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English Support Conversation Gathering (Updated OP)


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Ah, it's a great feeling to read localized supports. Thanks for everyone who contributed to this thread!

I'm reading supports at a slow pace, but out of the ones I've read so far I love the Takumi x Oboro support chain. Xander x Ryoma and Xander x Hinoka are both better than the fan translation, imo. Unfortunately, Xander x Charlotte kinda goes backwards in that regard, despite being more or less the same support. I dunno maybe I'm just used to the fan translation.

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I agree on Xander/Charlotte as well--it's still really great, mind, but I think the first time I read the Marxchar supports in the original JP I felt a surge of emotion I didn't feel here---maybe it's just I've read that support so many times--but I also think she came off a bit more genuine in the JP which makes that moment just that much happier? IDK

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[spoiler=Azama and Kagero]

Azama Kagero ï¼£:


Hello, Kagero. Say, there was something I've been meaning to ask you.


Oh? What is it?


You're a ninja, right? Why do you all dress that way?


My attire is excellent for stealth missions and combat. Why do you ask, Azama?


Oh, no reason. What about the scarf?


It's a part of the traditional ensemble. Ninja around the world wear the exact same thing.


So does your scarf hide weapons? Or is it made from damage-resistant material? C'mon, tell me!


This outfit is crafted to be lightweight, durable, and above all, functional. I don't know what your game is, Azama, but I'm through playing it!

(Kagero leaves)


Hahaha, annoying serious people is so much fun!

Azama Kagero ï¼¢:


Miss Kagero. How are you doing today?



(Kagero leaves)


Were you heading somewhere? It's a little rude to run away the second I say hello.


I'm not feeling terribly talkative today.


How unusual. Normally, you appear right at home in the army's camp. Why are you acting so strange? Is something troubling you? I wanna know!


Azama, I know that you're just trying to wind me up again. Why do you get such a thrill from irritating incessantly?


Ahaha! Are you referring to our recent conversation?


Of course I am. I don't know why you need to comment on everything you think. It's rude. And what I wear is of no consequence to you. Keep your questions to yourself. Otherwise, you won't enjoy the consequences.


Ahahaha... Um, Kagero? That dagger doesn't feel very good against my throat.


It seems as though you'd like to keep your life, yes? Then I have one simple request.


Y-yes? What is it?


Don't get on my nerves. I don't appreciate your weak attempts at humor, Azama.


I understand...


The next time we speak, be more cautious.


Of course! I promise. Would you mind taking that knife off my neck now? It's kind of hard to breathe.


Swear that you'll cooperate.


I swear, I swear! I don't feel like getting murdered today!

Azama Kagero A:


Azama, do you recall what we talked about the other day?


How could I forget. You nearly turned me into sushi!


Don't be ridiculous. Anyway, you made me think about something. You asked why ninja all dress alike, remember?


Yeah, but I was just joking around!


That may be, but I'd still like to know why you asked.


I just get curious about things, and my mouth gets ahead of my mind. I swear, I didn't mean anything by it.


Calm down. Your comment did make me reflect on something.


Oh? What is it?


This ensemble is a time-honored tradition. And yet, I know little of said tradition's actual origin. Isn't that strange?


Yeah, I guess so.


Perhaps I should learn more about the history of our wardrobe. It might give me a deeper appreciation of the ninja culture.


Hmm, yeah it just might!


I've always tried to honor my heritage. With new perspective, perhaps I can be a more thoughtful and well-rounded warrior.


Whatever you say. Just please don't pull your knife on me again.


Heh. Relax. You can keep your hide another day, monk.


Thank you!

Azama Kagero ï¼³:


Hello, Kagero. Say, did you discover any new information on ninja fashion?


A great deal. Namely that each garment is crafted to aid agility and stealth. The fabric is a unique blend that's resistant to water and tearing, yet is still breathable. That allows us to complete a wide array of missions while staying comfortable.


Wow, I had no idea. That's amazing!


It's wonderful to feel even more connected to my heritage. In a way, I have you to thank for spurring my curiosity.


Really? I'm glad that I was helpful for once. People usually say I'm a nuisance!


Heh. You're not so bad, Azama.


Listen, something occurred to me recently. I think I know why I was bugging you in the first place. I have feelings for you, Kagero.


Why didn't you tell me that straightaway? Did you think I'd find your badgering endearing somehow?


Honestly, there wasn't a whole lot of thought involved.


Why you— *sigh* You're a very peculiar man, Azama. I think I might like you too.


Huh? Really?


Do you think I would lie?


No, I'll take your word for it!


Excellent. Then why don't we continue our conversation over tea?

I'm glad they ended up changing this support.

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Wow thank you for the hard work. I think Orochi won me over now. She calls Ryoma a lobster that's having a bad hair day. That's amazing. In the Ryoma X Shiro support I love that Shiro calls Ryoma out for not telling him that he's a prince until later. It really bothered me that Ryoma did that. And of course Ryoma x Rinka is a good support. Just one thing though. The link for Ryoma x Takumi is showing me the Ryoma x Setsuna support.

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Wow thank you for the hard work. I think Orochi won me over now. She calls Ryoma a lobster that's having a bad hair day. That's amazing. In the Ryoma X Shiro support I love that Shiro calls Ryoma out for not telling him that he's a prince until later. It really bothered me that Ryoma did that. And of course Ryoma x Rinka is a good support. Just one thing though. The link for Ryoma x Takumi is showing me the Ryoma x Setsuna support.

Thanks for catching that! I'll update the post.


alternatively there's always my pastebin.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I agree on Xander/Charlotte as well--it's still really great, mind, but I think the first time I read the Marxchar supports in the original JP I felt a surge of emotion I didn't feel here---maybe it's just I've read that support so many times--but I also think she came off a bit more genuine in the JP which makes that moment just that much happier? IDK

Yeah, you're not alone on that. One of the reasons why I love their JP version S rank is how genuinely joyful and moved she appeared to be when Marx proposed to her (srsly I would have reacted the same way if I were her in that situation). That whole S-rank was really heartwarming to read to me.

Not to mention some of the humorous lines are absent in the support as well. I remember Charlotte asking Marx "Why do you say it's impossible for you to marry? Or are you attracted to men?" in the JP version. I love that line and I was quite surprised that it got removed.

On a side note, I like the addition of the line "You are a good prince, Xander. And even more impressive, a good man" for the Ryoma/Xander support.

EDIT: I just read a Shigure x Xander support... This is the only Xander support that didn't get translated by fans and I almost forgot it exists lol. Xander hugging Shigure? That's the only time he's ever done that to anyone.

Edited by RidellCrimea
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Go Dancing/Singing couple!

[spoiler=Laslow x Azura C-S]

C Support


Well, I think that's enough dance practice for one night! I better get some sleep. Now I just need to sneak back before anyone sees me...








...AHHHHH! Lady Azura?! Is that you? ...I thought you were a spy sneaking into our camp!


Laslow? My goodness! You startled me!


Forgive me, milady! But where is your escort? Surely you're not out here alone!


Don't be silly. I see you're by yourself. It can't be THAT dangerous.


Yes, but you're a woman and a princess. I'm sure our enemies would love to kidnap a member of the royal family!


I see. Well, I was having trouble sleeping. What's your excuse? You like to use these evening hours for your secret dance practice, don't you?


What?! How do you know? You haven't been watching me, have you?


Would that be so bad?


Well, it's a little embarrassing! Next time, you should announce yourself.


I'm sorry. I wasn't spying on you on purpose. I didn't expect you to be there!


All right. ... Well, now that you've seen me, I may as well ask. What did you think?


Honestly, I could watch you for hours.


Really? I'm flattered! So would you care to join me for a cup of tea? We can continue getting acquainted.


It's a little late for that. Don't you think? Everyone else is asleep!


Why, yes. I suppose you're right. Breakfast then? We can watch the sun rise together!


I think we both know you're hoping for more than a cup of tea. Please, excuse me.


Wait! Lady Azura, at least let me escort you home! It could be dangerous!

B Support


You are the ocean's gray waves... ♪


Did I interrupt you? Forgive me, but from over here, it looked like you were dancing.


My mother taught me a few steps. A good singer must understand dance as well.


I had no idea your mother danced. What a coincidence! My mother taught me too.


Well, you certainly inherited her grace. You have such a lovely, fluid quality... But there's a hint of sadness too. I almost feel as though you are mourning for her.


You can tell all that just from my dancing?


Music and dance never lie. I don't mean to offend you, but sometimes, I don't think you're entirely truthful.


What?! You're calling me a liar?


Yes, but let me explain! I've seen you dance in front of the others before... You have great technique, but your dancing lacked the passion I saw the other night. Now that I've seen you dance in private, I know you've been holding back.


