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Least Favorite Characters?

Elibean Spaceman

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It's hard to believe a professional writer actually wrote Xander's character. It's almost depressing.

Hilariously enough, Shin Kibayayashi (critically acclaimed maga writer) and Yukinori Kitajima (one of the writers behind some Ace Attorney games and Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney) both worked on Fates. Proof that stunt casting applies to writing too?

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The sad thing is Xander is actually fairly likeable and decent in his supports it's just story Xander that is a giant butt. Seriously king Garon could murder a baby in front on him and he still wouldn't turn his back on his father or acknowledge he's evil.

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Also, I realize who I hate most: Garon. Literally everything wrong with the game's plot can be traced back to him.

If he were not a slime monster, but a simple man like Travant, doing wrong things for the right reasons--to get his people resources--Xander is suddenly no longer a blind idiot, but a tragic prince following his father's example for the good of their country. Corrin and Azura are no longer spineless idiots, but similarly-focused well-intentioned extremists who believe in Garon's cause and thus have no reason to want to go against him. Hoshido is no longer a country full of idiots unable to tell their neighbors were evil and starving, but a morally grey land that may or may not have withheld resources from them.

Dammit, IntSys.

The big ones

[spoiler=Kamui and Suzukaze]

This is based on their Conquest behavior. In this route, Kamui is a spineless coward who professes to wanting to do the right thing but doesn't have a plan for how to accomplish it. Somehow he reasons that assisting in an invasion is "helping to stop the war". Suzukaze is equally a moron for invading his homeland just because Kamui seems like a nice guy.


The worst character in both Conquest and Birthright. He supports the invasion of Hoshido, flip-flopping between his chivalry and moral relativism/obedience to his evil father. Unlike Kamui, he probably has some political clout to subvert Garon but chooses not to. In Birthright, his stubbornness gets Elise and himself killed and in Conquest he doesn't take a moral stand until Garon is confirmed to literally be a monster. What a tool-bag.

[spoiler=Aqua and the Awakening Trio]

Colossal fuck ups that ruin a great deal of the story. They have all the answers to solving the greater conflict but take no actions in order to inform others of it. Aqua in particular is the biggest asshole for assisting in the invasion of the country that raised her and treated her kindly. Was that REALLY the best plan you could think of?

I think these two responses sum up what the main problems with Conquest are and why so many people dislike the story, myself included. Another big reason is Revelations which negatively affects both Conquest AND Birthright, but this is a thread for characters, so I shouldn't talk about it here.

I've always wondered why Camilla is so popular. First of all, I don't see the appeal in her design but you know, to each their own so I won't comment on something so superficial other than how awkward it must be for her siblings to see her walk around in her underwear like that. However, what I simply don't understand is how people can not only like her personality but also call her a mother figure; a mother figure to me is NOT someone mentally unstable who's obsessed with you and obviously wants to bang you.

Edited by Thane
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I think these two responses sum up what the main problems with Conquest are and why so many people dislike the story, myself included. Another big reason is Revelations which negatively affects both Conquest AND Birthright, but this is a thread for characters, so I shouldn't talk about it here.

I've always wondered why Camilla is so popular. First of all, I don't see the appeal in her design but you know, to each their own so I won't comment on something so superficial other than how awkward it must be for her siblings to see her walk around in her underwear like that. However, what I simply don't understand is how people can not only like her personality but also call her a mother figure; a mother figure to me is NOT someone mentally unstable who's obsessed with you and obviously wants to bang you.

I liked her for her... Assets.. At first but I really like her now because of her recruitment mission in Relevarions. Don't have a spoiler key on my phone, but I will say it made her go from 2D poster girl to a really 3D character for me, albeit with very few lines.
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The sad thing is Xander is actually fairly likeable and decent in his supports it's just story Xander that is a giant butt. Seriously king Garon could murder a baby in front on him and he still wouldn't turn his back on his father or acknowledge he's evil.

Same for Azura and Corrin. Azura's one of the most fleshed-out and enjoyable characters in her supports, and even Corrin shows some likeability and depth, but Conquest essentially forces them to stick to the worst parts of their characters just so the plot can "work".

...but Xander's seriously got it the worst. At least Birthright! and Revelation!Corrin and Azura are good characters, Xander can't escape his plot problems on any route. If the baby were one of his siblings he'd object, if not it's fair game.

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As a european, i can't really talk about localisation, but for what I have seen...

