new lines after that.

I also got to speak with the voice actors of MLP, Ash from the original 4kids Pokemon, the Naruto voice actress and some of the blazblue voice actors during my convention visits and they all say the similar things during the Q&As. Everything is always in a locked down and you won't know what character you voice until near the release of the products, shows or episodes.

So you either have restrictions on acting performance but keep information from being leaked out or have great acting performance but have information leaked out easily. Sure the NDAs and Contracts are suppose to fulfill those quotas but knowing human nature, that usually is never followed.

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Y-You are aware of how much anime and video game voice actors are paid, right?

There's reason why there was almost a video game voice actor strike.

I'm aware. And they have no right when animators are in an even worse position. But no animators going on strike. Because a lot of the anime and game industry revolves around it and apart from knowing it's important, they just love their job. If you're complaining about not getting paid much just for VO's that you think you deserve a weeks worth compared to many months work. Then quit and find a better job. Because the money can better used on other parts of the industry that need it. And these listed media's are up against blockbuster movies. It's hard as it is.

No Power Ranger complains about being the left leg. Or not being the head. Because then you'll get kicked and humanity will suffer because of it. (Geez, this example was a bit of a stretch. Sounded more cooler in my head.)

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I'm aware. And they have no right when animators are in an even worse position. But no animators going on strike. Because a lot of the anime and game industry revolves around it and apart from knowing it's important, they just love their job. If you're complaining about not getting paid much just for VO's that you think you deserve a weeks worth compared to many months work. Then quit and find a better job. Because the money can better used on other parts of the industry that need it. And these listed media's are up against blockbuster movies. It's hard as it is.

No Power Ranger complains about being the left leg. Or not being the head. Because then you'll get kicked and humanity will suffer because of it. (Geez, this example was a bit of a stretch. Sounded more cooler in my head.)

They have every right to do so. Just because someone else has it worse doesn't mean you can't strive and fight for an improvement of your own situation, that's the beauty of living in a country with labor laws and the right to go on strike. What's more, the animators have the same rights as well.

This isn't so much an argument as it is venting over the injustice of it all. I get what you're saying, I really do, but you make it sound as if, say, American farmers shouldn't complain about their working conditions because it's far worse in South Sudan.

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I'm aware. And they have no right when animators are in an even worse position. But no animators going on strike. Because a lot of the anime and game industry revolves around it and apart from knowing it's important, they just love their job. If you're complaining about not getting paid much just for VO's that you think you deserve a weeks worth compared to many months work. Then quit and find a better job. Because the money can better used on other parts of the industry that need it. And these listed media's are up against blockbuster movies. It's hard as it is.

No Power Ranger complains about being the left leg. Or not being the head. Because then you'll get kicked and humanity will suffer because of it. (Geez, this example was a bit of a stretch. Sounded more cooler in my head.)

I never said VA's had it worse than animators.

My point was pretty much what Thane said, both voice actors and animators have bad working conditions, and we shouldn't compare them. Everyone has the right to have good working conditions. Everyone has the right to complain.

And it's not as simple as quitting and finding a better job.

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I am apparently getting flak in the comment section of that video for defending her and the localization.

Sorry to hear that, buddy. Try not letting it get to you; I'm sure you're already aware, but there's a reason why they call YouTube's comment section one of the dark corners of the internet.

I was also forced to leave the Fates group on Facebook after I asked for proof of rumors that the homosexual relationships would get taken out of the European release and people fucking exploded.

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I am apparently getting flak in the comment section of that video for defending her and the localization.

Sorry to hear that, but it's not exactly surprising. The internet has it's fair share of jerks. Just don't let them get to you and be on your way.

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I have my fair share of moments being wrong and stupid and nitpicking, because I am a gamer and this game series is something I love. I also happen to love and prefer the Japanese versions and voice acting and it is the "superior experience" for myself (and only myself). People just seem to forget that an opinion like that can only speak for them and only them.

In this case I don't think I'm wrong defending her from this unfair criticism. She had no info or preparation whatsoever to handle the expectations of fans for a huge lead role. And she shouldn't even be trying to live up to the unattainable expectations of some fans.

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I have my fair share of moments being wrong and stupid and nitpicking, because I am a gamer and this game series is something I love. I also happen to love and prefer the Japanese versions and voice acting and it is the "superior experience" for myself (and only myself). People just seem to forget that an opinion like that can only speak for them and only them.

In this case I don't think I'm wrong defending her from this unfair criticism. She had no info or preparation whatsoever to handle the expectations of fans for a huge lead role. And she shouldn't even be trying to live up to the unattainable expectations of some fans.

You're not wrong, especially not for telling people to go easy on the criticism. It's one thing to say "I prefer the Japanese version; the English one doesn't do it for me", and another thing entirely to just bash the voice actress.

And hey, nitpicking? That's nothing compared to my constant whining of Fates' story. Cheer up, at least you contribute to the community, I'm just here being a douche.

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I have my fair share of moments being wrong and stupid and nitpicking, because I am a gamer and this game series is something I love. I also happen to love and prefer the Japanese versions and voice acting and it is the "superior experience" for myself (and only myself). People just seem to forget that an opinion like that can only speak for them and only them.

In this case I don't think I'm wrong defending her from this unfair criticism. She had no info or preparation whatsoever to handle the expectations of fans for a huge lead role. And she shouldn't even be trying to live up to the unattainable expectations of some fans.