I thought you would understand. I get nervous dancing in front of other people.


This may sound harsh, but dancing like that is unfair to your audience! Practice in secret all you want, but when you step on stage, you're there for them! You must dance with confidence so they can carry your strength into battle.


I never thought of it that way.


Well, you should. Now if you'll excuse me...


Lady Azura, please...wait!

A Support


Lady Azura, I've looked everywhere for you! Did you see me dancing today?


Yes! At first, I didn't even recognize you. You looked so strong and confident!


I remembered what you said and tried to channel my inner Azura.


Well, your passion was contagious. We could all feel it.


It's all thanks to your advice, milady.


Actually, I wanted to apologize about that. I think I was a little harsh.


You were extremely harsh, but everything you said was true.


I didn't tell you this, but I used to get stage fright. My mother was so talented... I knew I'd never measure up! I always worried people would make fun of me.


Really? I had no idea.


One day, Queen Mikoto pulled me aside. She told me my voice was beautiful. I could either learn to sing with confidence, or I could waste my talent being afraid. That was a turning point for me. I decided to be brave every time I stepped on stage.


I hope I can perform with such power one day.


Power? What do you mean?


Your voice has a special power. Out on the battlefield, you inspire the soldiers. When you sing, you give them strength and encourage them to keep fighting! My mother was the same way. When she danced, she gave everyone courage.


I'm afraid you're wrong. My power comes from this pendant. It's not me.


Hmm. I find that hard to believe.


Well, if you keep dancing like you did today, everyone will be asking you to dance.


I promise to save a dance for you, milady.


I wouldn't mind taking you up on that offer right now. What if I sing and you dance?


I would love that, milady. You shall be my inspiration.


...And you shall be my muse!

S Support


Lady Azura, is that you? Were you spying on my dance practice again?


I'm so sorry. I couldn't help myself. You were mesmerizing.


Thank you. That's kind of you to say.


There's a glow about you. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were in love.


Uh...no! Where'd you get that idea?


Oh. It's nothing. There's a sensitivity to your dancing now... It seemed as though you were thinking of someone special. You can tell me... Perhaps I could put in a good word for you with the lady in question.


For someone so in tune with everyone else's emotions, you sure can be oblivious!




Milady, it was you. You're the person I was thinking about just now. I guess I'm not as good at conveying my emotions as I thought. *sigh* If you'll excuse me...clearly, I need more practice!


Wait. Don't go, Laslow!




What did you mean?! You were thinking of me?


Milady, I mean exactly that. I'm in love with you, but it's pointless. You're a princess, and I am nothing! That's why I can only love you from afar.


Well, now you're the one being oblivious!




There aren't many people I can talk to about music or singing or dance... ...Let alone perform with! I thought we shared something special.


I didn't realize our duet had such an impact on you.


Well, it did. I don't care if you're a prince or not, Laslow. I want to be with you.


Really? Then will you accompany me again?


Nothing would make me happier. I'll sing with you in my thoughts...


…And I'll dance with you in my heart.


May our song never end!

Nice, it's close to the original, but better. Glad to see that the localizations didn't go too far away from the japanese version.

Speak of which... Someone has the M!Corrin/Hana conversation support ?

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Alright! Here are some Laslow supports.

(Laslow x F!Corrin C-S)

C Support
Aha! If it isn't the lovely Lady Corrin. I caught you, you incorrigible flirt!
Were you not eyeing me just now? Perhaps admiring my flawless smile or my manly bearing?
What? No, I was just walking by.
Oh. Are you sure? How peculiar. I could have sworn I felt someone staring at me.
Be that as it may, it wasn't me.
Perhaps I was mistaken. My apologies, your beautifulness. Never wanted to hurl false accusations at such a vision of loveliness as yourself. Truth be told, I'm happy you weren't staring. It makes me uncomfortable. Anyways! Since we're both here, perhaps milady would like to join me for some tea?
Ah...I guess I have time. Sure.
You do?! You mean you accept? This is so unexpected! I'm not sure how to react. (Breathe, Laslow! Breathe!)
...On second thought, I think I'm busy. I have to...um, do...stuff. Royal stuff.
Ah, there it is. Rejection, my dear old friend...
You poor thing. ...Now, if you don't mind, I'll be on my way. Bye!
Hey! Not so fast! Life is full of twists and turns and unexpected happenings! We should approach each day as if it were our last, as for all we know it will be! Just think, tomorrow I could be spirited away—or worse! What if you never have an opportunity to see me again? Would you not give anything to then apologize for how you treated me? Perhaps...over a cup of tea?
Yeesh. Tough crowd. Very well, then. I relent. For now! 'Til our paths cross again, milady!
Phew. He's quite the character, isn't he?
B Support
We meet again!
Hello, Laslow.
We really must quit meeting like this! Unless... Perhaps it's fate? Yes, I hear it now! The very stars whisper our names, my sweet!
Must you do this every time? We see each other every day.
Hm. I suppose you've a point. But I prefer to treat each meeting as if it were special. Because it is! We will never meet precisely the same way at the same time again. I think we should treasure every moment of our lives as much as most do gems.
I see. Quite the romantic, aren't you?
But of course! Speaking of which, I have a gift for you, milady.
Oh. What is it?
It's a special salve with unique restorative powers.
Really? Wow! Thank you so much! It looks expensive. Are you sure I can have it?
Of course! I only ask you remember this fateful crossing whenever you use it.
I will. You know, there really is something beautiful about your point of view. Maybe I should try harder to treasure every moment.
I'm delighted to hear you're coming around! After all, no one knows where their friends may disappear to next. Life is more fragile than most of us ever imagine...One moment, a friend is standing beside you, smiling. And the next, they're gone. And you realize that you will never see them again.
Hm? Oh! Haha. Silly me. My apologies, milady. All this is just to say you never know—you know? It's as true for me as for anyone else. I won't always be around, after all.
Huh? Are you planning on going somewhere?
Maybe. Maybe not. For the moment, however, I am thinking of visiting some of the fine shops in town. Would you care to join me, Lady Corrin?
I suppose I have—Oh. I see what you're doing. You can't trick me that easily! I think I'll pass. Thanks.
You wound me, milady. I assure you, I had only the most innocent intentions! But, in all seriousness, we should always remember that we are soldiers. At war. There's no guarantee that we will meet again with smiles on our faces.
So won't you please reconsider? I value our time together very much.
Yes, my dove?
How many women have you used these same lines on today?
You would be the eighth, milady.
I'm sure you'll have a fine trip into town alone.
Ah... And just like that, history repeats itself. Oh well...Then I only pray we shall meet again! Until next time, milady.
Heehee. Farewell then, Laslow.
A Support
Lady Corrin, you grace me with your presence once again.
Hello, Laslow.
Do you think you could find it in your heart to join me for tea now?
Yes, I believe I can.
Dohoho! Rejected again! Ah, well, another day anoth—Er, wait. You mean you will?!
Yes. We never know when next we'll meet, do we? And perhaps next time you won't offer me an invitation.
I suppose that's technically possible...
I've spent a lot of time thinking about what you said before. Every meeting is a once-in-a-lifetime encounter, right? And now that I've come to see things this way, it would be silly of me to reject you.
Thank you, Lady Corrin.
But it does make me a little more scared to say good-bye to people than I used to be. When every good-bye could be your last, it becomes much harder to let go. I never thought about it much before, but now it's always on my mind.
Milady, if I may be frank, I feel that parting is a deeply sorrowful thing. If it were up to me, I'd never have to say farewell to anyone. I've had to do that far too much in my life...But it is not up to me. It's a part of life. And life cares little for our feelings. So it is, I suppose, as important to learn to let go as it is to cherish every moment.
I agree.
And besides! The sorrow of parting makes reunion all the sweeter, does it not? And saying good-bye to one person usually means saying hello to another. If I had
not said good-bye to many people I loved, I'd never have met you, for example. I am truly grateful I was able to make your acquaintance, Lady Corrin.
I'm glad I was able to meet you as well, Laslow. I'm sure all of the others feel the same.
Thank you. Now! Enough of this dreary philosophizing. Shall we treat ourselves to tea now?Corrin: Of course! After you, good sir.
S Support
Hello, Laslow.
Lady Corrin. We meet again. Well, this puts me on the spot. What should I do now?
Is something wrong?
It hurts, is all. It hurts so much, I feel my chest will burst. If only our paths would never cross again...
What? Are you angry with me? Did I do something to hurt you at tea?
No... You haven't done a single thing wrong, milady. Our teatime was amazing. A revelation, even. My heart can't help but dance when you are by my side. But it
also cries in pain at the same time.
Why?! What's wrong?
I'm terribly sorry. But I believe I've fallen in love with you, Lady Corrin.
Y-you're joking!
Would that I were, love. But lately I find myself staying up all night thinking of you. I wish I could just turn my feelings off, but I cannot. Nor can I ignore them. It was all I could do to just keep from telling you until now.
I never imagined—
But I did, milady. I imagined we would spend a long and happy life together. But I know it is a foolish dream.
Why do you say that?
Because meeting requires parting. And one day I would have to part from you. No matter how much I wish otherwise, when this war is over, we too shall...Well, anyways.
Laslow, if I were to go somewhere far away, what would you do?
I'd feel incredibly lonely without you.
Is that all? You wouldn't try to come with me?
Of course I would! Say the word, and I will follow you anywhere!
Perfect. Then you will understand when I say that I would do the same for you. So if you must leave when this war ends...it doesn't matter. Wherever you go, I will go also. After all...I love you. Laslow: Lady Corrin! Thank you. You've no idea how much it means to me to hear you say that.
Now, no more talk about us parting, all right?
Of course. We will always be together from here on out. I hope you're ready for that.
As long as you're ready to give up flirting with other girls.
Will you accept this ring?
Of course! What a beautiful blue stone. I'll wear it always. Thank you. I suppose the next thing to do is go talk with Xander.
What do you mean, "huh"? If we're going to be wed, my brother must be told.
I suppose you're right. Oh gods, what am I going to do? Lord Xander is going to kill me.
Don't worry. He won't kill you. Probably.
*sigh* The things one does for love...This reminds me though. Lady Corrin, I have a request. There are some people I'd like for you to meet as well. People from a place I once called home. They'll love you. I know it. I want more than anything to laugh and smile with them once more...
I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Where did you say they were?
Never mind. It's not important right now! We'll talk about it some other time, though. I promise.

