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Jedi's first impressions of Birthright


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Now i've been quite hyped for this trio of games for quite some time, the fanbase has been chomping at each other for over a year about everything, but how do I. A humble fan of the entire franchise feel about my 14th FE, Birthright so far?

Love it, without a doubt, Birthright promises simplicity, yet even with that, it's pretty engaging, I enjoy the double weapon triangle, I love all the debuffs/buff effects that exist now, and eventhough BR has only simple objectives, the maps feel much better than Awakenings overall (to me anyways). So basically if you loved how Awakening did stuff, Birthright is basically that + alot more. I also really enjoy all the new classes Hoshido has access too, the Ninjas are sooooo fun to use for instance.

I'm only on chapter 10 of my Hard/Classic run, and just am enjoying every little bit, I actually have had to reset a couple times just for some small mistakes, but it goes to show even this game can punish you :P:.

the story is well its ok, not the worst thing i've read, certainly not the best, it works for the type of game Fates is however, the character interactions are pretty amusing despite there being some gimmicky characters, its a pretty quirky and enjoyable cast thus far, I especially like Kaze, the dude is just chill and he plays the straight man in quite a few of the more comedic supports. Which can be quite amusing.

Honestly no character has really offended me, interactions in supports dip & dive between the Magvel/Elibe/New Mysterys strongest quality of supports (Never not quite reaching Tellius quality) and those of Awakening's weakest, but hey long as the characters can be kinda funny and reliable in some ways, I'll take it.

Voice acting is kinda hit & miss, but I think its more hit, I think people tend to overreact to VAing these days in general, or I'm just weird :P:. then again I'm a fan of cheesy vaing as well.

Currently juggling around a team of characters, I know who I want to stick, but some more cool people always seem to come in, only done one S support so far and that was Kaze/Rinkah which is a meh support imo, kinda dorky, but their situation in the start can be used for some lead up into a more chill and goofy chat in the base.

Not like super indepth, but I'm just enjoying this game alot.

Edited by Jedi
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How would you say Birthright's challenge compares with Awakening? Based on first impressions of course.

I think Hoshido Hard is probably harder than Awakening Hard? Starting off anyways (I'll know more later), Corrin is pretty strong but they have ways of nullifying him in a few early chapters. He isn't on Robins ridiculous level.

I feel like i'm at least putting in more effort at least.

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How would you say Birthright's challenge compares with Awakening? Based on first impressions of course.

The beginning seems easier, but more fair than Awakening (the latter had a funky inverse difficulty-curve, though). I hear it's gets harder towards mid-game.

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The beginning seems easier, but more fair than Awakening (the latter had a funky inverse difficulty-curve, though). I hear it's gets harder towards mid-game.

Yeah, I don't know if it was because I had a dreadful team or not, but I believe the antepenultimate map in Birthright was a lot harder for me than many Conquest maps.

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I think Hoshido Hard is probably harder than Awakening Hard? Starting off anyways (I'll know more later), Corrin is pretty strong but they have ways of nullifying him in a few early chapters. He isn't on Robins ridiculous level.

I feel like i'm at least putting in more effort at least.

Wait until you get Ryoma. He'll slice through units so easily, you'll feel like you're cheating. He trivializes the midgame and remains as a reliable unit on endgame.

I think Birthright is similar to Awakening in difficulty, the only difference being that your units have better balanced stats and the EXP gain system is slightly different, so you won't be OHKOing everyone with a single EXP abused unit because the game prevents you from doing that. This makes a slightly harder earlygame and a fairer experience, but other than that the difficulty is the same.

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Even without different map objectives, I'm enjoying the gameplay more than Awakening's so far. I LOVE the pair-up system, personal skills and all the weapon buffs.

It has a funny difficulty curve on Hard, coming from the first five chapters. I was expecting to waltz out in the early game and have a good time and grind Rinkah supports, and instead I got rekt repeatedly. But then Chapter 6 onward reverts to Awakening difficulty. Not just because you have more characters, but the enemy units are literally weaker in ch 7-8 than they were in 4-5. Maybe I was supposed to let AI Ryoma kill-steal more.

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