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Does anyone else have a hard time choosing Nohr (conquest)?


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I went back and reviewed my stuff cuz I was forgetting the details, and I can't stop laughing.

[spoiler=] Fuga, you are a terrible friend. Wonder how you'd feel when you find out that your best friend's two sons both died because you let Nohrians through your territory.

Can't wait until Garon, Iago, and Hans join the parade.

And in Revelation he can fuck his best friend's adopted daughter. Fuuga for worst best friend 2016

Most of us are just salty because Nohr is blatantly evil and siding with them makes you out to be a dumb ass, while choosing Hoshido has no repercussions whatsoever and makes you out as a saint. The fact that they both aesthetically represent feudal Japan and medieval West has nothing to do with it. Had it been the other way around, I would have been salty in the same fashion--except for Hoshido.

This is my view. Any black and white morality is bad for the narrative, especially when fantasy cultural counterparts are beīng emphasized.

[spoiler=] But think about this, if they had just sat on their asses, Garon would A) not be able to conquer Hoshido because he lacked the help of the hero or B) conquer Hoshido and sit his ass on the throne anyway. If scenario B were supposed to happen (without Corrin's intervention), then Corrin and Azura literally accomplished nothing. If scenario A were supposed to happen (without Corrin's intervention), then Corrin and Azura basically said "Screw you, Hoshido, gotta take care of our own country's problems first." This would be fine and all, if Corrin didn't care about Hoshido and didn't go on and on about how he wanted "peace for both countries" and "be united with his Hoshidan siblings again."

So somehow, Corrin was able to convince himself that this was for the best, even though he didn't explore other options. Like, what did he even try to do behind Garon's back other than sparing a few people here and there? No secretly rallying anti-Garon forces, no sneak attacks on Garon, no nothing. So how exactly are they desperate? You can't fail at something if you haven't attempted it.

Also, it's a miracle that he can live down the guilt of playing an active role in invading another country and causing the suffering of so many innocents and the deaths of the Hoshidan brothers and their retainers (well, I suppose Azura did too, since she grew up with them. But meh, she died, so I guess no one will go after her for it). If I were in Corrin's shoes, I would've rather tried telling my siblings about Valla and disappearing than agreeing to invading a country, even one without my siblings in it; I would never be able to live with that decision. So no matter how you try to spin it, their decision was a terrible one. And the Hoshidan siblings just magically forgave him at the end.

Solid points. Azura's plan was tantamount to doing nothing (at best) or actively making the situation worse. If they want to fight Garon...they ought to join Hoshido (his siblings would probably still take him back) or at the very least take more direct actions to dethroning Garon such as assassinating him or forming a rebellion (Chevalier and the Ice village are already rebellious elements, there could be more). Invading Hoshido is the most roundabout, unnecessary method of getting what they want, and many innocents are sacrificed.

Anyway, back on topic.

It seems to me that the tried their hardest to keep Kamui a blank slate, depriving him of his memories and isolating him so he never interacts with anyone. It doesn't seem like he'd really think fondly of Nohr as a country and the only reason he has to side with Nohr is his siblings. But that's also the side that is blatantly evil, including his dad who tried to have him killed.

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had to skip a lot of posts because its heading to spoiler town but after getting to chapter 11 I come to a horrible realization on why I chose nohr.

1)honestly i wanted to start a war. I am tired of the classic fire emblem plot of "oh my home was attacked so my retaliation was justified." Is it so wrong to slaughter many just to stab Takumi's smug ass in the throat?

2) I didn't chose loyalty, I betrayed my homeland for camilla. I disgust myself and it feels so wrong and yet....I understand my dark princess like no other. I regret nothing.

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What exactly is objectively immoral about siding with Nohr? As I've already said, morals have no objective value. You can say something has value to you, but for something to have intrinsic value, it must be proven.

The actions your avatar takes once you've chosen Nohr just do not jive with the intent of the player. It would be like if, in an RPG that gave you a choice to do a good or bad thing, you could either A) choose to do the good thing and the character accomplishes it, or B) choose to do the bad thing and the character beats around the bush, eventually does it, barely, and then cries about it afterwards.