(Laslow/Soleil C-A)

C Support
Hmmm la la laaaa... ♪
Heya! Whatcha doing? Getting in a little dance practice?
Yep! What about you?
I just got back from the village! Today I had tea with about five girls. Kee hee.
Whaaa?! That many, eh? That's amazing...Suddenly I feel an incredible sense of defeat in terms of my own tea count...
Heh, don't worry about it. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Unlike you, I'm an awful dancer! I have literally ZERO rhythm. But hey, I can chat up cuties like no one's business! You, on the other hand...
Wow, you sure know how to rub salt in a wound...Well, I suppose there are worse things than losing out to my adorable daughter.
Awww, you're the best overly doting parent in the world.
Hey, now! I'm not overly doting at all! I called you adorable because I honestly think you're adorable!
Suuuure. Right. You're quick with the compliments, aren't you? Is that how you got Mom to fall for you? Oh! Also, how exactly did you propose to her? Was it romaaaantic, hee hee?
Soleil! Don't you think that's a little personal?
Geez, no need to be shy. It'll be more embarrassing for ME to hear about it!
But if the answer will embarrass you, then why did you ask?
Hee hee, because I'm so happy right now! And it's probably a cute story! Honestly, it's just so great being able to talk to you about anything like this. We have so much lost time to make up for now that I'm out of the stupid Deeprealms.
Oh, Soleil... I'm so sorry you had to grow up there. I know how lonely you were.
Don't worry about it; that's all in the past now. I'm just so happy we're finally together. Nothing will ever tear us apart!
You really are the best daughter a father could ask for. And the most adorable! Ah, I have an idea! Let's go out for tea so we can keep chatting. What do you say?
Sorry, but I've had enough tea to last a lifetime. ...Just kidding! Hee hee! That sounds amazing! I have so many things I want to ask you! Oh! Like about how you look so cool during battle! What's your secret?! Now that we're together, I have to be a great fighter so I can protect you. And I might as well look cool while I'm at it, just like you!
Hmm, so you want to improve your battle skill, do you? I don't know. Honestly I'd rather not put you in any dangerous situations...
What are you saying?! Waiting around without doing anything to help is absolutely out of the question! You should understand my position more than anybody, shouldn't you?
Ha ha, all right, all right! I suppose you have a point. But first, we'll start with some relaxing tea. Do we have a deal?
Deal! Yaaay, this is going to be AWESOME!
B Support
Are you feeling better, Soleil? Have you had someone tend to your injuries yet?
I'm OK. I'm also...so very sorry. I promised to make myself useful in battle, but I failed miserably...
I don't care about whether you won or lost. I'm just glad you weren't seriously injured. More importantly, I want you to explain to me why you did something so reckless. Forcing your way between me and an enemy like that could have gotten you killed!
If I hadn't done that, you would have been in real danger! When we were out for tea the other day, you said you had one weakness...Diagonal attacks from behind! You said you have trouble blocking those effectively. And that opponent today... That's exactly where he was trying to attack you from...
I don't care what your reasons were, as noble as they may have been. You are forbidden from putting yourself in danger, even if it's to help me out. On the battlefield, I don't want you looking out for me. Do you understand? The only person you should be worrying about in battle is yourself.
I'm sorry, but...I can't do that! I have to protect you! I can't stand the thought of losing you...
And how do you think I'd feel if I lost you? Now do as I say. No arguments.
I...I can't agree to that...
Just stop it! There's no way you could understand how I feel!!
You don't know how lonely it was in the Deeprealms... And how scared I was. Every time I watched you leave, I knew it might be the last time I ever saw you. Now that I'm fighting at your side, I want to protect you no matter what! I won't ever EVER let you die! I don't care what happens to me!!
...I understand how you feel.
*sniffle* Liar...
I'm not lying, Soleil. I really do. When I was young...I lost both of my parents in a terrible war. My father left for battle and never returned. And my beautiful mother died right before my eyes, trying to protect me.
No... That's awful.
That's why I was so terrified earlier...For a moment, I thought I might lose youthe same way I lost them...But you were scared too, weren't you? I'm sorry to have put you through that. Thank you, my sweet girl. For saving me, and for being safe yourself.
So, when you were a kid...you were scared too? Just like me?
I was. However, since becoming a father, I now understand how my own parents felt. Their intense desire to protect their child, no matter the consequences. Even if it means dying in their stead...
N-no! You can't! Please, don't even say it!
Shhh, calm down. I have no intention of dying in battle. I promise to do all I can to stay safe so you don't have to worry about me.
But on the battlefield, promises are just...
What? Do you think your dad's promise is meaningless? You can't trust me?
Of course I can trust you! It's just...
Thank you, Soleil. I will choose to trust you as well. I believe in your ability to keep yourself safe, so I'll try not to worry so much.
Please do the same. Do it for me. I need you to focus on staying safe so that neither of us ever have to lose each other. I'll do the same, I swear. Please find it in your heart to believe me.
...OK. I believe you. I promise I won't do anything that reckless again.
Thank you, Soleil. You don't know how happy that makes me.
But you have to promise to stay with me forever, OK? You can't ever leave me! I'd be really upset if you ever went away somewhere and I couldn't see you again.
...If that's what you want, then so be it. I promise to stay by your side, always.
Yaaaay! Now enough serious talk. Let's go scope out some cuties and drink tea!
A Support
There, finished! I executed that dance really well this time, if I do say so myself.
It was wonderful, Dad!
Argh! Oh... Hello, Soleil. I didn't see you there.
Hi! So yeah, you were great. You fell out of your turns a little, though. Watch that. And it might be prettier if you stretch your arms a bit higher during that middle part.
Is something wrong, Dad? Oh, am I being way too harsh?
Ha ha, not at all. Sorry, you just reminded me of someone very dear to me. A girl not unlike yourself used to give me similar feedback not too long ago.
A girl? Who was it?! Was it Mom? Or some other girl you dated? Oh! Or was it a mysterious damsel you totally rescued...? Or maybe—
Nope! Wrong on all counts. Like I said, you look a lot like her. She was kind, and strong, and she loved me with all her heart.*sigh*
Hmm, I'm not so sure Mom would like you talking about another woman like that...
Ha ha, she wouldn't mind at all. I'm talking about my mother. In other words, your grandmother.
Oh! Well, I guess that's OK then. I was worried for a moment! Wait... Um, didn't you say she passed away? I guess she told you about dancing before that?
No, after. It's a long story...but I got to see her one more time after she passed. She was about the same age as you and me at the time.
That makes...literally no sense. Ugh, I'm so confused right now.
It's complicated, for sure. Someday I'll tell you everything. At that time, I'll need you to make a tough decision for me...About whether to remain in this world or return with me to my original world.
Your original world...?!
I want to stay with you forever, Soleil...Just as I promised, I won't ever leave you unless you tell me it's OK. But depending on your choice, there might be a chance we have to say good-bye...
Soleil, please don't look so sad! Look...the truth is—
Dad! Let's go out for tea. Like, right now.
Huh?! Soleil, what's the matter? I thought you'd want to know the full truth...
Yeah, but...you looked so pained when you were about to tell me about it. That's why I decided to invite you to tea instead so you'll smile again!
That's very sweet of you. But...
You don't have to say it, Dad. I love you, and that's all that matters. Please don't force yourself to tell me anything before you're ready. Let's just enjoy being together and not think about the future!I'm having fun already just thinking about the nice time we're going to have! Laughing and spending time with you, and with all our friends...Life is so good right now! Let's worry about the future as it comes.
What's with that face, Dad? Aren't you happy to have tea with me? I usually only spend my time on cuties, so you should feel honored!
I suppose you're right. And yes, I'm very happy.
Woo! OK, now I'll go find a nonstop wave of cute girls to join us. Don't cute girls make everything better?!
...I'm not going to argue with you there, but let's leave cute girls out of this. Today I just want to spend time with my wonderful daughter. Is that OK with you?
Hmmm... Well, I don't see where you're coming from, but sure!
Ahaha! You're really just like your old man. Thank you, Soleil.
I'm just happy I got you to laugh again!...Hey, Dad? I don't know what happened to you in the past...But I DO know how much you love me now. I know one day you'll tell me everything...And one day, we may even have to part ways...But no matter what, I'll always be your daughter. Always. I love you, Dad. I always have, and I always, always will.
I love you too, Soleil. Now and forever.

