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Any character personality changes in the NoA translation?


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If I remember right, Henry's personality was changed in the NoA release to be different from the original version. (Probably for the better)

Are there any characters in the same situation in Fates?

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They toned down Leo's vulnerabilities a lot.

In the original he used to be someone who appeared to always be smooth and composed, yet sometimes cracked and showed insecurity and a desire for affection.

From what I can tell, English Leo might well be his mask. They even removed him crying at some point.

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They toned down Leo's vulnerabilities a lot.

In the original he used to be someone who appeared to always be smooth and composed, yet sometimes cracked and showed insecurity and a desire for affection.

From what I can tell, English Leo might well be his mask. They even removed him crying at some point.

I'm...not really sure of that actually. Okay, I haven't seen Leo cry but he seemed pretty insecure in his supports with Xander and Camilla.

All others I can think of have already been mentioned. Niles is less of a freak, Elfie more like Kjelle and Soleil is actually into girls now.

I'm not entirely sure but I think Camilla is less lustful and more doting now. Or so I heard.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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I'm...not really sure of that actually. Okay, I haven't seen Leo cry but he seemed pretty insecure in his supports with Xander and Camilla.

Yes, but it is a pale shadow of what it used to be in the japanese version, at least in the A support: http://amielleon.dreamwidth.org/264111.html

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They toned down Leo's vulnerabilities a lot.

In the original he used to be someone who appeared to always be smooth and composed, yet sometimes cracked and showed insecurity and a desire for affection.

From what I can tell, English Leo might well be his mask. They even removed him crying at some point.

They did this the same with Marth and Eliwood. From a shy hero with insecurities that would later finally grow perfectly adapted to war.

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Effie is more "do you even lift bruh" now.

Voiced lines and My Castle stuff? Yeah.

But from what I'm seeing, most of her supports have been left alone. This really feels like a knee-jerk reaction brought on mostly because of her VA and My Room lines.

They toned down Leo's vulnerabilities a lot.

In the original he used to be someone who appeared to always be smooth and composed, yet sometimes cracked and showed insecurity and a desire for affection.

From what I can tell, English Leo might well be his mask. They even removed him crying at some point.

The thing is, his character is still largely intact; it's just less obvious. For example, Corrin mentions in Hoshido 9 that Leo has changed a lot, and Leo/Elise remains pretty much identical.

I think it makes more sense to have a pained sigh and try to keep hiding your feelings when you're hiding them from the elder sibling who betrayed you and has been killing a bunch of Nohrian soldiers and in general spear-heading the assault against your own country. Breaking down crying feels a tad melodramatic (and almost -dare I say it- player worshiping; he says it was all a lie and he still loves them in the Japanese version). His later role feels more natural after some down-time and reflection over the melodrama bomb in the Japanese version.

Edited by The DanMan
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The thing is, his character is still largely intact; it's just less obvious. For example, Corrin mentions in Hoshido 9 that Leo has changed a lot, and Leo/Elise remains pretty much identical.

I think it makes more sense to have a pained sigh and try to keep hiding your feelings when you're hiding them from the elder sibling who betrayed you and has been killing a bunch of Nohrian soldiers and in general spear-heading the assault against your own country. Breaking down crying feels a tad melodramatic (and almost -dare I say it- player worshiping; he says it was all a lie and he still loves them in the Japanese version). His later role feels more natural after some down-time and reflection over the melodrama bomb in the Japanese version.

So it is melodramatic to cry after being forced into fighting your elder sibling, knowing that if you failed you couldn't go home anymore on pain of death, then trying to keep all your feelings hidden until that very sibling reaches out for you?

God forgive anyone for crying then. I feel like this attitude is very close to "men don't cry", which is also incredibly toxic.

I don't see anything particularly player worshippy in it either. Leon has shown himself vulnerable to more people than that (at least in the jp version). So that one break down isn't exactly that out of left field. And to still love someone you have been raised with for decades isn't exactly unnatural either.

What the sigh signifies on the other hand is that Leon actually believed in that "Kill or be killed" mentality and wasn't forcing himself to. So rather than pretending to be someone he was not, he made himself turn around for Corrins benefit.

That sounds a lot more like player worship to me.

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So it is melodramatic to cry after being forced into fighting your elder sibling, knowing that if you failed you couldn't go home anymore on pain of death, then trying to keep all your feelings hidden until that very sibling reaches out for you?

God forgive anyone for crying then. I feel like this attitude is very close to "men don't cry", which is also incredibly toxic.

I don't see anything particularly player worshippy in it either. Leon has shown himself vulnerable to more people than that (at least in the jp version). So that one break down isn't exactly that out of left field. And to still love someone you have been raised with for decades isn't exactly unnatural either.

What the sigh signifies on the other hand is that Leon actually believed in that "Kill or be killed" mentality and wasn't forcing himself to. So rather than pretending to be someone he was not, he made himself turn around for Corrins benefit.

That sounds a lot more like player worship to me.

Two words: personal preference.

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Fine, but then you can't say that his character was left intact.