The issue with this system is that it doesn't work for a character that is meant to be identified with by the player. Kamui/Corrin is clearly meant to represent the intents and actions of the player directly, so by assuming that I wouldn't be okay with the actions I have chosen to do, it comes off as patronizing. If they want me to experience the life of a character with regrets, fine. But don't say it's me, because I don't regret my choices.

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It's a difficult choice regardless, but even if gameplay weren't a factor, I'd still go with Nohr. I don't see how could possibly turn on the people that you spent your whole life with and who clearly love and accept you. Sure, your father's a joke, but your siblings are what's important. I know once I do a Hoshido run, it will hurt so much more.

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At first I had a hard time. Then my choice was made much easier when I learned Camilla is a yandere. With a higher difficulty and a pretty big sister that rides a wyvern, has a great personality, and a bit of an obsession, how could I say no?

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I knew from the start that I would pick Nohr first. I won't lie though, it was a little tough after meeting the Hoshido siblings. Especially Hinoka, since she seemed really caring and overall genuine, so to betray her like that was tough for sure. Oh and Takumi, he just pissed me off, so there's that.

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While I am still looking forward to Conquest (and Revelation) I'm actually glad I ended up going Birthright first. It was the route I thought I was less interested in, but what it turned out to be is a route of interesting characters whose uniqueness is not waved like a flag for the player to latch onto before booting up the game. I don't mean that as a dig toward the Nohr characters, either. I'm genuinely aiming to praise the Hoshido characters for having a lot more to them then I anticipated. I'm especially impressed because Takumi, whom I remember actually saying I hated on another thread, is currently my favorite character. I'm *dreading* fighting him in Conquest because (1) he's an amazing archer and unless they deliberately nerf him he's going to be a pain, and (2) I figure the more I like a character, the more seeing them as an enemy is going to hurt.

I think a lot of people are going into Conquest expecting one thing or another and that what they are getting is something entirely different. From my research it's definitely not what I thought I'd be signing up for, but at least I know that. I'm seeing a lot of "Whaaat?" reactions and reading those has me (as much as possible) prepared to enjoy good maps, (hopefully) interesting supports and characters, but to take the story with a grain of salt. Really a shame since the premise seems so good, but what can ya do?

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Aside from the fact that I was immediately attached to Marx, Leon, Camilla, and Elise, choosing Nohr actually felt the most natural to me for very personal reasons. I felt a real life connection due to my own family situation regarding my less-than-stellar parents and my five half-siblings. If forced to choose IRL, my idiot criminal of a brother would always win over my other sibling even though I have a more similar personality to the latter. I am more attached to the siblings who took care of me and who I took care of, rather than the siblings who I was raised away from.

So I figured this would be pretty true of my Kamui as well, though the choice would be much more dramatic for them since their "away-family" actually tried to see them again. Plus, myself and my Kamui are thirst for Marx. Both choices were pretty painful, but that's what Revelations is for right?

I actually am finishing Birthright first, to get attached to those characters so that Conquest hurts more because I like my video games with lots of crying and regret. But god saying "no" to all of the Nohr siblings felt way worse than saying "no" to any of the Hoshido siblings to me.

Edited by Tulnekaya
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While I am still looking forward to Conquest (and Revelation) I'm actually glad I ended up going Birthright first. It was the route I thought I was less interested in, but what it turned out to be is a route of interesting characters whose uniqueness is not waved like a flag for the player to latch onto before booting up the game. I don't mean that as a dig toward the Nohr characters, either. I'm genuinely aiming to praise the Hoshido characters for having a lot more to them then I anticipated. I'm especially impressed because Takumi, whom I remember actually saying I hated on another thread, is currently my favorite character. I'm *dreading* fighting him in Conquest because (1) he's an amazing archer and unless they deliberately nerf him he's going to be a pain, and (2) I figure the more I like a character, the more seeing them as an enemy is going to hurt.

I think a lot of people are going into Conquest expecting one thing or another and that what they are getting is something entirely different. From my research it's definitely not what I thought I'd be signing up for, but at least I know that. I'm seeing a lot of "Whaaat?" reactions and reading those has me (as much as possible) prepared to enjoy good maps, (hopefully) interesting supports and characters, but to take the story with a grain of salt. Really a shame since the premise seems so good, but what can ya do?