(Laslow/Kana C-A)

C Support
Hey, Papa. Can I talk to you about something?
Of course, Kana. What's up?
It's Mama... I feel like she's always treating me like a child.
Ahaha! That's only natural. You're her son, after all. And a young one to boot!
I know, I know. I just mean I'm not as much of a child as I used to be. I want to help out with things. But whenever I try, she just tells me to go play with my friends instead.
Oh, I see. You want some responsibilities of your own now, eh?
Right! I want to show her she can rely on me. I wonder if there's anything I could do for her... Maybe something special?
Hmm... Good question... Well, whenever we have time, I usually try to take your mother out to tea. She seems to love that!
Kana: Oh...
Er...did I say something wrong?
No... It's just that teatime is a special Papa thing. I don't wanna be a copycat. And besides, that wouldn't show her I was responsible...
Ah, I see. Good point...
Oh, I know! Let's have a contest, Papa!
A contest?
Yeah! We'll have a contest to see which of us can make Mama happier! Between the two of us, I'm sure we can come up with all sorts of things! Whoever Mama thanks the most wins!
A little friendly competition between father and son, hm? Sounds great! I accept your challenge.
Really? Yay!
But remember: I am your mother's husband. I know her better than anyone else. And I don't intend to go easy on you. Besting me will be no mean feat!
That's fine by me, Papa. I'm gonna beat you fair and square!
Heh. Then may the best man win!
B Support
Hey Papa! I've been making a ton of progress on our contest! How about you?
Well, I haven't done anything too special yet, but she's thanked me many times. Let's see... I've got a tally right here.
WOW! That's so many! And you got all of these already?
I was as surprised as you are. I guess I do more for your mother than I realized. Although, what else could one expect of a charmer like me?
Hmph... Well, I'm still not going to lose! Here, see! I recorded all mine too! And the total is...um...
Ghhk. Y-you got the same number as me! How?!
I do? I do! Haha! Kana's gonna beat you big time, Papa! I don't have to work like you, so I've been spending all day doing things for her!
So that's your secret! And what kind of things have you been doing?
Mostly I've been trying to help out around camp! I spend each morning making arrows for the fletchers. Then, at lunch, I slice the bear meat and hand out food to the soldiers. Oh, and at night I make sure the mounts are all fed and outfitted for the next day. Plus I do a bunch of other little thing whenever I have the time!
Wow. That's quite a lot of work for someone your age. I'm impressed. You really have been growing up, haven't you?
Oh, just a thought. Wasn't so long ago you were still a cute little pink lump in swaddling clothes. Now, all of a sudden, you're making real, important contributions to the army. Maybe I've been treating you like too much of a child as well.
Heehee. Yeah, I've been working real hard. Soon there'll be nothing I can't do!
I believe it. And I bet your mother has been very proud all your hard work.
I hope so! And I'm gonna make her even prouder tomorrow!
Looks like I can't get careless now. Time to heat things up!
A Support
Hey, Kana!
Hi, Papa...
What's the matter? I expected you to still be exulting after your little victory the other day. Or has besting your father already lost its charm?
Oh, no. I'm still happy about that, I guess. It's just that I was trying to do things for Mama earlier, and she made me stop. She said I should be spending more time playing around with my friends again. She still thinks I'm just a kid. Haven't I shown her I'm old enough to help out around camp?
I see, so that's it. I wouldn't worry. It's not you. You're doing good work, I promise.
Then why doesn't she want me to help with anything?
I think your mother knows full well you're capable of handling these things. But seeing you acting so grown-up makes her feel sad.
Huh? Why?
Well, she doesn't want to lose her baby boy. She's very, very proud that you're growing up and working so hard. But at the same time, she's worried it means you won't need her anymore. It's a little silly, but it's true. Parents can be funny like that.
So...what should I do?
I'd say to keep helping out around camp, but don't work yourself so hard. Take breaks to see your friends, play games, go on adventures. You know. And try to spend some quality time with your mother every now and then. Think you can handle that?
What? Do you not want to spend time with your mother?
No, that's not it! It's just... I feel like that stuff is for babies.
No, Kana, it's not for babies. It's for children. And your mother wants you to stay a child for just a little while longer. We both do.
Kana, we know that you're growing, and that you want more responsibilities. And we know that you're going to be a fine young man someday. But for now...relax. Don't try to grow up so quickly.
OK. Thanks, Papa. I'll think real hard about everything you said.
Good. You know...I think it would be good if you spent the night in with your mother. Lemme go talk to her about it.
Wait! What about you?
What Me? No no no. I've got plans out in to—
But, Papa! I thought you wanted me to enjoy my childhood. It wouldn't be much of a childhood without\a Papa...
Heh. You know just what to say, don't you? All right, all right, fine. Go tell your mother.
A night in with the family, huh? It sounds almost too good to be true. This happiness...now this is something worth dying for.

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So if people are going to automate the support archive I guess I'll just grab some bits of interest from elsewhere

Spouse conversations in Private Quarters:

[spoiler=Normal Dialogue]
RYOMA: I wish I could stay a little longer. But heavy lies the royal chin armor...
TAKUMI: How would you feel if I stayed just a little bit longer?
SAIZOU: Stay with me awhile longer, will ya?
KADEN: I wish we could spend the whole day just hanging out. We'd have so much fun!
HINATA: It's nice spending time together. I wouldn't mind doing it more often!
AZAMA: Do you wish to spend more time with me? Well, I'm not opposed to the idea...
SUBAKI: I think we should spend more time together. What do you say, Corrin?
HAYATO: If you want, I could stick around awhile longer, so we can chat.
JAKOB: Ah, Corrin. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than being in your company.
SILAS: *sigh* I feel like we never have enough time together. I wish we could both call in sick.
KAZE: Time with you is so fleeting. I wish we could spend a little more time together.
XANDER: If only we could hide out here all day and just enjoy being with each other.
LEO: I so enjoy our time together. I wish these moments didn't have to end.
BENNY: I always have fun when I'm with you. I hope you feel the same way about me.
KEATON: If only I could spend the whole day in your arms. *ahem* (Did I say that...out loud?!)
ARTHUR: Our time together is delightful! If only it didn't have to end.
ODIN: Spending time with you is a fountain of joy. Let us refresh ourselves awhile longer...
LAZLOW: This is the happiest I've felt in a long time. Do you mind if I hold you for a while?
NILES: Is it time for you to leave already? But, Corrin, I wasn't through with you!
HINOKA: Could we do this just a little bit longer, Corrin?
SAKURA: I love our time together, but it always leaves me wanting more.
OROCHI: Time flies when we're together. Tell me you feel the same. You DO feel the same, right?
KAGERO: It's bothersome that there are other things in life than spending time together.
HANA: I want to stay here with you just a little bit longer... I like this even more than training!
SETSUNA: It makes me so happy... Spending time with you like this...
REINA: Spending this time together... Few things make me happier.
OBORO: Time flies when you're having fun...and you and I have SO much fun.
FELICIA: Um... If it's OK with you, I'd like you to stay a little longer...
AZURA: Do you mind if we stay here just a little longer? My heart aches when you leave...
MOZU: I never knew being married would be this much fun!
CAMILLA: Oh, my sweet Corrin! If only I could pause time when I am with you...
ELISE: Heehee... I wish we could run away, so we could be together all the time.
CHARLOTTE: So, uh...I was thinking. There's no need to rush back out...if you know what I mean.
EFFIE: You make me weak in the knees, Corrin. I could stay here all day.
PERI: I don't wanna go anywhere... I just wanna spend more time with you.
BERUKA: I wish that time stood still for us...
SELENA: It's only fair that I get you all to myself sometimes. Can't you stay a little longer?
NYX: Spending time with you is so relaxing. I feel like I've been to the spa. Don't you agree?
SHIRO: I could spend the whole day with you just talking...or not talking, if you prefer.
KISARAGI: I could spend every waking minute with you. Did you know that?
ASUGI: Why don't we just lock the doors and hide out here all day?
SELKIE: Awwww... I could stay here like this forever. ...Hey! That's a great idea!
HISAME: I feel so peaceful here by your side, Corrin.
MITAMA: Time speeds by quickly / Whenever I am with you. / Throw away the clock!
CAELDORI: If you're not in a hurry, maybe you could stay here a little longer...with me.
RHAJAT: I could spend eternity here with you. I don't want to share you with anyone else!
SHIGURE: I feel so relaxed with you. I wish we could stay here all day—just the two of us.
DWYER: Thank you for spending time with me, Corrin. I'm so...happy.
SOPHIE: I'm so happy here. I wish we could spend all our time here...
MIDORI: I love being here with you. Will you stay for just a few more minutes? Please?!
SIEGBERT: I enjoy every moment of our time together, Corrin.
FORREST: I could cuddle with you all day long, Corrin.
IGNATIUS: I don't want to let you go. Please. Let's just stay here a little while longer.
VELOURIA: Spending time with you is the best sort of treasure.
PERCY: I have so much fun with you. If Ace wouldn't get mad, I'd stay here all day!
OPHELIA: The stars told me we'd be together forever. Let's start right now. Stay with me awhile.
SOLEIL: I could stay in your arms all night and all day, Corrin. Wouldn't that be nice?
NINA: I love it when you get that look in your eye. Can't you be late for once?
YUKIMURA: I enjoy these moments with you. I only wish we had more of them.
IZANA: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me! I turn to mush when you leave.
SHURA: Nothing would make me happier than a whole day with you in my arms.
FUGA: Today we should put everything on hold and spend the whole day together.
GUNTER: Just say so and we'll spend the rest of the day here.
SCARLET: Ugh! Time goes by TOO fast when we're together.
RINKAH: I wish we could stay here longer... Spending time together is so much fun.
ANNA: Today, Corrin's place is open for extended hours! ...What do you say?
FLORA: Corrin... Do you mind if I stay here awhile longer?