Unless I'm mistaken, they haven't made any radical changes to his character like they did to Henry in Awakening, his insecurities are just a bit harder to notice and he doesn't cry in one scene.

While I can't account for your (or anyone else's) individual preference, Western Civilisation generally prefers badass characters who don't wear their emotions on their sleeves. While you can find many, many characters that have a lot of depth and insecurities, it's a struggle to find ones that are openly emotional. Take Henry for example; he's a lot less sad about his past than his Japanese version and more insane/bloodthirsty, yet the Western fanbase couldn't get enough of him. Marth and Eliwood were also changed to be less shy and more like a standard Western hero in some aspects.

Outside the FE Fandom, look at Blazblue and the popularity of Iron Tager and Banh Shishigami in the West compared to their popularity in Japan. Or how so many Western fans want Noel (a 'cute', 'moe' and emotional character) to die in a fire. In the Pokemon fandom, Pikachu is easily the most popular Poke in Japan and a cultural icon while the Western fanbase favours badass Pokemon like Charizard and the localisation of some moves to sound less cute and more badass ('tail wag' to 'tail whip' and 'cry' to 'growl'). Or how about the infamous backlash against Raiden when MGS2 was released; the Japanese fandom's complaints were mostly about not being able to play as Snake, while the Western fanbase outright hated Raiden himself.

These aren't just isolated incidents either, this kind of localisation is so common that there's an entire trope dedicated just to box-art changes:


Edited by Phillius
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Voiced lines and My Castle stuff? Yeah.

But from what I'm seeing, most of her supports have been left alone. This really feels like a knee-jerk reaction brought on mostly because of her VA and My Room lines.

Knee-jerk reaction, but you literally just admitted that they changed her. Let me just assume that all her supports were not changed. It doesn't take much for someone's opinion on a character to be made. A single line of dialogue could be enough to change a person's viewpoint on a character. Considering her voice was made much deeper and dialogue changed to a bunch of bad jokes about her muscles, I easily see her being labeled as much more stereotypical than if they kept her japanese tone. I would be willing to bet that, if you would ask japanese players and english players who don't know what she was originally like to describe her objectively, it would be different. It has nothing to do with people knowing what she was originally like.

While I can't account for your (or anyone else's) individual preference, Western Civilisation generally prefer badass characters who don't wear there emotions on their sleeves. While you can find many, many characters that have a lot of depth and insecurities, it's a struggle to find ones that are openly emotional. Take Henry for example; he's a lot less sad about his past than his Japanese version and more insane/bloodthirsty, yet the Western fanbase couldn't get enough of him. Marth and Eliwood were also changed to be less shy and more like a standard Western hero in some aspects.

Yes, changing character's personalities to what a company thinks will appeal more to the majority and altering the original artistic vision is exactly people dislike. You act as though you know people in the west wouldn't have liked japanese henry just as much if not more if that's what they were given. We don't know. People just got used to what they got.

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Yes, changing character's personalities to what a company thinks will appeal more to the majority and altering the original artistic vision is exactly people dislike. You act as though you know people in the west wouldn't have liked japanese henry just as much if not more if that's what they were given. We don't know. People just got used to what they got.

I didn't say that everyone in the West follows this trend, I said that it's a rule of thumb with plenty of room for personal preference, so don't put words in my mouth. I used Henry as an example because the majority of the opinions I've seen state that localised!Henry is better than original!Henry, although I have seen a fair number of people argue for the other side.

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Stepping away from that part of the conversation, Rhajat's been changed for the worse. Shara was similar to Tharja, but she had a lot more insecurities and was nicer than her. The localization literally made her Tharja 2.0 by removing those insecurities and amping up the stalking.

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I didn't say that everyone in the West follows this trend, I said that it's a rule of thumb with plenty of room for personal preference, so don't put words in my mouth. I used Henry as an example because the majority of the opinions I've seen state that localised!Henry is better than original!Henry, although I have seen a fair number of people argue for the other side.

I didn't mean to put words in your mouth. I didn't say, or mean for you to interpret it as me saying you saying everyone feels that way. It's just that I often see people say that because people were content with or liked the localization of something, it is a good justification for the change. I don't know about what version people prefer. It could that that they just they got used to something, and that would of course lead to at least some liking what they knew first. I was just giving my general view on the subject, and assumed you were implying something else.

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They seem to have made Jakob less of an asshole. In the Japanese version of his and Mozume's support, he kind of brushed off her sorrow and almost ridiculed her for it. (Correct me if I'm wrong about that.) In the English support, he seems a bit more emphatic about her situation--at least in the C-rank. I haven't gotten farther than that. I think this may have been a smart move as they may have done something about his and his son's support; while not as loud as the Soliel support debacle, I have seen some people crap a deuce about him being an abusive dad or something.

Niles' change doesn't really bother me. Though I do miss DIO-sama whispering into my ear, Yuri Lowenthal has been able to make me almost nosebleed on occasion. I also miss him threatening Harold that he would thrust a "thick arrow shaft" into him. They broke my OTP, damn it.

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