Yep I remember that I said I hated Takumi in the same thread but when I got my hands on the game I fond out that i actually don't hate him all that much

Guess he just reminds me to much of myself

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Posted this in another forum:

Conquest is becoming my favorite game in the series, yes the story is average, maybe its just me but I am liking the whole "turn the Evil side to a good side from the inside" stuff. It gets stupid in some chapters BUT man the feeling of chapter 16, when all your siblings from Nohr finally came together, feels so great. Kamui, Xander, Camilla, Leo, Elise and even Azura and they all had the moment together finally re-united as a family. I think that was one of my scene in the game granted because I was always fond of my siblings and we were close knit family, which generally hits home for me. Kamui was annoying at first but (spoilers now, chapter 15+)

When he finally decided to follow Garon's order and pretend to "evil" was the first sign of growth especially when he rebuttal Iago about him and Azura going missing in that chapter. I think his decision did make sense because continuing to defy his Father can cause his Siblings more harm. I also like the interaction with the siblings tbh, that Scene with Leo in chapter 18 where he killed that Illusionist at the end of the chapter because Kamui doesn't have the heart to kill was really sweet, everyone trying to protect Kamui and make sure to uphold his values.

I know people has problems with Kamui wondering if he made the right choice, but wouldn't you? From his POV despite choosing his family (and before knowing Garon isn't really Garon) he has to watched bloodshed and to the point during the Cheve mission where the innocents (RIP Scarlet) was brutally murder. Again people fault Kamui from being Naive but people forget he was stuck in a castle during most of his childhood and only gets to interact with his siblings + servants. Everything to him was White or Black, his naivety about war is telling when both sides tells him about it but respects him (well in Nohr sides, dont know abt birthright) and follows his orders to preserve his values.

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honestly people pick Hoshido as they are the "good guys" but anyone whose played Conquest knows siding with Nohr isn't actually what it seems. i've beaten both and can say i enjoyed Birthright more as in Conquest the guilt trips are more direct and painful (especially with Takumi) but Conquest is the more traditional FE experiance with harder mission objectives.

honestly it really comes down to the games tag line:

do you fight for the bonds of those you love? (Conquest)

do you fight for the blood that runs through your veins? (Birthright)

( and being released i believe in March?) or do you deny both factions in the search for truth and peace? (Revelations)

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At first, I would have said yes. And I did play Birthright first.

But, since completing Birthright and seeing the interactions between the characters on both sides, it was less difficult picking the Nohr side the second time around. Also, if you look at it from the perspective of the character... yes Garron is an a**hole, but you are also asking the main character to turn on his/her "family."

Probably would never have been able to *start* with Conquest... but again, playing Birthright first made me want to play Conquest, it did not deter me as I thought it would when I first started Fates in general.

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  • 1 year later...

Hah, I'm almost done with Birthright and I can tell you I won't be able to play conquest, ever. Too attached to the characters... 

its too bad because it's not my first FE and I'd like more challenge in combats, but nope. 

Im wayyyy to weak for guilt trips and there are so many characters I love who die é_è i don't know, birthright isn't that cruel with Nohrians, is it? At least it lets Leo and Camilla live (don't hit me if I'm wrong, I'm not 100% done with the game)

so yeah jumping straight to Revelations because I can't wait to mix those 2 enemy countries! 

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Trust me, you're not alone.

Unless I deliberately want to play the Conquest chapters again, I never choose Nohr, simply because I can't stand how it destroys Xander (my favorite character, just speaking of his supports) and his integrity/logic. And even so, I immediately skip any story scenes, where I'm normally tolerant of reading story again on repeated playthroughs of other games.

Not to mention, I despise being Garon's attack dog aimed at a completely innocent country, while the narrative as a whole is absolving the characters of any sort of responsibility. These supposedly morally decent people have no qualms about rampaging over a kingdom that has done nothing wrong, to the point of killing off two of its princes, who were merely trying to protect their homeland and way of life.

It also made me lose some respect for Corrin, since siding with Nohr is the selfish "I don't give a shit about anyone but my family" choice...and then whining constantly about it really didn't help matters. I mean, it's obvious that Garon is an asshole with no redeeming features by the time the game starts...and yet you can have Corrin still side with him. I know he's their father, but there's a limit on how much one bends over backwards for irredeemable people, especially if one calls oneself a good person.

Eugh... The mood whiplash in "crush Hoshido" and "hangin' with the siblings and pals" is just too much sometimes.

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