[spoiler=Waking up Spouse (Gently)]
RYOMA: Gods, was I asleep? I mustn't let my attention lapse like that!
TAKUMI: Oh, you're finally home. I fell asleep waiting for you!
SAIZOU: Who's there?! ...O-oh, it's you. I can't believe I let you sneak up on me like that!
KADEN: Mmm...it's you, Corrin. I got kind of bored waiting for you, so I snuck in a nap.
HINATA: Ooooh! Welcome home! I was just resting my eyes! Really!
AZAMA: Ah, that was a pleasant rest. Thank you for waking me gently.
SUBAKI: Oh! Thank you for waking me. Your room is so calm and peaceful. I slept like a baby.
HAYATO: Finally! You're back! I was waiting for you, and I must have dozed off...
JAKOB: Oh, it's you. Well, this is a change. Usually, I'm the one waking you up.
SILAS: Oh, uh...you're back? I guess I fell asleep...
KAZE: Huh? Corrin—I'm so embarrassed! I didn't mean to fall asleep like that.
XANDER: Hm? Corrin? How careless of me to doze off. Thank you for waking me.
LEO: ...Oh! You're back?! I must have fallen asleep. I hope I wasn't snoring.
BENNY: Welcome home, Corrin. Thanks for waking me up.
KEATON: Oh! Hello, Corrin! Of course I wasn't sleeping. Why would you think that?
ARTHUR: Ah, Corrin! What a lovely sight for a just heart to awaken to!
ODIN: Oh. Thank you for waking me! In my dream, I was falling into a dark abyss...
LAZLOW: You're back?! Oh. I guess I dozed off... You weren't watching me sleep, were you?
NILES: I was sleeping? ...And that's the best way you could think of to wake me?
HINOKA: Welcome back, Corrin. I can't believe I didn't wake up when you came in...
SAKURA: Oh. Thank you for waking me! I'm so sorry I fell asleep like that.
OROCHI: ...Oooh, you're back? I got tired while I was waiting for you...
KAGERO: You're back! I apologize for dozing off.
HANA: Hmmm? Ah! Hello, Corrin! I must have tired myself out earlier...
SETSUNA: Corrin... Welcome home... How long was I asleep?
RINKAH: Heh! I swear I wasn't sleeping! I meant to wake up by the time you got here.
OBORO: Whoa! Oh. It's you. I guess I fell asleep. I wasn't drooling...was I?
FELICIA: Huh? Oh no! I wanted to be awake when you got here. I'm so sorry.
AZURA: Oh, hello, Corrin. I guess I took a little catnap there.
MOZU: Wha?! Oh, Corrin...you're back. I was just catching a few winks.
CAMILLA: Oh, there you are, Corrin. You're so gentle when you wake me...
ELISE: Hrm? Corrin? Oh! I fell asleep, didn't I...
CHARLOTTE: Hmm...? Corrin? Welcome home, dear. Were you admiring me while I slept?
EFFIE: Corrin...? You're back. I must have dozed off after my workout.
PERI: Welcome home! I fell asleep... Thanks for waking me up so gently.
BERUKA: Oh, I didn't even realize you... I must really feel safe here.
SELENA: Hmm? Oh, it's you, Corrin. ...Wait a minute! How long were you standing there?
NYX: Ah! Welcome home. I was just dreaming about you...
SHIRO: Corrin! You're back. I'm sorry. I guess I fell asleep waiting for you...
KISARAGI: Welcome home, Corrin! You were in my dream just now. It was amazing!
ASUGI: Oh, you've come back home? Did you want to nap with me?
SELKIE: Aww! You're here. I tried to stay awake, but I guess you caught me snoozing.
HISAME: Hmm...welcome home. It appears I must have fallen asleep waiting for you to return.
MITAMA: I slumber softly. / My lover comes to greet me. / Wake up, dreamy one.
CAELDORI: S-sorry about that... Your room was so cozy, I curled up over here and fell asleep.
RHAJAT: Well, good morning! Is there any better sight to wake up to than your face?
SHIGURE: Ah. Welcome home! Thanks for waking me. I fell asleep for hours...
DWYER: Ah, Corrin. You have a gentle touch... like being awakened by baby kittens.
SOPHIE: Ah, welcome home, Corrin! Guess I dozed off while waiting for you.
MIDORI: Welcome home, Corrin... Sorry, I must have fallen asleep.
SIEGBERT: Ah... Welcome home. I must have dozed off. Just shows how relaxed I feel here.
FORREST: ...You're back. I've been sewing around the clock. I guess it caught up with me!
IGNATIUS: Hmm? Did I fall asleep? Sorry, Corrin. Welcome back.
VELOURIA: Oh...Corrin, I didn't smell you come in. I must have dozed off...
PERCY: Um...was I sleeping? I'm glad you woke me. I wanted to welcome you home.
OPHELIA: Oh, Corrin! I was having a nightmare. You rescued me just in time!
SOLEIL: Huh? Oh! I hope I didn't drool on your pillow.
NINA: Ah, Corrin...I was having the best dream...but this is pretty good too.
YUKIMURA: Welcome home, Corrin. I'm sorry for dozing off like that.
IZANA: Ah! What a treat—a lovely slumber followed by an even lovelier awakening!
SHURA: Ah, welcome home. I can really relax here, you know? I guess I fell asleep.
FUGA: Ah, you're back. I was waiting for you and must have nodded off.
GUNTER: Ah... Welcome home, Corrin. It's so easy to let my guard down in this room.
SCARLET: Ah, Corrin! Seeing you here is the best way to wake up.
REINA: Welcome home, dear. Heehee. Thanks for waking me up so gently...
ANNA: Hmm? Oh, I fell asleep... At least I wasn't on the clock, heehee!
FLORA: Ah... I'm sorry. It seems I fell asleep. What? I can go back to sleep?

