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Favorite Battle Quotes?


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So there is already a thread that asks for favorite critical hit/ skill activation quotes, but what about your favorite battle quotes in general? They can be Dual Support, Dual Strike, or Dual Guard quotes.

For me, anything that comes out of Anna's mouth is gold. But here are some honorable mentions:

"Violence is on sale today!"

"Half off!"

"Here's a freebie."

"You get a discount!"

Also, I like these gems:

Henry and Severa: "Just die already!"

Cynthia: "Here I cooooome!" (I like the tone she says it in.)

Sumia: "Don't trip."

Sully: "Quick and dirty. Huh, I like it."

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If we're going batte quotes (and not critical)

Robin's dual guard "Predictable" and "back off!"

Chrom's dual guard "Hold on I'm coming!" and "Think again!"

Lucina's dual guard "I'll keep you safe!" and "Get back!"

Robin's dual strike, "Over here!" and "Wrong move!"

Chrom's dual strike "We're not done yet!" and "Have another!"

Lucina's dual strike "Foget about me?" (really love how she says that :D:)

And I have a few more but I'll leave you with these because I am 100% certain that there will be more :XD:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Frederick has some really good ones:

"Pick a god and pray!"- Easily his best critical line, at least in my opnion.

Okay so only one good one, but it is a really good cut in! I'd say it's one of my favourites in the game.

Not really a favourite, but I always found it strange that one of Ricken's cut ins is just:

"Die!" Maybe it's just me, but it feels so strange hearing him shout that.

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Asinine knave

Desist at once

Begone foul miscreation

The predicted outcome



nobody loves you

die now


I make deep cuts


ooh nice weapon


Pick a god and pray


Teach's watching

Teach just got tenure


Now I'm angry


Its time to tip the scales


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  • 2 weeks later...

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