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Is it weird that Felicia has become one of my MVP's?


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Seriously. I'm not complaining because she's doing fairly awesome on the whole but I feel kind of... weird... having one of my better units be a cross-comination thief/healer. But between the debuffs and healing I've kept her by Corrin's side almost the entire game so far. Not to mention that, since her daggers are 1-2 range, she can give him an extra chance to attack. Am I having a PEMN moment or is she really a solid unit?

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I think she is good, although she will eventually hit the limit of her potential. At first, she looks like a great debuff-based fighter and someone that can't even be attacked magically, but eventually others will catch up. Her role as a high-Res ninja overlaps with Kaze's, and her role as a healer will be taken by Elise, who has better mobility. (Don't know about Sakura, she feels more like an offense-oriented unit disguised as a healer.)

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The nice thing is even though she's a prepromote she gains XP like a T1 and can go to level 40. Her HP growths let her down, but I'm finding Strategist!Felicia viable in Chapter 20 at level 26. The fact that she goes to level 40 is also nice... I got her to 20, found out Maid and Strategist were promotes, and benched her. Didn't realize she could still gain XP til reading here... I'm slow. Overall though, due to her HP and Defense Elise is far better, as are a lot of units. But my goal is a group of battle maids and butlers, and she has a spot there! She is still competent, just second tier at best. Even if she goes to level 99 I don't see her maxing HP. Same for Azura.

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Jakob is the main reason why choosing FeMU makes the game easier.

Question: I have mainly avoided spoilers but am to chapter 20 (Revelations) and 12 (Conquest). Perhaps I'm blind, but why do people hate him? He seems like a loyal butler, though I don't have him yet in conquest, and I am guessing he doesn't betray as he can have a child (AKA "I'm totally not L".). Did he do something in Japan, that was localized, or am I missing something?

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Question: I have mainly avoided spoilers but am to chapter 20 (Revelations) and 12 (Conquest). Perhaps I'm blind, but why do people hate him? He seems like a loyal butler, though I don't have him yet in conquest, and I am guessing he doesn't betray as he can have a child (AKA "I'm totally not L".). Did he do something in Japan, that was localized, or am I missing something?

I'd check out some of his non-royal supports for the more detailed answer, but suffice to say, he's a complete asshole to the majority of the cast, often going out of his way to be mean - and not in the funny or "he cares anyway" kind of way either. I mean, sure, his S-supports might end that way, but by then chances are you're either annoyed by him or just asking yourself why any woman would go anywhere near him, let alone marry him.

I've just played the Japanese version so he might've been toned down in he localized version, but in the Japanese one he even challenges his son to a sparring match just to let out his frustrations over his son being a better butler (or tea maker or whatever it was).

Edited by Thane
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I'd check out some of his non-royal supports for the more detailed answer, but suffice to say, he's a complete asshole to the majority of the cast, often going out of his way to be mean - and not in the funny or "he cares anyway" kind of way either. I mean, sure, his S-supports might end that way, but by then chances are you're either annoyed by him or just asking yourself why any woman would go anywhere near him, let alone marry him.

I've just played the Japanese version so he might've been toned down in he localized version, but in the Japanese one he even challenges his son to a sparring match just to let out his frustrations over his son being a better butler (or tea maker or whatever it was).

Ah okay, now I see. Well that sucks, he was going to be one of the co-leaders of my mini "Pledes" army like in Overlord of Maids and Butlers. I haven't had his kid yet- I just chose his wife- needed black hair for the complete L look- but I'm sorry, if you are rude to women you have no place being in my army, stats be damned. Same for if you are rude to your son. Same reason I refuse to capture enemies in battle- 90% of capturable characters seem to me immoral and no way I want them in my army.

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Ah okay, now I see. Well that sucks, he was going to be one of the co-leaders of my mini "Pledes" army like in Overlord of Maids and Butlers. I haven't had his kid yet- I just chose his wife- needed black hair for the complete L look- but I'm sorry, if you are rude to women you have no place being in my army, stats be damned. Same for if you are rude to your son. Same reason I refuse to capture enemies in battle- 90% of capturable characters seem to me immoral and no way I want them in my army.

If it makes you feel any better, he's rude no matter the gender of the person he's talking to.

