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Paired enemy units don't move?


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As indicated by the topic title, I have yet to ever see paired enemy units move, similarly to bosses. Even more interestingly, once I kill the lead unit and their partner is left on the title alone, that unit won't move either.

Is this just a weird AI thing, or a gameplay balance/difficulty thing? Do they move in later chapters, or perhaps on Lunatic? I'm on Hard Mode, Chapter 8, for what that's worth.

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I'm pretty sure that the game tells you if the unit can move or not when you check their movement stat. That being said, they are units that will move while paired up in the game.

Edited by Avarice_Shadow
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Yesterday I played Chapter 5 in hard mode, and in the map were 2 units with pair up, when I moved Kaze to lure the mages near the pair units, the paired units started to move from their original position and attacked Kaze

Edited by SniperGYS
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