I REALLY want to like Azura. I really do. But her decisions are so... dumb. They want to make her seem all "wise and mysterious", but it doesn't work when in plot, Azura's ideas are often really stupid. Seriously, she DEFINITELY is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Rhajat is a Tharja clone. I hate Tharja. Need I say more?

And Peri.. oh, Peri. She's just plain awful. Psychopathy is cute, now? It just disturbs me how they try to make her violent, childish and psychotic personality seem cute. It just.. no. What makes it even worse is that she's a retainer. REALLY XANDER?

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Just wanted to comment on something no one else seems to have brought up in this (or really any) thread, which is probably fresh in my mind because I'm only on Chapter 9 or so of Birthright (but I've had like 90% of the story spoiled for me by now, in case you're wondering).

Everything happens really quickly in those first six chapters (seriously, they could've gotten half a game out of all that), and suddenly Corrin is KO'd, dragged off to the enemy country, and immediately told that he's actually the long-lost prince of this country, he just doesn't remember because amnesia or something.

Why does Corrin believe them? How does he/she know that they're not just trying to manipulate him/her and that hole in his/her memory? It seemed pretty damned suspicious to me, at least up until

Mikoto gets herself killed off, because Emmeryn's death is apparently one of the many plot points they had to recycle from Awakening

and then Corrin apparently just accepts it.

I wish Corrin wasn't forced upon us as a My Unit. I don't think any of us here would make half the terrible decisions this bozo makes. Better to make Corrin his/her own character so that we can at least escape the insulting implications that these are decisions we (or any sane and rational human) would make.

The gameplay in this better be worth it. I've been craving a real FE game ever since I chewed through Awakening, and hearing how utterly awful Nohr's story is makes me very disappointed.

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I do enjoy the majority of characters in Fates, as well as Awakening. But something has bothered me since Awakening, that wasn't such a big issue in the older fire emblem games. There seems to be an over-abundance of childish/kid characters, and I do not mean the S-support off-spring in general, as some of those are fully grown. But characters like Nyx and Mosu. I really dislike these kiddie characters who are "older" than they appear.

I get it that having a child playable character is very common in JRPG's but in the last couple fire emblem games there have been a lot of them. They don;t come across as endearing, just just seem annoying to me. Of course, that is just my opinion, and a bit of a rant.

So right now, my least favorite is Nyx and Mosu. I would have preferred for them to be adult characters. I haven't met many offspring characters yet, but I have a feeling there will be more like that... at least I can use them as canon fodder.

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I don't really dislike any characters, I actually like every playable character in the game from both a character and gameplay perspective. I really only dislike Garon, Iago and Hans because of the stupid shit they constantly do, basically making them cartoon villains.

The only playable character I can say I dislike is Hisame, and that is because of how stupid Treehouse made him with his pickle obsession.

(Oh and then there is Conquest!Takumi who goes from one extreme to the other and Conquest!Kaze who has stupid reasons for joining)

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Izana is a weirdo who breaks game immersion. Stuff like "toodles!" and "You just put a ring on Izana, girl!" make me want to facepalm. Others find him funny or charming and that's totally fine, but he's not for me.

Oh god, please tell me he doesn't actually say that. I was planning on marrying Izana once (I liked Japanese Izana), but if that actually a real thing he says, forget it.

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Oh god, please tell me he doesn't actually say that. I was planning on marrying Izana once (I liked Japanese Izana), but if that actually a real thing he says, forget it.

I'm afraid of he does. I liked localized!Izana, but I could live with some seriousness.

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I'm only halfway through the localized game, but based on that and what I've read on the Japanese version, Garon, Iago and Hanz. All three are generic villains with no motivation that just exist to do eat babies and twirl their mustache, and considering they make up most of the main villains in the game, they really bog down the story (especially in Conquest).

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Camilla just makes me like her less and less... That one cutscene with her in Birthright is disgusting. It focuses on nothing but her ass and her boobs.

Edited by Anacybele
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That's not true! It also focuses on her vagina!

I meant to include that but wasn't sure what term to use. But yeah, that part was the worst. What the hell kind of people are working in IS these days?

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I meant to include that but wasn't sure what term to use. But yeah, that part was the worst. What the hell kind of people are working in IS these days?

People who need wives very badly* (real ones). When I got into Fire emblem it was not for this (and I am also completely surprised it was not censored).

*80% serious, 20% joke.

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I'm surprised it wasn't censored either and I really hoped it would be. I mean, they remove swimsuits and skinship, but not do anything with this crap?

I don't play FE for this either, I play it for an awesome story, characters, and gameplay. Which I am getting so far from Birthright, but I still hate this cutscene.

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