[spoiler=Waking up Spouse (Rough)]
RYOMA: YAHH! Who are you? What is the meaning of this? Oh...it's you. Be careful next time!
TAKUMI: Gah! Next time just dump a bucket of cold water on my head, why don't you?
SAIZOU: What's going on?! Oh, it's you. I was afraid you were Kaze for a second.
KADEN: GAH! ...Oh, it's you. I thought someone was playing a prank on me...again.
HINATA: AHH! Why'd you scare me like that? Jeez, sorry I fell asleep...
AZAMA: Why did you do that?! I'll have my revenge the next time I catch you sleeping...
SUBAKI: Ow! I'm up! I'm up! There's no need to resort to blows.
HAYATO: Gah! I'm awake! You don't have to smack me around like that.
JAKOB: HUH?! Oh, my. Corrin...I mistook you for a thief.
SILAS: WHOA! ...Oh! It's you. You scared me.
KAZE: Wha?! There's no need to hit me. I'll get up immediately. I'm at your service!
XANDER: Wha?! Corrin! Was I really sleeping so deeply that force was necessary?
LEO: Ow! Do you have something against naps, Corrin? There's no need for violence!
BENNY: You scared me, Corrin. Could you wake me a little gentler next time?
KEATON: WOW! Next time, a gentle tap will do. I think you left a mark.
ARTHUR: Argh! That's some true power you've got there! I...need a minute.
ODIN: We're being invaded! Dark spiders from the otherworld are attacking! ...Oh, it's you.
LAZLOW: Hey...that tickles! Stop, stop! I'm getting up.
NILES: Well, that was...forceful. I didn't know you had it in you. Try being gentle next time.
HINOKA: Gods! What the—! I can wake up just fine without your help, thanks!
SAKURA: HIYAH! ...Oh! You scared me. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to punch you.
OROCHI: Ouch, that hurt! That's not how you should treat the person you care about...
KAGERO: My apologies! I didn't realize you'd get upset that I was dozing.
HANA: Hey, now! No need to shake me awake!
SETSUNA: Corrin... I don't think I like waking up like that...
RINKAH: Hey, now. Think you could be a little more gentle with the wake-up calls?
OBORO: Yikes, Corrin! What a way to wake up! Your hands are freezing!
FELICIA: I'll get up! I'll get up! Please...no tickling!
AZURA: There are gentler ways of waking people! Next time, you might try one.
MOZU: W-wait! There's no need to drag me out of bed by the heels! I'm awake!
CAMILLA: *gasp* Oh...Corrin. It's you. I was afraid you were an evil spirit.
ELISE: Ah! Hey! That's an awful way to wake someone up!
CHARLOTTE: Hey! That hurt! You want me to wake you up like that sometime? ...I didn't think so!
EFFIE: Whoa, Corrin! You've got a powerful grip there. No need to shake me awake!
PERI: Awww... That was an awful way to wake up! You should be more gentle next time...
BERUKA: Ah! Oh, it's just you... I thought I was under attack...
SELENA: Well, I'm SORRY I fell asleep, but seriously—next time, a little tap will do!
NYX: Corrin! What's wrong with you?! My dream was just getting to the good part!
SHIRO: I'm awake! I'm awake...all right? No need to be so forceful!
KISARAGI: Wow! Mighty powerful, Corrin! I woke up immediately!
ASUGI: Hey! Watch it, you'll spill the candy!
SELKIE: Sheesh! Next time just whisper in my ear... OK? No need to jostle me like that!
HISAME: Huh? Corrin?! I'm awake. I'm awake! I never thought you'd resort to violence!
MITAMA: O gentle slumber... / Ended too soon. Thanks to you... / I am awake now.
CAELDORI: You're so rough when you wake people! I'll teach you how to do it properly.
RHAJAT: Hey! I know you're trying to wake me up, but be a little gentler next time. OK?
SHIGURE: AHHH! ...Oh, you scared me! I wake easily, you know. The lightest touch will do!
DWYER: AHHH! ...Oh, it's you. Where do you get all of that energy?! I'm trying to rest here.
SOPHIE: WAHHH!! Corrin?! I thought Avel was waking me up!
MIDORI: Wah?! Why would you wake me up like that?
SIEGBERT: Wh-what was that all about? You couldn't gently wake me up?
FORREST: Aww... I'm getting up. I'm getting up! Stop before you mess up my hair!
IGNATIUS: WHOA! It's a SPIDER! ...Oh, it's just you, Corrin. I must have been dreaming.
VELOURIA: Corrin! Someone needs to teach you not to be so rough. Hmph!
PERCY: WHA?! Ace? What's wrong? ...Oh, it's you, Corrin. What's so urgent?
OPHELIA: Wha?! A shooting star just dropped on my head... Oh, wait. That was you? Hmph!
SOLEIL: Ow...ow...OW! That was my head, Corrin! What was that for?!
NINA: Sheesh! I like to spar too, you know...but not first thing when I wake up! Be gentle!
YUKIMURA: Corrin?! Please, don't wake me up like that again.
IZANA: Corrin! You're so...forceful! Next time you want to wake me, why not try a kiss?
SHURA: GAH! ...Oh, Corrin. You scared me. Welcome back.
FUGA: Hmph! Do all young people wake each other up with a smack to the head?
GUNTER: H-hey! No need to be so rough! What, were you afraid I'd passed in my sleep?
SCARLET: Wow, Corrin! You're rough, aren't ya? I thought we were having an earthquake!
REINA: Oh! Welcome back, Corrin. No need to be so rough. I promise I'll wake up.
ANNA: Aww, I forget my dreams about massive profits when I'm woken up that roughly...
FLORA: Ugh... Sorry I fell asleep... Could you be a bit more gentle next time?

[spoiler=A Gift of Flowers]
RYOMA: Welcome back. I'm grateful for everything you do for me. Please, take these flowers.
TAKUMI: Welcome back. I...I got you flowers. Thank you for everything that you've done.
SAIZOU: Hey. You're back. I got these flowers for you...just because.
KADEN: Welcome home! I picked these flowers for you! They were too beautiful to pass up.
HINATA: I just wanted to show you my appreciation. So... I got you some flowers!
AZAMA: Welcome back! I brought you these flowers as a reminder of our beautiful mortality.
SUBAKI: Welcome back. Aren't these flowers pretty? They're my way of saying I love you.
HAYATO: You're back! I wanted to show you what you mean to me. I hope you like flowers.
JAKOB: Ah! You've returned. These flowers are an expression of my love for you.
SILAS: Welcome back, Corrin. I got you some flowers! I hope you like them.
KAZE: You're home! On my way here, I saw these flowers and thought of you.
XANDER: Oh...you're back. I thought you deserved a present, so I got you these flowers.
LEO: Welcome home. Flowers are an expression of one's feelings, right? Here you go.
BENNY: Um, welcome back... I got you some flowers.
KEATON: I got you a present! I found some sparkly trash, but I knew you like flowers better.
ARTHUR: Welcome back! I picked these flowers for you. I didn't lose them or anything!
ODIN: You're back! Let's imagine these flowers bloom only in paradise—here with you.
LAZLOW: Welcome back! I got something for you— flowers almost as pretty as you are.
NILES: Ah. You're back. I got you these flowers. ...Go ahead. You can kiss me.
HINOKA: Welcome back. I saw these and thought of you. I hope you like them!
SAKURA: Oh...you're back. I know some men don't like flowers, but they smelled so good!
OROCHI: Well, look who's back! I wanted to show you how much I care with some flowers.
KAGERO: Welcome back. Sometimes a gift expresses gratitude better than words...
HANA: Welcome back. I got you some flowers. What do you think?
SETSUNA: Welcome back... I got these for you earlier...
REINA: Welcome back. I was thinking of you while I picked these flowers.
OBORO: Hey, Corrin. Aren't these flowers gorgeous? I knew you'd like them.
FELICIA: Welcome back. I got you a present. I only dropped the flowers twice.
AZURA: Welcome back. Here. These flowers are for you. I thought they'd make a nice gift.
MOZU: I wanted to do something nice to welcome you home. I hope you like flowers.
CAMILLA: Welcome home, my love. These flowers reminded me of your cute, little face.
ELISE: Welcome back! I got these flowers for you. Aren't they pretty?
CHARLOTTE: Welcome back. I'm not making this a habit or anything, but I got you some flowers.
EFFIE: Welcome home. These flowers were so pretty, I couldn't help myself.
PERI: Hi there! I got you some flowers! Thanks for loving me bunches!
BERUKA: Welcome back. These...flowers are for you.
SELENA: Welcome back. ...What's that? Where'd the flowers come from? Uh...ME. Obviously.
NYX: Welcome home. It was high time I showed you some appreciation with a little gift.
SHIRO: Welcome home. Flowers aren't really my thing, but you like them...right?
KISARAGI: Welcome home! I found these flowers up in the mountains. They reminded me of you.
ASUGI: Welcome back. I got some candy flowers for you to try!
SELKIE: Oh, good! You're here! I got you flowers, and I couldn't wait for you to see them!
HISAME: Welcome back. Please accept these flowers as a token of my appreciation.
MITAMA: Each chance that I get, / I want to say, "I love you." / Today...it's flowers.
CAELDORI: Welcome home. I got you these flowers as a symbol of our flourishing love...
RHAJAT: Welcome back. These flowers may fade, but my love for you will never die.
SHIGURE: I came across these flowers, and they reminded me of you. Aren't they pretty?
DWYER: Welcome back. It was a lot of work picking these flowers. I thought you'd like them.
SOPHIE: Welcome back! These are for you! With lots and lots of my love!
MIDORI: Welcome back. I picked some flowers to give to you.
SIEGBERT: Welcome back. I picked some flowers befitting my lovely wife.
FORREST: Welcome back. These petals are as lovely as your face. They're for you.
IGNATIUS: Welcome back. I got you some flowers. That's what husbands do...right?
VELOURIA: Welcome back. The colors in this bouquet represent my feelings for you. Cool, huh?
PERCY: Hey! Welcome back. Ace and I picked some flowers for you.
OPHELIA: Here! I saw these flowers glinting in the moonlight and knew they were for you.
SOLEIL: You're back. Aren't these the cutest flowers ever? I hope you like them!
NINA: Welcome back. Aren't these flowers dreamy? I picked them especially for you.
YUKIMURA: Welcome back. I wanted to show how much I appreciate you, so I got you flowers.
IZANA: I had a suspicion you might need a little pick-me-up. How about some flowers?
SHURA: Hey! You're home. I got you these flowers. You deserve something beautiful.
FUGA: I got you some flowers. Are you surprised? ...Me too.
GUNTER: Welcome back. Hmm? Oh, I bought these flowers for you...
SCARLET: Hey! I was picking flowers, and I thought you might like some too.
RINKAH: Welcome back. These flowers are pretty, right? I thought of you when I saw them.
ANNA: Welcome home. Remember these flowers? I got a group discount on a bunch!
FLORA: Welcome home. I thought I'd tell you how much I care for you with these flowers...