My bet is some of those people will play the game. It's not because they are used to the japanese version, they are allowed to write anything. You can dislike a song, but hating a singer to the point of insulting her because the song isn't the way you'd want is childish...(Off topic : How are boycotts going to improve a game if you don't give money for developpers/translators to actually improve the game by reading the fans comments ? That's beyond me. I try to avoid spoilers about the story, but I feel like some localisations are overreacted about.)

Well, actually, I DID think the singing was off when I heard the E3 trailer. I got used to the japanese one. I was glad to hear english voice for the first time, and when I heard, I sure didn't expect it to sound like the japanese one (her reaction at 7:00 was best reaction of the interview). But I found it off... Not bad, but there was something I couldn't feel, even though the song grew in me. Then I heard the "flowing in time" which I really like, and kept thinking if she sung like that the whole song, I'd definitively love it. Even recently, I heard it again, same impression (I mean even after the smash version came out)

When I heard the smash version in direct, I was like "OMG, SHE DID IT !". Maybe I am just weird but I definitively don't hear the same version. Maybe did she pronounced the words a "round"-er way. Was it re-recorded ? If not then why not using the smash version that is already beautiful, while using a track that could be improved by the time ? If so, then my praises to her for improving AND giving her best ! It was fluent, it didn't sounded off. I was so happy to hear that song to be better.

Now that Rena Strober could express herself about the way she had to work, and I get how she could have felt. Seriously, why not telling her at least she was going to sing as the main character who happens to be a singer ? That's completely crazy. How is that top secretanyway ?. She has a nice voice and can pull things like this. Even if they are gonna keep the track in the E3, whether the smash version is another version or the updated version of the E3 one, I don't mind the E3 version sounding off when I can hear beautiful things like this. I'm not sure if she'd ever come to SF, but congrats to her for not running away from the fanbase,and receiving the praise she deserve now (aside from a few haters lurking on the net). Though I still haven't listen to the full song (spoliers stay away.....)

Edited by Luxian
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You're not wrong, especially not for telling people to go easy on the criticism. It's one thing to say "I prefer the Japanese version; the English one doesn't do it for me", and another thing entirely to just bash the voice actress.

And hey, nitpicking? That's nothing compared to my constant whining of Fates' story. Cheer up, at least you contribute to the community, I'm just here being a douche.

At least you are owning it.

I have my fair share of moments being wrong and stupid and nitpicking, because I am a gamer and this game series is something I love. I also happen to love and prefer the Japanese versions and voice acting and it is the "superior experience" for myself (and only myself). People just seem to forget that an opinion like that can only speak for them and only them.

In this case I don't think I'm wrong defending her from this unfair criticism. She had no info or preparation whatsoever to handle the expectations of fans for a huge lead role. And she shouldn't even be trying to live up to the unattainable expectations of some fans.

No you arent wrong. Shes doing her job and didnt know a thing about how entitled and shitty gamer fandoms can get.

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank you all for watching the interview with Rena and all the great supportive comments you left! Really appreciate it! Wanted to let you know another site put our interview up and Rena has been getting a lot of attacks so we're going to take the interview down as Rena is amazing and we definitely don't want her getting attacked. But wanted to let you know all know I do really appreciate you checking out the video and hope you'll check out some our our other geeky shenanigans! Also hope you all really enjoy playing Fire Emblem Fates! I can't wait to get it! - Jeff

I hope you're happy, bad side of the fandom.

Niche gamer apparently took the podcast out of context, and now they're getting a bunch of attacks.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I hope you're happy, bad side of the fandom.

Niche gamer apparently took the podcast out of context, and now they're getting a bunch of attacks.

Wow, just wow....

I feel like we should do something for her, maybe apologize, or say that we really liked her song and...something, I don't what to do, but I feel like we should do something for her.

Leaving things like this leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Is there nothing we can do to fix this?

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It's stuff like this that makes me feel ashamed to be a video game fan. Some of us can be the most whiny and entitled people on the Planet and it's those few that make the rest of us look bad.

I suppose we could send her a fruit basket. Or maybe a card that has all our names printed on it so that she knows that the people attacking her are in the minority.

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I feel bad for Rena.

She doesn't deserve this at all.

It's stuff like this that makes me feel ashamed to be a video game fan. Some of us can be the most whiny and entitled people on the Planet and it's those few that make the rest of us look bad.

I suppose we could send her a fruit basket. Or maybe a card that has all our names printed on it so that she knows that the people attacking her are in the minority.

^ I agree 100% with this post!

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I hope you're happy, bad side of the fandom.

Niche gamer apparently took the podcast out of context, and now they're getting a bunch of attacks.

I just saw your tumblr post, Rey. Im so grossed out right now. What gives people the idea they have the right to be absolute cunts all the time? I cant believe they are taking down the video. Thats so unfair to those people.

It's stuff like this that makes me feel ashamed to be a video game fan. Some of us can be the most whiny and entitled people on the Planet and it's those few that make the rest of us look bad.

I suppose we could send her a fruit basket. Or maybe a card that has all our names printed on it so that she knows that the people attacking her are in the minority.

This is the kind of thing that makes me hate gamer culture and nearly everything about it. This BS with entitlement. Im so disgusted right now. Poor Miss Stober. Apparently it was enough assholes to get the video taken down, so it cant be just a small handful of people. ;//// Some kind of message to her that we are glad she was a part of this series would be really nice. Id be down.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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