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If it makes you feel any better, he's rude no matter the gender of the person he's talking to.

I know it's weird... But it kind of does. I was raised to treat ladies like queens, and if a guy is ONLY rude to ladies then that goes against how my parents raised me and my sense of decency. But if he's rude to EVERYONE then he's just a grumpy/mean person in general. Don't know if that's sexist for me to say that, just something weird with me, or something else... But it actually makes me regard him better if he's just... Grumpy... In general.

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I know it's weird... But it kind of does. I was raised to treat ladies like queens, and if a guy is ONLY rude to ladies then that goes against how my parents raised me and my sense of decency. But if he's rude to EVERYONE then he's just a grumpy/mean person in general. Don't know if that's sexist for me to say that, just something weird with me, or something else... But it actually makes me regard him better if he's just... Grumpy... In general.

So uh...why's that?

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So uh...why's that?

Three Reasons to be honest.

1. My family is very old fashioned: I'm 20, my father is 67, he was almost 50 when I was born! Back in his day men treated women well gall darn it. I kid, but yeah, my dad was older than classmates grandparents in a few cases.

2. My parents split when I was young, and they wanted me to have a strong moral core. That means treating ladies well and kindly.

3. I am the very last male with my family name- all the others have died out or didn't have male children. Which as I'm told literally every time I visit both my dad and grandfather, means if I don't marry and have a child our line will go extinct. This ties with number 1.

That's basically it, but I just can't stand men who are jerks to women. I can't stand women who are jerks either, it's just the first really rankles me.

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Question: I have mainly avoided spoilers but am to chapter 20 (Revelations) and 12 (Conquest). Perhaps I'm blind, but why do people hate him? He seems like a loyal butler, though I don't have him yet in conquest, and I am guessing he doesn't betray as he can have a child (AKA "I'm totally not L".). Did he do something in Japan, that was localized, or am I missing something?

Also, Jakob trivializes female MC lunatic beginning compared to felicia with a male MC. The difference in power at the beginning is unreal.

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I'm playing Birthright and the damage that Jakob can do is unreal. I'm fairly certain that Shurikens are my new favorite weapons in the series.

Felicia' not as good with them, but she's a better healer. That's about it with them.

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you're forgotting that Felicia main strenght is Explosive Shurikens which you can get in both Conquest and Brightright. She's Mag. based. Unlike Joker she won't do that much with normal shurikens (Joker is str based, so he have better early as well) But as battle units Felicia ends better after hitting C rank with weapon, her Explosive shuriken destroy every ass in the way.

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Yeah, the Flaming Shuriken is the earliest Maid Felicia can start functioning as a combat unit. There's Strategist reclass possible, but if you make her even frailer her getting OHKO'd by the most mundane mooks becomes too much of a problem when she's already a glass cannon as a Maid to begin with.

idk maybe somebody has Levin Sword Hero stories to tell? That seems like such a silly gimmick though.

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You don't really get Flame Shurikens until the midgame though, so it would be more sensible for Felicia to join around that time.

But it's all about growths, I'm preety sure when you're getting her lvl you will almost always have better mag. than she joined at chapter 16.

Also that's why i said Jakob have better early, in early he's doing more damage but on mid/late Felicia wins, Explosive shuriken destroy everything also she have much better healing than Jakob, in general she end up better as Maid than Jakob as Butler. (Jakob should be reclasses as fast he can for something better physically)

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It's really hard to get her kills with her tiny strength stat though. It's kinda like arguing that training Wolt is a better idea than waiting for Klein in FE6 - there's too much headache involved in bringing Felicia up even with extreme favouritism. There's no doubt that shurikens' debuffs are helpful and that a healer is nice (especially early on in Revelation or Conquest), but wouldn't you rather have a mean ORKO machine that Jakob represents in himself?

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It's really hard to get her kills with her tiny strength stat though. It's kinda like arguing that training Wolt is a better idea than waiting for Klein in FE6 - there's too much headache involved in bringing Felicia up even with extreme favouritism. There's no doubt that shurikens' debuffs are helpful and that a healer is nice (especially early on in Revelation or Conquest), but wouldn't you rather have a mean ORKO machine that Jakob represents in himself?

Yeah usually I just have her finish off the guys who have a little hp left, her healing is really helpful. I haven't even used Jakob.

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