[spoiler=Spouse after bath]
RYOMA: Welcome back, Corrin. Sometimes I wish I could steam all day...
TAKUMI: Welcome back, Corrin. My face is red because I just got out of the bath, OK?
SAIZOU: Corrin...you're home? I just took a scalding-hot bath.
KADEN: Oh! Welcome back. That bath was SO relaxing, but drying my fur is such a pain!
HINATA: Oh! Welcome back, Corrin! I'm so warm after getting out of the bath...
AZAMA: Ah, welcome back. I apologize for my flushed demeanor... I was in the bath.
SUBAKI: Welcome back. I just got out of the hottest bath anyone has ever taken. Feel my face!
HAYATO: You're home early, Corrin. I'm still beet red from the bath.
JAKOB: Welcome back, Corrin. I apologize. I am still a little dizzy from my bath.
SILAS: Welcome home, Corrin. The water was just right at the bath today...
KAZE: Ah, you're home and right on time. I just got out of the bath...
XANDER: Hello, Corrin. This hot spring sure is relaxing, eh? I'm a bit overheated though...
LEO: Welcome home. That bath was so hot, I'm sweating. I should probably bathe again!
BENNY: Corrin, welcome back... I'm still a little dizzy from the bath...
KEATON: What have I been up to...? Nothing! My cheeks are always this pink after my bath.
ARTHUR: Welcome home, Corrin! My brain is foggy from being in the bath too long...
ODIN: Uh...hello. I just submerged my body into scalding-hot water. You should try it.
LAZLOW: Ah, welcome home, Corrin. My face is flushed from sitting in the bath too long.
NILES: Well, well. Perfect timing. I took a bath hot enough to melt flesh—just the way I like it.
HINOKA: Welcome home, Corrin. I think I'm still a bit light headed from the heat...
SAKURA: Oh. Welcome home, Corrin. My bath was so hot, I'm a little dizzy...
OROCHI: Corrin? You're back? Let me tell you... That bath water was WAY too hot.
KAGERO: Oh dear... You're back earlier than I expected. I just finished with my bath.
HANA: Ah, Corrin, welcome home. I'm all warm from my bath!
SETSUNA: Welcome home... Oh, I must have spaced out in the bath—look at my fingers...
REINA: Welcome home, Corrin. I just finished a bath.
OBORO: Welcome home. That bath was SO nice. I could have stayed in there all day.
FELICIA: Welcome home. I don't think I'll ever get used to the warm baths here...
AZURA: Ah, welcome back. What's that? I am NOT blushing! I'm just flushed from the heat...
MOZU: Welcome home. I love taking a hot bath, but I wish I didn't turn into a tomato.
CAMILLA: Welcome home. ...What's that? ...My face? That bath got me a little overheated...
ELISE: Welcome home! Heehee, I bet I look all red, don't I? I just had the YUMMIEST bath!
CHARLOTTE: Well, hello! ...What's that?! I look hot? Of course I do! I just got out of the bath...
EFFIE: Whew! I think I stayed in the bath too long! My head's a little woozy.
PERI: Welcome home! My face feels so warm from that bath. I need to cool down!
BERUKA: Welcome home. The bath left me a bit light headed.
SELENA: Welcome home. ...Stop it. I'm not blushing! It's my bath, stupid. It turned me all red.
NYX: Welcome home. I think I stayed in the bath too long. I thought I saw a wrinkle.
SHIRO: Hey there, Corrin. That bath is hot, and I mean HOT.
KISARAGI: Welcome home! There's nothing like a hot bath to warm you up—head to toe!
ASUGI: Welcome home. I ended up staying in the bath a bit too long...
SELKIE: Welcome home! After my hot bath, this room's freezing! I've got goose bumps!
HISAME: Welcome back, Corrin. The bath turned my whole body the color of crimson.
MITAMA: I welcome you home... / Cheeks all pink... but it's the bath. / It's not what you think!
CAELDORI: Welcome back. My cheeks got a little pink after my bath. Whew!
RHAJAT: Welcome home. The bath was hotter than I expected. Heh.
SHIGURE: There you are! I just got out of the bath. My skin is still steaming!
DWYER: Welcome home. I just took the longest bath...ever. Go ahead. Congratulate me.
SOPHIE: Welcome home, Corrin! I took a bath earlier, so my face is still hot...
MIDORI: Welcome home. I just took a bath with some herbal soaps. They smelled SO good!
SIEGBERT: Welcome home. I apologize for how I look. My face is still hot from my bath.
FORREST: Welcome home! That bath was delightful, but it frizzed all my curls!
IGNATIUS: Oh, hello. I just took a hot bath. Next time, you should join me. ...Errr...not like that!
VELOURIA: Welcome home. Do I smell all fresh and clean? I just took a bath.
PERCY: Welcome home. Wow! They really cranked up the heat in the baths today! Watch out!
OPHELIA: Welcome home! I just took a dip in the bath to purify myself. Ah! I feel so clean!
SOLEIL: Welcome home! I just got out of the bath. Wanna help me cool off?
NINA: Welcome home. ...My bath felt SO nice. I love it when it's hot enough to burn.
YUKIMURA: Welcome back home. I'm afraid my cheeks are still flushed from my bath...
IZANA: Welcome home, Corrin! My, do they keep that bath water piping hot!
SHURA: Welcome home, Corrin. I'll never tire of soaking my bones in a hot bath. Ahhh...
FUGA: Pardon me, Corrin. I'm just flushed from the bath.
GUNTER: Ah, welcome home, Corrin. My face is a bit flushed from the bath...
SCARLET: Welcome home! I know my skin is still red from my bath, but please—no Scarlet jokes!
RINKAH: Ah, you're back? I took a long bath. It's great how hot the water is!
ANNA: Oh, welcome back. Best thing after a hot bath is moisturizer, and I happen to sell it!
FLORA: Welcome home... I took a bath earlier, but my body is still so warm...

[spoiler=Standard 3DS minigame]
RYOMA: Ah, there's nothing like a little breeze after a good, hot bath.
TAKUMI: What are you trying to do? Cool me off? You're such a goofball!
SAIZOU: ...That feels better. Thanks!
KADEN: Hooya! Trying to cool me down, eh? That actually felt really nice!
HINATA: Oh wow, a cool breeze after a bath feels pretty wonderful.
AZAMA: Ah...nothing like a cool breeze at a time like this. Like the breath of the gods...
SUBAKI: Ah...that's better. My body has returned to its ideal temperature. Perfect!
HAYATO: ...That feels good. Thanks for taking such good care of me.
JAKOB: Oh, Corrin, I hate to put you to such work, but you have my thanks.
SILAS: Hmm...that breeze feels so nice—the perfect way to cool down after a bath!
KAZE: ...And now you take the trouble to cool me off? How did I get to be so lucky?
XANDER: I feel much better now, thanks to you. You know...you really are quite adorable.
LEO: Ah! I feel much better now, Corrin. Promise me I can return the favor.
BENNY: Ahhh, that was really nice. I feel a bit cooler now.
KEATON: Wow. One minute I'm burning hot, and the next minute I'm freezing cold. I need a nap!
ARTHUR: I accidentally slipped in the bath and hurt my elbow. That cool breeze helps the pain!
ODIN: ...And now the evening breeze cools the raging inferno of my soul. How unexpected!
LAZLOW: Oh...Corrin! That was...amazing. Will you let me try that on you sometime?
NILES: I feel much cooler now. How very inventive of you! You know I like a little creativity.
HINOKA: Heehee... It feels good to cool off with a light breeze, but that tickles!
SAKURA: I'm not sure which I like better—warming up or cooling down!
OROCHI: Mmm... That is SO much better. Thank you!
KAGERO: Hmm... A cool breeze feels nice. I think I'm blushing less now...
HANA: Aww, thanks. It feels pretty good to cool off...
SETSUNA: That breeze felt really good... Do it again sometime...
REINA: It feels good to cool off after a nice hot bath.
OBORO: Thanks for cooling me off! I really need to go shopping for a lighter robe!
FELICIA: Oh, thank you! If you ever need to cool off, I'll use my ice magic to help you.
AZURA: That was delightful... Thank you, Corrin.
MOZU: Aww... That breeze feels so soothing. I could fall asleep right now.
CAMILLA: Well, Corrin...I don't know what to say. Thank you. That was VERY refreshing.
ELISE: Thanks SO much—that felt amazing! I have the sweetest, smartest hubby ever!
CHARLOTTE: Ah, how refreshing! If I only had something cold to drink, my life would be perfect.
EFFIE: Thank you, dear. The sound of that breeze was music to my ears.
PERI: Hahaha! That feels awesome! I'm not even remotely hot anymore!
BERUKA: Ahh, much colder. Thank you.
SELENA: Heehee! Thanks. I'm not sure why you're being so nice to me all the sudden...
NYX: That was like an invigorating tonic. Thank you! I'm getting delicate in my old age.
SHIRO: Ah...I feel much better now. Wow. A hot bath can really put a spring in your step.
KISARAGI: Ah...that feels GOOD. It doesn't get much better than a cool breeze after a hot bath.
ASUGI: Ah, that's nice. How thoughtful of you. Want to get some ice cream?
SELKIE: Hahaha! Yikes...that's cold. That's COLD! Thank you, Corrin.
HISAME: That was just what I needed—a cooling breeze and a little extra time with you.
MITAMA: I'm in ecstasy! / That gentle breeze caresses. / What magic is this?
CAELDORI: Heehee... Thanks. That was...interesting.
RHAJAT: Were you trying to cool me off? Impossible! I'm always on fire when you're around...
SHIGURE: Thank you! I haven't felt a breeze that nice since my last ride through the skies...
DWYER: Corrin...did you make that breeze? That seems like a lot of work. Thanks.
SOPHIE: That breeze felt really nice! Thank you for that!
MIDORI: Aww... I feel cooler, but now I'm getting sleepy...
SIEGBERT: What a pleasant breeze! I feel cooler now. Please accept my thanks.
FORREST: ...Thank you. I feel more myself now. All my ringlets are back in place!
IGNATIUS: Corrin, I'm shocked. I have no idea how you did that, but it sure felt good.
VELOURIA: That breeze is so relaxing. Even my fur is nice and dry now...
PERCY: Was that a cooling breeze? How lucky!
OPHELIA: Oh! A chilly wind just blew through here. Did you feel it? The spirits are everywhere!
SOLEIL: Whoa. That felt AMAZING. You're so good to me.
NINA: Oh...thank you. Next time, I'll try to make you blush.
YUKIMURA: Hmm... That was the perfect follow-up to my hot bath.
IZANA: Heehee! How divine! I feel like I just took an ice-cold plunge.
SHURA: You're adorable. You know that? You always have the craziest ideas, but hey—it worked!
FUGA: Corrin, that felt divine. If I had a cool beverage, my life would be complete.
GUNTER: Hmm... A cool breeze is a pleasant thing.
SCARLET: Haha! That was chilly! I love unwinding after a hot bath. I feel like a new person!
RINKAH: Were you trying to cool me down, Corrin? ...Thank you.
ANNA: Oooooooh, yeah! That felt amazing! I bet there's a market for breeze machines...
FLORA: Thank you so much... I was beginning to think I might melt away...

Out-of-context Highlights:
RYOMA: I wish I could stay a little longer. But heavy lies the royal chin armor...
SOLEIL: Whoa. That felt AMAZING. You're so good to me.
AZURA: Ah, welcome back. What's that? I am NOT blushing! I'm just flushed from the heat...
AZAMA: Welcome back! I brought you these flowers as a reminder of our beautiful mortality
SCARLET: Wow, Corrin! You're rough, aren't ya? I thought we were having an earthquake!
SAKURA: HIYAH! ...Oh! You scared me. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to punch you.
DWYER: Ah, Corrin. You have a gentle touch... like being awakened by baby kittens.

tl;dr Standard dribbly mush

Male Corrin wakes their spouse roughly by shaking them. Female Corrin apparently decks them in the face. Except for the children, weirdly. Both genders deck them in the face. I don't know what to read into that.

Also Sakura is apparently wound up tighter than a coiled spring damn

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Oh man, those highlights XD

Wow, Femui just...punches her spouse? Like, right in the face? That is a stark difference from Mamui. Double standards?

Edited by Abvora
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SAIZOU: What's going on?! Oh, it's you. I was afraid you were Kaze for a second.

...So... anyone else extremely curious about this line? xDDD (Is this a regular thing for these two? Kaze punching Saizou to wake him up?)

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So I've heard that Kana can't S Rank anyone anymore (well, more like they get turned down by them then anything else, really). Is that true? If so, then who can they S Rank with and who can't they S Rank with.

Edited by December Knight
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So I've heard that Kana can't S Rank anyone anymore (well, more like they get turned down by them then anything else, really). Is that true? If so, then who can they S Rank with and who can't they S Rank with.

Hmm...I'm looking over their text dumps right now and that seems to be the case in which they don't actually marry someone - instead they or the person they're supporting with will ask them to be their best friend.

I skimmed through Male Kana's and Caeldori's support and it looks like he does ask her to be his girlfriend, but she declines and says that they should be friends forever instead.

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Hmm...I'm looking over their text dumps right now and that seems to be the case in which they don't actually marry someone - instead they or the person they're supporting with will ask them to be their best friend.

I skimmed through Male Kana's and Caeldori's support and it looks like he does ask her to be his girlfriend, but she declines and says that they should be friends forever instead.

Really? That's kinda lame. I wonder why they made it so Kana can't marry anyone anymore.

Thank you carefreejules, for answering me.

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Hmm...I'm looking over their text dumps right now and that seems to be the case in which they don't actually marry someone - instead they or the person they're supporting with will ask them to be their best friend.

I skimmed through Male Kana's and Caeldori's support and it looks like he does ask her to be his girlfriend, but she declines and says that they should be friends forever instead.

So my Forrest/Kana ship is sunk? :(

Did they do this just for Kana, or for Midori and Percy as well? Because I highly doubt they can pass either of them off as adults, or have them get away with "best friending" Corrin when they have a kid.

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So my Forrest/Kana ship is sunk? :(

Did they do this just for Kana, or for Midori and Percy as well? Because I highly doubt they can pass either of them off as adults, or have them get away with "best friending" Corrin when they have a kid.

I can check the other children supports with each other and I'll report in a moment.

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Sorry for the double post!


Even though the Kanas can't necessarily marry any of the kids, they will mention in some supports of how they would want to when they're older. Like in Kiragi's support with Female Kana, he asked her if she could be his princess but she replies that she would want to marry him when they were older but they'll continue to spend time with each other and they even address each other like "my princess" and "my prince" in the end of their support.

That's so cute in my opinion oh my goodness!

As for the other children, they seem more romantically involved with each other in the end so I think they kept marriages in tact for them? Honestly, I'd have to see the title that they get afterwards to make a more definite confirmation.

Edited by carefreejules
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Sorry for the double post!


Even though the Kanas can't necessarily marry any of the kids, they will mention in some supports of how they would want to when they're older. Like in Kiragi's support with Female Kana, he asked her if she could be his princess but she replies that she would want to marry him when they were older but they'll continue to spend time with each other and they even address each other like "my princess" and "my prince" in the end of their support.

That's so cute in my opinion oh my goodness!

As for the other children, they seem more romantically involved with each other in the end so I think they kept marriages in tact for them? Honestly, I'd have to see the title that they get afterwards to make a more definite confirmation.

That is adorable :3. Honestly I prefer this.

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